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Journal : Absorbent Mind

Peningkatan Perkembangan Kecerdasan Naturalistik Anak melalui Metode Outbound Abdul Mufid; Siti Fatimah; Asfahani Asfahani; Nur Aeeni
Absorbent Mind: Journal of Psychology and Child Development Vol 2 No 02 (2022): Psychology and Child Development
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/absorbent_mind.v2i02.1501


Kecerdasan naturalistik anak usia dini sangat penting untuk dirangsang, karena pada usia dini anak lebih cepat menerima rangsangan dan mengaplikasikan ilmu atau pengetahuan yang telah diperolehnya. Salah satu cara untuk merangsang adalah melalui metode outbound. Kecerdasan naturalistik anak kelas B RA Muslimat NU XVII Keser, Tunjungan, Blora belum tercapai dan berkembang. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis peningkatan kecerdasan naturalistik anak melalui metode outbound. Jenis metode yang digunakan peneliti adalah kualitatif, yaitu dengan cara analisis data wawancara dan observasi mendalam di lapangan. Dari sumber data yang peneliti peroleh dari lapangan, peneliti mampu merumuskan research question tentang bagaimana penerapan peningkatan kecerdasan naturalistik melalui metode outbound di RA Muslimat NU XVII Keser, Kec. Tunjungan, Blora untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan naturalistik pada anak. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kecerdasan naturalistik anak kelas B RA Muslimat NU XVII Keser, Tunjungan, Blora. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan kegiatan outbond mampu meningkatkan kecerdasan naturalistik anak. Abstract Naturalistic intelligence of early childhood is essential to be stimulated because, at an early age, children are faster to receive stimulation and apply the knowledge or knowledge they have acquired. One way to encourage is through the outbound method. The naturalistic intelligence of class B children RA Muslimat NU XVII Keser, Tunjungan, and Blora has not yet been developed. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the increase in children's naturalistic intelligence through the outbound method. The method used by the researcher is qualitative, namely by analyzing interview data and in-depth observations in the field. From the data sources that the researchers obtained from the area, the researchers were able to formulate a research question about how to apply the increase in naturalistic intelligence through the outbound method at RA Muslimat NU XVII Keser, Kec. Tunjungan, Blora to improve naturalistic intelligence in children. The results of this study indicate an increase in the naturalistic intelligence of class B children RA Muslimat NU XVII Keser, Tunjungan, and Blora. So it can be concluded that outbound activities can improve children's naturalistic intelligence.
Urgensi Orang Tua dalam Pembelajaran Daring di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 bagi Siswa RA Risa Alfiyah Ulfa; Asfahani Asfahani; Nurul Aini
Absorbent Mind: Journal of Psychology and Child Development Vol 1 No 02 (2021): Psychology and Child Development
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (96.987 KB) | DOI: 10.37680/absorbent_mind.v1i02.849


There are many methods that can be implemented to continue learning even in the state of the Covid-19 pandemic, one of which is learning with an online system, the role of parents is very important so that it can be said to be a benchmark in the success of learning in this pandemic. This research uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation and documentation. This study uses data analysis techniques with reduction, presentation and drawing conclusions. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that (1) During the Covid-19 pandemic, learning at RA Muslimat NU 072 Lembah continued using an online system, (2) In this learning system the role of parents was needed by children, (3) There are various obstacles that parents feel when assisting their children in the learning process with an online system.
Model Pendampingan Penyelenggaraan Kelompok Bermain Holistik & Integratif Terza Travelancya; Asfahani Asfahani
Absorbent Mind: Journal of Psychology and Child Development Vol 2 No 01 (2022): Psychology and Child Development
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/absorbent_mind.v2i01.1420


Holistic and integrative early childhood education began to be discoursed by the government at the end of 2008. All types of stimulation for children and related agencies that have been developing and fostering PAUD institutions will be managed in a complete system of administrators. Various visible influences include: if the parenting pattern applied by parents to their children is not appropriate, it will undoubtedly affect their development. The purpose of this study was to determine the model for assisting the implementation of holistic and integrative play groups. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive approach. The research subject is 1 (one) person as a manager because the manager in the Mutiara Learning Group is only one person, 2 (two) tutors because the chosen one is a teacher who holds children aged between 2 - 3 years and 5 (five) parents chosen guardian. The results of the research area in implementing holistic and integrative playgroups, the services provided to children are more comprehensive and involve various parties or authorized institutions. The institutions, managers, educators, and parents have a vital role. The Play Group process in AUD (early childhood) socialization activities is a forum. Its managers and educators have carried out their tasks well by spreading learning methods similar to methods outside of school, learning with nature, and using technology or media methods.