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Journal : JPTE: Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Elektro

Penerapan Model Problem Based Learning pada Mata Pelajaran Dasar Listrik dan Elektronika di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Muhammad Gunalan; Mukhlidi Muskhir
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Elektro Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Elektro
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Padang

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This study aims to see the impact of applying the PBL (Problem Based Learning) model to the learning outcomes of class X students majoring in Electric Power Installation Engineering (TTL), amounting to 30 people. The achievement of student learning outcomes in knowledge competence is still disappointing with an average student score of 57.6. One of the reasons is the teacher-centered learning techniques still being applied by the teacher. As a result, students have difficulty in understanding the material which results in students' dislike for certain subjects. This study uses an experimental method with pre-experimental type One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Based on the results of the study, there was an increase in student learning outcomes in knowledge competencies with an average of 73.13. Based on the results of the analysis of the formula effect size can be seen the results of the pretest with a posttest worth 1.43 with the category of Large (Large Effect)
Analisis Kebutuhan Data Alumni Berdasarkan Kriteria Sertifikasi AUN-QA Gustina Bupatri; Mukhlidi Muskhir
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Elektro Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Elektro
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Padang

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This research discusses the Study of Data Needs Analysis of PSPTEUNP Program Graduates in Accordance with AUN QA Criteria. This study aims to determine how the expected alumni data needs for PSPTE UNP graduates are in accordance with the AUN QA criteria. This research is a type of field research (field research) with a qualitative approach. Qualitative research is used to obtain deep data, data that contains meaning. Qualitative research is research that produces analytical procedures that do not use statistical analysis procedures or other quantification methods. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, field observations, and documentation studies. The data analysis techniques used were data reduction, data presentation, conclusion, and verification. Based on the results of research on the need for data tracking of PSPTE graduates. From the results of the data obtained, graduates must have the latest innovations to open job opportunities for others related to their knowledge. The development of the latest industrial technology has also become a thought for graduates to be able to compete to become the needed experts. Based on the results of research data on data needs for graduates of the Electrical Engineering Education Study Program in accordance with the AUN-QA criteria. From several informants' opinions regarding the data needed by graduates, they do not meet the AUN-QA criteria.
Analisis Uji Kelayakan Penerapan Media Pembelajaran Instalasi Motor Listrik Berbasis Augmented Reality Hazmi Sidiq; Mukhlidi Muskhir
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Elektro Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Elektro
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Padang

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Electric motor installation learning in Vocational High School (SMK) is often problematic because students have not been able to adapt to the self-directed learning system implemented by teachers. In addition, the media used in the self-learning process is still less effective, because it only uses learning modules. Therefore, students have difficulty in understanding the subject matter of the installation of electric motors. The purpose of this research is to create Learning media based on Augmented Reality that is feasible for electric motor installation subjects. Developed learning media are equipped with manuals and markers. This research uses Research and Development (R & D) method using a 4-D model through four stages namely stage I (define), stage II (design), stage III (develop), and stage IV (disseminate). Learning media based on AR was tested on 28 students of SMK Negeri 1 Padang at grade XI TITL A and 29 students at grade XI TITL B. The results of the average feasibility test of grade XI TITL A and grade XI TITL B were 86.63% in the highest feasible category.
Pengembangan Jobsheet Praktik Pekerjaan dasar Elektromekanik di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Ronal Hasiholan Hrp; Mukhlidi Muskhir
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Elektro Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Elektro
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Padang

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This research is motivated by the limited teaching materials that lead students to understand more easily in the practical learning process. The practical subject of Electromechanical Basic Work is one of the subjects at SMKN 1 Tilatang Kamang in the Electrical Power Installation Engineering Department. One of the factors that support the smooth implementation of practicum is the availability of a jobsheet as a guide in practice In this study, a jobsheet was developed to obtain a valid and practical jobsheet to use for basic electromechanical work practice. Jobsheet development is carried out based on the 4D development research method, which includes defining, designing, developing and disseminating stages. The validity of the jobsheets is evaluated through media and material experts, while the practicality of the jobsheets is evaluated through users. The validity and practicality of the jobsheet were tested using a questionnaire. The results showed that the jobsheets developed for the subject of Basic Electromechanical Work were feasible to use. This can be seen from the results of practicality tests and validity tests that have been carried out. The results of the validity test of the three validators obtained an average score of 0.79 validity value in the valid category, while the practicality test results from the teacher obtained a score of 91.4 with the very practical category. From the results of this assessment, it can be interpreted that the job sheet media for Basic Electromechanical Work is suitable for use as a learning resource for class X students of Electrical Power Installation Engineering.
Validitas Job Sheet Mikrokontroler Menggunakan Bahasa Pemrograman C Suyono Suyono; Mukhlidi Muskhir
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Elektro Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Elektro
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Padang

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This research aimed to analyzed The validity level of learning media in job sheet microcontroller using programming languages C for practical Works microcontroller subject industrial electrical engineering (D4), electrical engineering department, faculty of engineering, UNP. The Research is done by using tests and get the data in the electrical engineering department, faculty of engineering, UNP. The research method that using: (1) validation job sheet by using 4 validators, validation sheet, (2) validity test, (3) reliability test. The test result of learning media is fulfilling the condition of validity to visual element component value 0,83 with very valid category, for languages component value 0,88 with a very valid category. Thus, learning media in job sheet microcontroller categorized very valid as learning media and can be used as practical work guide for independent study after valued 4 validators with average value 0,81, reliability level value 0,642 in category moderate (medium), with research data percentage 35-63%.
Co-Authors Ade Fitri Rahmadani Adrian Adrian Afif Rahman Riyanda Afriansyah Afriansyah Agariadne Dwinggo Samala Aidil Alfajri Ambiyar, Ambiyar Antoni Hilman Ashabul Khairi Asmar Yulastri Aswardi Aswardi Budi Syahri Candra, Oriza Decky Antony Kifta Dedi Setiawan Dedy Irfan Della Daphiza Eddis Syahputra Pane Efmi Maiyana Elfizon Bustami Elfizon Elfizon Erita Astrid Ey Afif Habibie Fadhilah Fadhilah - Fadhilah Fadhilah Fadhilah Fadhilah Fadila Rahma Ghoer Fadillah, Rahmat Fanny Rahmasari Febri Prasetya Firmansyah Putra Fitra, Idil Ganefri Ganefri . Geovanne Farell Giatman Giatman Gustina Bupatri Hafiz Elmi Hambali Hambali Hambali Hambali Hansi Efendi Hansi Effendi Hariyadi, Hariyadi Hasan Maksum Hastuti Hastuti Hazmi Sidiq Hendri Hendri Husnur Ridha A.M Karmila Suryani Latifah Annisa Lika Jafnihirda Lili Suryati M. Giatman M. Giatman Mhd Safiq Adzkia Mimi Yupelmi Muhammad Gunalan Muhammad Nur Muhammad Raihanu Shafwan Muhammad Rais Latif Mukhaiyar, Riki Muldi Yuhendri Murni Astuti Muslim Muslim Niken Sawitri Nizwardi Jalinus Novendra, Rizki Novi Hendri Adi Nurhasan Syah Okta Veza Oktarina, Rahmi Putra, Syaflan Sandi Harta Rahmat Fadillah Rahmat, Roni Eka Rama, Alzet Refdinal Retia Utari Reza Aulia Rahman Rezi Elsya Putra Rezi Ricky Maulana Risfendra, Risfendra Ronal Hasiholan Hrp Roni Eka Rahmat Said Thaha Ghafara Simatupang, Wakhinuddin Simatupang, Wakhinuddin Sri Zulfia Novrita Stephen Billet Suyono Suyono Syaflan Sandi Harta Putra Syahril Syamsuarnis Taali Taali Wakhimuddin Simatupang Wiwik Gusnita Yanto, Doni Tri Putra Yeka Hendriyani Yudha Fiandra Yuzia Eka Putri