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Study on Potential Carbon in Pocut Meurah Intan Forest Park, Aceh Province Syakur Syakur; Sugianto Sugianto; Hairul Basri; Rahmad Fadhli
Aceh International Journal of Science and Technology Vol 12, No 2 (2023): August 2023
Publisher : Graduate Program of Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/aijst.12.2.31949


The existence of forest park areas plays an essential role as carbon sequestration can reduce the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Analysis of carbon potential is essential in determining the amount of available carbon potential. This study aims to analyze the carbon potential in the forest park area Pocut Meurah Intan Forest Park. The study used a descriptive method with the sampling technique of the path system. Data analysis and calculation of carbon potential using allometric equations to calculate the total biomass. Spatial analysis using Arc.GIS 10.4 software and the carbon content analysis was carried out using the ashing method. The results showed that the potential carbon stock of Pocut Meurah Intan Forest Park was 640,282 tons. The carbon potential is the carbon stored above the ground in the form of carbon from above-ground biomass (trees, poles, saplings, undergrowth) and organic matter (necromass and litter). The highest carbon potential was found in the secondary dryland forest land cover with a total of 555,204 tons or 167.6 tons/ha, followed by shrubs of 78,949 tons or 33.3 tons/ha, and the lowest potential carbon stock was found in the open field of 303 tons or 2.8 tons/ha. The increase in land cover in secondary dryland forests causes the increase in carbon stored. The low potential for carbon stocks is due to land clearing and a small number of stands, resulting in a decrease in potential carbon stocks
Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Dalam Meningkatkan Penjualan Tahu Di Desa Air Teluk Kiri Kecamatan Teluk Dalam Kabupaten Asahan Tari Fhon Na Arifin; Sugianto Sugianto; Siti Aisyah
Ecobuss Vol 11 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Ecobuss, Volume 11, Nomor 2, September 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Panca Marga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51747/ecobuss.v11i2.1729


The research conducted aims to analyze the internal and external factors of marketing strategies, analyze marketing strategies, and analyze which strategies are prioritized. This research was conducted at Ibu Iir's Tofu Factory located in Air Teluk Kiri Village, Teluk Dalam District, Asahan Regency, North Sumatra Province. The benefit of doing this research is that the company can find out the marketing strategy that will be carried out in the future, then apply the results of this research in the company. So that in the future the company is able to increase sales volume as desired. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. The data collection techniques used in this research are interviews, observations, document studies, and questionnaires. The results of the SWOT analysis, Mrs. Iir's Tofu Factory is in quadrant I position and the strategy used is Progressive. While the results of the QSPM matrix analysis the selected strategy is the Strenght-Opportunity strategy with a TAS result of 6.28.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35968/jti.v5i0.759


Dengan banyaknya peralatan yang menggunkan energi listrik pemakaian energi listrik semakin besar dan yang harus kita bayar pun juga menjadi besar sesuai dengan pemakaian. Tapi biasa nya KWH meter milik PLN hanya bisa menghitung pemakain nya saja sehingga kita tidak mengetahui sebenarnya berapa yang harus kita bayar karena di KWH meter tersebut hanya menampilkan nominal pemakaian saja lalu kita hanya membayar tanpa kita mengetahuir perhitungan nya seperti apa karena yang mencatat meteran dari petugas PLN.  Dengan memakai alat penghitung pemakaian daya listrik yang berbasis mikrokontroler AVR Atmega 16A, penggunaan display bisa mengetahui berapa daya yang dikonsumsi tiap bulan dan besarnya biaya yang dibayarkan. Perlu diadakan sinkronisasi bila terjadi kenaikan tarif dasar listrik sewaktu-waktu.Keyword:KWH meter dan perhitungan daya 
Pengembangan Mikroskop Digital Berbasis Blended Learning untuk Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Jasmaniah Kinestetik Mahasiswa pada Praktikum Anatomi Tumbuhan Sugianto Sugianto; Any Fitriani; Sri Anggraeni; Wawan Setiawan
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Nahdlatul Wathan Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The initial conditions of learning the practice of plant anatomy at the University of Wiralodra shows that the kinesthetic physical intelligence of students has not been trained. It is proven that students do not feel trained in operating the microscope and determine the magnification of the microscope, which means that the kinesthetic physical intelligence of students has not been trained. Based on these problems, a digital microscope is needed that can train students' kinesthetic physical intelligence in practicing plant anatomy. Digital microscope technology innovation is needed as a means of supporting plant anatomy practicum. In accordance with the nature of the research is the development of a digital microscope based on blended learning, the type used in this research is Research and Development (Research and Development). The trial subjects in this study were prospective biology education teacher candidates in the 2nd semester of Biology Education study program at the University of Wiralodra consisting of 5 classes and totaling 185 students. Sampling using cluster random sample method, consisting of 2 classes, namely Bio B (experimental class) and Bio D (control class) provided that the population is homogeneous. The results of the development of a digital microscope based on blended learning used in plant anatomy practicums were declared very valid. The blended learning digital microscope that was developed can improve the kinesthetic physical intelligence of students in plant anatomy practices, in the high category. There is a significant difference in the increase in kinesthetic physical intelligence of students between classes that use a digital microscope based on blended learning and classes that use a binocular light microscope.
Tijarah: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Tijarah: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah
Publisher : Tijarah: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59818/tijarah.v1i1.129


Pelakasanaanbentukpenilaian dan acuankerja pada Perbankan Syariah yang selamainimasihmengambildaricontohperbankankonvensionalsepertidalambentuk ROA, ROE, KPPM dan BOPO. Seharusnyasebagailembagakeuangan yang bersandarkan pada syariah menggunakanstandar yang dicontohkandalam Islam yaitudalambentukIndekMaqoshid Syariah. Muhammad Abu Zahrahmemberikantiga point pentingdalampengukurankinerjainiyaitumemberikanpendidikan, menegakkankeadilan dan mengutamakankepentinganumumuntukmaslahah. MetodedalamPenelitianiniadalahdeskriptifkualitatifdenganberpedoaman pada data-data yang adakemudiandireduksidalampenelitianini Hasil daripenelitianinidapatdipahamibahwa Bank Riau KepriSyariah  Provinsi Riau telahmelaksanakantigahal di atas dan yang lebihdominanadalahmenegakkankeadilan
Pelatihan dan Praktik Penyelenggaraan Fardhu Kifayah Dosen, Karyawan, dan Mahasiswa di Masjid Amirulhaq Balikpapan Firman Firman; Sugianto Sugianto
Abdimas Universal Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): Oktober
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Balikpapan (LPPM UNIBA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36277/abdimasuniversal.v5i2.335


This service is about training and practice in carrying out fardhu kifayah carried out at the Amirulhaq Campus Mosque, Balikpapan University. The service was carried out to answer the anxiety faced by the community, namely that attention to the care of corpses was becoming increasingly low, so it seemed as if the responsibility for caring for corpses was handed over only to the fardhu kifayah community. The focus of the problem in this service is to guide and train participants in the process of administering and managing people who have died. The training aims to provide participants with knowledge and insight into how to handle corpses. Furthermore, it motivates so that after this training participants become involved if someone dies in their environment, especially their own family. This activity begins with the delivery of the activity stages from the beginning to the end of the training. The activity stages begin with participant registration and are then divided into groups of both male and female participants. Next, the implementation method provides material about handling people who have died and matters related to death. Then it continues with the practice of cutting the shroud, washing, shrouding, and praying the body. The results of this activity show that the participants gained experience in the form of knowledge so that they could know and understand both the concept and practice of implementing fardhu kifayah.
Co-Authors ABDUL MUIS Abdul Multi Abdul Mu’is Ade Jamarudin Aditya Batlajery Ahmad Fauzi Sitorus Akhirudin Akhirudin Amin Al Jawi Andik Lukito Suryaman Annio Indah Lestari Any Fitriani Aqwa Naser Daulay Ariesti Sopia Asdtuti Astuti Asri Dewi Mustikasari Bekti Yulianti Budhi Martana Casmudi Casmudi chairil akmal Darmin Islamiah Darusman . Darwin Darwin deden deden Defra Afriana Aryan Dian Armanto Dinda Tasha Maulida Djufri Djufri Eggi Maulana Yusuf Eka Setyawati Erwansyah Erwansyah Esdras Ardi Pramudita Fakrurradhi Fakrurradhi Firman Firman Fretty Siska Rahayu M Ginie Aulia Rawani Hadi Nasbey Hadianti Deliana Hafizh Mubarok Hairul Basri Hanung Adi Nugroho Hasdiansah, Hasdiansah Hayu Angga H Hendra Yulianto Herdi Wisman Jaya Hermansyah Alam Herwandi Herwandi Husni Pasarela Ichsan Setiawan Idiar Idiar Idiar Idiar Ika Fibriarista Imam Mukhtar Syarifudin Iqbar Iqbar Iriandi Ilyas Isna Laila Jannah, Nurul Jayanta Jayanta Jhon Pandapotan Situmorang Joni Hendra K Khairul Azmi Kurnial Ilahi Leliya Leliya Linda Wulan Sari Luluk Rojabiyah Maksi Ginting Manfarizah Manfarizah Mara Bangun Harahap Marliyah Martono Martono Martono Martono Martono Mawaddah Irham Mhd. Rizky Al Akbar Moedjiono Moedjiono muchlis mas'ud Muhammad Irham Muhammad Kharazi Muhammad Subhan Mustating Dg Maroa Nani Ariani Nasrun Hipan NASRUN LUBIS Naufal Rafiq Muhammad Novera Shafira Lubis Nunuk TW Nur Fithri Amrunnisa Opi Chanty Mahendra Purba Andy Wijaya Rachmadania Akbarita Radi Suradi K Rahmad Fadhli Retnowaty Ridwan Ridwan Rizaldy Taslim Pinzon Rizka Rizqi Robby Rizky Maulana Ryan Angga Pratama Sandi Saparuddin Saparuddin Saparuddin Siregar SARWOTO SARWOTO Signa Elyxirarega Chanso Siti Aisyah Siti Mardiana soma wardi Somawardi Somawardi Sri Anggraeni Sri Wahyuni Sri Wulandari Bugis Suganda Suganda Sugiyarto Sugiyarto Sukiman Sukiman Susi Darmawaningsih Suyanti Suyanti Syakur Syakur Tambunan, Khairina Tari Fhon Na Arifin Tengku Emrinaldi Titin Ayu Lestari Tri Auri Yanti Tria Mariz Arief Tutik Yuliani Ulfah Juniarti Siregar Ullya Vidriza Wahyudi Wahyudi Wawan Setiawan Wawan Setiawan Winda Anriani Siregar Wiwit Wiji Lestari Yayuk Yuliati Yenni Samri Juliati Nst Yoko Tristiarto Yudi Novianto Yul Tito Permadhy zainur Zainur