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Indonesian Journal of Elementary School Vol 4, No 1 (2024): MEI 2024
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/ijes.v4i1.17788


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kendala atau kesulitan guru dalam Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka (IKM) di Sekolah Dasar Korwilcam Bidang Pendidikan Kecamatan Tengaran tahun ajaran 2022/2023 serta upaya untuk mengatasi kesulitan tersebut. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat informatif dengan menggunakan metode diskriptif. Metode yang digunakan adalah observasi, studi dokumen dan wawancara. Teknik analisa data menggunakan triangulasi sumber data dan member checking dengan analisa data melalui pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masih ada beberapa kesulitan yang dialami guru Sekolah Dasar di Korwilcam Bidik Kecamatan Tengaran. dalam Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka (IKM) pada tahun ajaran 2023/2023. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan peneliti pada tanggal 19-25 Oktober 2023 kendala atau kesulitan yang dialami guru diantaranya: penerapan IKM belum maksimal karena masih dalam tahap pemahaman, guru belum mampu menyusun modul ajar dan modul projek sendiri, guru belum mampu merancang dan melaksanakan asesmen awal. Beberapa guru kelas I dan IV belum mampu menguasai IT, Modul Projek Fase A masih sedikit referensinya. Upaya tersebut diantaranya guru memperbanyak literasi dan referensi untuk menambah pemahaman Kurikulum Merdeka. guru menggunakan perangkat ajar yang sudah disediakan oleh pemerintah melalui PM sambil belajar untuk dapat menyusun sendiri.
Sabdopalon Nayagenggong's Thesis: Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Education Studies Iin Purnamasari; A.Y. Soegeng Ysh
Interdisciplinary Journal of Social Science and Education (IJSSE) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Indonesian Academy of Social and Religious Research (IASRR)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53639/ijsse.v2i1.21


Abstract: This article aims to explore in depth the historical, philosophical, and educational aspects of Sabdopalon Nayagenggong's thesis. For this reason, this research is carried out through literature studies with a historiographic approach which includes heuristics, verification, interpretation, and historiography with a theoretical framework built based on thoughts in fibers, and historical books. Therefore, the research question of this study is how is Sabdopalon Nayagenggong's thesis from historical, philosophical, and religious education aspects. The findings of this study show that in the historical aspect, Sabdopalon Nayagenggong was an advisor to the last king of Majapahit Barwijaya V who was abandoned because he converted to Islam and who would restore Budi 500 years later. Jayabhaya called him Putra Betara Indra, Prabu Siliwangi called Budak Angon, Ranggawarsito called Satria Pinandhita Sinisihan Wahyu, among Balinese people known as Dang Hyang Nirartha/Mpu Dwijenndra Pedanda Sakti Wawu Rawuh/Tuan Semeru, in hinterland described as Semar; In the philosophical thesis, Sabdapalon (Semar) teaches Javanese concepts (kejawen), with its form or manifestation as 'among' kings / Javanese people as the conscience of every human being who comes from Allah / khalifatullah. In the thesis of religious education, it can be said that Sabdapalon-Nayagenggong has the characteristics of God, which is described as a divine reality with an abstract nature.
Self regulation effect to critical reasoning skills at childs Ester Tri Lestari; Iin Purnamasari; Joko Sulianto
Jurnal Pembangunan Pendidikan: Fondasi dan Aplikasi Vol 11, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jppfa.v11i1.59645


This study was conducted because researchers found problems in children's cognition where, after almost two years of online learning, students need to adapt to face-to-face learning. Therefore, in the current offline learning, children are expected to think logically and reason according to their abilities at their age with stimulation in the real world. This study aims to determine the effect of self-regulation on critical thinking skills and the relationship pattern between the two. This study used a mixed-method approach with a sequential exploratory design. The independent variable is self-regulation, and the dependent variable is critical reasoning ability. The results showed that there was an effect of self-regulation on critical reasoning ability based on the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with a significance value 0.05, and self-regulation can be strengthened by children through collaborative activities and fostering critical reasoning as indicated by the skill of developing transcripts based on children's reasoning obtained based on observations and interviews. It can be concluded that based on the results of qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis results, and analysis of relevant research results, it can be interpreted that, in general, the results of qualitative and quantitative analysis, as well as literature review, deepen and strengthen each other, so that information is obtained that there is an effect of self-regulation on the achievement of critical reasoning skills significantly.
Faktor-Faktor Penyebab Kesulitan Membaca Permulaan di Kelas 1 SD Negeri Sampangan 02 Arief Syaiful Rachman; Iin Purnamasari; Sukamto Sukamto; Puput Sulistyowati Lestari
DIKDAS MATAPPA: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Dasar Vol 6 No 3 (2023): September
Publisher : STKIP Andi Matappa Pangkep

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31100/dikdas.v6i3.3028


This study aims to find out what factors hinder students from having difficulty with beginning reading and solutions to overcome the problems of students with initial reading difficulties in grade 1B of SD Negeri Sampangan 02. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. Collecting data in this study is by observation method using guiding indicators to determine the difficulty of beginning reading, interviews, and documentation. The instrument used was a non-test instrument in the form of a questionnaire regarding initial reading difficulties. After the researcher received the data, the data was analyzed using the Milles and Huberman model. The results of this study show 1. the causative factors of early reading difficulties are lazy learning, lack of interest and motivation to learn, power, students get bored easily, lack of parental guidance and attention to education. 2. The solution for beginning reading difficulties is that the teacher provides additional hours for students learning to read beginning, paying special attention to students who have difficulty reading beginning, parental concern for their child's education, the teacher must be creative when guiding students learning to read beginning.
Co-Authors A.Y. Soegeng A.Y. Soegeng A.Y. Soegeng Ysh Achmad Bukhori Adhi Prabowo, Rizqi Pambudi Agus Sutono Amaruddin, Hidar AMELIA ROSDIANINGSIH Anggita, Atikah Dewi Antika, Hendi Apriantika, Wulan Ari Widyaningrum Arief Syaiful Rachman Arri Handayani Arta Puspitaningrum Aryo Andri Nugroho Ayu Sri Rejeki Bagus Ardi Saputro Candra Kesuma Dewi Chasanah, Fitrotul Diah Yuliatin Diya Illa Darojjah Dwi Prastiyo Hadi Ela Etika Ester Tri Lestari Eva Maela Eva Nurdiana Hidayanti Eva Fajar Cahyadi Fine Reffiane Fitrotul Chasanah HARRI ADI WIBOWO Hendi Antika Henry Januar Saputra Hikmah, Vela Nur Husni Wakhyudin Ifam Zakiyyatul Awwaliyah Ika Apriliya Karuni Hafidhah Indah Puji Lestari Intan Rahmawati Irgi Ahmad Fahrozi Ismatul Khasanah Joko Siswanto Joko Sulianto Jumarni Jumarni Kukuh Dwi Utomo Kunarso Kunarso Kunduri Kunduri Lilis Febri Ramadhani Mega Aldila Kharisma Putri Mei Fita Asri Untari Mei Ida Astuti Moh. Aniq Khairul Basyar Mohamad Haris Tantoko Aji Mudzanatun Mudzanatun Muhammad Prayito Muhtarom Muhtarom Mutamimah Mutamimah Nabilla Suci Darma Jelita Nahda Yumna Ufairoh Ngatmini Ngatmini nita puspitasari Nora Widyastuti Novi Kurniati Novita Devi Amalia Nugraha, Rifa Nur Cholifah Nur Hidayah Nur Khofifah Nur Khoiri Nuroso, Harto Peni Mardiana Sari Pipit Mugi Handayani Pradana, Alamsah Ade Pujiono Pujiono Puput Sulistyowati Lestari Puspitaningrum, Arta Qoriati Mushafanah Rahmat Rais Rahmat Rais, Rahmat Ramadhani, Lilis Febri Rani Khusnul Fitria Ratna Nur Oktafiani Riris Setyo S Rizqi Pambudi Adhi Prabowo S. Suyata Sari, Peni Mardiana Senowarsito, Senowarsito Siti Chodijah Siti Irene Astuti Dwiningrum Siti Khuluqul Siti Khuluqul Khasanah Siti Kusniati Siti Kusniati Soegeng Ysh, A.Y. Sri Supadmi Sri Supadmi Sri Suparti Sugeng Maryanto Sugiman Sugiman Sukamto Sukamto Sulistyoningrum, Harum Sumarno Sumarno Sunan Baedowi Sunan Baedowi, Sunan Supandi Suparjo, Ita Yuliana Supriyadi Supriyadi Suwarno Widodo Teguh Mugiono Tinarti Tinarti Titik Murdhiyaningsih Trijayanto Wismoraharto Triwidodo, Agung Tyas Pitaloka Utomo, Kukuh Dwi Veryliana Purnamasari Veryliana Purnamasari, Veryliana Wawan Priyanto Wawan Priyanto, Wawan Yazid Nurfarikhin Ysh, A. Y Soegeng Yuliana, Erika Yulista Yulista Zainal Arifin Zainal Arifin Zulfiana Shafa Khoirunnisa