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Journal : Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian

Pengaruh Lama Perendaman Terhadap Mutu Beras Pratanak pada Padi Varietas IR 64 Rokhani Hasbullah; Pramita Riskia D. P
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 27 No. 1 (2013): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1486.62 KB) | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.027.1.%p


ABSTRAK Pembuatan beras pratanak meliputi pembersihan, perendaman, pengukusan, pengeringan, dan penggilingan. Proses pratanak dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan rendemen giling, menekan kehilangan nilai gizi dan menurunkan indeks glikemik sehingga cocok dikonsumsi oleh penderita Diabetes Melitus. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Mengkaji pengaruh lama perendaman terhadap mutu fisik dan kimia beras pratanak, (2) Menentukan lama perendaman yang optimum untuk proses pratanak dan pengaruhnya terhadap mutu beras. Penelitian ini menggunakan gabah varietas IR 64 dengan perlakuan lama perendaman 4, 6, dan 8 jam.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pratanak dapat meningkatan rendemen giling dan dapat menurunkan kadar amilosa. Profil gelatinisasi beras pratanak menunjukkan bahwa semakin lama perendaman dalam proses pratanak dapat meningkatkan viskositas trough, viskositas akhir, waktu puncak, dan suhu gelatinisasi serta menurunkan viskositas puncak, viskositas breakdown, dan viskositas setback. Lama perendaman tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap komposisi kimia yang terkandung dalam beras pratanak. Lama perendaman yang terbaik adalah selama 4 jam pada suhu air 60 oC. Kata kunci: gabah, beras pratanak, indeks glikemik, amilosa, profil gelatinisasi ABSTRACT Processing of parboiled rice consists of paddy cleaning, soaking, steaming, drying, and milling. Parboiled process of paddy is intended to increase the milling yield, to prevent nutrition losses and to decrease glychemic index. The purpose of this research is (1) To assess the impact of soaking time on the physical and chemical quality of parboiling rice, (2) To determine the optimum soaking time for parboiling rice and it’s impact on rice quality. This research is using IR 64 variant with soaking duration treatment about 4, 6, and 8 hours. The result showed that parboiled process increase the milling yield and reduce the rice amylose content. Gelatinization profile of the parboiled rice showed that the longer of soaking duration increase the trough viscosity, final viscosity, peak time viscosity, and pasting temperatures and also decreased the peak viscosity, breakdown viscosity, and setback viscosity. The treatment of soaking duration did not significantly affect the chemical contents of parboiled rice. The exposure time of paddy soaking that suggested is 4 hours in dip water at temperature of 60 oC. Keywords : paddy, parboiled rice, glychemic index, amylose, gelatinization profileDiterima: 10 Desember 2012 ; Disetujui: 28 Maret 2013
Perlakuan Uap Panas (Vapor Heat Treatment) untuk Disinfestasi Lalat Buah dan Mempertahankan Mutu Buah Belimbing (Averrhoa carambola L.) Eti Rohaeti; Rizal Syarief; Rokhani Hasbullah
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 24 No. 1 (2010): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.024.1.%p


AbstractThe objectives of this research were to study mortality of carambola fruit fly (B. carambolae D & H) and to study responses of VHT on quality of carambola (A. carambola L). Fruit fly mortality due to heat has been investigated by immersing fruit fly eggs into hot water at temperatures of 40, 43, 46 dan 49oC for 30 minutes and then at temperature of 46.5oC for 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 minutes. Star fruit were treated at temperature of 46.5oC for 5, 15, 30 minutes and then stored in temperatures of 5, 15oC and room temperature (28-30 oC). The result show that mortality has been achieved 100% at temperature more than 43.0oC for 30 minutes and at temperature 46.0oC for more than 15 minutes. VHT had significant influences to decrease the fruit respiration rates, chilling injury, antraknose, to increase the weight loss, color, and soluble solid content. However, there were no significant change in the hardness, water content, vitamin C and organoleptic test. VHT at temperature 46.5oC for 20 up to 30 minutes were effective to kill fruit flies inside carambola and VHT combined by storing in temperature of 15oC were able to maintain carambola quality during storage.Keywords: vapor heat treatment, fruit fly, B. carambolae, carambola, disinfestationDiterima: 1 Februari 2010; Disetujui: 19 April 2010
Study on Disinfestation of Fruit Fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) Using Vapor Heat Treatment on Gedong Gincu Mango Rokhani Hasbullah; Dadang .; Elpodesy Marlisa
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 23 No. 1 (2009): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.023.1.%p


Since the prohibition of chemical method for insect disinfestations processes such as ethylene dibromide in 1984, heat treatment method was developed as quarantine technology. One of the heat treatment methods is vapor heat treatment (VHT). The objectives of this research were to study mortality of fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) and to study the responses of VHT on quality of gedong gincu mango. Fruit fly mortality due to heat has been investigated by immersing fruit fly eggs into heated water at temperatures of 40, 43, 46 and 49OC for 30 minutes immersed, also at temperature of 46OC for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 minutes. Gedong gincu mangoes were treated at temperature 46.5OC for 0, 10, 20, and 30 minutes. The results showed that mortality has been achieved 100% at temperature more than and equal to 43OC for 30 minutes and attemperature 46OC for more than and equal to 10 minutes. The VHT has significantly and fungi population although without adversely affecting to the fruit quality and there were no significant change in the fruit weight loss, hardness, color, soluble solid content, water content, vitamin C and organoleptic test. VHT at temperature 46.5OC for 20 up to 30 minutes were effective to kill fruit flies inside mangoes and were able tomaintaining mango quality during storage.Keywords : mango, fruit fly, disinfestations, vapor heat treatmentDiterima: 24 Maret 2008; Disetujui: 22 Oktober 2008
Desain dan Kinerja Unit Perlakuan Uap Panas (VHT) Untuk Disinfestasi Lalat Buah pada Penanganan Pascapanen Mangga Rokhani Hasbullah; Agus Sutejo; Astu Unadi; Suparlan .
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 23 No. 1 (2009): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.023.1.%p


Formerly, chemical fumigation was used for disinfestation treatment, but now had been replaced bychemical-free disinfestations treatment such as vapor heat treatment (VHT). The objectives of this researchwere (1) to design the VHT Unit and testing its performances, and (2) to study the effect of the VHT methodand waxing on the fruit quality during storage of mango. The designs of VHT unit consist of water tank, filter,heater, water pump, differential pressure fan, atomizer, control panel and treatment chamber. Performanceof the unit showed that the temperature of the VHT chamber increased from ambient temperature of 30OCto setting point of 47OC in 70 minutes. Relative humidity of the VHT chamber was very high (more than90%) indicating the VHT unit was successful in being used for fruitfly disinfestations of fruit product. Usingsetting point of 46.5OC, the mango fruit core temperature reached temperature of 45.5-46.3OC in 130minutes. Mango ‘Gedong gincu’ were treated at 46.5OC for 10, 20, 30 minutes and control and then followedby waxing. The results showed that VHT of 10-30 minutes were not significantly affect the fruit quality.There were no significant changes in the fruit weight losses, hardness, color, soluble solid content, watercontent and vitamin C. VHT at 46.5OC for 20-30 minutes was effective to kill the fruitfly infested inside themangos and VHT followed by waxing was able to maintain mango quality during storage.Keywords : mango, fruit fly, heat quarantine treatment, vapor heat treatment (VHT)Diterima: 15 Januari 2008; Disetujui: 27 Agustus 2008
Ultrasonic Wave Characteristics of Arumanis Mangoes And Damage Arumanis Mangoes By Fruit Fly Warji .; Rokhani Hasbullah
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 23 No. 1 (2009): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.023.1.%p


The objective of this research was to study the ultrasonic wave characteristic at arumanis mangoesdamage caused by fruit fly. The ultrasonic characteristics that was used to sort the damaged mangoes fromthe normal mangoes were attenuation, velocity and moment zero power (Mo) number. Results showed thatmean attenuation coefficient of normal arumanis mangoes was 36.45 Np/m, mean velocity of ultrasonicwave was 518.19 m/s and Mo number was 4.58. The mean attenuation coefficient arumanis mangoeswhich damaged by fruit fly was 30.67 Np/m, mean velocity of ultrasonic wave was 731.72 m/s and Monumber was 6.40. Relation between the ultrasonic wave characteristic with arumanis mangoes damagecaused by fruit fly showed that attenuation coefficient of arumanis mangoes was increase but damagearumanis mangoes level was decrease, while Mo number was increase in parallel with increase of damagearumanis mangoes level. The ultrasonic wave velocities of arumanis mangoes didn’t show clear correlationwith damage arumanis mangoes level, as shown by from value of r2=0.01. Larva weight of inversely tovalue of attenuation coefficient, correlation of logarithm value r2=0.94. Correlation value of larva weight Mowith number was r2=0.38.Keyword : ultrasonic wave, arumanis mangoes, fruit fly, attenuation coefficient, Mo numberDiterima: 13 Maret 2008; Disetujui: 27 Oktober 2008
Penggunaan Teknologi Perontokan untuk Menekan Susut dan Mempertahankan Kualitas Gabah Rokhani Hasbullah; Riska Indaryani
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 23 No. 2 (2009): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.023.2.%p


Paddy (Oryza sativa) is a plant producing rice as a staple food of Indonesian people. Efforts to increaserice production is done not only through the extention of the rice areas, but also to minimize postharvestlosses. This study aims to assess the use of thresher technology on postharvest losses of paddy. Threshingof paddy is done by three methods: (1) manually or “gebot”, (2) using pedal threshers, and (3) using powerthreshers. The results showed that the use of power thresher able to reduce paddy losses from 3,31 to4,35 % (for manual threshing or gebot) to be 0,49 to 1,21 %. The use of power thresher also reduces thepercentage of grain cracking from 7,1 % to be 4,1 % by threshing manually. Threshing capacity using powerthresher from 708.0 to 773.0 kg/h, while using the pedal thresher 84.96 to 113.00 kg/h and manual thresherresulting only 54.69 to 62.22 kg/h.Keywords: paddy, power thresher, pedal thresher, manual thresher, postharvest lossesDiterima: 15 Juni 2009; Disetujui: 29 September 2009
Kajian Pengaruh Konfigurasi Mesin Penggilingan terhadap Rendemen dan Susut Giling beberapa Varietas Padi Rokhani Hasbullah; Anggitha Ratri Dewi
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 23 No. 2 (2009): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.023.2.%p


Rice is the staple food for Indonesian people so that the rice supply will be the barometer for thenational’s food security. In rice production, both of postharvest losses and low milling yield are still theproblems due to lack of postharvest handling. In this study, the effect of rice milling machine configurationon the milling yield and quality of some paddy varieties was examined. Paddy variety of Ciherang, Cibogoand Hybrid were milled using a configuration process of: 1) two husking and two polishing (2H-2P), 2) onehusking, one separating and one polishing (H-S-P), and 3) one husking, two separating and two polishing(H-2S-2P). The results show that the paddy varieties significanly affect milling yield and losses. However,rice milling machine configurations are not significantly affect the milling yield and losses. Paddy variety ofCibogo resulting in the highest milling yield (67.80 %) compared to Ciherang (62.61 %) and Hibrida (60.78%). Paddy variety of Cibogo resulting in the lowest losses (1.41 %) compared to Ciherang (3.43 %) andHibrida (3.03 %). The speed of milling process for configuration of 2H-2P, H-S-P and H-2S-2P were 228.1kg/hour, 295.6 kg/h and 263.2 kg/hr respectively.Keywords: paddy, rice milling configuration, milling lossess, milling yieldDiterima: 30 Juni 2009; Disetujui: 19 Oktober 2009
Kajian Pengaruh Iradiasi Sinar Gamma Terhadap Mortalitas Lalat Buah Dan Mutu Buah Mangga Gedong (Mangifera indica L) Selama Penyimpanan Cicih Sugianti; Rokhani Hasbullah; Yohanes Aris Purwanto; Dondy A Setyabudi
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 26 No. 1 (2012): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.026.1.%p


Abstract Gedong mango (Mangifera indica L.) is a tropical fruit that has the potential for export. But, the fruit of the mango is hosted by fruit fly. Fruit fly pests of mango export has been restrained by the very strict quarantine regulation. Therefore, it need a treatment that can annihilate the fruit fly. Irradiation technique has been one of the quarantine treatment that being attention, in order to disinfested pest attack. This research aims to study the effect of irradiation on mortality of fruit fly species Bactocera papayae (oriental fruitfly) on gedong mango, and to study the effect of irradiation dose and storage temperature on the physiology of the nature and quality of mangoes gedong. The results showed the mortality test results for B. papayae towards the dose 0.75 kGy reached until 100%. The next level was to test the mango fruit fly which considered infested naturally from the field. The dose given were 0:25 kGy, 0.5 kGy, 0.75 kGy and control. The results showed that in the control treatment founded that fruit flies growth from the day 9th to day 24th days of storage. 0.25 kGy dose and 0.5 kGy dose given were still found larva growth until the day 24th days of storage. From the test results of mortality at the dose of 0.75 kGy was able to annihilate fruit fly mortality reaches until 100%, but when applied to the fruit which has considered infested in the field were still found larvae growth until the 21st days of storage. Irradiation dose of 0.75 kGy can suppress the respiration rate, and weight losses during storage. With the irradiation dose can affected the quality of gedong mango such as vitamin C, total acid, Total Soluble Solid (TSS), and moisture content of gedong mango. Keywords: Gedong mango, Fruit flies, Irradiation, Quarantine treatment Abstrak Buah mangga gedong (Mangifera indica L.) merupakan salah satu produk hortikultura yang berpotensi untuk di ekspor. Tetapi buah mangga merupakan inang dari lalat buah. Serangan hama lalat buah menyebabkan ekspor buah mangga terhambat oleh aturan karantina yang sangat ketat. Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu perlakuan yang dapat membunuh lalat buah tersebut. Teknik iradiasi sebagai salah satu perlakuan karantina mulai dilirik untuk tujuan disinfestasi serangga hama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh iradiasi terhadap mortalitas lalat buah (fruit fly) spesies Bactocera papayae (oriental fruitfly) pada buah mangga gedong, dan mempelajari pengaruh dosis iradiasi dan suhu penyimpanan terhadap sifat fisiologi dan mutu buah mangga gedong. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan untuk hasil uji mortalitas B. papayae terhadap dosis 0.75 kGy mencapai 100%. Tahapan selanjutnya adalah menguji buah mangga yang dianggap sudah terinfestasi lalat buah secara alami dari lapang. Besarnya dosis yang diberikan adalah 0.25 kGy, 0.5 kGy, 0.75 kGy dan kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada perlakuan kontrol ditemui lalat buah yang berkembang pada hari ke-9 sampai hari ke-24 penyimpanan. Pemberian dosis 0.25 kGy dan 0.5 kGy masih ditemukan larva yang berkembang hingga hari ke-24 penyimpanan. Dari hasil uji mortalitas pada dosis 0.75 kGy mampu membunuh lalat buah mencapai mortalitas 100%, namun ketika diterapkan pada buah yang dianggap sudah terinfestasi secara lapang masih ditemukan larva yang berkembang pada hari ke-21 penyimpanan. Pemberian dosis iradiasi sebesar 0.75 kGy dapat menekan laju respirasi, dan susut bobot selama penyimpanan. Dengan pemberian dosis iradiasi dapat mempengaruhi mutu buah mangga gedong seperti halnya kadar vitamin C, total asam, TPT, dan kadar air buah mangga gedong. Kata kunci : Mangga gedong, Lalat buah, Iradiasi, Perlakuan karantina.Diterima:09 November 2011;Disetujui: 13 Maret 2012 
Pengeringan Lidah Buaya (Aloe vera) Menggunakan Oven Gelombang Mikro (Microwave Oven) Edy Hartulistiyoso; Rokhani Hasbullah; Eka Priyana
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 25 No. 2 (2011): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (640.872 KB) | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.025.2.%p


Abstract. Aloe vera (Aloe vera) is known as a useful plant, both as food, cosmetics or pharmaceuticals. Due its high water content, Aloe vera should be processed immediately after harvest. This paper will discuss the drying of aloe vera using microwave oven. The drying process of 50 gr Aloe vera gel and rind using 80 Watts microwave power completed in 140 minutes to reach the final moisture content of 7% wet basis.  The drying process in microwave drying shows similar process to that of conventional drying. Dipolar rotation mechanism of water molecules at microwave drying does not affect the drying stage. It shows however shorter process time. The water removal of the drying material occurred in the early minutes until the 50th minute. This because of the high free water surface on the material, while from minute 50 to minute 140 slowed the drying process. Highest temperature of the material during the process is achieved at  57.6 oC in drying of gel and 70.7 oC in drying of  Aloe vera rind.  It is expected that there is no damage of nutritional content during drying in the this temperature range. Quality analysis of flour and tea of Aloe vera after drying by microwave showed that Aloe vera powder produced within the range of the standard, both visually and microbiologically, but indicated as low quality when viewed from acid content levels.  Whether microwave heating mechanism affects the acidity, this needs further study. Keywords : Alue vera, microwave drying, product quality   Abstrak Lidah buaya (Aloe vera) dikenal sebagai tanaman yang bermanfaat, baik sebagai bahan pangan, kosmetika ataupun obat-obatan. Kandungan air yang cukup tinggi membuat lidah buaya harus segera diproses setelah panen. Pada tulisan ini akan didiskusikan pengeringan aloe vera menggunakan oven gelombang mikro (microwave oven). Proses pengeringan 50 gr gel dan kulit lidah buaya hingga mencapai kadar air akhir 7 % bb menggunakan microwave dengan power 80 watt berlangsung 140 menit Penurunan kadar air dan laju pengeringan pada pengeringan microwave menunjukkan proses yang sama dengan pengeringan konvensional.  Mekanisme rotase dipolar molekul air pada pengeringan microwave yang berbeda dengan pengeringan konvensional tidak berpengaruh terhadap tahapan proses pengeringan. Penurunan masa bahan selama proses pengeringan terjadi pada menit-menit awal hingga menit ke-50,  hal ini terjadi karenamasih banyaknya air bebas yang berada dipermukaan bahan.  Sementara dari menit ke-50 hingga menit ke-140 proses pengeringan berlangsung melambat. Suhu tertinggi bahan selama proses yang dicapai adalah  57,6 oC pada pengeringan gel dan 70,7 oC pada pengeringankulit lidah buaya. Pada kisaran suhu tersebut diharapkan tidak terjadi kerusakan kandungan gizi lidah buaya. Pengujian mutu tepung maupun teh lidah buaya setelah pengeringan dengan microwave menunjukkan bahwa tepung lidah buaya yang dihasilkan, baik secara visual maupun kandungan mikroba masih dalam kisaran standar.  Namun jika dilihat dari kadar keasamanan masih menunjukkan hasil mutu rendah. Apakah mekanisme pemanasan dengan gelombang mikro berpengaruh secara kimiawi sehingga berpengaruh terhadap kadar keasaman, hal ini perlu kajian lebih lanjut. Kata kunci : lidah buaya, pengeringan microwave, mutu produk Diterima: 08 Juni 2011; Disetujui: 20 September  2011 
Kajian Rekayasa Proses Penggorengan Hampa dan Kelayakan Usaha Produksi Keripik Pisang Ruri Wijayanti; I Wayan Budiastra; Rokhani Hasbullah
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 25 No. 2 (2011): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (519.708 KB) | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.025.2.%p


Abstract Vacuum frying is a new technology that can be used to improve quality attributes of fried food because of low temperatures process. The objectives of this study is to assess the effects of oil temperatures and exposure time of frying on physic-chemical and organoleptic properties of banana chips to get a better guality products, to determine packaging material that can extend shelf life of banana chips, to predict shelf life of banana chips using the method of acceleration and to calculate production costs and the business feasibility of vacuum fried banana chips. The quality parameters tested include water content, fat content, colour, thickness and organoleptic test. Banana chips were fried in oils with temperature of 60, 70, 80, and 90°C and time of frying 30, 45, 60 and 75 minutes. The result showed that the temperature and frying time is significantly influence the quality and characteristics of the products. The best quality of banana chips obtained at frying temperature of 80°C for 60 minutes. Aluminum foil can maintain the shelf life of banana chips for 115 days of storage, while the PP is only for 70.6 days of storage based on water content parameter. Banana chips business eligible to run if production capacity is 4 kg or more. Keywords: banana, vacuum fryer, self life, the feasibility Abstrak Penggorengan vakum adalah sebuah teknologi baru yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas makanan gorengan (keripik) dengan proses suhu rendah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji pengaruh suhu minyak dan waktu penggorengan terhadap sifat fisiko-kimia dan organoleptik keripik pisang sehingga didapatkan produk dengan kualitas terbaik, menentukan jenis kemasan yang dapat memperpanjang umur simpan keripik pisang, untuk menduga umur simpan keripik pisang dengan menggunakan metode akselerasi dan menghitung biaya produksi dan kelayakan usaha keripik pisang dengan penggorengan vakum. Parameter kualitas yang diuji meliputi kadar air, kadar lemak, warna, ketebalan dan uji organoleptik. Keripik pisang digoreng dalam minyak dengan suhu 60, 70 80, dan 90 ° C dan waktu penggorengan 30, 45, 60 dan 75 menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suhu dan waktu penggorengan secara signifikan mempengaruhi kualitas dan karakteristik produk. Kualitas terbaik dari keripik pisang diperoleh pada suhu penggorengan 80 ˚ C selama 60 menit. Aluminium foil dapat mempertahankan umur simpan keripik pisang selama 115 hari penyimpanan, sedangkan PP hanya 70,6 hari penyimpanan berdasarkan parameter kadar air. Bisnis keripik pisang  memenuhi syarat untuk dijalankan jika kapasitas produksinya 4 kg atau lebih. Kata Kunci: Pisang, penggorengan vakum, umur simpan, kelayakan usahaDiterima: 27 Mei 2011 ; Disetujui: 16 September 2011
Co-Authors . Setiadjit . Sukarno . Sutrisno Abdul Waries Patiwiri Achmad Fitrah Maulidin Adhitya Yudha Pradhana Agus Sutejo Ahmad Yani Ahmad Yani Ali Parjito Amzul Rifin Andi Suryadi Anggitha Ratri Dewi Arief Daryanto Arif Imam Suroso Arif Suroso Aris Purwanto Astu Unadi Budi Nurtama Budi Rahardjo Cicih Sugianti Dadang . Deasy Fitriani Desy Nofriati Desy Nofriati Deva Primadia Almada Dikky Indrawan Dondy A Setyabudi Dondy A Setyabudi DS Priyarsono Dwi Zuwarman Edi Suryanto Edy Hartulistiyoso Eka Priyana Elisa Nur Faizaty Elpodesy Marlisa Emmy Darmawati Eti Rohaeti Fahim M Taqi Fajar Sidiq Firdaus, Jonni Graita Gaiety Jatmiko Harli Prawaningrum Hasniar . Heriyanto S Soba I Wayan Astika I Wayan Budiastra Idham Sakti Harahap Iriando Wijaya Ita Zuraida Iyus Hendrawan Jeffrey Fransiscus Juniska Muria Sariningpuri Kaltika Setya Utami Sumariana Khoirul Mukhtarom Leopold Oscar Nelwan Lidya Susanti Lilik Pujantoro Eko Nugroho Machfud Machfud Maya Wulan Arini Memen Surahman Mohamad Rahmad Suhartanto Muhammad Yusuf Antu MUHAMMAD YUSUF ANTU nFN Setyadjit nFN Sukarno Nunung Nuryartono Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurman Susilo Nurul Imamah Okky Setyawati Dharmaputra Parlaungan Adil Rangkuti Patiwiri, Abdul Waries Pramita Riskia D. P Prori Vitaliano Latief Purwiyatno Hariyadi Raden Dikky Indrawan Indrawan Renny Anggraini Ridwan Rachmat Rimba Lestari Rio Viryawan Riska Indaryani Rizal Syarief Rizal Syarief RIZAL SYARIEF Rofika Rochmawati Ruri Wijayanti Sahara Sahara Selvi Marcellia Setiadjit Setiadjit Slamet Budijanto Sugiyono Sugiyono Sugiyono Sugiyono Sukarno Sukarno Sulusi Prabawati Suparlan . Suroso . Susi Lesmayati Susilo, Nurman Sutrisno , Sutrisno - Sutrisno Mardjan Sutrisno Sutrisno Sutrisno Sutrisno Tajuddin Bantacut Tri Yulni Usman Ahmad Warji Warji