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Pengaruh Sumber Daya Finansial, Aset Tidak Berwujud dan Keunggulan Bersaing yang Berimplikasi Terhadap Kinerja Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah di Lombok NTB Ahmad Fauzi; Budi Suharjo; Muhammad Syamsun
MANAJEMEN IKM: Jurnal Manajemen Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah Vol. 11 No. 2 (2016): Manajemen IKM
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (564.372 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/mikm.11.2.151-158


The research analyzes the financial resources, intangible assets (innovation capital, human capital, and customer capital), competitive advantage and financial performance, also analyzing its effect and analyzing business feasibility from the point view of Net Present Value (NPV), Profitability Index (PI), Payback Period (PP) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) on cow commodities, corn and seaweed (PIJAR). The method used is qualitative and quantitative, the respondent are choose by purposive sampling with the criteria of SME which conduct their business on cow commodities, corn and seaweed at Lombok NTB Region. This research is using the Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis which is a statistical method on varian basis. The research results obtained by the Financial Resource Capacity has well sufficient capacity of (3.29), Intangible Asset have well sufficient capacity of (3.86), well good for Competitive Strategy Excellence Cost of (3.92) and quite good Financial Performance. The influence among variables on the seaweed commodities : (1) Financial Resource does not affect the financial performance and price competitive competition, so the financial resources capacity is well good, although its not yet able to contribute on the financial performance; (2) Innovation capital affect on financial performances but do not affect on competitive strategy; human capital affect on the financial performance and competitive strategy; customer capital affect on the financial performance and competitive strategy; and (3) The business feasibility for PIJAR commodities are very well based on the view point of NPV, PP, PI and IRR.
Analisis Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Supermarket XYZ dengan Pendekatan Model Bisnis Kanvas Jack Absalom Soselisa; Sapta Raharja; Budi Suharjo
MANAJEMEN IKM: Jurnal Manajemen Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah Vol. 12 No. 2 (2017): Manajemen IKM
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (478.783 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/mikm.12.2.194-204


The purpose of the research is to identify and analyze the business model in Supermarket XYZ,  then give recommendation of priority strategy as perfection of Supermarket XYZ business model to more systematic, specific, unique and relevant to current business condition.   This research uses descriptive analysis method. The analytical tool used is business model canvass (BMC), the external factor evaluation matrix (EFE), internal factor evaluation matrix (IFE), external internal matrix (IE), and the combination between  strength, weakness, opportunity, threat (SWOT), and analytical hierarchy process (AHP )  called  AWOT.  The  result was obtained based on the result of AWOT analysis,  the priority strategy of the channel element with the highest score is SO strategy, to develop a food court to provide a customer shopping experience. Priority strategy of the customer relationship element is ST strategy, cooperation with the third parties for the development of joint promotion programs.  Finally, priority strategy of the key activities element is WO strategy,  training and development program.  The Selected BMC element and the specified strategy can be the basis for the development of the Supermarket XYZ business model in the future.
Usaha Tani dan Tataniaga Kumis Kucing di Kampung Ciwaluh dan Kampung Lengkong, Kabupaten Bogor Friska Sitorus; Ani Suryani; Budi Suharjo
MANAJEMEN IKM: Jurnal Manajemen Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah Vol. 13 No. 1 (2018): Manajemen IKM
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (697.822 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/mikm.13.1.10-18


Farmer of cat's whisker medicinal plant is unable to rely on cultivation of this plant as main income. The study aims to understand the problems in the marketing of cat’s whiskers from plantations in Ciwaluh Village and Lengkong Village to the last marketing chain. The research methodology used is descriptive questionnaire, cost analysis of farming and marketing chain approach. The result of farm cost analysis per 1.000 m2 shows that farmers in Lengkong Village in the first year have not gained profit. The farmers receive it in the second to fifth year of Rp294.000 for fresh leaves and Rp774.000 for dried leaves.. While farmers Ciwaluh Village in the first year has been benefitedof Rp399,000 if it sells the dried leaves. In the 2nd to 5th year the farmers receive a profit of Rp294.000 for sales of fresh leaves and Rp1.494.000 for dried leaves. Based on the marketing chain margin approach shows that price differences at producer and consumer level are similar. Its worth 50.36% in Ciwaluh Village  and 58.36% in Lengkong Village. The profit margin of farmers is about 80%, the highest among thesesupply chain agents. The analysis shows that marketing channels are efficient but not beneficial to farmers, they have no power in determining the selling price and there is no market option. For that there must be assistance to cat’s whiskers farmers to improve marketing.
Strategi Pemasaran Online UMKM Makanan (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Cibinong) Teguh Febrianto Setiawan; Budi Suharjo; Muhammad Syamsun
MANAJEMEN IKM: Jurnal Manajemen Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah Vol. 13 No. 2 (2018): Manajemen IKM
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (842.602 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/mikm.13.2.116-126


Online marketing is a method of marketing using online (OL) and electronic media. This study aims to, (1) Assess the effectiveness of (OL) marketing in increasing corporate income, (2) Describe products that have OL marketing potential, ( 3) Identify influential factors in developing OL marketing strategies, and (4) Providing recommendations for alternative OL marketing strategies to be applied in MSMEs. This research was conducted on 10 MSMEs in Cibinong Sub-district, Bogor Regency, West Java Province, from April to August 2018. The method of analysis consists of descriptive analysis, content analysis, Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunity, and Threat (SWOT) analysis and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Based on the analysis of research data it is known that OL marketing successfully increases income for respondents by 10% to 32%. The results of content analysis found that the respondents' MSMEs already knew the importance of attracting product visualization by displaying descriptions and images that could invite consumers to buy, but not fully optimized yet through the Google Review Knowledge Panel facility. Based on the SWOT analysis, strategies were obtained: (a) Business Development with support of available Human Resource (HR) & Marketing Media Support, (b) Business Development System (OL), (c) Business Scale Up by Utilizing Capital, (d) Skill Improvement and OL System Knowledge, (e) Increased Business Capital and Product Promotion Display in order increasing turnover,( f) Business Development through Product Variants, Taste and Promotions (g) Increasing business capacity and services (Delivery), (h) Increasing cooperation in OL product promotion, (i) Increasing innovation and new product variants. The alternative method of OL marketing of food MSMEs in Cibinong Sub district chosen based on AHP respectively is Grab-food media. The second priority is to use social media (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube etc.). The third priority is to use Google SEO media. The fourth priority is to use a website and the fifth priority is direct contact.
Strategi Pemasaran Produk Kopi Ready to Drink (RTD) Industri Kecil Menengah Agroindustri Kopi Dompet Dhuafa di Bogor Adhi Nur Hidayat; Sapta Raharja; Budi Suharjo
MANAJEMEN IKM: Jurnal Manajemen Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah Vol. 15 No. 2 (2020): Manajemen IKM
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/mikm.15.2.128-137


Industri Kecil Menengah Agroindustri Kopi Dompet Dhuafa (IKM DD) memproduksi kopi olahan serta memasarkannya di Bogor dan sekitarnya. Sejak diluncurkan pada November 2019, penjualan IKM DD belum mencapai target dan bersifat fluktuatif. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi bauran pemasaran produk Kopi RTD, mengevaluasi dan merumuskan strategi bauran pemasaran yang tepat bagi IKM DD. Metode penelitian dilaksanakan secara deskriptif dengan mengevaluasi strategi bauran pemasaran dan tahap komunikasi pemasaran yang melibatkan konsumen dan calon konsumen IKM DD. Hasil evaluasinya digunakan untuk menginisiasi program yang relevan untuk mengoptimalkan strategi bauran pemasaran. Metode Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) digunakan untuk menentukan prioritas strategi bauran pemasaran oleh pihak pengelola IKM DD. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan kuesioner. Hasil penilaian konsumen menunjukkan bauran pemasaran sudah efektif kecuali pada faktor promosi yang bernilai cukup. Hasil penilaian calon konsumen diperoleh tahap perhatian telah efektif sedangkan tahapan komunikasi berikutnya belum efektif. Hasil AHP menunjukkan bahwa tujuan strategi yang tepat bagi IKM DD adalah peningkatan pendapatan penjualan dengan menitikberatkan pada faktor bauran harga produk dari Kopi RTD. Adapun inisiasi program yang dapat dijalankan oleh IKM DD adalah menetapkan bauran harga berdasarkan kualitas produk, mengurus izin edar dan halal, menambah jumlah agen pada aspek distribusi, serta mengembangkan promosi produk yang lebih menarik.
Jurnal Manajemen & Agribisnis Vol. 9 No. 1 (2012): Vol. 9 No. 1 Maret 2012
Publisher : School of Business, Bogor Agricultural University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (515.36 KB) | DOI: 10.17358/jma.9.1.59-67


In Indonesia, agriculture is still one of the business activity that involves many stakeholders with a unique relationship, ranging from farmers as producers, various intermediaries that act to move the product on the retailers who ultimately sell to end consumers. What are the key values connecting between actors to guarantee the continuity of business and how the model linkage or relationship marketing that happens, is the main goal in this paper. The results showed, commitment and trust are the dominant two aspects that underlie the emergence of co-operation as well as the assurance of financial benefit. Another interesting fact revealed by this study is the relationship marketing that occurs not just based on the transactional aspects alone, but there is also a social aspect that binds relationships. This aspect even leads to another fundamental goal, namely the existence of convenience between the parties cooperate. Although both of these goals cannot always be achieved simultaneously due to the strata of different decision-making power, but in reality they complement the ongoing collaboration.Keywords: Commitment, Trust, Transactional and Social Marketing, Leisure
POSITIONING PUPUK HAYATI (STUDI KASUS PT. KARYA ANUGRAH RUMPIN) Ervina Aprianti; Budi Suharjo; Istiqlaliyah Muflikhati
Jurnal Manajemen & Agribisnis Vol. 12 No. 2 (2015): Vol.12 No. 2, Juli 2015
Publisher : School of Business, Bogor Agricultural University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (919.415 KB) | DOI: 10.17358/jma.12.2.106


Positioning is required in every company to influence consumer perceptions and purchasing decisions. Biofertilizer is important to support organic agriculture so market competition in fertilizer industry was increasing. It is important for companies to develop positioning strategies continuously. This study was aim to analyze the position of biofertilizers based on product excellence, identifying attributes that affect consumers choosing biofertilizer, and recommends alternative positioning strategies of biotilizers. Samples consist of 120 respondents, drawn from population farmers in Bogor who know biofertilizer. Respondents were determined using purposive and simple random sampling. The survey was conducted by direct interview. Descriptive, Thurstone Case V, Correspondence, and Chi-Square analysis were used to analyze data. The study find that the EM-4 was the most known biofertilizers. It assessed as trustworthy product, reliable product, cheaper than others, easy to obtain, as well as spread advertising. While Sumber Subur assessed as a product that always want to used. Three main attributes that influence the selection of biofertilizers are quality, price, and content of product. Companies have to improve product quality in order to win market competition. Companies must provide clear information about the advantages and how to use the product on the product packaging. Companies need to approach consumers through farmers' groups, to do direct promotion such as demontration plots and free samples.Keyword: positioning, biofertilizer, thurstone case v, correspondence analysisABSTRAKPositioning perlu dilakukan setiap perusahaan, dengan tujuan membentuk persepsi konsumen yang berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian. Pentingnya pupuk hayati dalam menunjang budidaya pertanian organik menyebabkan persaingan pada industri pupuk semakin meningkat. Sehingga menjadi penting bagi perusahaan untuk selalu mengembangkan strategi positioning Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis posisi pupuk hayati berdasarkan keunggulan produk, mengidentifikasi atribut yang yang dipentingkan konsumen memilih pupuk hayati, serta merekomendasikan alternatif strategi positioning pupuk hayati. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 120 responden, diambil dari populasi petani di Kabupaten Bogor yang mengetahui pupuk hayati dan minimal mengenal satu merek pupuk hayati. Responden ditentukan dengan metode purposive dan simple random sampling. Survei dilakukan dengan wawancara langsung. Analisis Deskriptif, Thurstone Case V, Korespondensi, serta Chi-Square digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa EM-4, pupuk hayati yang paling banyak diketahui, dinilai sebagai produk terpercaya, produk dapat diandalkan, harga murah, mudah diperoleh, serta iklan tersebar. Sedangkan Sumber Subur dinilai sebagai produk yang selalu ingin digunakan. Tiga atribut utama yang dipentingkan konsumen dalam pemilihan pupuk hayati antara lain kualitas, harga, serta kandungan produk. Perusahaan perlu meningkatkan kualitas produk agar dapat bersaing. Perusahaan sebaiknya memberikan informasi yang jelas mengenai keunggulan serta cara pengaplikasian produk kepada konsumen pada kemasan produk. Perusahaan perlu pendekatan konsumen melalui kelompok tani, untuk melakukan promosi langsung berupa demplot dan pemberian sampel gratis.Kata kunci: positioning, pupuk hayati, thurstone case v, analisis korespondensi
Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia Vol 19 No 3 (2019): Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Telkom University.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/jmi.v19i3.2414


The influence of the growth of tourism industry which affected the increasing demand for beef also occurs in Bogor City and Regency. This research was conducted at PT XYZ with their business partners Horeka in Bogor. The relationship between PT XYZ and 100 business partners in Bogor is a marketing relationship between suppliers and suppliers, in which PT XYZ acts as a supplier and company as a product distributor to end consumers. The purpose of this study was to analyze relationship-based marketing between PT XYZ and Horeka business partners in the city of Bogor. Data was obtained by the census method on 100 Horeka business partners who had made purchases at least twice in the past month at PT XYZ until August 2018. The research methodin this study was descriptive analysis using the Top two boxes method and Structural Equation Model (SEM) with Lisrel tools. Based on the results of descriptive analysis, it can be seen that 98 percent of people try to promote mutually beneficial cooperation. The results of the SEM model analysis show that the pattern of linkages that occur in relationship-based marketing of PT XYZ with business partners is not only based on mere financial benefits. The relationship that was built between PT XYZ and Horeka business partners was based more on trust based on flexible business practices. Keywords—Commitment, Cooperation, Relationship Marketing, Trust Abstrak Pengaruh pertumbuhan industri pariwisata yang juga menjadi pengaruh meningkatnya kebutuhan daging sapi terjadi juga di Kota dan Kabupaten Bogor. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada PT XYZ dengan mitra usaha horeka di Bogor. Hubungan antara PT XYZ dengan 100 mitra usaha horeka di Bogor merupakan hubungan pemasaran antara pemasok dan penyalur.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pemasaran berbasis hubungan antara PT XYZ dengan mitra usaha horeka di kota Bogor.Data di peroleh dengan metode sensus pada 100 mitra usaha horeka yang sudah melakukan pembelian minimal dua kali dalam satu bulan terakhir pada PT XYZ sampai dengan bulan Agustus 2018. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode Top two boxesserta Structural Equation Model(SEM) dengan tools Lisrel. Berdasarkan hasil analisis deskriptif, dapat diketahui bahwa 98 persen horeka berupaya mengedepankan kerjasama saling menguntungkan. Hasil analisis model SEM menunjukan bahwa pola keterkaitan yang terjadi dalam pemasaran berbasis hubungan PT XYZ dengan mitra usaha horeka tidak hanya didasarkan pada keuntungan finansial semata. Karena hubungan yang terbangun antara PT XYZ dan mitra usaha horeka lebih didasari karena kepercayaan yang berpedoman pada praktek bisnis yang fleksibel. Kata kunci— Kepercayaan, Kerjasama, Komitmen, Pemasaran Berbasis Hubungan
Model Bisnis Industri Tambang Timah Berkelanjutan (Studi Kasus Bangka Belitung) R. Rudy Irawan; Ujang Sumarwan; Budi Suharjo; Setiadi Djohar
Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen Vol 12, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (101.183 KB)


Abstract: Bangka Belitung province’s economy has a very high dependence on the tin. BPS data of 2013 showed tin contributed 33.60% PDRB and expected of more than 70% if the multiplier effect applied (Megawandi, 2013). But the tin mining industry is currently facing complex problems including undeveloped downstream (Widyatmiko, 2012), environmental damage (Sapanli, 2009; Inonu, 2010; Walhi, 2013), illegal small scale mining (Elfida, 2007; Sapanli 2010), and overlap of licensing and laws (Purba, 2007; Hayati, 2011; Bastida and Paramita, 2013), social issues (Aziz and Salim, 2005; Zulkarnain et al 2005; Erman, 2007; Resosudarmo and Subiman, 2010), damage of the forest (Sidabukke, 2011) and other problems. This study aims to design a business model of tin mining industry in Bangka Belitung so the sustain able issues can be resolved. The methodology used in this study was in-depth structured interview of expertstakeholders. The results of the study showed a chart which was interrelated relationship between elements which were created and delivered value for the industry and the state. The study of tin business model is a flow chart of the mining process to the trade.Keywords: business model, tin mining industry, sustainable.
Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship (IJBE) Vol. 2 No. 3 (2016): IJBE, Vol. 2 No. 3, September 2016
Publisher : School of Business, IPB University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17358/ijbe.2.3.197


The main objective of this study was to analyze the factors that determines consumers in their purchasing decisions Muslim dress and recommend the proposed marketing mix strategy affects customer satisfaction and loyalty which can have an impact on purchasing decisions / repurchase (repurchase) by consumers. The analytical methods used in this study Chi-Square Test, Thurstone Case-V Analysis, Correspondence Analysis, and Structural Equation Model. The results showed the purchasing decisions Muslim clothing there is a relationship between level of education and average revenue / expenditure per month with custom usage Muslim clothing, there are five sequences attribute Muslim clothing that is essential according to the respondents, the underwear model, quality of materials, patterns typical, leisure time used as well as an attractive packaging design. Muslim clothing brand Ke'ke is purchased by consumers because the ads fit the facts, reasonably priced, there are many models of quality koko and containerized, while shortcomings are in the variation of the veil / hijab and less spread of sales outlets. The products are very dominant. They influence purchasing decisions of consumers so that the superiority of the product should be maintained and even improved.Keywords: muslim clothing, the mix marketing, re-purchasing decisions