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PENGEMBANGAN METODE HPTLC-SPEKTROFOTODENSITOMETRI UNTUK PEMISAHAN SENYAWA RIFAMPISIN, ISONIAZID, PIRAZINAMIDA, DAN ETAMBUTOL Prawiranata, I Putu Hengky; Sugiastana, Bagus Nyoman; Putra, I Putu Krisnantara Wijaya; Dharmapradnyawati, Ni Nyoman Putri; Widhiartini, Ida Ayu Alit; Wirasuta, I Made Agus Gelgel; Widjaja, I Nyoman Kadjeng
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Penelitian PKM-P 2013
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

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A simple chromatography saparation method for rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol by using an impregnated TLC plate with paraffin has been studied. The aim of this study was to develop as simultan separation method of rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol. TLC silica gel GF254 was impregnated with paraffin in diethyl ether 10% (v/v). Plate was actived on 110°C, 30 minutes. Some variation of mobile phase was used based on a mixture of ethanol and water. The best chromatographic parameters resulting in use a mixture of ethanol:water (95:5 v/v) were added 5% of glacial acetic acid and 1% of diethylamine as mobile phase. Ethambutol can was derivatized by iodine vapor, but it not detected at a TLC-spektrofotodensitometer, so for a validation only rifampicin, isoniazid, and pyrazinamide. This mobile phase gave good separation with Rs>1 and α>1. The chromatography plates were scanned at 335 nm for rifampicin and at 275 nm for isoniazid and pyrazinamide using a TLC-spektrofotodensitometer. Method validation was includes determining the specificity, LOD, and precision of the method. The method was developed in this study had good validation. Specificity of method was determined by purity factor value, on this method was obtained of purity factor (r(s,m) dan r(m,e))<0,99. The results of this study indicate good precision by intraday and interday assay (RSD<20%) of the method validation. LOD for rifampicin, isoniazid, and pyrazinamide was 15,339  ng,  29,719 ng, and 26,892 ng respectively. The method was developed can be used as a reference for separation of rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol in biologis or drug samples. Keywords:     Rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, ethambutol, impregnation, derivatization
Kesesuaian Informasi Kontraindikasi Obat Gastrointestinal Untuk Pasien Geriatri Pada Berbagai Sumber Informasi Tersier Wirasuta, I Made Agus Gelgel; Danuswari, Anak Agung Febi; Larasanty, Luh Putu Febriyana
Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia Vol 39, No 3 & 4 (2014)
Publisher : School of Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Penggunaan obat gastrointestinal meningkat seiring penurunan fungsi sistem gastrointestinal pada populasi geriatri. Informasi kontraindikasi merupakan salah satu informasi keamanan yang diperlukan bagi pasien geriatri. Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia (IONI), Informasi Spesialite Obat (ISO), British National Formulary (BNF), dan Drug Information Handbook (DIH) merupakan sumber informasi tersier yang memuat informasi keamanan penggunaan obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesesuaian informasi kontraindikasi obat gastrointestinal untuk populasi geriatri pada sumber informasi tersier dengan Beers List sebagai pustaka acuan.Penelitian dilakukan dengan studi kepustakaan pada informasi kontraindikasi penggunaan obat gastrointestinal untuk pasien geriatri pada sumber literatur tersier. Sampel obat gastrointestinal diperoleh dari pendataan pada buku Farmakologi Dasar dan Klinik, diperoleh 20 jenis obat yang informasi keamanan tercantum pada keempat sumber informasi tersier yang digunakan. Informasi kontraindikasi 20 obat tersebut didata pada masing-masing sumber informasi tersier, kemudian dikonfirmasi silang dengan informasi pada Beers List, sehingga diperoleh persentase kesesuaian informasi kontraindikasi pada masing-masing sumber informasi tersier. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 20 jenis obat gastrointestinal yang digunakan dalam penelitian tidak dikontraindikasikan untuk populasi geriatri. Informasi pada Beers List juga menyatakan bahwa penggunaan obat tersebut tidak dikontraindikasikan pada populasi geriatri, sehingga informasi kontraindikasi penggunaan obat gastrointestinal pada keempat sumber informasi tersier sesuai dengan informasi yang tercantum pada Beers List.Kata kunci: geriatri, informasi keamanan, obat gastrointestinal.AbstractUses of gastrointestinal drugs was increased as the decline in the function of the gastrointestinal system in the geriatric population. Contraindication information is one of the safety information that is required for geriatric patients. Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia (IONI), Informasi Spesialite Obat (ISO), the British National Formulary (BNF), and the Drug Information Handbook (DIH) is a tertiary drug information source that includes information of safety drug use. This study aims is to determine the suitability of the information gastrointestinal drug contraindications to the geriatric population in various tertiary resources with Beers List as its reference library.This research are literature study on the use of contraindicated information of gastrointestinal drugs for geriatric patients at tertiary literature sources. Gastrointestinal drug samples listed from Basic and Clinical Pharmacology book, obtained 20 types of generic drug that safety information contained in the all of tertiary resources are used in this study. Contraindications information of those drug in each tertiary resources, then cross confirmed with the information on Beers List, in order to obtain the percentage of suitability of contraindicated information in each tertiary resources.The results showed that 20 type of gastrointestinal drugs used in this study were not contraindicated in geriatric population. Information on the Beers List also states that the use of the drug is not contraindicated in the geriatric population. It is concluded that the contraindicated information of gastrointestinal drug use in geriatric population in IONI, ISO, DIH and BNF is in accordance with the information listed on the Beers List.Keywords: geriatric, gastrointestinal drug, safety information
The Purple Sweet Potato Body Scrub Cream Formulation Wirasuta, I Made Agus Gelgel; Triastuti, Ni Komang Dewi; Deviyanthi, Kadek Sintia; Sartika, Dyah Aryani; Utari, Putu Dyah
Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Vol 5, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (395.506 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/ijpst.v5i1.13747


Anthocyanin is active compound of purple sweet potato, has effect as anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, and anti-itching, make them interesting ingredients for skin treatment. The body scrub is one of popular cosmetic product in SPA industry. Their stability property is one crucial factor to develop a purple sweet potato body scrub cream. The steam and oven heating of tuber were involved on the scrub powder preparation.The oven and non-heating preparation scrub powder provided fine-sized powder more than 50%, but the steaming produced granular particle distribution. Total anthocyanin content in scrub grains was 326.8 mg/100 g for steam preparation, 103.3 mg/ 100 g for oven, and 34.4 mg/100g for non-heating, respectively. The steamed scrub powder preparation method produced stabile anthocyanin content in body scrub cream for 25 days observation.  
Pengaruh Pelayanan Kefarmasian Residensial terhadap Ketaatan dan Luaran Klinis Pasien Hipertensi Larasanty, Luh P. F; Meilinayanti, Ni Made L.; Susanti, Ni Made P.; Wirasuta, I Made A.G.
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 4, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (71.176 KB) | DOI: 10.15416/ijcp.2015.4.3.162


Pada era jaminan kesehatan nasional, salah satu target pelayanan kefarmasian residensial adalah pasien hipertensi yang masuk ke dalam kategori kelompok pasien rujuk balik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelayanan kefarmasian residensial yang dilakukan apoteker terhadap ketaatan dan luaran klinis pasien hipertensi tanpa penyakit penyerta yang menjalani rawat jalan di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Wangaya Kotamadya Denpasar Bali. Desain penelitian ini adalah eksperimental dengan one group pre-post test design. Sebanyak 13 pasien yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi diberikan pelayanan kefarmasian residensial selama 16 kali kunjungan dalam kurun waktu tiga bulan. Skor hasil pengukuran dianalisis menggunakan regresi linier dan Uji Wilcoxon. Pelayanan kefarmasian residensial mampumeningkatkan ketaatan pasien dalam penggunaan obat, pengaturan diet, dan aktivitas fisik dari tingkat baik menjadi tingkat ketaatan tinggi (p=0,001) serta dapat meningkatkan ketaatan pasien terhadap pembatasan konsumsi alkohol dan rokok dari tingkat baik menjadi sangat baik. Pelaksanaan pelayanan kefarmasian dapat memberikan pengaruh dalam perbaikan luaran klinis pasien berupa penurunan tekanan darah sistolik (p=0,000). Pelayanan kefarmasian residensial memiliki pengaruh terhadap peningkatan ketaatan pasien terhadap penggunaan obat, pelaksanaan diet, pelaksanaan aktivitas fisik, serta terhadap pembatasan rokok dan konsumsi alkohol sehingga dapat memperbaiki luaran klinis pasien hipertensi.Kata kunci: Hipertensi, ketaatan pasien, pelayanan kefarmasian residensial, tekanan darahImpact of Pharmaceutical Home Care on Compliances and Clinical Outcomes of Hypertensive PatientsIn the Indonesian health universal coverage system the hypertensive patients that grouped into the refer back patient treatment category, is one target of pharmaceutical home care. The aim of this study was to carried out the impact of pharmaceutical home care on patient compliances and clinical outcomes ofhypertension without compeling indication out-patient on Wangaya General Hospital in the municipality of Denpasar Bali. Design research is an experimental study with one group pre-post test design. The thirteen patients who met the inclusion criteria will be given pharmaceutical home care services for 16 visits over three months period. The complianced levels were scored and statistical analyzed using linear regression and wilcoxon test. The pharmaceutical home care visit could increase the patients adherence to antihypertensive drug administration, increasing diet compliance, and adherence of physical exercise from good adherence to excellent adherence (p value=0,001), Pharmaceutical home care visit could increase patient compliance to restrictions of smoking and alcohol consumption from good adherence to very good adherence. The decreasing of the patient’s systolic blood pressure correlated to the pharmacist home visit (p value=0,000). The pharmaceutical home care has influenced on health behavior of hypertensive patients and the patients concordance to take their medication and introduced better clinical outcome.Keywords: Blood pressure, hypertension, patient compliances, pharmaceutical home care
The Prediction of Curcumin Content in the Turmeric Rhizome with Raman Handheld Spectroscopy Wirasuta, I Made Agus Gelgel; Dewi, Cokorda Istri Tirta Rusmala; Laksmiani, Ni Putu Linda; Srinadi, I Gusti Ayu Made; Putra, Deddi Prima
Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Vol 5, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (412.832 KB) | DOI: 10.15416/ijpst.v5i3.16315


The quality control of herbal medicine should be started from the determination of the active substance at harvest time. The Raman spectrometry has been used for this propose. The aim of this study is to determine the quantification of curcumin in turmeric rhizome (Curcuma longa Linn.) using Raman spectroscopy combined with multivariate analysis of PLS-R that are expected to provide reference method for quality control in turmeric rhizome, especially for raw materials of Herbal drugs. Parameters that can be used for analysis of curcumin levels on turmeric rhizome obtained using intensity of data Raman and the data obtained from the standard method will be processed with multivariate analysis methods PLS-R. The validation value of quantification result using Raman-PLSR is seen from R2 value of 0.957, RMSEC value of 0,199 and p-value of 0.00. The study showed the developed method could be implemented on to determine the prediction quantification of raw material herbal medicine.Keyword : Curcumin,  PLS-R, Turmeric, Raman Spectroscopy
Penilaian Pelayanan Kefarmasian Program Rujuk Balik Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional di Kotamadya Denpasar Bersadarkan Sudut Pandang Pasien Wirasuta, I Made Agus Gelgel; Wistari, Ni Made Ayu; Kosasih, Diah Ayu Nirmala; Cahyadi, Maria Fiani; Sari, Ni Putu Latsartika; Sudarni, Ni Made Rai; Sarasmita, Made Ary; Larasanty, Luh Putu Febryana
JFIOnline | Print ISSN 1412-1107 | e-ISSN 2355-696X Vol 8, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Indonesian Research Gateway

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ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to evaluate the implementation of pharmaceutical care in pharmacies from patient’s point of view. The questioner assessment based on expectations, perceptions and level of satisfaction of patients. The questions were grouped into universal pharmaceutical care aspect, infrastructure and medicine management, drug auditing practice and dispensary waiting time, dispensing practice, drug information and drug counseling, and drug monitoring. The patients have a very high expectation of the pharmaceutical care in aspects of universal pharmaceutical care, infrastructure and medicine management, drug auditing practice and dispensary waiting time, and dispensing practice. The patients expressed a high expectation of drug information and counseling care, and a medium expectation in the drug monitoring. The patients have very high perception only at universal pharmaceutical care along with the infrastructure and medicine management aspects, while the drug auditing practice and dispensary waiting time along with dispensing practice aspects have medium perception. The drug information and counseling care along with drug monitoring aspects have poor perception. The comprehensive assessment showed that patient satisfaction levels were low on pharmaceutical care on community practice. The high expectation of patients to pharmaceutical care was a challenge to pharmacist to improve their role in better patient care. Keywords: pharmaceutical care, pharmacy, patient expectation, perception, satisfaction ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai implementasi pelaksanaan pelayanan kefarmasian di apotek dari sudut pandang pasien. Penilaian didasarkan pada aspek harapan, persepsi dan tingkat kepuasan pasien terhadap praktek kefarmasian menggunakan kuisioner tertutup dengan penilaian berdasarkan skala Likert. Kuisioner disusun berdasarkan standar pelayanan kefarmasian di apotek tahun 2014. Pernyataan dalam kuisioner dikelompokkan ke dalam 6 aspek yaitu aspek layanan umum, sarana prasarana dan pengelolaan perbekalan Kefarmasian, pengkajian resep dan waktu tunggu, dispensing, layanan Pusat informasi obat (PIO) dan konseling, serta monitoring. Secara umum pasien memiliki harapan yang sangat tinggi pada aspek layanan umum, sarana prasarana dan perbekalan kefarmasian, pengkajian resep dan waktu tunggu, serta pada aspek dispensing, harapan pelayanan yang tinggi pada aspek layanan pusat informasi obat (PIO) dan konseling, serta harapan yang sedang pada aspek monitoring. Namun demikian, pasien memiliki persepsi yang tinggi hanya pada aspek layanan umum serta sarana prasarana dan perbekalan kefarmasian, sedangkan pada pelayanan pengkajian resep dan waktu tunggu serta dispensing memiliki tingkat persepsi sedang, serta persepsi yang sangat rendah pada pelayanan PIO dan konseling serta monitoring. Secara menyeluruh pasien memberikan tingkat kepuasan yang rendah pada pelayanan kefarmasian. Tingginya harapan pasien pada pelayanan kefarmasian yang sesuai dengan standar menunjukkan tuntutan dan peluang bagi apoteker khususnya dalam peningkatan praktek asuhan kefarmasian di apotek. Kata kunci: JKN, pasien rujuk balik, asuhan kefarmasian, apotek, persepsi, kepuasan .  
Tingkat kesepahaman masalah terkait obat antara dokter dan apoteker di apotik Herawati, Fauna; Astrini, Ni Nyoman Yuni; Wirasuta, I Made Agus Gelgel
JFIOnline | Print ISSN 1412-1107 | e-ISSN 2355-696X Vol 9, No 1 (2017): Punica Granatum
Publisher : Indonesian Research Gateway

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ABSTRAK: Kolaborasi antar tenaga kesehatan diperlukan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan kepada pasien. Kolaborasi antar tenaga kesehatan didefinisikan sebagai profesional tenaga kesehatan dengan peran yang saling melengkapi dan kooperatif bekerja sama, berbagi tanggung jawab untuk pemecahan masalah dan pengambilan keputusan untuk merumuskan dan melaksanakan rencana perawatan pasien; demikian pula dalam kolaborasi dokter dan apoteker, diperlukan kesepahaman tentang masalah terkait obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat kesepahaman dokter-apoteker di klinik pada periode September-Oktober 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif observasional dan dilakukan di salah satu apotek di Bali yang bekerja sama dengan dokter spesialis penyakit dalam. Sampel penelitian adalah resep dokter spesialis penyakit dalam dan pengambilan resep dilakukan secara consecutive sampling. Jumlah sampel yang berhasil diperoleh berjumlah 102 lembar resep pasien diabetes melitus rawat jalan yang akan di analisis melalui 3 tahap dengan menggunakan elemen MTM, PCNE versi 6.2, dan kappa agreement. Hasil analisis menunjukkan tingkat kesepahaman (κ) sebesar  0,84. Kesepahaman antara dokter dan apoteker tentang masalah terkait obat cukup tinggi (95% sepaham); ketidaksepahaman terutama terkait aspek farmasetik, oleh karena itu apoteker perlu meningkatkan pengetahuan agar dapat berkontribusi dalam kolaborasi tersebut. Apoteker dalam kolaborasi interprofesional dapat berperan dalam pengaturan dosis, identifikasi efek samping, rekonsialiasi pengobatan, dan memberikan rekomendasi terapi berbasis bukti.
Tingkat kesepahaman masalah terkait obat antara dokter dan apoteker di apotik Herawati, Fauna; Astrini, Ni Nyoman Yuni; Wirasuta, I Made Agus Gelgel
JFIOnline | Print ISSN 1412-1107 | e-ISSN 2355-696X Vol 9, No 1 (2017): Punica Granatum
Publisher : Indonesian Research Gateway

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ABSTRAK: Kolaborasi antar tenaga kesehatan diperlukan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan kepada pasien. Kolaborasi antar tenaga kesehatan didefinisikan sebagai profesional tenaga kesehatan dengan peran yang saling melengkapi dan kooperatif bekerja sama, berbagi tanggung jawab untuk pemecahan masalah dan pengambilan keputusan untuk merumuskan dan melaksanakan rencana perawatan pasien; demikian pula dalam kolaborasi dokter dan apoteker, diperlukan kesepahaman tentang masalah terkait obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat kesepahaman dokter-apoteker di klinik pada periode September-Oktober 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif observasional dan dilakukan di salah satu apotek di Bali yang bekerja sama dengan dokter spesialis penyakit dalam. Sampel penelitian adalah resep dokter spesialis penyakit dalam dan pengambilan resep dilakukan secara consecutive sampling. Jumlah sampel yang berhasil diperoleh berjumlah 102 lembar resep pasien diabetes melitus rawat jalan yang akan di analisis melalui 3 tahap dengan menggunakan elemen MTM, PCNE versi 6.2, dan kappa agreement. Hasil analisis menunjukkan tingkat kesepahaman (κ) sebesar  0,84. Kesepahaman antara dokter dan apoteker tentang masalah terkait obat cukup tinggi (95% sepaham); ketidaksepahaman terutama terkait aspek farmasetik, oleh karena itu apoteker perlu meningkatkan pengetahuan agar dapat berkontribusi dalam kolaborasi tersebut. Apoteker dalam kolaborasi interprofesional dapat berperan dalam pengaturan dosis, identifikasi efek samping, rekonsialiasi pengobatan, dan memberikan rekomendasi terapi berbasis bukti.
Jurnal Farmasi Sains dan Komunitas (Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Community) Vol 15, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (759.546 KB) | DOI: 10.24071/jpsc.001026


Research on marine natural resources as an excipient material of pharmaceutical product is still rare. One of the marine products is the green algae, Cladophora sp. High cellulose content causes Cladophora sp. which can be used as an alternative material of microcrystalline cellulose (SM). There are two stages to produce SM, namely delignification and hydrolysis. Delignification is the process of removing the lignin of complex compounds. The delignification process is carried out chemically in alkaline situation using a NaOH solution which dissolves lignin, carbohydrates, organic acids, and resins so that cellulose is released from its bonds. This is important because the presence of lignin may inhibit acid penetration prior to hydrolysis. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of delignification by using NaOH solution at various concentrations (2, 4, and 6%) to cellulose content and physical character of microcrystalline cellulose from Cladophora sp. (SMC). In the hydrolysis process, 5% HCl solution was used. SMCs of various concentrations of NaOH were observed and the cellulose levels included alpha, beta and gamma levels. While the physical character observation is done on Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) test. Based on the cellulose content, the higher the concentration of NaOH used, the higher the alpha cellulose will increase. The opposite result occurs on the measurement of beta and gamma cellulose. Based on SEM test, it appears that there is no effect of increasing NaOH concentration on physical character of SMC.
The Purple Sweet Potato Body Scrub Cream Formulation I Made Agus Gelgel Wirasuta; Ni Komang Dewi Triastuti; Kadek Sintia Deviyanthi; Dyah Aryani Sartika; Putu Dyah Utari
Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Vol 5, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (395.506 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/ijpst.v5i1.13747


Anthocyanin is active compound of purple sweet potato, has effect as anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, and anti-itching, make them interesting ingredients for skin treatment. The body scrub is one of popular cosmetic product in SPA industry. Their stability property is one crucial factor to develop a purple sweet potato body scrub cream. The steam and oven heating of tuber were involved on the scrub powder preparation.The oven and non-heating preparation scrub powder provided fine-sized powder more than 50%, but the steaming produced granular particle distribution. Total anthocyanin content in scrub grains was 326.8 mg/100 g for steam preparation, 103.3 mg/ 100 g for oven, and 34.4 mg/100g for non-heating, respectively. The steamed scrub powder preparation method produced stabile anthocyanin content in body scrub cream for 25 days observation.  
Co-Authors A.A Wahyudhie A.A.Diah Widya Lestari A.A.G.R.Y. Putra Adiluhur M. A. Anak Agung Febi Danuswari Angga Cahyadi Arie Dharma Putra Nugraha Arimbawa I.B.S. Astiti, I.A.G. Astrini, Ni Nyoman Yuni Astuti N.M.W. Atika Saraswati Ni Made Ayu Charina Mahayuni TK. Bagus Nyoman Sugiastana Budiningrum, N.W. C.I.T.R. Dewi Cahyadi K.D. Cahyadi, Maria Fiani Cokorda Istri Sri Arisanti Cokorda Istri Tirta Rusmala Dewi Coky N. W. C. Danuswari, Anak Agung Febi Deddi Prima Putra Desta, I.G.A.G.P.C Deviyanthi, Kadek Sintia Dewa Ayu Sri Kusuma Dewi Dewa Ayu Swastini Dewantari A. A. I. S. H Dewi L. R. Dewi, A.A.R.P. Dewi, Cokorda Istri Tirta Rusmala Dewi, L. P. M. K. Dewi, N.P.A.K. Dharmapradnyawati N.N.P. Diantari, N.M.D Diarini A. S. Dyah Aryani Sartika Eka Indra Setyawan Emmy Sahara Fauna Herawati Fiorenza Jocelyn Thelmalina G.D. Pranawa Guna, I. M. A. W. H. Kijewski H.-J. Duchstein Harlina Setiawati Manurung I G.A.A. Trisnadewi I G.D.B. Temaja I G.L.B. Wirajaya I Gede Budiartawan I Gusti Ayu Made Srinadi I Gusti Ngurah Jemmy Anton Prasetia I Ketut Adnyana I Made Ari Anata I Made Arie Dharma Putra Nugraha I Made Jawi I Made Sasmita Dwidhananta I Made Sasmita Dwidhananta I N.K. Widjaja I Nengah Sujaya I Nengah Wirajana I Nyoman Arsana I Nyoman Kadjeng Widjaja I Putu Hengky Prawiranata I Putu Krisnantara Wijaya Putra I Putu Sudiartawan I Wayan Martadi Santika I. N. K. Widjaja I.A.A. Widhiartini I.M.S. Sapanca I.Y.J. Wage Icwari N.P.W.P Ida Bagus Putra Suta Ida Bagus Wiryanatha Indrani, A.A.I. S. Indriani N. P. W. Jaya M.K.A Jessica Lianty K. G. Gityarani K.D. Cahyadi Kadek Hendra Kadek Sintia Deviyanthi Ketut Widyani Astuti Khairul Mahfuz Khatija Taher Ali Kosasih, Diah Ayu Nirmala Kusuma Hidayatullah L. P. M. K. Dewi Laksmi Dewi Luh Putu Febryana Larasanty Luh Putu Mirah Kusuma Dewi Luh Rai Maduretno Asvinigita M. A. Ningtyas M. Primantara M.A. Wiradarma Made Ayu Hita Pretiwi Suryadhi Made Gede Praditya Putra Mahardika I G.A.P.D. Maria Fiani Cahyadi Meilinayanti, Ni Made L. Milawati Milawati N T. Suryadhi N. G. Indriyaningsih N. L. P. V. Paramita N. T. Suryadhi N.K.A. Julianty N.L.P.P. Ardiyanti N.M.D. Diantari N.M.N.P. Dewi N.M.P. Dwijayanti N.M.P. Susanti N.M.P. Susanti N.M.W. Astuti N.P. Widiastuti N.P.C. Pratiwi N.P.R.D. Putri Nachia S.R. Ni Kadek Diah Parwati Dewi Ni Kadek Warditian Ni Kadek Warditiani Ni Ketut Sutiari Ni Komang Dewi Triastuti Ni Luh Gede Sudaryati Ni Luh Putu Lestari Dewi Ni Made Ari Ginarsih Ni Made Ary Sarasmita Ni Made Ayu Wistari Ni Made Irma Febby Prasasti Dewi Ni Made L. Meilinayanti Ni Made Listiari Ni Made P. Susanti Ni Made Pitri Susanti Ni Made Rai Sudarni Ni Made Suaniti Ni Made Utami Dwipayanti Ni Made Widi Astuti Ni Made Widiastuti Ni Nyoman Abigail Triastuti Ni Nyoman Della Yanti Ni Nyoman Putri Dharmapradnyawati Ni Nyoman Yuni Astrini Ni Putu Citra Anggryni Sugitha Ni Putu Eka Leliqia Ni Putu Linda Laksmiani Ni Wayan Wirayanti Nugraha, I.S. Oka M. P.P.K. Vedawati P.R. Satriari Pande Made Nova Armita Pande Made Nova Armita Sari Pande Made Nova Armita Sari, Pande Made Nova Pinangkaan, C. Pratiwi Diva Yanti Luh Prawiranata I.P.H. Primadewi C. Purnama, I.G.P.P Putra, I.M.K. Putri I G.A.A.R.C. Putu Dyah Utari Putu Lakustini Cahyaningrum Putu Nandya Nandita Putu Oka Samirana Rashid, M.A.P.P Rasmita, L.D. Rismayanti, A. A. M. I. Roedy Aris Tavip Sari, D. R. A. P. Sari, N. A. P. P. Sari, Ni Putu Latsartika Sari, P. M. N. A. Sartika, Dyah Aryani Shelia Deviana Suastika, I.G.A. Suastini I G.A.N. Sudarni, Ni Made Rai Sugosha, M. J. Sukawati, C. B. A. C Sumawirawan, K. D. Suryani N.K.A. Suryani, N.M. Susanti N.M.P Susanti, I.M.P. Susanti, N.M.P Swasti, I.A.S. Triastuti, Ni Komang Dewi Trisna Damayanti Udayana, N.K Utami N.P.P. Utari, Putu Dyah Widhiastuti, K.A.P. Widjaja I.N.K. Widjaja, I. N. K. Winarti, N.W. Wintari L.K.S. Wiputri N.M.C.A. Wistari, Ni Made Ayu Wulansari, I. A. R. Yanti, N.L.G.T Yudiastra, I.K. Yustiantara, Putu Sanna