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Pengaruh Jenis Baling-Baling pada Alternator Turbin Angin Terhadap Besar Arus listrik Yang Dihasilkan pada Kendaraan Muhammad Mukhbit Nurdin; Wawan Purwanto; Toto Sugiarto; M. Yasep Setiawan
JTPVI: Jurnal Teknologi dan Pendidikan Vokasi Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): JTPVI: Jurnal Teknologi dan Pendidikan Vokasi Indonesia
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jtpvi.v1i4.96


Penggunaan bahan bakar minyak yang terus meningkat yang dapat menyebabkan kelangkaan bahan bakar. Sehigga perlu ada inovasi bahan bakar alternatif yaitu dengan bahan bakar hidrogen. Hidrogen berasal dari hidrolisis air menjadi hidrogen dan oksigen. Proses hidrolisis membutuhkan tegangan dan arus listrik yang besar, oleh karena itu perlu adanya energi tambahan dengan memanfaatkan gas buang dengan memberi turbin yang dihubungkan pada poros alternator agar menghasilkan tegangan dan arus listrik agar dapat mensuplai tegangan dan arus  listrik dalam penggunaan bahan bakar hidrogen. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan merancang sebuah alternator sepeda menjadi turbin angin sumbu vertikal dengan perlakuan baling-baling tipe savonius dan tipe cross flow, pengujian dengan kecepatan kendaraan 30 sampai 60 Km/Jam. Disimpulkan perlakuan baling-baling cross flow meningkatkan tegangan 12,5% dan peningkatan arus 50,6% terhadap perlakuan baling-baling tipe savonius. Increasing fuel oil consumption can result in a petroleum shortage. Therefore, innovation in alternative fuels, specifically hydrogen fuel, is required. Hydrogen is produced by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrolysis process requires a large voltage and electric current; therefore, it is necessary to have additional energy by utilizing exhaust gas by connecting a turbine to the alternator shaft to produce voltage and electric current in order to provide voltage and electric current for the use of hydrogen fuel. This research begins with the design of a bicycle alternator as a vertical axis wind turbine with savonius type and cross flow propeller treatment, tested at velocities between 30 and 60 kilometers per hour. It was determined that the cross flow propeller treatment increased the voltage by 12.5% and the current by 50.6% compared to the savonius propeller treatment.
Hubungan Fasilitas Bengkel Terhadap Hasil Belajar Pemeliharaan Mesin Kendaraan Ringan Kelas XI TKRO SMK Negeri 2 Solok Zamzami; Erzeddin Alwi; Wakhinuddin S; Toto Sugiarto
JTPVI: Jurnal Teknologi dan Pendidikan Vokasi Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): JTPVI: Jurnal Teknologi dan Pendidikan Vokasi Indonesia
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jtpvi.v1i4.98


Pendidikan berkualitas ditandai oleh proses pembelajaran dan prestasi belajar siswa yang dicapai. Namun, beberapa siswa belum mencapai standar kelulusan. Ini bisa berkaitan dengan ketersediaan fasilitas praktikum sekolah yang memengaruhi keterampilan dan pengetahuan siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi hubungan antara kelengkapan fasilitas bengkel otomotif dan prestasi belajar siswa dalam mata pelajaran PMKR kelas XI TKR. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian korelasi, yang mengumpulkan data untuk menentukan hubungan antara variabel. Analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan metode statistik. Hasil pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa fasilitas bengkel memiliki hubungan positif dan signifikan dengan prestasi belajar siswa kelas XI PMKR di SMKN 2 Solok, dengan koefisien korelasi r hitung (0,613) > r tabel (0,312), dan t hitung > t tabel (4,908 > 2,02269) pada tingkat signifikansi α = 0,05. Quality education is characterized by the learning process and the academic achievements of students. However, some students have not reached the graduation standards. This could be related to the availability of school laboratory facilities, which can impact the skills and knowledge of students. This research aims to evaluate the relationship between the completeness of automotive workshop facilities and the academic performance of students in the subject of PMKR in the 11th-grade TKR class. The research method used is a correlation study, which collects data to determine the relationship between variables. Data analysis is conducted qualitatively and quantitatively using statistical methods. The results of hypothesis testing show that workshop facilities have a positive and significant relationship with the academic performance of 11th-grade PMKR students at SMKN 2 Solok, with a correlation coefficient of r observed (0.613) > r table (0.312), and t observed > t table (4.908 > 2.02269) at a significance level of α = 0.05.
Pembuatan Perangkat Kontrol Kecepatan Udara di Terowongan Angin Berbasis Arduino Miswardi; M. Yasep Setiawan; Toto Sugiarto; Dwi Sudarno Putra; Masykur
JTPVI: Jurnal Teknologi dan Pendidikan Vokasi Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): JTPVI: Jurnal Teknologi dan Pendidikan Vokasi Indonesia
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jtpvi.v1i4.100


Penelitian ini membahas tentang proses pembuatan alat kontrol kecepatan udara wind tunnel menggunakan arduino sebagai komponen utama unit pengontrol. Pengujian wind tunnel dilakukan dengan kecepatan udara yang bervariasi sesuai kebutuhan agar mendapatkan hasil yang optimal. Motor fan sebagai pembangkit aliran udara tidak dilengkapi dengan pengontrol kecepatan udara. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk membuat alat yang dapat mengontrol kecepatan udara wind tunnel sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengujian. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode penelitian dan pengembangan. Output tegangan power supply diatur pada 11,19 Volt sumber untuk arduino. LCD display, motor servo, modul relay dan sensor anemometer disuplai dari mainboard arduino dan stepdown dengan tegangan 5,069 Volt. Alat secara keseluruhan dan semua komponen dapat bekerja dengan baik. Kecepatan udara yang ditunjukkan LCD display dapat dicapai sampai dengan 39 m/s.    This study discusses the process of making a wind tunnel airspeed control device using arduino as the main component of the controller unit. Wind tunnel testing is carried out at varying air speeds as needed in order to obtain optimal results. The fan motor as an air flow generator is not equipped with an air speed controller. The purpose of this research is to make a tool that can control wind tunnel airspeed according to the testing needs. This research was conducted using the research and development method. The output voltage of the power supply is set at 11.19 Volt source for the Arduino. LCD displays, servo motors, relay modules and anemometer sensors are supplied from the Arduino mainboard and stepdown with a voltage of 5,069 Volts. The tool as a whole and all components can work properly The airspeed indicated by LCD displays can be reached up to 39 m/s.
Analyzing the Validity of Project-Based Learning Implementation Plans in Light Vehicle maintenance: A Comprehensive Study Muslim Muslim; Ambiyar Ambiyar; Arwizet Karudin; Doni Tri Putra Yanto; Nuzul Hidayat; Ahmad Arif; Toto Sugiarto
invotek Vol 23 No 1 (2023): INVOTEK: Jurnal Inovasi Vokasional dan Teknologi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/invotek.v23i1.1112


Implementation of the developed Learning Implementation Plan (LIP) will result in the risk of learning not being in line with expectations if the validity of the product is not guaranteed. Thus, this research aims to investigate the validity of developing project-based lesson plans to improve effective learning outcomes. This research is research and development with a quantitative approach using the ADDIE model procedure. To obtain product validity results, the stages used are only in the development phase. The subjects in this research were 2 expert lecturers and 3 productive teachers with expertise in light vehicle engineering, and the instrument used was a feasibility questionnaire. The findings were that the project-based LIP that was developed had an average score of 88.7% in the valid category. This study concludes that it has succeeded in developing a product in the form of a valid and usable project-based lesson plan. Carrying out learning using lesson plans that are integrated with project-based learning can be an alternative to providing more meaningful learning and have a positive impact on student development.
Pelatihan Penggunaan Smart Simulator Elecronic Fuel Injection (EFI) Pada Motor Dalam Meningkatkan Aktifitas Pembelajaran Di SMKN 1 Kotobaru Kab. Darmasraya Milana Milana; Nuzul Hidayat; Toto Sugiarto; Wagino Wagino; Wawan Purwanto
J-CoSE: Journal of Community Service & Empowerment Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Grassroots Movements
Publisher : PT. Semesta Arus Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58536/j-cose.v1i2.77


The main aim of SMK is to prepare students to have the practical skills and knowledge needed to enter the world of work. After completing education at vocational school, students can immediately work or choose to continue their education to a higher level. The alignment between the vocational school curriculum and industry demands, especially in graduate skills training (link and match), is currently not yet optimal so it is not adequate to meet the needs of the world of work, industry and business. Even though certain efforts and policies have been made, there are still a number of problems faced by vocational school students. At SMKN 1 Koto Baru, one of the fundamental problems that need special attention in learning is the lack of availability of Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) competencies. This skill is a very important competency, especially in the Motorcycle Engineering and Business (TBSM) program. The results of observations in schools show that practical equipment for both teachers in the teaching process and for students as practical objects is sufficient and always updated. This happens because SMKN 1 Koto Baru has workshop and laboratory facilities which are equipped with adequate equipment. Apart from that, the instruments used in the practicum are good and can be operated according to the standards they should be. Therefore, training was carried out on the use of the smart simulator to increase learning activities because it involved technology in this training which provided new experiences to students. From the results of the activity, it can be seen that students are very enthusiastic and have increased activity in learning because they can carry out a more complete and clear exploration of learning about the EFI system on motorbikes
Analisis Penambahan Motor Listrik Pada Roda Belakang Sepeda Motor Matic Terhadap Konsumsi Bahan Bakar Zaidan Ibnul Hakim; Ahmad Arif; Toto Sugiarto; Wawan Purwanto
JTPVI: Jurnal Teknologi dan Pendidikan Vokasi Indonesia Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): TPVI: Jurnal Teknologi dan Pendidikan Vokasi Indonesia
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jtpvi.v2i1.141


Kenaikan harga BBM yang cukup tinggi menjadi keluhan masyarakat karena perbandingan antara konsumsi bahan bakar kendaraan mereka dengan harga bbm menjadi menurun. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis penambahan motor listrik terhadap konsumsi bahan bakar pada objek penelitian. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode eksperimen. Objek penelitian adalah sepeda motor matic. Instrument penelitian adalah odometer dan gelas ukur. Peneliti melakukan pengujian konsumsi bahan bakar dengan metode statis. Penggunaan motor listrik pada roda belakang sepeda motor matic dapat menurunkan volume bahan bakar sehingga konsumsi bahan bakar menjadi meningkat dari rata-rata 87,22 Km/L menjadi rata-rata 103.52 Km/L. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah penambahan motor listrik pada roda belakang sepeda motor matic dapat meningkatkan konsumsi bahan bakar. Hal ini dapat mengatasi keluhan masyarakat terhadap kenaikan harga BBM.    The high increase in fuel prices has become a public complaint because the comparison between the fuel consumption of their vehicles and the price of fuel has decreased. The purpose of this research is to analyze the addition of an electric motor to fuel consumption on the object of research. This research was conducted using the experimental method. The object of research is a matic motorcycle. The research instrument is an odometer and measuring cup. Researchers conducted fuel consumption testing using the static method. The use of an electric motor on the rear wheel of an automatic motorcycle can reduce the volume of fuel so that fuel consumption increases from an average of 87.22 Km/L to an average of 103.52 Km/L. The research results obtained are the addition of an electric motor to the rear wheel of an automatic motorcycle can increase fuel consumption. This can overcome public complaints about rising fuel prices.
Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Bisnis Vol 28, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35760/eb.2023.v28i3.8020


This study aims to identify self-concept and interest in entrepreneurship, and inhibiting factors in entrepreneurship for students of the Automotive Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Padang State University. The research subjects are students of the entry year 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022, with a total of 100 students. The data collection method used a questionnaire about self-concept, interest in entrepreneurship and inhibiting factors in entrepreneurship. The data analysis method used is descriptive analysis. The results of the analysis show that the entrepreneurial self-concept of students is 88.64%, so it can be interpreted is very high. The results of the analysis of interest in entrepreneurship are 81.06%, this shows a very high interest in students to become entrepreneurs. Finally, the results of the analysis of the inhibiting factors for students in entrepreneurship are 68.24%, this shows that the inhibiting factors for entrepreneurship are high. Efforts that must be made by the government are in the form of policies that support entrepreneurial activities. The role of the business world and industry is in the form of capital support and sharing experiences with students, while universities must create entrepreneurship programs that can be used as a forum for entrepreneurship training by students.
Analisis Variasi Hole Injector Terhadap Konsumsi Bahan Bakar, Top Speed, Dan Emisi Gas Buang Sepeda Motor Matic Ichsan Elfandy; Toto Sugiarto; Wawan Purwanto; Dedi Setiawan; Hamid Nasrullah
MSI Transaction on Education Vol 4 No 2 (2023): MSI Transaction on Education
Publisher : Minangkabau Scholar Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46574/mted.v4i2.107


Hole injector memiliki peran terhadap campuran bahan bakar di ruang bakar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan hole injector variasi terhadap konsumsi bahan bakar, top speed, dan emisi gas buang pada sepeda motor type matic. Metode eksperimen dilakukan dengan membandingkan penggunaan hole injector standar (6 lubang) dan hole injector variasi (8 lubang). Data penelitian secara langsung diambil dari kinerja sepeda motor Honda Beat Street kemudian disajikan dengan metode deskriptif persentase. Hasil penelitian berupa konsumsi bahan bakar, top speed, dan emisi gas buang berhasil diperoleh dan dianalisa lebih lanjut. Dari analisa dapat disimpulkan bahwa injector variasi 8 lubang memiliki hasil yang tidak baik karena konsumsi bahan bakar menjadi boros dan peningkatan emisi gas buang. Sehingga penggunaan injector ini tidak direkomendasikan untuk digunakan pada sepeda motor matic. Hole injectors have a role in the fuel mixture in the combustion chamber. This study aims to determine the usage of hole injector variations on fuel consumption, top speed, and exhaust emissions on matic type motorbikes. The experimental method was carried out by comparing the use of standard hole injectors (6 holes) and hole injector variations (8 holes). Research data was directly taken from the performance of Honda Beat Street motorbike and then presented with descriptive percentage method. The research results in the form of fuel consumption, top speed, and exhaust emissions were successfully obtained and further analyzed. From the analyses it can be concluded that the 8-hole variation injector has poor results due to wasteful fuel consumption and increased exhaust emissions. So the use of this injector is not recommended for use on matic motorbikes.
Analisis Penggunaan Bahan Bakar Campuran Pertalite dengan Bioetanol dari Tebu Terhadap Konsumsi Bahan Bakar dan Emisi Gas Buang pada Sepeda Motor Injeksi Deded Purnama; Ahmad Arif; Erzeddin Alwi; Toto Sugiarto
MSI Transaction on Education Vol 4 No 3 (2023): MSI Transaction on Education
Publisher : Minangkabau Scholar Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46574/mted.v4i3.117


Meningkatnya pertumbuhan jumlah kendaraan bermotor dapat menimbulkan dampak negatif, diantaranya konsumsi bahan bakar fosil yang meningkat dan polusi lingkungan yang disebabkan oleh emisi gas buang pada sepeda motor. Salah satu jenis bahan bakar yang banyak dikonsumsi adalah pertalite sebanyak 79% dibandingkan jenis bahan bakar bensin lainnya. Upaya yang diperlukan dalam mengatasi dampak tersebut yaitu dilakukan pencampuran bahan bakar pertalite dengan bioetanol dari tebu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menurunkan konsumsi bahan bakar dan mengurangi emisi gas buang pada sepeda motor. Variasi bahan bakar yang digunakan adalah BE0, BE5, BE10, BE15, BE20, dan BE25. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, penurunan terbesar konsumsi bahan bakar terjadi pada variasi bahan bakar BE25 sebesar 19% dan penurunan emisi gas buang karbon monoksida (CO) dan hidrokarbon (HC) terjadi pada variasi bahan bakar BE25 sebesar 28% dan 61% dibandingkan dengan variasi bahan bakar standar BE0. Increasing growth in the number of motorized vehicles can have negative impacts, including increased consumption of fossil fuels and environmental pollution caused by exhaust emissions from motorcycles. One type of fuel that is widely consumed is pertalite as much as 79% compared to other types of gasoline. The effort needed to overcome this impact is to mix pertalite fuel with bioethanol from sugar cane. This research aims to reduce fuel consumption and reduce exhaust emissions on motorbikes. The fuel variations used are BE0, BE5, BE10, BE15, BE20, and BE25. The research results showed that the largest reduction in fuel consumption occurred in the BE25 fuel variation by 19% and the reduction in carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbon (HC) exhaust emissions occurred in the BE25 fuel variation by 28% and 61% compared to the fuel variation standard BE0.
Perbandingan Penambahan Zat Aditif Minyak Serai Wangi dan Minyak Cengkeh Terhadap Emisi Gas Buang Sepeda Motor Agung Sulaiman; Milana; Toto Sugiarto; Nuzul Hidayat
MSI Transaction on Education Vol 4 No 4 (2023): MSI Transaction on Education
Publisher : Minangkabau Scholar Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46574/mted.v4i4.130


Studi penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat bagaimana penambahan zat aditif minyak serai wangi dan minyak cengkeh mempengaruhi emisi gas buang dari sepeda motor Honda Beat FI tahun 2019. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan penambahan zat aditif minyak serai wangi dan minyak cengkeh terhadap emisi gas buang. Jenis penelitian ini disebut juga sebagai penelitian eksperimen. Sepeda motor Honda Beat FI 2019 adalah objek penelitian ini. Berdasarkan penelitian pada sepeda motor Honda Beat FI tahun 2019, bahwa hasil perhitungan T test untuk emisi gas buang nilai T hitung = 6,276 sedangkan T tabel = 2,776, berarti t hitung > t tabel, sehingga dengan menambahkan bahan tambahan seperti minyak serai wangi dan minyak cengkeh terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan dengan penambahan minyak sereh wangi 10 % dibandingkan dengan penambahan minyak cengkeh 15 %. This research was conducted to analyze the comparison of the addition of citronella oil additives and clove oil to exhaust emissions produced by Honda Beat FI motorbikes in 2019. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in the addition of citronella oil additives and clove oil to exhaust emissions. This type of research is also known as experimental research. The object of this research is the 2019 Honda Beat FI motorcycle. Based on the results of research conducted on Honda Beat FI motorcycles in 2019, that the results of the T test calculation for exhaust emissions the value of T count = 6.276 while T table = 2.776, means t count> t table, so that with the addition of citronella oil additives and clove oil there is a significant difference with the addition of 10% citronella oil compared to the addition of 15% clove oil.