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Journal : JKAP (Jurnal Kebijakan dan Administrasi Publik)

Migrasi Internasional dan Pembangunan Daerah: Realitas dan Dualisme Kebijakan Lokal Abdul Haris
JKAP (Jurnal Kebijakan dan Administrasi Publik) Vol 8, No 1 (2004): May
Publisher : Magister Ilmu Administrasi Publik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jkap.8410


This study was an effort to understand the Sasak people migration phenomena to Malaysia and how those activities were placed in the local development policies This study was also done to understand its contribution in development process. This research was carried out in East Lombok and some sub.districts had been taken as area research sample, such as Pringgasela, Masbagik, Kerrie:1k and Sakra. The sample of research areas were chosen because statistically, were the most potential international migration sources in East Lombok and Lombok island in general. Based on this research, there are three conditions that forte the Sasak people migrate from their area of origin to Malaysia, e.g: poverty, lack of opportuniD4 and low wage compare to destination country. The inability of localgovernment to create new opportunity has become a main factor in all of the migration process. The increasing of employment growth that unbalanced with the growth of opportunity also creates open unemployment and under unemployment at the origin. This fact caused frustration among those of productive age that pushed them to get a better alternative of theirown. The fact also shows that localgovernmentfaced difficulties to put returnees in a clearposition in local development process. This was because there is no regulation that gives possibilities for returnees to involve in all of development process and policy implementation. Migrant participation in a whole development process, therefore, cannot be seen as a program made by government in order to give chance to the returnees directly involved. The other facts show of migrant workers' contribution in local economic development. The increasing of economic activities and local treading, workers substitution from farm to non farm are the real phenomenon that can be seen as their contribution in the whole of development process At the macro level, rnigrans' contribution has created new opportunity to improve economic activities. This phenomenon may causes that specific group such as labor agents, and "calos" (middlemen) will dominate local capital. It can't be denied, however, that the involvement of Sasaknese migrants creates a balance of local labor market, specifically in their origin that also create a new polarization based on classical reasons such as skills and training. Finally it cannot avoid that the polari;-.ation will create differentiation based on skill and working status. Furthermore, these facts will create broader opportunity and labor market competition in formal and informal sectors that motivate small and medium economic activities at the origin.
Co-Authors . Ishomuddin A.S. Nasution Abdul Hadi Ade Wulandari Adi Ardiansayah Agustya Adi Martha Ahmad Faizal Ahmad Saudi Samosir Ahmad Suseno Akbar Tahir Amir Tjoneng Andi Iqbal Burhanuddin Andi Khaeriyah Andry Mas’ud Aniharyati Aniharyati Anis Marjukah Aqila Nurfadila Ardiansyah Ardiansyah Arif Julianto SN Arif Julianto Sri Nugroho Arif Julianto Sri Nugroho Arniati Arniati Arya Sah Dewa Arya Wiguna B Asni Anwar Aulia Syahputera Awan Dramawan Ayu Lestari Azlan B Aruji B Erdiansyah Putra Bambang Joko Priatmadi Bayu Pranata Buna'i Chair Rani Dahliana Abd Dandang Setyawanti Darul Hikmah Darupratomo Darupratomo Dedi Soedharma Devi Eka Yulita Tarigan Dhiya’ulfitri Diana Pratiwi Rusendi Didik Setiyo Widodo Didik Setyo Widodo Dikpride Despa Dina Sudarmika Djuhari - Djuhari Eko Hadi Sujiono Eko Rini Indrayatie Endang Eko Djati Setiawati Endang Eko DS Erina Erina Fahmi Said Fathimah, Anissatul Ginanjar, Rubi Gunawan Gunawan Gunawan Gunawan Gusrino Yanto Hasdi Buranda Hasrat Efendi Samosir HENNIVANDA HENNIVANDA Heriadi Herlia Syafitri Herri Gusmedi I Nyoman Adi Putra Ida Aulia Mawaddah Ida Rahmawati Idham Wandi Syafaat Imelda Sefiana Irfan Syarif Jarot Prasetyo Khusnik Hudzafidah Kurniadi Kurniadi La Nafie, Yayu A. Lalu Eza Ihsanul Anwar Lalu Muhammad Satria Wijaya Lifia Rahma Listyana Linda Suyati Liranti Rahmeli M Pujo Darmo M. A. Martawijaya M.ARIF ALFURQAN Mahayu Woro Lestari Mahmud Mulyadi Maimuna Nontji Marlina Martiningsih Martiningsih Melzi Ambar Mazta Morina Morina Muh. Farid Samawi Muhamad Fadhilah MUHAMMAD BAKRI Muhammad Erfan Muhammad Teguh Ciptadi Muhtar Muhtar MUJIZAT KAWAROE Mulyadi Mulyadi Murni Murni Nabila Iftinan Sari Naharuddin Naharuddin Ni Putu Wika Yunanda Pradiani NOOR AIDAWATI Nova Heryandoko Nurhadi Nurhadi Nurhidayati, Nurhidayati NURLIANA NURLIANA Nurwahidah Nurwahidah Nuryani Khadijah Syahputri Oberlin Sidjabat Oshi Trisnalindo Pangeran Roeslan Amiril Moekminin Qurrata A'yuna Rahmadi Tambaru Rastina Rastina Ratna ㅤ Redaksi Tim Jurnal Retno Ariadi Lusiana Reynold Y Ronny Faslah S. Suherah Saripuddin Saripuddin Sarwono Sarwono Nursito Shinta Werorilangi Sukasih Ratna Widayanti Sulaiman Gosalam, Sulaiman Supriadi - Supriyanto Rohadi Suriyanti Haji Salama Suryaningsih Dwinanda Suwanti Tanzila Azzalzal Alimi Tasari Tasari Uka Yulianingsih Umar Ma'ruf Umi Dwijayanti Vega, Nofvia De Wahyu Tri Sudaryanto Warjanik . Zainab, Nurul