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Application of Biomechanical Analysis of Pencak Silat Techniques Alan Alfiansyah Putra Karo Karo; Tandiyo Rahayu; Heny Setyawati; Siti Baitul Mukarromah
International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology Vol. 9 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Pencak silat is a self-defense method with distinctive movements that utilize every part of the human body as a sport. These movements are organized into a set of fundamental techniques, including as blocks, punches, kicks, kicks, punches, drops, and slams, and are known as moves. Based on the foregoing, the researchers' plan for this study is to do biomechanical analyses of the Pencak Silat technique. The method used in this research is scientific journals are reviewed quantitatively in order to provide an overview of the journals' quality, maturity, productivity, and other factors. Journals or scientific publications published between 2019 and 2023 that were retrieved from the Scopus and Sinta databases served as the research data for this study. Using "pencak silat biomechanics analysis" as a keyword in Google Scholar, search for published articles using that phrase. When a research paper meets the criteria, it is gathered, and a summary of the journal is created including the author's name, the year, the topic, the sample, the methodology, and a description of the results or findings. The results of an application of biomechanical analysis of pencak silat techniques by searching literature related to the analysis of pencak silat biomechanics, it can be concluded that the biomechanical analysis that can be applied to pencak silat techniques is time, angles, direction, flexion, extension, rotation, adduction, visual focus, force, moment of inertia, rotational kinetic energy, effort.
Co-Authors Adi Imam Sarifudin Agus Wijanarko Alan Alfiansyah Putra Karo Karo Alan Alfiansyah Putra Karo Karo Aminoto -, Aminoto Anak Agung Gede Sugianthara Anggit Wicaksono Anies Setiowati, Anies Annafi, Naufal Aqiel Apriansyah, Beni Ari Yuniastuti Asri, Novri Azis Mardanarian Bambang Budi R Bekti Utami Candra, Adiska Rani Ditya Ciptaning Wahyu W, Imam Santosa Dani Nurdiansyah Darmayanti, Meita Dewi Marfu'ah Kurniawati Dewi Marfu’ah Kurniawati Dhias Fajar Widya Permana Didi Muhtarom Dody Tri Iwandana Eko Alwiyan Ektyara Pinkkan Etika Ratna Noer FA'OT, JACOB YOHANIS Fajar Ari Widyatmoko Fatona Suraya, Fatona Gustiana Mega Anggita Hadi Hadi Hana, Annisa Nasihatul Hanna Goenawan Hardhono Susanto Harry Pramono, Harry Haryatmi, Ika Ayu Heny Setyawati Heny Setyawati Ign. Riwanto K.S, Soegiyanto Khasanah, Alfi Khoiril Anam Khoiril Anam Kustiono, Arizka Dwi Kusuma, Donny Wira Yudha Laksana, Gustopo Bayu Leo Nacion Santillana Lestariani, Wulan Agustina M. Arif Ali Mohammad Arif Ali, Mohammad Arif Mulyanaga, William Giovanni Muttaqin, Yusuf Nanang Indardi Nanang Indardi Nanang Indardi Puspita Sari, Ika Endah Ribut Wahidi Rizqi Amalia Romadhon, Arifka Ronny Lesmana Rudobertus Talan Rumini - Sahara, Rizki Said Juanidi Said Junaidi Said Junaidi Salsabila, Unik Hanifah Sangheon Park Septian Bagas Panji Kurniaziz Septian Bagas Panji Kurniaziz Setya Rahayu Sigit Pramono SITI MAHMUDAH Slamet Imron SOEGIYANTO Soegiyanto Soegiyanto, Soegiyanto Suci Amanati sugianli, Adhi Sugiarto Sugiarto Sugiarto Sugiarto Sugiarto Sulaiman Sulaiman Tandiyo Rahayu Taufiq Hidayah Taufiq Hidayah Titis Pambudi Tri Rustiadi, Tri Trinanda, Aditya Widodo, Anton Widyarto, Adi Yulisa, Dinda Kartika Zainudin Amali