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Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Kulit Batang Gelam (Melaleuca leucadendra Linn.) terhadap Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium Muhammad Irfan Sudiansyah; Fathul Yusro; Yeni Mariani
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 8, No 3 (2023): Juli 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v8i3.6104


Gelam atau kayu putih (Melaleuca leucadendra Linn.) termasuk famili Myrtaceae yang telah banyak dikenal dan dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat sebagai bahan obat tradisional, salah satunya sebagai antibakteri alami. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak kulit batang gelam (M. leucadendra) dalam menghambat pertumbuhan Salmonella Typhimurium. Kulit batang gelam diekstraksi dengan metanol 96% dan diuji aktivitasnya terhadap bakteri Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium dengan beberapa level konsentasi (50,100,150 dan 200 mg/mL) dan dibandingkan dengan kontrol negatif (metanol 96%) dan kontrol positif (amoksisilin 30 µg). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahawa kulit batang gelam memiliki rendemen sebesar 6,18%. Ekstrak metanol kulit batang gelam mampu menghambat pertumbuhan S. Typhimurium dengan daya hambat tertinggi sebesar 2,67 mm pada konsentrasi 200 mg/mL.
The Utilization of Home Yard Medicinal Plants by Traditional Healers (Battra) in Pentek Village, Sadaniang District of Mempawah Regency Irwan Pirmansyah; Fathul Yusro; Yeni Mariani
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 23 No. 3 (2023): July - September
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v23i3.4907


Currently, people still choose traditional medicine as one of the options to maintain their health. This conventional medicine uses ingredients from wild plants taken from the forest or plants grown in the home yard. Although the forest provides various medicinal plants, many are currently cultivated in the yard for easy access when needed. This study aims to analyze medicinal plants in the home yard used by Battra in Pentek Village, Sadaniang District, Mempawah Regency. This study used a survey method by conducting interviews with all Battra in Pentek Village. We then analyzed plant species, habitus and parts of plants used, processing methods, usage methods, and state of concoction. The results showed that Battra in Pentek Village used 37 medicinal plants in their home yards, with the most widely used plant family being Zingiberaceae (5 species). The most frequently used plant habitus was herb (56.76%), and the most commonly used plant part was leaves (28.81%). The processing method used was boiling (37.14%), and the usage method was drinking (39%)—the form of concoction used as a mixture (70.27%).
Utilization of Plants as Food Source: A Study in Sungai Bakah Village, Melawi Regency Niconaus Niconaus; Hasan Ashari Oramahi; Fathul Yusro; Yeni Mariani
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 23 No. 3 (2023): July - September
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v23i3.4926


Nature has a high potential for biological natural resources that humans, including plants as food, can utilize. This study aims to analyze the types of plants as a source of food used by the people of Sungai Bakah Village, Pinoh Selatan District, Melawi Regency. This study used a survey method. Respondents selected using a purposive sampling technique were interviewed to obtain data on the utilization of plants used as food ingredients. The data obtained is then analyzed using use value and fidelity level. The results showed that all respondents interviewed (131 respondents) used plants as a food source. A total of 84 types of plants were used, with fruit as the part that was most used (49.44%). Vegetables and fruits are the most widely used forms of utilization. Plants with the highest UV values ​​came from starch (Gymnopetalum cocinense), rice (Oryza sativa), chilies (Capsicum frutescens L.), and bamboo shoots (Dendrocalamus asper) with a value of 1. 84 plants species had the highest FL values ​​(100), most of which comes from the category of utilization as fruits.  
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jhl.v11i1.53670


Kelulut honey cultivation business is a potential business. This study aims to determine the types of costs, income, and profits as well as the feasibility of kelulut honey cultivation as well as the obstacles faced by kelulut honey entrepreneurs.The research method is carried out by surveying with census data collection techniques. Collecting data using primary data and secondary data with data collection techniques, namely observation and interview techniques. Data analysis using descriptive analysisthe business processes of the kelulut honeyare nest preparation, box nest making, colonybreakdown, feed preparation, harvesting and making cultivation racks. From the 20 respondents of bee honey entrepreneurs, the results of the study showed a fixed cost of Rp. 12.405.070/month and variable costs Rp. 218,000/month. The total cost of business is Rp. 12.623.070/month. The honey income earned by the kelulut honey business is Rp. 13,500,000/month.The profit earned is Rp. 876.930/month, and business feasibility obtained a > 1 = 1.07.Keywords: Cost of farming, Income, Feasibility, Kelulut honeyAbstrakUsaha budidaya kelulut adalah usaha yang berpotensial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis biaya, pendapatan dan keuntungan serta kelayakan dalam usaha budidaya kelulut serta kendala-kendala yang dihadapi pengusaha kelulut. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan survei dengan teknik pengambilan data secara sensus. Pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder dengan teknik pengambilan data yaitu teknik observasi dan wawancara. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Proses usaha kelulut yaitu penyiapan sarang, pembuatan sarang kotak, pemecahan koloni, penyiapan pakan, pemanenan dan pembutan rak budidaya. Dari 20 responden pengusaha kelulut menunjukan bahwa biaya tetap sebesar Rp. 12.405.070/bulan dan biaya tidak tetap Rp. 218.000/bulan. Total biaya usaha sebesar Rp. 12.623.070/bulan. Pendapatan madu yang di peroleh oleh  usaha lebah madu kelulut yaitu Rp. 13.500.000/bulan. Keuntungan yang diperoleh sebesar Rp. 876.930, dan kelayakan usaha yang di dapatkan a >1 = 1,07.Kata kunci: Biaya usaha, Pendapatan, Kelayakan, Madu Kelulut
An Introduction to the Local Plants as Source of Essential Oils for The Sepang Village Community, Mempawah Regency, West Kalimantan Fathul Yusro; Yeni Mariani; Hikma Yanti
ABDIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 6 No. 3 (2023): ABDIMAS UMTAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35568/abdimas.v6i3.3608


Essential oils are chemical components obtained from plants, are volatile, and give off a distinctive aroma. Essential oils are various products from the perfume industry, soaps, medicines, and cleaning products. Various types of plants produce essential oils. Sepang Village, Mempawah sub-district, West Kalimantan, is one of the villages with the potential for essential oil-producing plants. This community service activity aims to explore the types of essential oil-producing plants planted by the people of Sepang village and increase public knowledge about essential oils and their use. Service activities are carried out through two stages: exploration of essential oil-producing plants and conveying this information to the village community. Based on the exploration results, it was found that the community planted 16 species of plants producing essential oils for cooking spices and medicinal plants. The Sepang village community was very enthusiastic about receiving information, and their knowledge about essential plants and their utilization increased through this activity.
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jhl.v11i2.63852


Forests have a diversity of biological resources that have the potential to be used as a food source. The purpose of this study was to analyze the plants used as a food source by the people in Sungai Muntik Village, Sanggau Regency. The method used is a survey with a purposive sampling technique of data collection through interviews and observation of plant species in the field. The data obtained were analyzed to determine the number of plant families used, the form of utilization of foods plants, the parts used, the processing method, and the use value (UV). Result of research showed that the community of Sungai Muntik village used 64 species of plants included in 34 families as a food source. The most commonly used plant families are Poaceae and Zingiberaceae, each with 6 species. Seven food groups are used, such as vegetables, fruits, tubers/cereals, flavorings, drinks, food coloring, and food plants with medicinal properties. The part of the plant most often used as a food ingredient is the fruit with a proportion of 48.54% and is generally processed by cooking (61.77%). The plant with the highest Use Value (UV) is Oryza sativa (rice) with a UV value of 1, followed by Capsicum frutescens (chili peppers) with a value of 0.98, and Manihot utilissima (cassava) with a value of 0.97.  Keywords: community, foods plant, forest, Muntik village, use value AbstrakHutan memiliki keanekaragaman sumber daya hayati yang berpotensi untuk dijadikan sebagai sumber pangan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis jenis-jenis tumbuhan yang dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber pangan oleh masyarakat di Desa Sungai Muntik, Kabupaten Sanggau. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dengan teknik pengumpulan data secara purposive sampling melalui wawancara dan observasi jenis tumbuhan pangan di lapangan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis untuk mengetahui besarnya famili tumbuhan yang digunakan, bentuk pemanfaatan bahan pangan, bagian yang digunakan, cara pengolahan dan use value (UV). Masyarakat Desa Sungai Muntik menggunakan 64 jenis tumbuhan yang termasuk dalam 34 famili sebagai sumber pangan. Famili tumbuhan yang paling umum digunakan adalah Poaceae dan Zingiberaceae, masing-masing dengan 6 jenis. Ada tujuh kelompok makanan yang digunakan, seperti sayuran, buah-buahan, umbi/sereal, penyedap rasa, minuman, pewarna makanan, dan tumbuhan pangan berkhasiat obat. Bagian tumbuhan yang paling sering digunakan sebagai bahan makanan adalah buah dengan proporsi 48,54%, dan umumnya diolah dengan cara dimasak (61,77%). Tumbuhan dengan nilai Use Value (UV) tertinggi adalah Oryza sativa (padi) dengan nilai UV sebesar 1, disusul oleh Capsicum frutescens (cabe) dengan nilai 0,98 dan Manihot utilissima (ubi kayu) dengan nilai 0,97.Kata kunci: Desa Sungai Muntik, hutan, masyarakat, tumbuhan pangan, use value
The Patterns of Agroforestry and Its Contribution to the Community Income Emi Roslinda; Fransiska Wiwi Prisila; Yeni Mariani
Jurnal Sylva Lestari Vol. 11 No. 3 (2023): September
Publisher : Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jsl.v11i3.749


Farmers choose an agroforestry pattern to fulfill various objectives, including obtaining their income. The diversity of fruit plants chosen by the Nanga Menterap village community as a component of the agroforestry system has the potential to contribute significantly as a source of community income. This research aimed to describe the agroforestry patterns and calculate the contribution of agroforestry patterns to the income of the people of Nanga Menterap Village, West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. The research used a survey method by census. Data collection techniques included observation, questionnaires, and interviews with the Nanga Menterap Village community with agroforestry land. The agroforestry pattern in Nanga Menterap Village can be classified into two types: the agrisilvicultural and the agrosilvopastural. Farmers in Nanga Menterap Village apply a random mixture planting form in which crops and trees are planted irregularly. The agroforestry plants combined in the forestry component include durian (Durio zibethinus), aren (Arenga pinnata), tengkawang (Shorea stenoptera), mango (Mangifera indica), jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus), and petai (Parkia speciosa). The agricultural component includes chili (Capsicum annuum), cocoa (Theobroma cacao), corn (Zea mays), coconut (Cocos nucifera), coffee (Coffea robusta), banana (Musa sp.), cassava (Manihot esculenta), long bean (Vigna unguiculata), ginger (Zingiber officinale), turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn. syn. Curcuma domestica Val.), eggplant (Solanum melongena), and tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum), while the types of livestock such as pigs, domestic chickens, cows, and goats. The contribution of agroforestry to community income in Nanga Menterap Village is 82.74%. From these contributions, the agroforestry system is the right choice for the community and government to manage land. The governments should be able to facilitate and determine specific and targeted activity programs to improve the cultivation capabilities and welfare of farmers. Keywords: agroforestry, community, contribution, income
UJI AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI EKSTRAK ETANOL KULIT BATANG MANGGA KWENI (Mangifera odorata Griff) TERHADAP Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 DAN Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 Wuri Prihatiningtiyas; Yeni Mariani; H A Oramahi; Fathul Yusro; Lolyta Sisilia
Tengkawang : Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan Vol 8, No 2 (2018): Tengkawang : Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jt.v8i2.30206


The aims of this research are to determine the secondary metabolite content found in the ethanol extract of kweni mango bark (Mangifera odorata Griff) and analyze its potency as a natural antibacterial against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. The research was started by maceration process using 96% ethanol solvent, then evaporated at 40-50oC and obtain yield of 20,61% with powder content of 8,34%. Furthermore, phytochemical screening was performed qualitatively to determine the secondary metabolite of the extract. The results showed that ethanol extract of M. odorata Griff bark contained secondary metabolites such as alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, terpenoids and phenolics. In this study antibacterial activity was carried out using disc diffusion method in Plate Count Agar media and incubated for 24-48 hours. The results showed that the largest diameter of inhibitory zones formed at a concentration of 15 mg/ml for S. aureus was 12,33 mm with strong classified and for E. coli bacteria with a concentration of 200 mg/ml of 23,67 mm with very strong classified, and almost equal with the result shown by 30 µg tetracycline as positive control, which is 25 mm. The results of this study it can be concluded that the ethanol extract of the kweni mango bark (M. odorata Griff) is bacteriostatic.Keywords: antibacterial activity, Mangifera odorata Griff, phytochemical screening, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus.
POTENSI EKSTRAK DARI LIMBAH KULIT KAYU DAN BATANG MURBEI (Morus alba var. kanva) SEBAGAI ANTIBAKTERI Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212 Chandra Dyah Alifia; Fathul Yusro; Yeni Mariani
Tengkawang : Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan Vol 9, No 1 (2019): Tengkawang : Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jt.v9i1.36069


There are several species of mulberry that grow and cultivated in Indonesia, and Morus alba var. kanva is one of it. The leaves of mulberry are used as silkworm feeds, while the bark and stem as waste are not utilized. This study aims to analyze the potency of bark and stem of mulberry as an antibacterial Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) which is a cause of the infection of teeth root canal. The bark and stem of mulberry were measured it water contents then macerated with ethanol and the percentage of yield extracts were determined. Furthermore, anti-bacterial activites were conducted with 5 level concentrations of bark and stem extract (25; 50; 75 and 100 mg / mL), ethanol and Tetracycline 250 mg as negative and positive control. The results showed that the bark had a moisture content of 10.7% with a yield value of 25.5%, while the stem had a moisture content of 9.4% and a yield value of 9.8%. the optimum concentration is at the level of 75 mg / mL because at this concentration it has been able to inhibit the inhibitory zone value which is no different from 100 mg / mL.
Tengkawang : Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan Vol 13, No 2 (2023): TENGKAWANG : JURNAL ILMU KEHUTANAN
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jt.v13i2.70265


The Zingiberaceae family is one of the plant families most widely used by the community, both for cooking spices and traditional medicine. Many plants belonging to the Zingiberaceae family have not yet been identified. This research aims to explore and document plant species belonging to the zingiberaceae family in the Baning Sintang natural tourism park area. Data collection was carried out using an exploration method with 5 paths. We found 8 species of plants from the Zingiberaceae family with a total of 41 individuals. These plants belong to 5 genera. The most frequently found genus was Etlingera with 3 species (37.5%) and 29 individuals (70.73%). The most common species was Etlingera coccinea which was found in all observation routes. From the research results, it is proven that the Baning natural tourist park in the city of Sintang has the potential for a diversity of plant species from the Zingiberaceae family.Keywords: Eksplorasi, Jalur, Sintang, Taman Wisata Alam Baning, Zingiberaceae.AbstrakFamili Zingiberaceae merupakan salah satu famili tumbuhan yang paling banyak dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat, baik untuk bumbu masakan maupun pengobatan tradisional. Tumbuhan anggota famili Zingiberaceae masih banyak yang belum teridentifikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari dan mendokumentasikan jenis tumbuhan yang termasuk kedalam family zingiberaceae yang ada di kawasan wisata alam Baning Sintang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode ekplorasi dengan 5 jalur. Ditemukan 8 jenis tumbuhan dari famili Zingiberaceae dengan jumlah individu 41. Tumbuhan tersebut yang termasuk kedalam 5 genus. Genus yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah Etlingera dengan jumlah jenis 3 (37,5%) dan individu 29 (70,73%). Jenis yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah Etlingera coccinea yang ditemukan pada semua jalur pengamatan. Dari hasil penelitian dibuktikan bahwa Taman wisata alam Baning kota Sintang memiliki potensi keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan dari famili Zingiberaceae.Kata kunci: Eksplorasi, Jalur, Sintang, Taman Wisata Alam Baning, Zingiberaceae.
Co-Authors . Nurhaida Agustin Rosa Fadila Andesta Chimin Pagea Aran, Diana Hala Ardiana, Nisa Aripin Aripin Aripin Aripin Aripin Aripin Aripin Asep Hermawan Barnabas Gianto Chandra Dyah Alifia Deni Nurdwiansyah Denni Nurdwiansyah Denni Nurdwiansyah Diana Hala Aran Dina Loresa Dina Setyawati Dina Setyawati ecitriwulan, ecitriwulan Efitanus Angga Windra Emi Roslinda Emi Roslinda Erianto, . Ernalinda Mangkoan Evi Septiani Evy Wardenaar Evy Wardenaar Evy Wardenaar Evy Wardenaar Evy Wardenaar Farah Diba Farah Diba Farah Diba Farah Diba Farid Priandi Fathul Yusro Fransiska Wiwi Prisila Gusti Eva Tavita Gusti Eva Tavita Gusti Hardiansyah H A Oramahi H A Oramahi Hana Wila Hardiansyah Gusti Harnani Husni Hasan Ashari Oramahi Hendarto Hendarto Hendarto Hendarto Hendarto Heri Ansyah Hidayat, Beri Hikma Yanti Hikma Yanti Indah Budiastutik Irvan Gunawan Irwan Pirmansyah Iswan Dewantara Kazuhiro Ohtani Kiki Supriyadi Kurnia Ningsih Lestari, Agil Ayu Lolyta Sisilia Lolyta Sisillia Lolyta Sisillia Lusiana Lusiana Marlina Pakpahan Marsiana Liliyanti Muhammad Irfan Sudiansyah Muhammad Saupi Niconaus Niconaus Nita Mariana Nur haida Nur Karlianda Nuriana Nuriana Nurul Hidayanti Rahman, Khairul Rania Rania Rania, Rania Resky Nanda Pranaka Resky Pranaka Riconadi, Riconadi Rika Purnama Sari Roberta Ragina Roy Franata Tarigan Savira Pradita Sulastri, Puput Sulatri, Desi Togar Fernando Manurung Totok Hendarto Tri Oktania Simanjuntak Vera Jessika Welly, Rodius Wiwik Ekyastuti Wulandari Suci Reine Wuri Prihatiningtiyas Yanieta Arbiastutie Yanieta Arbiastutie Yanieta Arbiastutie Yanieta Arbiastutie, Yanieta Yanti Hikma Yui Hashimoto Yuliati Indrayani Zuhry Haryono