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Journal : Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences

Student Centered Learning In Surah Thaha 17-18 And It's Implication In Islamic Boarding School Education Auliyah, Khusnul; Suwarno, Suwarno; Chasanah, Uswatun; Ali, Ramsah
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute August
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v4i3.2276


The Qur'an as a guide for humans has provided a complete guide to life, one of which is a guide in education. Of the many verses of the Qur'an that discuss education, the author is interested in studying the learning methods of active learners in the perspective of the Qur'an Surah Thaha verses 17-18, with a focus on the problem of the concept of student-centered learning in the content of Surah Thaha verse 17. -18, and its implications in pesantren education. This research is library research, to build a concept or theory that becomes the basis of study in research. The data used in this study is qualitative in the form of concepts, theories, and formulations that are relevant to the research made. The data analysis used is content analysis and descriptive analysis. Content analysis was used to analyze the messages contained in the Al Quran Surah Thaha verses 17-18 related to learning, while descriptive analysis was used to collect and write down data related to student-centered learning in the perspective of Al Quran Surah Thaha verses 17-18 and implications for education in boarding school. The results of the research on the content of the letter thaha verse 17 in the learning process educators must invite students to think critically in solving a problem to gain knowledge, while the content of the letter thaha verse 18 shows that as educators must be able to appreciate the findings of students in gaining knowledge, but students should not bring themselves to be arrogant. And the implications of Islamic boarding school education are reflected in the teaching methods of Islamic boarding schools that require students or students to develop their potential. 
Co-Authors A. Hairmansis A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Abdul Syani Agus Budiman Agusta Dian Ellina Ahmad Dadang Alanindra Saputra Alfian Fawzi Ali, Ramsah Ambarwati, AD Aprianto, Ronal Aris Hairmansis Auliyah, Khusnul Bambang Kustianto Bramantyo, Rizki Yudha Budi Koestoro Caribu Hadi Prayitno CH Prayitno, CH Dewi Puspita Dewi Puspita Sari Djarot Sadharto, Djarot Doso Sarwanto Dudung Dudung DWINITA WIKAN UTAMI Eko Hendarto Eni Wuryani Fardana, Anugerah Riski Furqaranda, Rastra Ganjar Subekti HAJRIAL ASWIDINNOOR Hanarida, I Hartono, Meilani Herpratiwi Herpratiw Hidayatun, Dinar Hindayati Mustafidah Ida Kurniawati, Ida Junun Sartohadi Kamaliah Kamaliah, Kamaliah Kusmiyati Kusmiyati kustono, alwan Maman A. Djauhari Maridi Maridi Marjono Marjono Miftahudin . Muhammad Amin Murfiah Dewi Wulandari Murti, Hary N, Dwi Ayu Nasution, Anggiani Ngapuli Irmea Sinisuka, Ngapuli Irmea Nugraheni Eko Wardani Nur Hidayat Nurrohmad, Edi Otto Fajarianto Pairulsyah Pairulsyah Parouli M. Pakpahan Permatasari, Pradina Andhin PUJI LESTARI Raya, Crisantus Lebu Riky Priangga Risna Esti Mugiawati Rohmat Fadludin Romadhon Romadhon Rosdianti, I Saddhono, Kundharu - Sajidan Sajidan Santoso, Andri Guna Saring Marsudi Setyowati, Ayu Siregar, Muhammad Imam Syarif Siti Masruroh Siti Nurani Siti Yuriyah SK Baidoo, SK Soedjajadi Keman Solihah, Ma'ratul Sri Dwiastuti Suberthi, Meta Sudiarto, Pramono Sunarto Sunarto Suranto Suranto Suryawati, Indah Susbiyani, Arik Susetyo Susetyo Sutomo Sutomo Syaiful . syarifah muthia putri, syarifah muthia T Rahardjo, T Teguh Pramono Tigor Sitorus, Tigor Totok Hendarto TR Sutardi, TR TRI PRABOWO Trikoesoemaningtyas Uswatun Chasanah Wahyuni, Niniek Waluyo Waluyo Wera Auliag Sistira Winda Hastuti, Winda YATIM RIYANTO Yulianto, Budi Yulinartati Yulinartati, Yulinartati Yuriyah, S Yusuf, Rizky Maulana Zulbahridar Zulbahridar, Zulbahridar