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Analisis Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Fisika Dalam Asesmen Higher Order Thinking Nofrina Maulani; Suharto Linuwih; Sulhadi Sulhadi
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pascasarjana Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan pemecahan masalah fisika dalam asesmenHigher Order Thinking. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian inimenggunakan kelas X MIPA 2 dan X MIPA 4 SMA Negeri 8 Semarang. Pengujian penelitianmenggunakan metode One-Shot Case Study. Asesmen Higher Order Thinking yang digunakan dalampenelitian menggunakan asesmen yang telah siap dan telah dilakukan ujicoba soal. Soal yangdigunakan adalah pilihan ganda beralasan dengan setiap butir soal mengandung keempat aspek untukmengukur kemampuan pemecahan masalah fisika. Berdasarkan dari penelitian menunjukkan hasil padakelas eksperimen X MIPA 4 sebesar: mengenali masalah 80,3%; merencanakan strategi 78,8%;menerapkan strategi 75,9%; dan mengevaluasi solusi 75,5%. Sedangkan hasil pada kelas kontrol XMIPA 2 menunjukkan persentase sebesar: mengenali masalah 75,5%; merencanakan strategi 68,7%;menerapkan strategi 67,2%; dan mengevaluasi solusi 54,3%.
How Are The Portrays And Perceptions Of Students In Physics Experiment? Maria Agatha Hertiavi; Saiful Ridlo; Budi Naini Mindyarto; Endang Susilaningsih; Wiyanto Wiyanto; Suharto Linuwih; Sri Wardani
International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology Vol. 8 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Abstract. Science learning is inseparable from practice activities or experiments. A laboratory is a facility to promote these activities. During distance learning, laboratory activities could be promoted at home. This research aims to portray the students' activities during the laboratory practice and to find out the students’ perceptions about the laboratory practice and take-home laboratory practice. The applied method was a survey followed by 80 physics education students of Universitas Pattimura. This research also interviewed three lecturers of the program. Before distributing the questionnaire, the question items were validated in terms of the content. Then, the researchers also examined the reliability of the questionnaire. The findings showed that students did the laboratory practice as they frequently did. They started by having a pretest and ended with a posttest. They also created temporal reports and practical reports for the following meetings. The students were interested in the practice activities because they believed these activities could make them having various skills. Some students recognized the term, take-home practice, by using any surrounding tools and materials. However, most students still considered that laboratory activities should have been done in the laboratory.
Internet of things based learning media with problem solving approach: Its effect on higher order thinking skills Yeni Rima Liana; Suharto Linuwih; Sulhadi Sulhadi
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Al-Biruni Vol 9, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Al-Biruni
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24042/jipfalbiruni.v9i2.6313


This research analyzed media feasibility and effectiveness based on IoT with a problem-solving approach that provides real experience to improve students' HOTS on thermodynamics law material. The Borg & Gall method's research development simplification had three stages: preliminary study, development, and field testing. The research subjects consisted of four lecturers as expert validators, two physics teachers, and three groups consisting of 108 in science XI grade students of Senior High School in Batang Regency, Central Java. Data collecting techniques were using questionnaires, observation, interviews, and written tests. The results of the validation of media experts and material experts were 3.84 and 3.75, respectively. The results of teacher responses and students' responses were 3.92 and 3.50 in the excellent category. The product's effective contribution to improving HOTS from the Multivariate Test analysis on GLM based on the partial eta squared value was 85.9%. The mean difference (MD) test results were -30.600 for the experimental group, while the control groups were -5.879 and -16.125, respectively. The more negative the Mean Difference (MD) score, the higher the students' HOTS. This shows that there is an experimental group giving improved scores better than the control group. This shows that there is an experimental group giving improved scores better than the control group. IoT is an opportunity for teachers to see technology as part of education because technology is the current millennial generation's cultural artifact.
Pengembangan LKPD Berbasis Android dengan Pendekatan STEM untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Syir' Anatut Taqiyyah; Bambang Subali Subali; Suharto Linuwih; Ellianawati; Siswanto; Mohammad Mubarrak bin Mohd Yusof
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol. 9 No. 12 (2023): December
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v9i12.4595


Critical thinking is a basic skill needed in the 21st century. This research aims to determine the feasibility, effectiveness, influence and response of Android-assisted LKPD students using a STEM approach to improve students' critical thinking skills. This type of research is R&D with the ADDIE type. This research sample used a purposive sampling technique in small-scale and large-scale trials at SMP Negeri 2 Demak. The aspects of critical thinking ability studied are aspects of explaining, analyzing, evaluating, concluding, interpreting, synthesizing, inferring. The research results show that, 1) Android-assisted LKPD with a STEM approach is suitable for use in learning science and optical instrument material; 2) Android-assisted LKPD with a STEM approach is able to improve critical thinking skills with an N-Gain value of 70.82% in the high category; 3) Android-assisted LKPD with a STEM approach has an effect on critical thinking skills with a tcount of 24.484; 4) Student responses to Android-assisted LKPD with a STEM approach obtained a percentage of 85% with the strongly agree category. Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that Android-assisted LKPD with a STEM approach is suitable for improving critical thinking skills.
Co-Authors Achmad Samsudin Achmad Sopyan Achmad Sopyan, Achmad Adhi, Danang Triasmoro Ahmadi, Yoga Aji Pamungkas Al Hidayah, Ian Ahmad Alethea, Alethea Alika, Maulida Fitiria Alimiah, Umi Syahadah Alvi Mutia Nurulshifa, Alvi Mutia Ani Rusilowati Arif Hermawan Arum Setiarini Aryono Adhi, Aryono Asep Dedy Sutrisno Atik Nasehatul Khoiriyah Auliasari, Vety Bambang Subali Bambang Subali Bambang Subali Subali Budi Astuti Budi Astuti Budi Naini Mindyarto, Budi Naini Candra Abdillah Cristian Damayanti, Cristian Danastri Putri Darsono, Teguh Dewi Liesnoor Setyowati DWI YULIANTI Effendy, Suhardi Ellianawati, Ellianawati Ema Chintya Permatasari Endang Susilaningsih Fitriyanti, Wahyuning Frisca Amedia Habibur Rahman, Ahmad Yanuar Hidayah, Husnul Imtinan, Nisrina Isa Akhlis Iskandar, Hasbi Ivan Setia Arianto Julien Chintya K Rusdianti, K Khoirunnisa, Isma Khumaedi - Koban, Gaudensia Hiba Soja Lisdiana Lisdiana Maemonah, Maemonah Mahardika Prasetya Aji, Mahardika Prasetya Majid, M. Indra Mardhiyyah, Lulu’ Aina’ul Maria Agatha Hertiavi Maria Helvina Mariana, Aditya Masturi Masturi Maulani, Nofrina Minhat, Minhat Mohammad Mubarrak bin Mohd Yusof Mudhofir, Faiz Mufida, Husna Noor Muhammad Irsyad mungin eddy wibowo, mungin eddy Murbangun Nuswowati Murdoko, Eddi Mustatik Islichanah, Mustatik Muttaqin, Rudhotul Naim, Muhammad Ifanun Nainggolan, Ninda Yera Setyo Navies Luthvitasari, Navies Ngurah Made D. P., Ngurah Made Ninda Yera Setyo Nainggolan Nofrina Maulani Noor, Yusmaniar Afifah novita sari, dian Nurhasanah Nurhasanah Parmin - Perwitasari, Titis Pratiwi, Eko Dian Prayitno, Wasi Sakti Wiwit Puji Asih Putra, Maulana Dias Putra, Ngurah Made Darma Putri Handayani Putut Marwoto Ragil Meita Alfathy Ragil Meita Alfathy, Ragil Meita Restika, Vika Nandhya Ristina, Hayu Rosnah Zakaria S Sulhadi Safutra, Yosie Saiful Ridlo Sari, Dyah Lukito Sarwi - Saviyanah, Eka Nur Setiawan, Made Putra Siswanto Sopyan, Achmad Sri Haryani Sri Mulyani Endang Susilowati, Sri Mulyani Endang Sri Susilogati Sumarti SRI WARDANI Sudarmin Sudarmin Sudarmin Sudarmin Sugianto Sugianto Sulhadi - Sulhadi Sulhadi Sulhadi Sulhadi Sunyoto Eko Nugroho, Sunyoto Eko Supriyadi - Supriyadi Supriyadi Supriyadi Supriyadi Sutikno Madnasri Sutikno Sutikno Suyanto Suyanto Syir' Anatut Taqiyyah Titis Perwitasari Wiwi Isnaeni Wiyanto - Wiyanto Wiyanto Woro Sumarni Yeni Rima Liana Yeni Rima Liana Yeni Rima Liana Yeni Rima Liana Yoga Pratama, Yoga Zahro, Umi Roufatuz Zayyinul Mushthofa