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Journal : Al-Lahjah : Jurnal Pendidikan, Bahasa Arab dan Kajian Linguistik Arab

Al-Lahjah Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019): Juli
Publisher : LPPM Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (972.589 KB) | DOI: 10.32764/lahjah.v3i2.389


Arabic is a foreign language that is widely studied by students, especially in the field of Islamic education. However, for some students who have never known being something new it even becomes something that is difficult to learn. To overcome this, researchers created a learning medium in the form of comic books to facilitate students' understanding of Arabic. The methodology used by researchers is R&D (Research and Development). Using this method, researchers designed a product in the form of a comic book, then made a product, and the final step was to evaluate the product to the validation stage. The results obtained from these studies are in the form of influence on learning, reading interest and Arabic language abilities of students. Keywords: media, comic book, learning.
Al-Lahjah Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020): Januari
Publisher : LPPM Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32764/lahjah.v4i1.818


Bahasa Arab memiliki banyak lahjah dan salah satu lahjah yang dipilih sebagai bahasa kitab suci umat Islam adalah lahjah Quraisy. Hal ini didasarkan beberapa faktor, di antaranya adalah faktor agama, politik dan ekonomi. al-Qur’an memiliki kemukjizatan karena ia memiliki hal yang di luar kebiasaan, adanya tantangan untuk mendatangkan yang semisal dengan al-Qur’an dan tidak ada yang mampu mendatangkan yang setara dengan al-Qur’an. Dari segi bahasa, al-Qur’an memiliki banyak kemukjizatan, di antaranya adalah bahasa al-Qur’an yang ringkas dan padat, kesesuaian antara argumentasi dengan menggunakan bahasa yang berbeda, deskripsi yang indah, bahkan semua aspek kebalagahan yang terdapat dalam al-Qur’an merupakan kemukjizatan bahasa al-Qur’an. Kata kunci: Bahasa Arab, Lahjah dan Kemukjizatan al-Qur’an.
Al-Lahjah Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020): Juli
Publisher : LPPM Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1244.225 KB) | DOI: 10.32764/lahjah.v5i2.886


Abstract The difficulty of students in mastering Arabic vocabulary is one of the obstacles in learning Arabic. Especially in the vocabulary related to biology which is still very rarely found in other dictionaries. To solve this problem, the researchers compiled an Arabic science dictionary. Another goal that the researcher hopes is to increase the mastery of Arabic vocabulary for students of the faculty of education, especially biology study program. The research methodology used by researchers is using research and development methodology or better known as R&D. The research steps taken by the researcher are as follows: the first stage is defining, the second stage is Design, the third stage is Development, and the last stage is Dissemination or abbreviated as 4D. In the form of data presentation, the researcher used descriptive qualitative data presentation type, namely using the form of data presentation using words instead of numbers. The results obtained by the researchers were the increased mastery of Arabic vocabulary, students could know the proper pronunciation of Arabic vocabulary, the curiosity to know information about biology words was getting higher, and finally the increased motivation to learn Arabic increased. Keywords: Science Thematic Dictionary, Arabic Vocabulary, Biology Students.
Al-Lahjah Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Januari
Publisher : LPPM Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (948.386 KB) | DOI: 10.32764/lahjah.v7i2.1736


Abstract The ability to read is a basic abilitythat must be possesed by everyone, especially those related to bald Arabic text or what is called the yellow book. It takes a very deep tenacity to learn it, starting from memorizing vocabulary and understanding the science of nahwu and shorof. Therefore, the yellow book became the main source of a boarding school. To find out these problems, researchers conducted a study aims to determine the ability of the students of the Al Mimbar Islamic Boarding School Jombang.The method used by the researcher in this research is descriptive qualitative by using four techniques in collecting data, namely: Observation, Interview, Test and Documentation. The results of the study illustrate that: 1) The students of the Al Mimbar Islamic Boarding School are categorize as being able to fluently read harakat while they are less ables to answer grammatical material. 2) The method used in learning Arabic text at the Al Mimbar Islamic Boarding School is only Bandongan method. 3) The factors that hinder students’ ability to read the yellow book are the learning of bare Arabic text and Arabic rules in particular and the low interest of students in learning the Arabic rules. Keywords: Reading, Bald Arabic text, Santri
Al-Lahjah Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Januari
Publisher : LPPM Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (734.592 KB) | DOI: 10.32764/lahjah.v7i2.1994


Abstract Personality is a description of attitudes that differ from one individual to another. This is due to the adjustment of views in a dynamic context related to integrated behavior and which describes the interaction between inherited abilities and environmental influences. Education is the process of changing the attitudes and behavior of a person or group of people in an effort to mature humans through teaching and training efforts, also means the process, method, act of educating students. Based on the study and analysis in the hadith used as a reference for the study, it was concluded that being an educator must have good personality traits. The position of an educator as a parent of students in the school environment, there are several traits possessed by an educator, namely having a gentle nature, compassion, speaking and being honest so that students can imitate, an educator has a desire to return his knowledge to Allah swt, and pay attention to the condition of the students. In addition, an educator must also pay attention to the requirements that must be possessed by an educator, namely must be fair to his students by not discriminating each other, be tolerant with all kinds of attitudes, an educator must be sincere with educating his students. Keywords: Personality traits of educators, hadith, education
Analisis Perbandingan Semantik Pada Kata يَحْكُمْ dan حُكْمٌ pada Surat Al-Maidah Terjemahan Depag Dengan H.B. Jassin Diki Cahyo Ramadhan; NURUL HIDAYAH; Isniyatun Niswah Muflikhatuz
Al-Lahjah Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): Juli
Publisher : LPPM Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1258.342 KB) | DOI: 10.32764/lahjah.v8i1.2403


This study discusses the comparative analysis of the meaning of the word يَحكُمْ andحُكْمٌusing the translation of the Ministry of Religion and H.B. jassin. And the method used is thelibrary research method. In Arabic the word law has no equivalent. Word translation يَحكُمْ andحُكْمٌin the Qur'an of the Ministry of Religion with H.B. Jassin is quite accurate in terms of the Indonesian language level. Although there are slight differences between the translations of H.B. Jassin with the translation of the Ministry of Religion. H.B. translation Jassin is translated literally with a poetic nuance, while the MoRA translation is translated freely. Therefore, these two translations do not reduce the accuracy of the translation results. The author draws the conclusion, that the translation of H.B. Jassin and the Ministry of Religion in the Al-Qur'an letter al-Maidah in the first verse to the fiftieth verse are quite accurate in terms of the Indonesian language level. Keywords : Analysis, Word comparison يَحكُمْ andحُكْمٌ, Translation of the Ministry of Relegion and H.B. Jassin
Co-Authors Admi Nazra Afi Rachmat Slamet Agus Setyo Utomo Agus Slamet Haryanto Ahmad Humam Hamid Aji Hermawan Ali Daud Hasibuan Almira Rahmatika Amriani Sapra Amy Nindia Carabelly Anak Agung Ketut Sudharmawan Andar Luki Faryanto Andhika Hayyu Pratama Andika Bagus Nur Rahma Putra, Andika Bagus Nur Rahma Angga Irawan Anis Nur Widayati Anisa Mulyani Anita agustina Anita Dwi Rahmawati Annasari Mustofa Apriani Ardyan Firdausi Mustoffa Arief Noviarakhman Zagladi Asti Kusuma Wardani Baiq Mira Aulia Salsabila Barra Gusma Fadillah Casminto Casminto Choiril Hana Mustofa Danang Aria Nugroho Darini Kurniawati Devi Safitri Didik Indarwanta Diki Cahyo Ramadhan Dinda Ariyantika Dindin Wahyudin Dini Yuniarti Diniyah Kholidah Djajadi Djajadi Dona Santika Dwi Indah Edy Yusuf Agung Gunanto Ega Asnatasia Maharani ELLY SUSANTI Emily Nur Saidy Nur Saidy Eti Herawati Ety Sari Handayani F, Feliatra Fabelyn Gandryal Mistipa Fahruddin Kurdi Fajar Yousriatin Fitri Oviyanti Florensa Florensa Fransisca Tassia Fuadah Fakhruddina Hamidah Hamidah Hans Julio Pratama Harapan Parlindungan Ringoringo Hasni Yaturramadhan Harahap Hayani Anastasia Hindarto Huldani Huldani Ibrahim Ibrahim Ika Ratna Indra Astutik Indro Herry Mulyanto Intan Nur ‘Ain Intan Tolistiawaty Ira Rahmawati Irwandani Irwandani Isniyatun Niswah Muflikhatuz Kamaliah - Karkono Karkono Kartika Chrysti Suryandari Khairani Khairani Kholis, Anja Hesnia Kuswati, Kuswati Laksono Trisnantoro Lalu Ali Wardana LATHIFA SUCI NOVIANA Lingling Marinda Palupi Lintang Sari Listi Oktaviani Ludfi Muyassaroh M. Ainul Rizki Setiawan Made Agus Nurjana Maharagita Audimy Tammalea mahmud Junianto Mari Okatini Mariaty Ibrahim Masmuri Masmuri Maya Fitriasari Meti Maspupah Mohammad Suryawinata Muh. Nazri Muhammad Fakhri Ardyansyah Muhammad Hatta Subakti Muhammad Hufron Muhammad Junaidi Muhammad Yusuf Hisyam Murniati Murni Nadia Rahmawati Nadia Rizky Amalia Ni Nyoman Veridiana Nisma Nissa Tarnoto Nurhalifah Nuri Fadhilah Nurmiati, Nurmiati Nurul Annisa Nur’azizah Octaviani Mesatoding Panghiyangani, Roselina Puput Haryani Putri Amanda Radhia Riski Rahmayanti Hasibuan Rahmiati Rahmiati Reksa Rohmadona Renaldi Sutomo Renie Kumala Dewi Riris Wahyu Satyaningtyas Riza Arifin Robby Hudiansyah Romlah Romlah Rudi Hamarno Poltekkes Sahdella Sahdella Sapta Raharja Prayoga Suryadarma dan T. Ikhsan Azmi Ani Suryani Selasih Selasih Selvi Damayanti Seprian, Dwin Septina Laylatu Zahro Shofia Rahmi Shofia Rahmi Shofiyah Al Idrus Siti Arfah Siti Rahma Yanti Siti Rifani Siti Suleman Sitti Chadijah Sugeng Heri Suseno Sujono - Suryo Nugroho Syarifah Syarifah Tika Fitriyah Tri Cahyo Sepdianto Triantoro Safaria Umi Kulsum Qomariah Untung Widodo Wahyudi Wahyudi Wahyuni Inggit Pratiwi Wakhidian Solehatur Rohmah Widiani, Esti Wimpy Wimpy Winda Yunita Miftahul Jannah Wulida Litaqia Yanita Yanita Yofita Sandra, S.Pd., M.Pd., Zico Farlin, Dr. Budiwirman, M.Pd., Yuli Priyana YUYUN SRIKANDI Yuzarion, Yuzarion Zainuri Sabta Nugraha Zaitul Ummi