Evy Ervianti
Departement Of Dermatology And Venereology, Faculty Of Medicine Universitas Airlangga/Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital, Universitas Airlangga Teaching Hospital, Surabaya

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Cat Contact as A Risk Factor for Tinea Capitis Infection Evy Ervianti; Addia Salsabila; Yuri Widia; Arthur Pohan Kawilarang
Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin Vol. 34 No. 1 (2022): APRIL
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/bikk.V34.1.2022.1-4


Background: Tinea capitis (TC) is common infection caused by dermatophytes on the scalp. Cat contact is one of the TC risk factors. Microsporum canis is the most abundant fungi in cats and humans as a zoophilic infection. Cats and carrier cats can infect humans, mostly children. Purpose: To evaluate cat contact as a risk factor for TC patients at the Dermatology and Venereology Outpatients Unit of Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital Surabaya in January 2017 - December 2018. Methods: A retrospective study by observation and recording data. The results obtained as a result of the data recap were then processed using tabulation to obtain conclusions. Result: The results obtained from TC cases in 2017 and 2018 are 20 patients. The results were cat contact in 9 patients (45%), aged > 5 years (55,6%), male (55,6%), and lived in Surabaya (88,9%), hair loss (88,9%), crust (100%), M. canis in culture (55,6%), Grey patch type (55,6%), combination of oral Griseofulvin and Ketoconazole 2% scalp solution (88,9%), and patients’ follow up (44,4%). Discussion: More people keeping cats will increase the risk of being infected with feline dermatophytosis. Combination therapy is the best treatment for M. canis. It is important to educate parents to be careful with pet cats that can become carriers. Conclusion: Cat contact was positive in almost half patients, mostly in a male and > 5 years old. The most common signs and symptoms were crust and hair loss, and grey patch.
Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease Vol. 7 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Institute of Topical Disease Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (212.229 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/ijtid.v7i1.6235


Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nail unit including the nail matrix, the nail bed and the nail plate by both dermatophyte and non-dermatophyte agents. It is disturbs not only cosmetic disfigurement, but also it may have an impact on patients’ emotional, social and occupational functioning, finally affecting the overall quality of life. The incidence rate tends to increase, management of onychomycosis is still challenging. Important problems regarding antifungal monotherapy have experienced many failures and recurrences. In general, pharmacological approaches for onychomycosis can be topical or oral antifungal. Antifungal monotherapies often lead to failure treatment, also high incidence of recurrence. One strategy for this problem is a combination antifungal therapy. In vitro studies show the synergistic effect of using combination two antifungals (both oral antifungal or combination topical and oral antifungal), hence it is mycologically or clinically expected to increase the success rate of onychomycosis therapy. This review tries to evaluate the previous study exploring the effectiveness of antifungal combination therapies on onychomycosis. Two oral antifungals usually used are terbinafine as fungicidal agent and itraconazole as fungistatic agent. There is combination between topical and oral antifungal such as itraconazole or terbinafine with amorolfine or ciclopirox, also other combination like griseofulvin and amorolfone or tioconazole. All the combination therapies show better result than monotherapy alone, but it is still difficult to conclude whether antifungal combinations in onychomycosis will increase effectiveness due to variations in therapeutic duration, result definition, and statistical evaluation on existing studies. Further research is required with longer duration of observation, uniform patient criteria and definition of success, random control and blinding to minimize bias.
Dermoscopic Examination in Malassezia folliculitis zahruddin ahmad; Evy Ervianti
Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin Vol. 34 No. 2 (2022): AUGUST
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/bikk.V34.2.2022.130-136


Background: Malassezia folliculitis (MF) is the most common fungal folliculitis, and it is caused by yeast of the genus Malassezia. MF may be difficult to be distinguished clinically from acne and other types of folliculitis, causing misdiagnosis and improper treatment. Dermoscopy has been very useful to support the diagnosis of several types of folliculitis, including MF. Purpose: To know the role of dermoscopic examination in MF. Review: The diagnosis of MF can be identified by usual clinical presentation with direct microscopy and culture of the specimen, Wood's light examination, histopathological examination, and rapid efficacy of oral antifungal treatments. Several studies reported that dermoscopy provides a deeper level of the image that links the clinical morphology and the underlying histopathology. Some dermoscopic patterns are observed consistently with certain diseases, including MF, so these could be used for establishing their diagnosis. The dermoscopic features of MF seem to correlate with the current understanding of its etiopathogenesis. Conclusion: Dermoscopic examination in MF will reveal dermoscopic patterns including folliculocentric papule and pustules with surrounding erythema, dirty white perilesional scales, coiled/looped hairs with perifollicular erythema and scaling, hypopigmentation of involved hair follicles, and dotted vessels.
Risk Factors of Syphilis and HIV/AIDS Coinfection Andre Yuindartanto; Afif Nurul Hidayati; Diah Mira Indramaya; M. Yulianto Listiawan; Evy Ervianti; Damayanti Damayanti
Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin Vol. 34 No. 2 (2022): AUGUST
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/bikk.V34.2.2022.114-119


Background: Syphilis infection and HIV are major health problems worldwide. Both of these diseases can be transmitted through sexual contact, so often a person suffers from both diseases at the same time. Purpose: To describe the risk factors of syphilis and HIV/AIDS coinfection in the Infectious Disease Intermediate Treatment Unit (UPIPI) inpatient and outpatient ward of Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital in 2019. Methods: The study design used in this study is a retrospective descriptive study aimed at evaluating sexual and non-sexual factors that cause syphilis and HIV coinfection. The research population was patients in the inpatient and outpatient rooms of UPIPI RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya for the January-December 2019 period. The sampling technique was sourced from secondary data, namely medical record data from the inpatient and outpatient rooms of UPIPI RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya for the period January-December 2019. The data in this study were obtained from medical records and patient biodata. Result: Based on the calculation results, it is known that age group (P=0.022>0.05), and gender (P=0.024>0.05) had no effect on the risk of syphilis and HIV coinfection, while marital status (P=0.048<0.05), sexual orientation (P=0.048<0.05), transmission model (P=0.044<0.05), and type of work (P=0.046<0.05fected the risk of syphilis and HIV coinfection. Conclusion: People with HIV/AIDS are expected to be active in participating in programs that are needed by patients, such as antiretroviral (ARV) therapy assistance programs and counseling that will prolong the quality of life in various aspects of life, both physical, psychological and social aspects.
Profile of Disability in Leprosy Patients: A Retrospective Study Silvani Geani; Rahmadewi Rahmadewi; Astindari Astindari; Sawitri Sawitri; Evy Ervianti; Budi Utomo; Muhammad Yulianto Listiawan
Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin Vol. 34 No. 2 (2022): AUGUST
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/bikk.V34.2.2022.109-113


Background: Leprosy is a chronic granulomatous infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae that affects peripheral nerves and skin. The interaction between M. leprae and Schwann cells causes irreversible damage to peripheral nervous tissue afterward disability occurs. Involvement of the major nervous trunks of the extremities can produce sensory-motor deficits. The risk factors are delay in diagnosis, gender, age, type of leprosy, duration of disease, number of affected nerves, leprosy reaction, type of treatment, socioeconomic factors, education, ethnicity, and occupation. Purpose: The aim was to study the profile of leprosy patients with disability who seek treatment in Leprosy Division Dermatovenerology Outpatient Clinic RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Methods: This was a descriptive retrospective study of leprosy patients with disability from January 2017 to December 2019. Result: The results of this study obtained a total of 275 leprosy patients with disabilities, which consisted of 76 patients (27.6%) with grade-1 disability and 199 patients (72.4%) with grade-2 disability. The majority were male (73.4%) and aged 25-44 years old (42.2%). Other dominant risk factors were MB type leprosy (92%), duration of disease more than 12 months (52.3%), no leprosy reaction (68%), and had received multidrug therapy (45.5%). Conclusion: Knowledge of disability risk factors can assist in improving management and education to prevent disability in leprosy patients.
Disregulasi IL-17, CD4 neutrofil, IL-10, PGE-2, iNOS, dan MMP-9 di jaringan kulit terhadap kerusakan saraf dermal pada pasien erythema nodusum leprosum I Gusti Nyoman Darmaputra; Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa; Anang Endaryanto; IGAA Elis Indira; Nyoman Suryawati; Evy Ervianti; Linda Astari; Bagus Bagus
Intisari Sains Medis Vol. 10 No. 2 (2019): (Available online: 1 August 2019)
Publisher : DiscoverSys Inc.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1006.913 KB) | DOI: 10.15562/ism.v%vi%i.441


Introduction: The mechanism of nerve damage in ENL patients is important to be revealed because the problem of nerve damage is not getting enough attention in handling ENL patients. Some pro-inflammatory mediators that have been studied are risk factors for nerve damage in ENL.Aim: This study aim in knowing the mechanism of nerve damage in the relation with its risk factors, which are CD64 neutrophil, IL-17, MMP-9, and iNOS with PGE-2 and IL-10 protective factor and IL-10 in ENL patients.Method: This is an analytic cross-sectional design study with tissue samples from 30 leprosy patients with ENL in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya. Samples from biopsy examined using IHC method to evaluate S-100, IL-10, IL-17, PGE-2, iNOS, MMP-9, and CD64 neutrophil expressions. The result calculated within 20 view field with 1000 times magnification.Result: CD64 neutrophil (p=0.022, r=-0.417), IL-17 (p=0.001, r=-0.560), iNOS (p=0.005, r=-0.502) and MMP-9 (p=0.025, r=-0.409) has significant correlation with S-100. There is no significant correlation between IL-10 (p=0.061) and PGE-2 (p=0.407) with S-100.Conclusion: Expressions of IL-17, CD64 neutrophil, MMP-9, and iNOS in tissue correlate with nerve damage in ENL patients.
A successfully treated Basal Cell Carcinoma using elliptical excision surgery Irmadita Citrashanty; Hamidah Luthfidyaningrum; Evy Ervianti; Bagus Haryo Kusumaputra; Maylita Sari; Muhammad Yulianto Listiawan; Yoana Fransiska Wahyuning Christi
Qanun Medika - Jurnal Kedokteran FK UMSurabaya Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Qanun Medika Vol 07 No 01 January 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/jqm.v7i1.15384


 Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is a non-keratinization cell-derived neoplasm. Surgical excision is the most common way to remove a tumor. The excision depends on the tumor type, size, and location. This paper reported a 44- years-old woman presented with the chief complaint of a single bump that bleeds easily in the facial region that began one year ago. Dermatology examination revealed hyperpigmented plaque with an ulcer in central, solitary, oval, 2 cm x 1 cm in size, covered with blackish crust on top. A Dermoscopy examination showed blue dots and globules, arborizing vessels, and ulceration. Histopathology examination findings were in concordance with BCC. The patient was treated with elliptical surgical excision. The lesion was successfully removed and showed good results with minimal scarring. BCC occurs in 75% of all skin cancers. Elliptical surgical excision on the left cheek was performed after considering the location anatomy, defect size, age, and general condition patient and postoperative cosmetic estimates. The minimal scar that occurs is planned to be performed with a fractional laser. The prognosis is generally good. There is no recurrence until one year later. In conclusion, elliptical surgical excision is an effective standard treatment if performed with a safe margin. In this case, we used 5 mm safe outer margin.
Antifungal Activity of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) Emulsion Gel Compared to Nystatin on Candida albicans Stored Isolate from HIV/AIDS Patients with Oral Candidiasis Maya Wardiana; Astindari; Evy Ervianti; Afif Nurul Hidayati; Diah Mira Indramaya; Pepy Dwi Endraswari; Budi Utomo; Dwi Murtiastutik
Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin Vol. 35 No. 2 (2023): AUGUST
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/bikk.V35.2.2023.88-92


Background: Oral candidiasis (OC), frequently caused by Candida albicans, is the most common opportunistic infection in HIV/AIDS patients. Topical treatment for OC is limited. In vitro study revealed rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) essential oil has an antifungal effect. However, the essential oil is volatile and is not recommended to be applied to the skin and mucosa; therefore, emulsion gel (emulgel) is made. Purpose: This study was conducted to evaluate the antifungal activity of rosemary emulgel 6.25%, 25%, 37.5%, and 50% compared to nystatin. Methods: This study is an in vitro test using the disk diffusion method to d  etermine the antifungal activity shown by the inhibitory zones of rosemary emulgel at 6.25%, 25%, 37.5%, and 50% compared to nystatin to stored isolates of C. albicans from HIV/AIDS patients with OC. Result: Rosemary emulgel 6.25% dan 25% did not show antifungal activity because no inhibitory zone was shown. The inhibitory zone diameter provided by rosemary emulgel 37.5%; 50%; and nystatin against C. albicans isolates were 3.17±3.763 mm; 7.00±4.107 mm; and 30.13±5.319 mm respectively. Significant differences in antifungal activity were shown by the inhibitory zone diameter provided between rosemary emulgel 37.5%, 50%, and nystatin (p<0,05). Conclusion: Rosemary emulgel 37.5% dan 50% had antifungal activity showed by the formation of inhibitory zone against Candida species isolates in disk diffusion method even though it was weaker compared to nystatin as a standard antifungal.
Cutaneous Manifestations in End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Amira Suryani Rahmatika; Trisniartami Setyaningrum; Sawitri Sawitri; Evy Ervianti; Damayanti Damayanti
Qanun Medika - Jurnal Kedokteran FK UMSurabaya Vol 8 No 01 (2024): Qanun Medika Vol 08 No 01 January 2024
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/jqm.v8i01.19371


Skin can reflect systemic conditions due to abnormalities in internal organs, including kidney disorders. Cutaneous manifestations are common in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). It can be severe and negatively impact a patient's quality of life. Clinicians can effectively manage ESRD by closely examining the patient's skin and nails, improving the patient's quality of life, and reducing mortality and morbidity. Clinicians can be more aware of ESRD by examining the patient's skin and nails closely so proper management can be performed and the patient's quality of life can be improved. This review aims to increase understanding of common cutaneous manifestations in ESRD for early recognition and better management.  Cutaneous manifestations in ESRD are divided into specific and nonspecific manifestations. Specific manifestations include acquired perforating dermatosis (APD), bullous disease (porphyria cutanea tarda and pseudoporphyria), metastatic calcification (calcinosis cutis and calcific uremic arteriolopathy), and nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. Nonspecific manifestations include pruritus, xerosis, skin pigmentation changes, nail disorders, purpura, hair disorders, oral mucosal changes, skin infections, and other skin manifestations. These manifestations range from benign and asymptomatic to serious conditions that negatively impact life quality. In conclusion, Early detection and treatment of cutaneous manifestations in patients with ESRD are crucial for reducing morbidity and mortality and also improving patients' quality of life.
Co-Authors Addia Salsabila Ade Fernandes Ade Fernandes Afif Nurul Hidayati Afif Nurul Hidayati Alphania Rahniayu Amanda Gracia Manuputty Amira Suryani Rahmatika Anang Endaryanto Andre Yuindartanto Arthur Pohan Kawilarang Astindari Astindari Astindari Astindari Astindari Bagus Bagus Bagus Haryo Kusumaputra Bagus Haryo Kusumaputra Bagus Meurah Suropati Bernadya Yogatri Anjuwita Budi Utomo Budi Utomo Budi Utomo Budi Utomo Budi Utomo Budiono Budiono Chesia Christiani Liuwan Cindy Fransisca Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa Citra Dwi Harningtyas Damayanti Damayanti Damayanti Damayanti Damayanti Damayanti Damayanti Damayanti Damayanti Damayanti Desiana Widityaning Sari Dewi Puspitorini Diah Mira Indramaya Diah Nugrahaeni Diah Nugrahaeni, Diah Dwi Murtiastutik Dwi Murtiastutik Dwi Nurwulan Pravitasari Dyatiara Devy Rahadiyanti Dyatiara Devy Rahadiyanti Eko Budi Koendhori, Eko Budi Ellenita Soebakti Endang Wahyu Fitriani Esthy Yuliana Esti Hendradi Farhat Surya Ningrat Fatma Rosida Hamidah Luthfidyaningrum Hans Lumintang Hans Lumintang, Hans I Gusti Ayu Agung Elis Indira I Gusti Nyoman Darmaputra Indah Purnamasari Indiarsa Arief L Indiarsa Arief L, Indiarsa Arief Indropo Agusni Indropo Agusni INDROPO AGUSNI Irmadita Citrashanty Irmadita Citrashanty Iskandar Zulkarnain Iskandar Zulkarnain Iskandar Zulkarnain Iskandar Zulkarnain Iskandar Zulkarnain Karina Dyahtantri Pratiwi Kurniati Kurniati Linda Astari Lunni Gayatri Lunni Gayatri, Lunni M. Yulianto Listiawan Made Putri Hendaria ManikRetno Wahyunitisari Maria Ulfa Sheilaadji Maria Ulfa Sheilaadji Marsudi Hutomo Maya Wardiana Maylita Sari Maylita Sari Maylita Sari Medhi Denisa Alinda Menul Ayu Umborowati Menul Ayu Umborowati Menul Ayu Umborowati Nadya Kelfinta Hanani Natalia Tanojo Nur Khamidah Nyoman Suryawati Pepy Dwi Endraswari Pepy Dwi Endraswari, Pepy Dwi Putri Intan Primasari Putri Intan Primasari Rahmadewi Rahmadewi Regitta Indira Agusni Retha Retha Riezky Januar Pramitha Sawitri Sawitri Sawitri Sawitri Sawitri Sawitri Sawitri Sawitri Selvia Yuliani Dwi Ratih Sanggarwati Septiana Widyantari Shakti Indraprasta Silvani Geani Sunarso Suyoso Sunarso Suyoso Sunarso Suyoso Sunarso Suyoso, Sunarso Sylvia Anggraeni Tjokorde Istri Nyndia Vaniari Trisniartami Setyaningrum Wisnu Triadi Nugroho Wisnu Triadi Nugroho Yoana Fransiska Wahyuning Christi Yuri Widia, Yuri Yuri Widya Yusuf Wibisono zahruddin ahmad