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Utilization of Medicinal Plants: Case Study in Kelayam Sub-village Manua Sadap Village Kapuas Hulu Regency Fathul Yusro; Ernalinda Mangkoan; Yeni Mariani
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 22 No. 3 (2022): July - September
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v22i3.3690


Most of the people in the Kelayam sub-village, Manua Sadap village, come from the dayak Iban tribe. Their lives are close to the forest, and they still hold on to their cultural customs are undoubtedly interesting for research, primarily how they use the plants in the forest as part of their traditional medicine. This study aims to record and analyze the medicinal plants used by the people of the Kelayam sub-village, Manua Sadap village, Kapuas Hulu Regency. We conducted this research using a survey method with a sampling technique, and the respondents were selected with a snowball sampling. The results showed that the people of the Kelayam sub-village, Manua Sadap village used 21 medicinal plants for various treatments such as to treat wounds, skin diseases, muscle pain, hypertension, cholesterol, stomach pain, and to treat toothache. There are 17 families of medicinal plants used by the community, and the most dominant is from the Rubiaceae family. The highest utilization of plant parts is leaves (67%) by boiling (31%) and pounding (30%) and the use of plants by drunk and patched, each of which has the same value (32%). The data on medicinal plants in the Kelayam sub-village, Manua Sadap Village, adds to the wealth of knowledge of traditional medicinal plants in Kapuas Hulu Regency, especially in the Iban Dayak comunity.
Socialization of the Kaffir Lime Plants as a Potential Source of Essential Oils in the Community of Mandor Village, Mandor District, Landak Regency, West Kalimantan Yeni Mariani; Fathul Yusro; Hikma Yanti
ABDIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): ABDIMAS UMTAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (568.591 KB) | DOI: 10.35568/abdimas.v5i2.2388


Essential oil is a type of NTFP with a high economic value produced by plant parts such as leaves, fruit, seeds, flowers, roots, rhizomes, bark, and all parts of the plant. Kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix) is one type of essential oil-producing plant that can be cultivated in the surrounding environment (yard, garden) or less productive land so that it has added value. Kaffir lime is a spice or food flavouring with a distinctive aroma and taste due to the presence of citronellal and is used in the perfume and cosmetic industries. This plant can be an opportunity for the community, especially those near the forest, to improve their welfare by cultivating it as a source of essential oils. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide information on the potential of kaffir lime as an essential oil producer to open the insight of the Mandor village community to cultivate kaffir lime plants. The target of this activity is the Mandor village community. We conducted this from May to November 2021, including the preparation and production stages, the essential oil's chemical content and antibacterial analysis, and the delivery of socialization. The socialization activity was evaluated before and after the action by measuring the knowledge of the village community regarding essential oils and kaffir lime. The results of the action conveyed information on the potential of the kaffir lime plant as a source of essential oil, the process of making essential oil, the results of testing on the content contained in kaffir lime essential oil, antibacterial activity, the form of its use in various products of economic value as well as basic information on the cultivation of this plant.
Keragaman Jenis Tanaman Obat Tradisional yang dimanfaatkan oleh Battra di Desa Sepang Kabupaten mempawah Andesta Chimin Pagea; Fathul Yusro; Yeni Mariani
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 7, No 4 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v7i4.4817


The forest in Sepang Village, Mempawah Regency, is still well maintained. This village's battra (traditional healers) used plants found in the forest as medicine to treat or overcome health problems. This research aims to analyze the traditional medicinal plants used by battra in Sepang Village, Toho District, Mempawah Regency. This research uses the survey method by interviewing Battra. Determination of respondents (battra) with purposive sampling techniques. The research results show that battra in Sepang Village still uses 46 traditional medicinal plants, with the highest plant family being Asteraceae (4 types). The highest utilization is found in herb habitus (32.61%), with plant parts in the form of leaves (60.78%), processing by boiling (75.47%), consumption by drinking (87.23%), and plants originating from the yard (56.6%).
Family medicinal plants (toga) in Tanap village Sanggau regency and their utilization by the Dayak Muara ethnic for the treatment of digestive system disorders Fathul Yusro; Evy Wardenaar; Yeni Mariani
Bioma : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Vol. 11 No. 2: October 2022
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/bioma.v11i2.11491


Medicinal plants are used for various kinds of health care, one of which is to treat problems in the digestive system. This research aimed to analyze the utilization of family medicinal plants (TOGA) by the ethnic of Dayak Muara in Tanap village in handling digestive system disorders. This study was conducted by survey method with a purposive sampling technique. This research was initiated by conducting interviews with the people of Tanap village who came from the Dayak Muara, then continued with identifying the medicinal plants mentioned. The data obtained were then analyzed with an ethnobotanical index in the form of Use Value (UV), Informant Consensus Factor (ICF), and Fidelity Level (FL). The Dayak Muara ethnic in Tanap Village uses 22 species of TOGA to handle digestive system disorders. The highest families used were Zingiberaceae and Amaryllidaceae. The dominant plant parts used, processing method, administration method, and remedies form for the handling of digestive system disorders are leaves (36%), boiled processing (43%), drinking (44%), and single herb form (67%). Plants with high use value (UV=1) are jambu biji (Psidium guajava) and kunyit (Curcuma longa). The digestive system disorder categories with the highest ICF included sprue (1), nausea and vomiting (0.98), intestinal worms, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and constipation (0.97). Plant that had the highest FL value (100%) included cocor bebek (Bryophyllum pinnatum), patah tulang (Euphorbia tirucalli), and putri malu (Mimosa pudica) for the treatment of toothache. Entawak (Artocarpus anisophyllus) for stomachache, pinang (Areca catechu) for constipation, lidah buaya (Aloe vera) for hemorrhoids, and sawo (Manilkara zapota) for stomachache.
Identification of Apis dorsata Bee Nesting Plants in Natural Forest of Lalang Village Sanggau Regency Kiki Supriyadi; Gusti Hardiansyah; Fathul Yusro; Yeni Mariani
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 22 No. 3 (2022): July - September
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v22i3.3917


Apis dorsata is known as a forest bee that is very productive in producing honey. These bees can make nest combs only by relying on tree branches or branches. This study aims to identify the type of plant where Apis dorsata nests in the natural forest of Lalang Village, Meliau District, Sanggau Regency. This research was conducted using a survey method through interviews with respondents and site surveys to identify and measure tree height, tree diameter, and branch-free stems of the plant species where Apis dorsata bees nest. The data obtained is further analyzed and the results are presented in the form of tables and graphs. The results of our study found that there were 16 species of plants belonging to 8 families as Apis dorsata beehives. The family and names of these plants are Dipterocarpaceae (Anisoptera marginata, Shorea laevis, Dryobalanops lavevis, Dryobalanops beccarii, Anisoptera megistocarpa, Shorea parvifolia, Shorea leprosula), Fabaceae (Inga sp, Millettia borneensis, Koompassia sp, Koompassia excelsa), Apocaceae (Alstonia pneumatophora), Datiscaceae (Octomeles sumatrana), Lauraceae (Litsea sp), Malvaceae (Pterocymbium tubulatum), and Moraceae (Artocarpus sp). The dominant family is Dipterocarpaceae. The total height of Apis dorsata honeycomb trees is the most dominant (75%) in Lalang Village ranging from ±65-90 m, 10 species of sympodial branching (62.5%), and 68.75% of the trunk diameter found ranged from 50-159 cm.
Influence of Activated Charcoal Addition on the Adhesion, Emission, Physical, Mechanical, and Biological Properties of Particleboard Yuliati Indrayani; Evi Septiani; Dina Setyawati; Yeni Mariani
Jurnal Sylva Lestari Vol. 10 No. 3 (2022): September
Publisher : Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jsl.v10i3.560


The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of bagasse-activated charcoal for reduced formaldehyde emissions and their effect on the physical, mechanical, and biological properties of particleboard. Activated charcoal was made by carbonizing bagasse at 300°C for 2.5 h, followed by carbon activation using a 0.1M HCl solution for 24 h. Particleboards were made of a mixture of bagasse and wood particles with a ratio of 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, and 0:100. The concentrations of activated charcoal used in manufacturing particleboards were 2, 4, and 6% based on the dry weight of the particles. Particleboards were made with a target density of 0.7 g/cm3 and hot-pressed at 140°C for 10 min with a pressure of 35 kg/cm2. The observed parameters were formaldehyde emission levels, physical properties, mechanical properties, and biological properties of particleboards. The results showed that the more activated charcoal added in the manufacture of particleboards decreased formaldehyde emissions of the panel. Based on the SNI 5008.2:2016, the overall formaldehyde emission value of particleboard in this study with activated charcoal is in the F* category. The addition of activated charcoal improved the physical, mechanical, and biological properties of particleboards in terms of increased density, decreased water content, water absorption, and thickness swelling, increased modulus of elasticity, modulus of rupture, internal bonding, and screw withdrawal, as well as increased resistance to termites. The particleboard with the addition of 6% activated charcoal showed better mechanical, physical, and biological properties. All physical and mechanical properties of particleboard met the JIS A 5908-2003 Type 8 standards, except for the modulus of elasticity. Keywords: Activated charcoal, bagasse, biological properties, formaldehyde emission, mechanical properties, particleboard, physical properties
Identifikasi Tumbuhan Obat dan Pemanfaatannya oleh Battra di Desa Doulu Kabupaten Karo Roy Franata Tarigan; Fathul Yusro; Yanieta Arbiastutie; Yeni Mariani
Bioscientist : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Vol 10, No 2 (2022): December
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, FSTT, Mandalika University of Education, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/bioscientist.v10i2.5379


Battra is a person who can blend various plants into medicines used in traditional medicine processes. This study aims to identify and analyze the medicinal plants used by Battra in Doulu Village, Karo Regency, North Sumatra Province. This study uses a survey method with a tool in the form of an interview guide. Interviews with battra were conducted in-depth to find out information about the medicinal plants they use, what parts of the plants are used, and their processing techniques and uses. The study results show that Battra in Doulu Village, Karo Regency, is still practicing traditional medicine. Battra in this village utilizes 31 types of medicinal plants. The highest plant family used was Zingiberaceae. The most utilization by battra was in herbaceous habitus, which was 39%, plant parts in the form of leaves (35%), the processing carried out by chopping (39%), and the use of medicinal plants by eating (48%).
The Utilization of Medicinal Plants in the Postpartum Care by Belaban Ella Village's Women of Belaban Resort of Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Park (TNBBR) Yeni Mariani; Fathul Yusro; Yuliati Indrayani; Vera Jessika
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 23 No. 1 (2023): January - March
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v23i1.4638


Belaban Ella village is in the Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Park (TNBBR) area. The Belaban Ella village community still maintains its local wisdom in using plants to care for women after giving birth. This study aims to describe the local knowledge of the women of Belaban Ella village in utilizing plants for postpartum care. Respondents in this study were selected by purposive sampling and we conducted in-depth interviews with the assistance of a questionnaire. The result showed that women in Belaban Ella village used 25 species of plants in 6 treatment groups. Most of these plants are used to reduce abdominal pain and enhance the mother's breast milk. The most widely used plant family is Zingberaceae; the most used part is the leaves (61%). Grinding (40%) was the most used preparation method, with poultices (32%) and eating (28%) being the predominant method of use. Women in Belaban Ella village still using medicinal plants in postpartum care treatment as an effort to preserve their local knowledge.
Pemanfaatan Tanaman Pekarangan Sebagai Bahan Obat Tradisional Oleh Battra Suku Melayu di Desa Samustida Kabupaten Sambas Dina Loresa; Fathul Yusro; Yeni Mariani
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 8, No 2 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v8i2.5550


The forest provides various medicinal plants, but many plants that come from the forest have been cultivated in the yard to make it easier to take the plants when you want to use them. This research aims to study the types of garden plants used for medicine by the Battra of the Malay tribe in the Samustida village, Sambas Regency. This research was carried out in Samustida village, Teluk Keramat District, Sambas Regency. This research uses the survey method by interviewing the battra, where the battra is determined with the purposive sampling technique. The research results show that the Battra of the Malay tribe in Samustida Village uses 61 medicinal plants in their home grounds, with the highest plant family using Zingiberaceae (8 species). The parts of the plant that are used the most are the leaves (41%) by boiling (28.86%) and drinking (43%).
Kajian Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Obat Oleh Suku Dayak Belangin di Desa Dange Aji Kecamatan Air Besar Kabupaten Landak Lusiana Lusiana; Gusti Eva Tavita; Yeni Mariani; Fathul Yusro
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 8, No 2 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v8i2.5958


The Dayak tribe has a close relationship with nature. They are used to using natural resources such as plants for various needs, including as an ingredient in traditional medication. The Dayak Belangin, one of the Kanayatn Dayak sub-tribes in Dange Aji Village, Landak District, is still using medicinal plants to treat illnesses in their community. This research was conducted to document the knowledge of the dayak Belangin people in Dange Aji Village in utilizing plants as traditional medicine. A total of 163 households of the dayak Belangin community in Dange Aji Village were selected by purposive sampling and in-depth interviews to obtain information about the community's knowledge of using plants as medicine. The data obtained were then analyzed using ethnobotanical indices such as use value (UV), family importance value (FIV), informant consensus factor (ICF), and fidelity level (FL). All respondents interviewed used medicinal plants, with in total there are 53 species belonging to 34 plant families. Asteraceae is a plant family with the highest FIV (11.76). Jambu tokal or guava (P. guajava), mabo (Blumea balsamifera), and engkodok (Melastoma candidum) had the highest UV values (0.76; 0.71, and 0.71, respectively). The highest ICF score (1) includes cancer, wounds, urinary stones, rheumatism, gout, allergies, malaria, hypertension, bloody bowel movements, colds, sore eyes, colds, cholesterol, and broken bones. There are 43 plants with the highest FL value (100%). The local knowledge of the dayak Belangin tribe is prized and must be maintained, especially for the benefit of science and the development of new modern medicines.
Co-Authors . Nurhaida Agustin Rosa Fadila Andesta Chimin Pagea Aran, Diana Hala Ardiana, Nisa Aripin Aripin Aripin Aripin Aripin Aripin Aripin Asep Hermawan Barnabas Gianto Chandra Dyah Alifia Deni Nurdwiansyah Denni Nurdwiansyah Denni Nurdwiansyah Diana Hala Aran Dina Loresa Dina Setyawati Dina Setyawati ecitriwulan, ecitriwulan Efitanus Angga Windra Emi Roslinda Emi Roslinda Erianto, . Ernalinda Mangkoan Evi Septiani Evy Wardenaar Evy Wardenaar Evy Wardenaar Evy Wardenaar Evy Wardenaar Farah Diba Farah Diba Farah Diba Farah Diba Farid Priandi Fathul Yusro Fransiska Wiwi Prisila Gusti Eva Tavita Gusti Eva Tavita Gusti Hardiansyah H A Oramahi H A Oramahi Hana Wila Hardiansyah Gusti Harnani Husni Hasan Ashari Oramahi Hendarto Hendarto Hendarto Hendarto Hendarto Hendarto Hendarto Heri Ansyah Hidayat, Beri Hikma Yanti Hikma Yanti Indah Budiastutik Irvan Gunawan Irwan Pirmansyah Iswan Dewantara Kazuhiro Ohtani Kiki Supriyadi Kurnia Ningsih Lestari, Agil Ayu Lolyta Sisilia Lolyta Sisillia Lolyta Sisillia Lusiana Lusiana Marlina Pakpahan Marsiana Liliyanti Muhammad Irfan Sudiansyah Muhammad Saupi Niconaus Niconaus Nita Mariana Nur haida Nur Karlianda Nuriana Nuriana Nurul Hidayanti Rahman, Khairul Rania Rania Rania, Rania Resky Nanda Pranaka Resky Pranaka Riconadi, Riconadi Rika Purnama Sari Roberta Ragina Roy Franata Tarigan Savira Pradita Sulastri, Puput Sulatri, Desi Togar Fernando Manurung Tri Oktania Simanjuntak Vera Jessika Welly, Rodius Wiwik Ekyastuti Wulandari Suci Reine Wuri Prihatiningtiyas Yanieta Arbiastutie Yanieta Arbiastutie Yanieta Arbiastutie Yanieta Arbiastutie, Yanieta Yanti Hikma Yui Hashimoto Yuliati Indrayani Zuhry Haryono