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Early Marriage in Blitar Regency Achmad Gatot Sunariyanto; Joel Rey Ugsang Acob; Heru Santoso Wahito Nugroho; Suparji Suparji; Sanglar Polnok; Wiwin Martiningsih
Health Notions Vol 2, No 11 (2018): November
Publisher : Humanistic Network for Science and Technology (HNST)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/hn21106b


Early marriage can cause several negative impacts, including vulnerability to incidents of domestic violence, an increased risk of dying during pregnancy and childbirth, and cutting off opportunities to continue education. By looking at some of the negative impacts as described above, prevention of early marriage is a very important effort in order to improve the reproductive health of the nation's future generations. That is why efforts to reduce the rate of early marriage are one of the main programs in the Department of Population Control, Family Planning, Women's Empowerment, and Child Protection in Blitar Regency, Indonesia. In order to participate in increasing the achievement of the aforementioned program, it is necessary to conduct a study to describe the achievement of the program to reduce the early marriage rate in Blitar Regency, so that in turn a recommendation can be proposed for improving strategies so that a reduction in the rate of early marriage in Blitar Regency can be realized in next year. This study is a descriptive study that aims to describe the achievement of the “Population, Family Planning and Family Development” program of the Department of Population Control, Family Planning, Women's Empowerment, and Child Protection of Blitar Regency, in 2018, especially efforts to reduce the rate of early marriage. This study was conducted during November 2018 in the working area of the Department of Population Control, Family Planning, Women's Empowerment, and Child Protection in Blitar Regency. The variable in this study is the age of marriage. Data was collected through a documentation study of secondary data in the form of raw data that is already available at the Department of Population Control, Family Planning, Women's Empowerment, and Child Protection of Blitar Regency. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods, which consisted of the proportion of incidence of early marriage according to month-based time, prediction of the proportion of incidence of early marriage in the future (month-based), and the proportion of early marriage incidence according to sub-district-based clusters. The results showed that: 1) the proportion of the incidence of early marriage from month to month was not much different, with irregular fluctuations, 2) based on the proportion of early marriages per month, a trend line was drawn in the form of a polynomial equation, namely: y = 0.0011x2 - 0.0123x + 0.1357, 3) the average incidence of early marriage was 11.01, the sub-districts that had a high proportion of early marriage were Udanawu, Srengat, Kademangan, Bakung, Kanigoro, Garum, Sutojayan, Wlingi and Selopuro Districts. Furthermore, it was concluded that early marriage in Blitar Regency has an increasing trend, with a striking difference between sub-districts with the highest and lowest incidence of early marriage. Keywords: early marriage; Blitar Regency; predictive proportions
Organizational Commitment as a Predictor of Teacher Kindergarten Performance in Implementation of ESDIGDC Suparji Suparji
Health Notions Vol 1, No 1 (2017): January-March
Publisher : Humanistic Network for Science and Technology (HNST)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (181.654 KB) | DOI: 10.33846/hn.v1i1.5


In order to achieve national development goals in the field of children health, the government is committed to enhancing the growth and development of children through the “Early Stimulation, Detection and Intervention for Growth and Development of Children (ESDIGDC)” Program. Efforts to improve the health status of children is very important, because in addition to being the target of health development, it also becomes an indicator of the health status of children is to prepare children to achieve optimal growth and development . This study aimed to analyze the influence of organizational commitment on the performance of kindergarten teacher in implementation of ESDIGDC Program. The subjects of this cross sectional study were 68 kindergarten teacher at Panekan Sub District, Magetan District, East Java Province, Indonesia. Data were collected through questionnaires and then analyzed using linear regression. The results showed that p-value = 0.001 (significant), so it could be concluded that there was the influence of organizational commitment on the performance of kindergarten teacher in implementation of ESDIGDC. Keywords: ESDIGDC, Kindergarten teacher, Organizational commitment, Performance
Improving Creative Thinking Skills through Discovery Learning Model in Vocational High Schools Luthfiyah Nurlaela; Suparji Suparji; IGP Asto Buditjahjanto; Any Sutiadiningsih; Febri Lukitasari
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan Vol 25, No 1 (2019): (May)
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (280.205 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jptk.v25i1.21953


Several studies indicated the low creative thinking skills of vocational high school students. The objective of this study is to describe the application of discovery learning models to improve the ability of the teachers to manage learning, student activities during the learning process, the student learning outcomes in terms of creative thinking skills, and the student responses to the learning activities. The research subjects were 35 students from the study program of Catering Food Service in a Public Vocational High School, SMK N 6 Surabaya. The lesson plan included the syllabus, learning implementation plans, student activity sheets, and assessment. Meanwhile, the data collection instruments included tests, observations, and questionnaires. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-test. The results showed that discovery learning model could improve the teacher's ability to manage the learning, students’ activities, learning outcomes of creative thinking skills, and students’ responses.
Determinan Kejadian Hipertensi dalam Kehamilan Suparji Suparji; Heru Santoso Wahito Nugroho; Karwati Karwati; Yessy Dessy Arna
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 13, No 2 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/sf13212


Hypertension in pregnancy is a blood vessel disorder that occurs during pregnancy or occurs during pregnancy or the puerperium. Hypertension in pregnancy is still one of the causes of maternal death. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a history of hypertension, obesity, use of hormonal contraception on the incidence of hypertension in pregnancy. This type of research was analytic observational, with a cross-sectional design. The population of this study was 332 pregnant women who visited and registered in Maospati Heath Center, Magetan Regency. The sample size in this study was 182 pregnant women who were selected by simple random sampling technique. Data were collected through filling out questionnaires and verbal autopsy documents, maternity medical records, and registers for the cohort of pregnant women. The data were analyzed descriptively, followed by the Chi square test, and ended with the logistic regression test. The results of the analysis showed that the p-values for each factor were: history of hypertension = 0.01, history of obesity = 0.024, history of hormonal family planning = 0.21. Furthermore, it was concluded that a history of hypertension and a history of obesity were the determinants of hypertension in pregnancy in Maospati, Magetan.Keywords: hypertension in pregnancy; history of hypertension; history of obesity ABSTRAK Hipertensi dalam kehamilan adalah gangguan pembuluh darah yang terjadi pada kehamilan atau timbul pada masa kehamilan atau nifas. Hipertensi dalam kehamilan masih menjadi salah satu penyebab kematian ibu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh riwayat hipertensi, obesitas, penggunaan kontrasepsi hormonal terhadap kejadian hipertensi pada kehamilan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional analitik, dengan desain cross-sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah 332 ibu hamil yang berkunjung dan tercatat di Puskesmas Maospati, Kabupaten Magetan. Besar sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 182 ibu hamil yang dipilih dengan teknik simple random sampling. Data dikumpulkanmelalui pengisian kuesioner dan dokumen otopsi verbal, rekam medis bersalin, dan register kohort ibu hamil. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif, dilanjutkan dengan uji Chi square, dan diakhiri dengan uji regresi logistik. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa nilai p untuk masing-masing faktor adalah: riwayat hipertensi = 0,01, riwayat obesitas = 0,024, riwayat KB hormonal = 0,21. Selanjutnya disimpulkan bahwa riwayat hipertensi dan riwayat obesitas adalah determinan dari hipertensi daloam kehamilan di Maospati, Magetan.Kata kunci: hipertensi dalam ehamilan; riwayat hipertensi; riwayat obesitas
Study of Risk Factors for Complications and Maternal Mortality in Magetan Regency Suparji Suparji; Sulikah Sulikah
Aloha International Journal of Health Advancement (AIJHA) Vol 2, No 6 (2019): June
Publisher : Alliance oh Health Activists (AloHA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/aijha20601


How to show the state of the art of a research article? Joel Rey Ugsang Acob; Suparji Suparji
Aloha International Journal of Health Advancement (AIJHA) Vol 3, No 7 (2020): July
Publisher : Alliance oh Health Activists (AloHA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/aijha30704


Relationship Between Parenting Patterns With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder In Preschool Children In Kindergarten Nani Surtinah; Tutiek Herlina; Suparji Suparji; Alvyana Indrajitha
Aloha International Journal of Health Advancement (AIJHA) Vol 4, No 10 (2021): October
Publisher : Alliance oh Health Activists (AloHA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/%x


Children affected by Attention-Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) are often given labels that can affect the formation of children's self-concepts. If the situation is not handled properly in childhood, the problem will peak in adolescence. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between parenting/caregivers with ADHD in preschool children at Panca Bakti Kindergarten, Selosari, Magetan Regency. This type of analytic research with cross-sectional. Research variables ADHD and parenting. The research population is all parents/caregivers who have preschool children in TK Panca Bakti Selosari, Magetan Regency totaling 39 people. The data were collected by interview using questionnaires. Data analysis using Chi-Square test Children affected by Attention-Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) are often given labels that can affect the formation of children's self-concepts. If the situation is not handled properly in childhood, the problem will peak in adolescence. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between parenting/caregivers with ADHD in preschool children at Panca Bakti Kindergarten, Selosari, Magetan Regency. This type of analytic research with cross-sectional. Research variables ADHD and parenting. The research population is all parents/caregivers who have preschool children in TK Panca Bakti Selosari, Magetan Regency totaling 39 people. The data were collected by interview using questionnaires. Data analysis using Chi-Square test α = 0.05. The results showed that the authoritarian parenting style was 13 people (38.5%), democratic parenting was 26 people (61.5%). Children with a high risk of ADHD 15 people (38.5%), not at risk 24 people (61.5%). Based on data analysis using the Chi-Square test, the results obtained p-value = 0.000 which means H0 is rejected. There is a relationship between parenting/caregivers with attention-deficit/hyperactive disorder in preschool children at Panca Bakti Selosari Kindergarten, Magetan Regency. Parents who apply authoritarian parenting will have a high risk of causing ADHD in children, so it is recommended that parents/caregivers apply democratic parenting.The results showed that the authoritarian parenting style was 13 people (38.5%), democratic parenting was 26 people (61.5%). Children with a high risk of ADHD 15 people (38.5%), not at risk 24 people (61.5%). Based on data analysis using the Chi-Square test, the results obtained p-value = 0.000 which means H0 is rejected. There is a relationship between parenting/caregivers with attention-deficit/hyperactive disorder in preschool children at Panca Bakti Selosari Kindergarten, Magetan Regency. Parents who apply authoritarian parenting will have a high risk of causing ADHD in children, so it is recommended that parents/caregivers apply democratic parenting. Keywords: Parenting, ADHD, Preschool Children
Community Empowerment in Disaster Mitigation Suparji Suparji
Aloha International Journal of Health Advancement (AIJHA) Vol 2, No 8 (2019): August
Publisher : Alliance oh Health Activists (AloHA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/%x


Releasing from Dependence on Research Articles in Health Publications Heru Santoso Wahito Nugroho; Sanglar Polnok; I Putu Suiraoka; Joel Rey U. Acob; Sahrir Sillehu; Wiwin Martiningsih; Suparji Suparji; Bambang Hadi Sugito
Aloha International Journal of Health Advancement (AIJHA) Vol 1, No 1 (2018): JULY
Publisher : Alliance oh Health Activists (AloHA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/aijha10104


Until now, most authors in the field of health still publish research articles, even though there are still many types of non-research articles that can be published in scientific journals. In this case it is necessary to understand that in addition to the results of research, the results of critical and innovative thinking are very important to be known by the scientific community. Thus, the authors are expected to learn more about the procedures for writing non-research articles, including examining the specific writing methods that have been determined by each journal. Keywords: Non-research article, scientific publication
Know the Letter to Editor in the World of Scientific Publications Suparji Suparji
Aloha International Journal of Health Advancement (AIJHA) Vol 2, No 10 (2019): October
Publisher : Alliance oh Health Activists (AloHA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/%x


in editing
Co-Authors Abd Rijali Lapodi Achmad Gatot Sunariyanto Agung Suharto Alvyana Indrajitha Ambo Dalle Anak Agung Istri Sri Wiadnyani Anik Suparti Any Sutiadiningsih Apriliawati, Anita Ardela Reza Fernanda Arief Budiono Aris Handayani Atik Badi'ah Atik Badiah Baharuddin Bahtiar Bahtiar Bahtiar Bahtiar Bambang Hadi Sugito Batbual, Bringiwatty Budi Joko S Budi Joko Santosa Budi Susatia Budi Yulianto Chitya Widya Ayu Raswati Desita Citra Nurwidya Febriana David Ackah David Ackah Dessy Arna, Yessy Dewi Rika Miranti Diah Viptara Dwi Rahayu Emy Rianti Eni Nurwati Evi Irianti Fajriansyah Fajriansyah Farida Halis Febri Lukitasari FRANSISKUS SALESIUS ONGGANG Gede Dalem Gilang Mahajaya Putra Handoyo Handoyo Hendrik Hendrik Hendriyani, Feftin Heru Santoso Wahito Nugroho Hery Koesmantoro I Ketut Gama I Ketut Sudiantara I Putu Suiraoka I Wayan Mustika IGP Asto Buditjahjanto ilyas - ibrahim Jane Leo Mangi Joel Rey U. ACOB Joel Rey U. Acob Joel Rey Ugsang Acob Joel Rey Ugsang Acob Kamilus Mamoh Karwati Karwati Koekoeh Hardjito Laorina Regel Luthfiyah Nurlaela M. Fadly Kaliky Mariana Ngundju Awang Matje Meriati Huru muhammad saleh Myrna A. Mercado Nana Usnawati Nani Surtinah Nani Surtinah Ngestiningrum, Ayesha Hendriana Nurul Zakinah Nuryani, Nuryani Pius Selasa Purwanti, Dwi Rahardjo, Sutio Rahayu Sumaningsih Risky Ika Septiana Puspitasari Rohadi Hariyanto Saadah, Nurlailis Sahrir Sillehu Sahrir Sillehu Sahrir Sillehu Sainuddin Sainuddin Sanglar Polnok Sanglar Polnok Setiawan, Setiawan Sri Angriani Sri Wayanti Sri Winarni subagyo subagyo Sulikah Sulikah Sulikah Sulikah Sulikah Sulikah Sunarto Sunarto Sunarto Sunarto Sunarto Sunarto Sunarto, Sunarto Surtinah, N Susi Milwati Sutio Rahardjo Syariefah Hidayati Tanjung Subrata Tanko Titus Auta Tanko Titus AUTA Teta Puji Rahayu Teta Puji Rahayu Tinuk Esti H Tinuk Esti Handayani Tinuk Esti Handayani Titin Wulandari Tri Johan Agus Yuswanto Trisna Sumadewi Tuhu Pinardi, Tuhu Tutiek Herlina Vincentius Supriyono Vincentius Supriyono Wayan Rusni Wayanti, Sri Winarko, Winarko Wiwin Martiningsih Yasin Wahyurianto Yetty Wilda