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Journal : Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan

Analysis of Effect the Greenhouse Gas Concetrations on the Air Temperature Rising in Pekanbaru City and Padang City Aristya Ardhitama; Yusni Ikhwan Siregar; Nofrizal Nofrizal
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 11, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/jil.11.1.p.35-43


Human activities have had an impact on global warming due to greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions resulting from industrial activities, transportation and human activities that use fossil energy sources. The purpose of this research is to analyze the increase of air temperature using CO2 and CH4 gas concentration data from 2010-2016, to know the effect of greenhouse gases on the increase of air temperature, and to analyze the most influential factors in increasing air temperature in Pekanbaru and Padang City. The research method used is survey method with assessment and processing of secondary data. The research results found that greenhouse gases in particular the concentration of CO2 gas affect the temperature rise in Pekanbaru and Padang City. The increase of air temperature in Pekanbaru City is 0.52 °C up to 0.61 °C higher than the temperature rise in Padang City 0,51 °C up to 0.60 °C. The correlation of CO2 gas concentration with temperature rise in Pekanbaru City influenced the increase of air temperature by 10.2%. Factors that affect the most increase in air temperature in Pekanbaru City is the number of vehicles and the number of hotspots whereas in the city of Padang temperature rise is influenced by the number of vehicles and the number of industries. Government policies are required in mitigation efforts to reduce the impact of increased greenhouse gas concentrations by tree planting, peatland management and zero burning land clearing
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 9, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/jil.9.2.p.173-182


ABSTRACTThis research was conducted in February-June 2015 in the village of Kesumbo Ampai, District of Mandau, Bengkalis. The research was aimed to identify the forms of Sakai tribe's local wisdom toward forest sustainability and the local wisdom itself and analyze its influence toward the river sustainability concept. The method used in this research was qualitative method that was designed to provide a detailed overview on specific individuals or groups in a particular circumstance and symptom. In order to understand the forms of Sakai tribe's local wisdom, the researcher conducted in-depth interviews with the Sakai community leaders, village heads and the Head of Bengkalis' Culture and Tourism Department. The result showed that Sakai's local wisdom can preserve forests and rivers in their vicinity area. One of the methods used to preserve the forest ecology is by applying a strict land zonification. In regards to the land clearing, the Sakai people keeps using a simple technology until now. For the seeds planting as well, the Sakai people does not work the land and the plants are maintained using organic fertilizers. The simplicity of the technology is a symbol of environmental wisdom. For hunting or fishing at the river, the Sakai people uses traditional equipment that are environmentally friendly so that the river area can be preserved.
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 13, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/jil.13.2.p.179-195


The number of work accidents in Indonesia tends to increase. There were 157.313 cases of work accidents during 2018. The laboratory is a workplace that has many potential hazards such as spills, chemical explosive reactions, punctured needles, exposure to infectious material. Workers in the laboratory are required to use the appropiate PPE, which is a lab coat, shoes, masks and gloves. Managers must provide proper PPE at work. Ineffective use, leads a problem that arises in the field. Management strategies for utilizing appropriate PPE usage are needed to improve the health status of workers. Percentage of clinical laboratory workers in Pekanbaru City (54,01%) and the availability of work guidelines in the form of SOP (65%), which classified as the quite good. The practice of PPE usege and the role of managers in managing, supplying, procuring and number of PPE is also classified as good category. Waste management in the laboratory uses a third party. Policy in the form of rewards (35%), administration of decrees/ sanctions (55%), availability of PPE signs / symbols (30%),  providing training to each officer (40%) and implementation health insurance in the form of MCU (50%) and vaccination (10%) is classified as poor category. Determination of management strategies for the use of PPE in the Pekanbaru clinical laboratory in this study using the SWOT calculation. The right strategy used from the results of the SWOT calculation is the survival strategy. The disadvantage is that there are no signs / symbols of PPE guidelines when entering the laboratory and the threat is that PPEwaste that has been used without being managed properly according to B3 waste regulations will contaminate the environment.
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 14, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/jil.14.2.p.191-197


Adiwiyata’s program was made to created awareness and knowledge in an attempt conservation of the environment. This program expected to every school residents to join school activities toward a healthy environment and avoiding negative environmental impact. This program aims to create a good school condition become a place to study of awareness school residents, so that in the next day school residents be responsible in an effort to save environment and sustainable development. One of school that approved Adiwiyata’s appreciation is Forestry Vocational School Pekanbaru. This research aims to determining ecological management strategies to support national adiwiyata school in Forestry Vocational School Pekanbaru. The method used was interviews, observation and test. To data analysis used SWOT. Environmentalist strategies is to increase participation of interviewer to support environmentally sound policies and to increase the quality of management and utilization of eco-friendly facilities and infrastructure so that it can be reference to give supporting to society or another school by involving the parents of protege and committee .
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 8, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/jil.8.1.p.12-17


Tourism Area ot Tingkat Tujuh waterfall Batang Koban is located in the village ofLubuk Ambacang sub district of Hulu Kuantan Regency of Kuantan Singingi. TourismArea of Tingkat Tujuh waterfall Batang Koban is a natural tourism destination assetwith huge potential to be developed in the midst of the construction and development ofthe region, and should be given attention optimally and sustainably toprovide benefitsof local communities, to improve the welfare of nature and the surroundingsenvironment. In the development and management of Tingkat Tujuh waterfall BatangKoban Lubuk Ambacang must be able to balance the various aspects of the interplayamong social, economic and environmental. Besides having a diversity of flora andfauna tourism area of Tingkat Tujuh waterfall Batang Koban has a uniquenessecosystem, unspoiled natural phenomena and socio-economic culture of localcommunities, which can be used as a potential in the development of ecotourism in theregion. The method used in this research is a survey method. The research wasconducted on April – May 2010. Location was determined by purposive sampling onthe grounds that this region will become the area of featured natural tourism inKuantan Singingi regency. Departing from the interests of sustainable ecotourismdevelopment, the issue that needs to be studies is, 1) Identify biophysical potential andsocio-cultural communities of tourism area to be developed into an ecotourism region2) Provide policy recommendations on the development of ecotourism in the touristareas. The results showed that Tingkat Tujuh waterfall Batang Koban LubukAmbacang has potential to be developed as ecotourism area. The advantages contain inthe Tingkat Tujuh waterfall Batang Koban Lubuk Ambacang such as uniqueness andmagnificence as well as the different charms of each level. Diversity of flora and faunadue to lie on the Bukit Barisan mountains, the originality scenery of the forest, and thewaterway with some natural charm and myths-myths that can be used as a tourismattraction. The aspects of ecotourism development techniques that can be conducted isthe appointment of the person or institution that served as a regional manager with theknowledge, skills and debriefing in waterfalls ecotourism, repair and improvement offacilities an tourism programs.
KEANEKARAGAMAN JENIS BURUNG DI HUTAN KOTA PEKANBARU Hadinoto Hadinoto; Aras Mulyadi; Yusni Ikhwan Siregar
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 6, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/jil.6.1.p.25-42


A bird is a wildlife which could be found almost in any vegetated environment. The existenceof a bird in one area is very important because it could affect the presence and distribution ofplant species. The research aims to identify species diversity, distribution of bird species,habitat and analyze the relationship of bird species diversity to habitat in urban forest,Pekanbaru Municipal. The research was held in Diponegoro Urban Forest, Arboretum ofForestry Training Hall and Arboretum of Lancang Kuning University. The research wasconducted from March to June, 2011. All bird data were collected using a point countmethod. The vegetation data collected included species, composition and structure byforming a plot measuring. It was found 45 species, 26 families and 10 orders of birds. Thebird species diversity indices (H’) varied between 2.85 and 3.29, the bird average indices (E)varied between 0.87 and 0.9 and species richness indices (R) between 4.67 and 6.70. Thevertical bird distribution was mostly the bird with the upper canopy (35%), middle canopy(34%) and the rest was lower canopy (16%) as well as ground surface (15%). It was alsofound 77 tree species of 30 families. The tree species diversity indices (H’) varied between2.06 and 3.23, the species average indices (E) was between 0.64 and 0.85 and speciesrichness indices (R) was between 4.29 and 7.29. the bird species diversity in Pekanbaru urban forest had a positive correlation to the urban forest making trees.
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 7, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/jil.7.1.p.15-27


A Study on the public perception and the attitudes asa well as market retailer toward themarked environment condition of Pasar Dupa Kencana Pekanbaru were carred out. Theobjective of the study was to find out. Public perception and willingness in revitalization ofthe market. Total sample of 130 respondens were taken in study. Data Analysis were done byapplying multiple descriptive regression revealed that public opinion on the market conditionwas negative and showed a suggestion to market revitalization. Contrary to public the localtrader argue about the market revitalization. Base on multiple reggresion test, the perceptionand attitude of the public and the trader showed a significant effect on the revitalization ofthe market in addition, where was a significant different between public and trader opinionand intention on the market the revitalization of the market.
PENYERAPAN TIMBAL (Pb) PADA SISTIM ORGAN IKAN MAS (Cyprinus carpio L) Yusni Ikhwan Siregar; Adel Zamri; Helmi Putra
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 6, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/jil.6.1.p.43-51


A study on the uptake of Pb in the organ system of carp was carried out in the laboratoryscale. The research aims to identify the uptake rate of Pb in the gill, intestine and muscle ofthe fish. A completely randomized design was done in the experiment laboratory with threetreatments and three replications. The total of 120 fish were exposed to three concentrationsof Pb (1, 3 and 5 ppm of PbNO3) in nine aquarium for 168 hours. Pb concentration in the organsystem of fish were analyzed at 24, 96 and 168 hours, respectively. The concentration of Pbin the intestine were 0.29, 0.44 and 0.47 ppm, for 24, 96 and 168 hour exposure, respectively.Meanwhile, Pb content in the gill were 0.21, 0.39 and 0.45 ppm, respectively. It revealed thatPb concentration in all organs of fish increased significantly (P<0.05) following increased ofexposure time.
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 14, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/jil.14.1.p.80-86


A study on the role of the government as a regulator and service provider on domestic waste April 2020 in. The survey were done in Delima Village, Tampan Sub-District of Pekanbaru City. Community on the stakeholder were sampled purposively for twenty people, and interviewed according to criteria (1) living in Delima Village, (2) family living around the piles up of domestic garbage, and (3) person involving in local waste management. The result appeared that the government has not regulated significantly (t < 0.05). While the government role as a service provider in domestic waste management were significantly done. Multiple linear regresion analysis on those government role showed significantly which regulator role (0,001<0.05) and for service provider (4,237 < 2,109. It is concluded that the government has fairly role as a regulator and as a service provider on domestic waste management in Tampan Subdistrict Pekanbaru City.
TINGKAT PENCEMARAN LOGAM Pb DAN Zn PADA PERAIRAN SELAT AIR HITAM DENGAN BIOMONITOR SIPUT Cerithidea obtusa Bahtiar Denny Edison; Yusni Ikhwan Siregar; Sofyan Husein Siregar
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 9, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/jil.9.2.p.143-153


ABSTRACTThis study aimed to analyze the content of Pb and Zn in sea water, sediment and Cerithidea obtusa and the feasibility of consumption of C. obtusa. This study was conducted from October to December 2014 with the location of the survey is the Selat Air Hitam of Meranti Islands regency of Riau Province. The results showed that the Pb content of sea water ranges from 91.909 to 94.606 μg/l, sediment ranged from 5.125 to 5.705 μg/g and C. obtusa ranged from 6.732 to 6.784 μg/g. Zn content of sea water ranges from 400 to 445.349 μg/l, sediment ranged from 25.174 to 27.035 μg/g and C. obtusa ranged from 32.267 to 36.105 μg/g. The analysis showed that the average content of Pb and Zn in the sediment is still far below the standard value of ERL and ERM, which means not giving a real biological effect on the organism. PLI standard shows the condition of a low level of contamination that has not been necessary remedial action. The average content of Pb and Zn of C. obtusa still below the Directorate General Quality Standard of POM so it is still feasible and safe for public consumption. The PTWI value as the limit consumption of C. obtusa is 1.04 kg/70 kg body weight/week for Pb and 28.67 kg/70 kg body weight/week for Zn.
Co-Authors ', Arfitrah . Zulfan A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Ade Yulindra Ade Yulindra Adel Zamri Adelina, Adelina Adiana Sulistianto Afriza, Dinny Afrizal Tanjung Agnesia Jaiyani br Barus Agnesia Ritonga Agung Dhamar Syakti Agus Susanto Ahmad Faisal Daulay Ahmad Kurnain ahmad rizal Alfi Puadi Alimah Alimah Alimah, Alimah Almasdi Syahza Alvin Natali Amalia Prafitra Harman Amelia Nabila Anak Agung Istri Sri Wiadnyani Andrew ST OS Anisaldi Anisaldi Anton Akbar Nugraha Antoni Antoni Antonius &#039; Aras Mulyadi Aras Mulyadi Aras Mulyadi Aras Mulyadi Arief Mubyarso Aristya Ardhitama Autika, Yotta Azhari, Febbi Bahruddin Bahruddin Bahtiar Denny Edison Barnes Silitonga Bayhakki Bayhakki Bayu Oktavian Bintal Amin Budi Darmawan Cik Mas Edison Dahlia Dahlia Dameria Dameria Daniel Paskah Ginting Dannes M. Khawarizmi Dariono Dariono Dariono, Dariono Debby Febriani Dedi Afandi Defri Yoza Deni Efizon Denny Mulianto Desi Ariani DESI PURNAMA SARI Desis Tri Yenti Devid Joehari Dharma Eka Putra Dilla Andini Doni Apdillah Dr. Nofrizal, S.Pi, M.Si Edy T S Sihombing Effino Panji Sudewo Efriyeldi Efriyeldi Efriyeldi, Efriyeldi Eko Hendi Saputra Eko Sutrisno Eko Sutrisno, Eko Elda Nazriati Elfizar Elfizar Elizal Elizal Elizal, Elizal Endang Agus Damanhuri Erfana Romauli Lumbantoruan Ernanda Putra Dermawan Ernawaty Ernawaty Fabri Putra Nugraha Fadel Fadel Fadli Aulia Fajar Fajar Fajriani Ananda Fakhrurrozi Fakhrurrozi Febriana Zulmi Febrina Hanum Fepi Yulianti Fika Yulia Rachmah Fransiska, Dina Fuad, M Anwar Hadi Sastranegara Hadinoto Hadinoto Hafidawati, Hafidawati Hari Handika Sektiawan Hasdi Yanti HS Helmi Putra Hendra Taufik Henni Elyati Henni Syawal Herli, Irwan Herli, Irwan Hidayat Pratamasari I Gusti Ngurah Antaryama Iesje Lukistyowati Imam Pangestiansyah Putra Imran Imran Indah Novi Yani Indra Fuadi Irfan Yunus irvina Nurachmi Irvina Nurrachmi Irwandy Syofyan Isjoni Isjoni Jhon Edward Jimmy Copriady Johanes Hutagaol Laura Dameshita Silalahi Lilis Kurnia Lilis Kurnia Lita Febriani M. Delpopi M. Imran Sinaga Maliki Maliki Marpauang, EkoRinaldi Maulana Hardi Melia Nurafni Meuthia Pangerani Miduk Tampubolon Mirna Ilza Miswadi Miswadi Mubarak Mubarak Mubarak Mubarak Mubarak Mubarak Muhammad Arif Fahrurozi Muhammad Dinul Islami Muhammad Fahrul Musanif Effendi Musrifin Galib Nafril Yuzen Nawari Nawari Nesi Silvia Situmorang Nofrizal Nofrizal Nofrizal Nofrizal Nofrizal Nofrizal Nofrizal Nofrizal Nofrizal Nofrizal Novi Permata Sari Nugrahani Trie Ryzzky Nurrahmi, Febi Nurul Abdiah Nasution Oktavia Dewi Oktavia Dewi, Oktavia Olfa Riyana Prastya Bayu Afrian Purnama, Indra Dwi Putra Putri Kalbina Ragil Tribhakti Hutomo Rahmadi Rahmadi Rahmadi Rahmadi Rahman Karnila Ramses Ramses Rasoel Hamidy Ridwan Manda Putra Rifardi Rifardi Rifardi Rifardi Rika Kurniawan Rika Kurniawan Rika Kurniawan Rinaldo, Rinaldo Rinaldo, Rinaldo Risna Nofriani Rivaldi Ananda Dwi Putra Roito, Martin Romi Joneri Rommie Jhonerie Ronal Yuriza Fithra Rosyidin, Hidayatul Sania Glory Claudya Sanya Gautami Sayid Zulfahmi Septian Julifar Seung Hun Lee Simon Hasintongan Aritonang Siti Zahrah Siti Zahrah Sofia Anita Sofia Anita Sofia Anita Sofyan Husein Siregar Sri Indarti Sukendi Sukendi Sukendi Sukendi Sukendi Sukendi Susi Sumanti Suwondo Suwondo Syafruddin Nasution Syahril Nedi Syahril Syahril Syahril Syahril Syarwandi David T. Edy Sabli Tengku Nurhidayah Tengku Said Razai Tesya Desi Yana Thamrin &#039; Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Tulus Gandra Saputra Silaban Tyas Handayani Uju Doi Sibarani Verid Aria Susammesin, Verid Aria Viktor Amrifo Viktor Amrivo Vivi Indriani Vivin Seygita Vivin Seygita, Vivin Wariski, Indra Yanti Dasrita Yanti Dasrita, Yanti Yetti Elfina Yofita Sandra, S.Pd., M.Pd., Zico Farlin, Dr. Budiwirman, M.Pd., Yossie Amanda Yuliza Fitri Yuwanda Ilham Zahtamal Zahtamal Zulfan Saam Zulfan Saam Zulfan Saam Zulfan Saam Zulfan Saam Zulkarnain Zulkarnain Zulkarnaini Zulkarnaini ZULKIFLI ZULKIFLI Zulkifli Zulkifli Zulkifli Zulkifli