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Journal : Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia (Journal of Indonesian Agribusiness)

Analisis Efisiensi Usahatani Padi di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah Budi Yoko; Yusman Syaukat; Anna Fariyanti
Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia (Journal of Indonesian Agribusiness) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2014): Desember 2014 (Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia)
Publisher : Departmen of Agribusiness, Economics and Management Faculty, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jai.2014.2.2.127-140


An effort to increase rice production through agricultural extension in Central Lampung regency is difficult. This is because of the limited land that can be used as new planning areas and high competition for land use as non-agricultural activities. Therefore, the increase in rice production through production efficiency becomes the most important alternative. The objectives of this study are to analyze the level of technical efficiency, allocative efficiency, and economic efficiency of rice farming in Central Lampung district and identified the factors that influence it. The results of the analysis using stochastic frontier production function shows that rice farming in the study area has been efficient. Average efficiency level of technical efficiency is 0,94, allocative efficiency is 0,93, and economic efficiency is 0,88. The land area is the most responsive variable in an effort to increase rice production. Variables expected to affect the degree of technical efficiency of rice farming is the number of family members of farmers, rice farming experience, acces farmers to agricultural financing, and number of agricultural extension.
Analisis Preferensi Risiko Petani pada Usahatani Kubis Organik di Kecamatan Baso, Kabupaten Agam, Sumatera Barat Reny Hidayati; Anna Fariyanti; Nunung Kusnadi
Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia (Journal of Indonesian Agribusiness) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2015): Juni 2015 (Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia)
Publisher : Departmen of Agribusiness, Economics and Management Faculty, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jai.2015.3.1.25-38


Risk preferences of farmers determine to adoption of a technology. This study aims to determine risk preferences of cabbage farmers in Baso Sub-district. Analysis of risk preferences using a model of risk preferences Kumbhakar 2002. Results show that organic cabbage farmers are risk-averse, impacting the slow adoption of organic farming.
Pola Bagi Hasil Usaha Garam Rakyat di Kabupaten Pamekasan, Jawa Timur Campina Illa Prihantini; Yusman Syaukat; Anna Fariyanti
Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia (Journal of Indonesian Agribusiness) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2016): Juni 2016 (Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia)
Publisher : Departmen of Agribusiness, Economics and Management Faculty, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jai.2016.4.1.1-16


Sharecropping system is wellknown as a disincentive agricultural system (Marshall 1920). It has been a culture that is very difficult to be deleted in rural area. Almost 70,5% of salt production business in Pamekasan regency applied this system, although it does not give more adventages to the sharecroppers. This study aimed to analyze the sharecropping system in salt production by estimating the profit taken by landlords and sharecroppers. Beside that, this study aimed to identify the factors affecting sharecropper’s decission by using binery logistic regression. The results showed that the landlords and the sharecroppers have a significant difference in the mean of their profit. This result is significant for α=5%. Sharecropper’s decission is affected significantly by the last education of sharecropper, number of sharecropper’s family, and cost of fund. This study recommended the government, landlords, sharecroppers, middleman, and the stakeholder to cooparate and make a forum that can give a better welfare to the sharecroppers.
Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia (Journal of Indonesian Agribusiness) Vol. 5 No. 2 (2017): Desember 2017 (Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia)
Publisher : Departmen of Agribusiness, Economics and Management Faculty, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jai.2017.5.2.89-110


Red chili is known as a very high commodity price fluctuation. High price fluctuation will make market inefficiency and cause a disincentive for market actors. One indicator of market efficiency is symmetric price transmission in integrated market. This paper aimed to analyze vertical price transmission along the marketing chanel of red chili (produsen, wholesale and retail) and analyze the market behavior of market actors. Vertical price transmission was analyzed with the Asymmetric Error Corection Model (AECM) approach using weekly data over Januari 2012 to October 2014. While, the market behavior was analized using descriptive analysis with sequentil bargaining game. The results showed that price transmission along marketing channel of red chili is symmetric and the price in wholesale is a reference for produsen dan retail prices.
Pengaruh Kredit Ketahanan Pangan Dan Energi (KKPE) Terhadap Produksi Ayam Ras Pedaging Di Sumatera Barat Astri Aminova Putri; Dwi Rachmina; Anna Fariyanti
Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia (Journal of Indonesian Agribusiness) Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021): Juni 2021 (Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia)
Publisher : Departmen of Agribusiness, Economics and Management Faculty, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jai.2021.9.1.1-12


Credit is an alternative capital source to support farmers in increasing production. Credit has realized by the government to farmers, in its implementation was not always used to increase production. Research shows that credit has not been used optimally for businesses financed by credit. This study aims to analyze the utilization of Food and Energy Security Credit (KKPE) and its effect on broiler production. The study was conducted in Padang Pariaman Regency, West Sumatra Province, which is known as the broiler production center. Data were collected through structured questionnaires for 85 farmers. Data were analyzed using tabulations to perform the utilized of credit to broilers. The effect of credit on broiler production was counted by calculating the alleged production using multiple linear regression broiler production functions. The results showed that the average amount of credit received by farmers amounting to Rp. 57.116.000 was not fully utilized for broilers. The average utilization for broilers is only 94,49 percent which is used to purchase broiler chicken production inputs such as chicken seedlings (DOC), feed, vitamins, drugs, vaccines, and labor wages and invest in business equipment such as animal fodder, washing machine cages and repairing cages. This research concludes credit can increase the production of broilers by 47,52 percent.
Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia (Journal of Indonesian Agribusiness) Vol. 9 No. 2 (2021): Desember 2021 (Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia)
Publisher : Departmen of Agribusiness, Economics and Management Faculty, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jai.2021.9.2.105-121


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemasaran ikan cakalang di Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan Provinsi Maluku Utara melalui pendekatan struktur, perilaku dan kinerja pasar dan menganalisis efisiensi pemasaran ikan cakalang di Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan, struktur pasar yang terbentuk ialah struktur pasar oligopoly kuat. Struktur pasar ikan di tingkat pedagang besar di PPP Bacan memiliki konsentrasi yang cukup tinggi dilihat dari nilai CR4 mendekati 50 persen. Sementara, tingkat konsentrasi pada pedagang grosir mendekati 75 persen atau oligopoli kuat dan ditingkat perusahaan terdapat 1 perusahaan menguasai 47 persen pangsa pasar dan terdapat 4 perusahaan menguasai 82 persen pangsa pasar. Pasar ikan cakalang tidak memiliki hambatan yang sigfikan untuk masuk dilihat dari Nilai MES 1.8 persen Perilaku pasar menunjukan bahwa nelayan tidak mempunyai kekuatan dalam penetapan harga dan hanya berperan sebagai price taker Terdapat 7 saluran pemasaran ikan cakalang besar. Margin pemasaran terbesar berada pada saluran 3 (nelayan-pedagang besar-pedagang grosir dan konsumen) Terdapat 3 saluran pemasaran pada ikan cakalang kecil dengan saluran pemasaran terbesar berada pada saluran pemasaran 9 (nelayan-pedagang besar- UKM). Farmer Share terbesar berada pada saluran 1 (nelayan dan industri perikanan) untuk ikan cakalang besar dan saluran 9 ( nelayan-pedagang besar- UKM) untuk ikan cakalang kecil.
Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia (Journal of Indonesian Agribusiness) Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): Juni 2022 (Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia)
Publisher : Departmen of Agribusiness, Economics and Management Faculty, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jai.2022.10.1.85-100


Kabupaten Serang merupakan salah satu daerah penghasil ayam broiler di Provinsi Banten. Produksi ayam broiler di Kabupaten Serang menghadapi risiko produksi dan mortalitas ayam yang tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis pengaruh faktor-faktor produksi terhadap risiko produksi ayam broiler pada peternak mitra dan peternak mandiri di Kabupaten Serang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Serang, Provinsi Banten. Penentuan daerah penelitian menggunakan metode purposive sampling dan pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode sensus dan snowballing untuk mengumpulkan 64 peternak ayam broiler. Jumlah sampel terbagi menjadi 32 peternak mitra dan 32 peternak mandiri. Model Just and Pope digunakan untuk menganalisis risiko produksi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa faktor produksi yang bersifat meningkatkan risiko produksi pada usahaternak ayam broiler adalah vaksin, tenaga kerja, obat-obatan, sekam, dummy mitra, dan dummy musim, sedangkan faktor yang bersifat menurunkan risiko produksi pada usahaternak ayam broiler adalah pakan, pemanas, dan vitamin. Peternak perlu berhati-hati dalam memberikan vitamin, obat-obatan, dan vaksin agar sesuai dengan dosis yang dibutuhkan serta mengontrol penggunaan tenaga kerja untuk meminimumkan risiko produksi.
Daya Saing Bawang Putih di Indonesia Bella Septiana; Nunung Kusnadi; Anna Fariyanti
Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia (Journal of Indonesian Agribusiness) Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): Juni 2022 (Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia)
Publisher : Departmen of Agribusiness, Economics and Management Faculty, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jai.2022.10.1.40-52


Demand for garlic in Indonesia tends to increase, but only a little (< 5 percent) of it was met by national production. This study aims to analyze the competitiveness of Indonesian garlic and identify its determinants. Data used on garlic farming was obtained from the Agricultural Census 2013-Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), consisting of 121 sample farmers in West Nusa Tenggara province and 98 farmers in Central Java province. The Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) method was used to measure comparative and competitive advantages which were grouped according to the technical efficiency of production. Efficiency is estimated by the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method. The results showed that garlic has a comparative and competitive advantage in only 55 percent of the total sample. The comparative and competitive advantages of garlic were significantly determined by the technical efficiency of production. Further analysis showed that the competitiveness of Indonesian garlic was sensitive to changes in productivity and output prices. Productivity is the most decisive factor in the competitiveness of Indonesian garlic. Government policies related to input prices and output prices caused farmers to pay lower input prices and accepted output prices higher than their social prices. From this study can be concluded that in general Indonesian garlic was not competitive being produced domestically. Garlic can be produced domestically as an import substitution if it is produced with high productivity and efficiency. It is recommended to improve the technical efficiency of production by utilizing the potential land and technology production optimally.
Pengaruh Kemitraan terhadap Efisiensi dan Risiko Usahatani Bawang Merah di Provinsi Jawa Tengah Deda Annasia Yuliastri; Anna Fariyanti; Netti Tinaprilla
Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia (Journal of Indonesian Agribusiness) Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): Juni 2022 (Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia)
Publisher : Departmen of Agribusiness, Economics and Management Faculty, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jai.2022.10.1.53-62


Produktivitas bawang merah di Jawa Tengah sebagai sentra produksi menunjukkan tren yang semakin menurun selama tahun 2013-2018. Salah satu cara meningkatkan produktivitas yaitu melalui efisiensi teknis. Namun dalam upaya peningkatan produktivitas, maka peluang terkena risiko juga akan semakin tinggi. Sehingga dibutuhkan kemitraan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini melihat pengaruh kemitraan terhadap efisiensi tekns dan persepsi risiko antara petani mitra dengan petani non mitra. Data sekunder digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Jumlah sampel penelitian sebanyak 1.508 (10 petani mitra dan 1.498 petani non mitra) petani bawang merah di Jawa Tengah. Data dianalisis menggunakan metode stokastik frontier, dan skala likert. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kemitraan berpengaruh menurunkan efisiensi. Sementra itu tidak ada perbedaan pada kedua petani dalam persepsi terhadap risiko serangan hama dan penyakit, namun pada risiko perubahan iklim/cuaca petani mitra menganggap lebih besar dampakya terhadap penurunan produksi dibandingkan petani yang tidak bermitra. Upaya pengelolaan baik pada petani mitra maupun non mitra terhadap serangan hama dan penyakit tumbuhan tidak ada perbedaan dimana pengelolaan secara kimiawi lebih banyak dipilih.
Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia (Journal of Indonesian Agribusiness) Vol. 11 No. 1 (2023): Juni 2023 (Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia)
Publisher : Departmen of Agribusiness, Economics and Management Faculty, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jai.2023.11.1.1-16


The C.A.F.E. certification scheme (Coffee and Farmer's Equity) practices designed to produce high quality coffee, high prices, pay attention to fair relations with farmers, workers, communities, and protect the environment. However, valid data on the benefits of C.A.F.E practices for farmers remains limited. This study aimed to analyze the sustainable coffee plantations based on the index with Rap-Coffee through the Multidimensional Scaling (M.D.S.) method. The aspects studied in this research are economical, ecological, social, institutional, and technological dimensions. This research conducted in Enrekang Regency from March to June 2021. Respondents in the study are farmers who are members of the C.A.F.E certification program practices that consist of 110 farmers and three coffee experts Respondents from the farmer group were selected by random sampling, while respondents from the stakeholder group were selected by purposive sampling. The results of the sustainability analysis of certified coffee plantations in Enrekang Regency on each dimension are the economic dimension (55,03), social dimension (62,36), ecological dimension (71,27), institutional dimension (68,39) and technological dimension (64,92), and the sustainability index status of all dimensions is included in the moderately sustainable category. At the same time, the analysis results of the multidimensional sustainability index is 66,91, including the category of moderately sustainable. The sustainability of C.A.F.E. practices certified coffee plantations in each dimension has a different sustainability index, so different policies are needed to evaluate the sustainability of coffee plantations in the Enrekang Regency.
Co-Authors Abd Fajar Adhitya Marendra Kiloes Ahsanah Mukarromah Arifin Al Jaktsa Al Jaktsa Alfira Yanamisra Ali Djamhuri Amzul Rifin Andriyono Kilat Adhi Anggita Tresliyana Anggita Tresliyana Suryana Anisa Dwi Utami ari abdul rouf Ari Abdul Rouf Arief Daryanto Arief Daryanto Arief Daryanto Arif Ravi Wibowo Astina Astina Astri Aminova Putri Astuti Rahmawati Astuti Rahmawati Astuti Rahmawati Bambang Juanda Bayu Sumantri Bayu Sumantri Bella Septiana Bonar Marulitua Sinaga Budi Yoko Burhanuddin Burhanuddin Dadan Permana Darwis Abubakar Deda Annasia Yuliastri Dewi Mulia Sari Dwi Rachmina DWI SURYANTO Elvina Elvina Fadila Jzuqynova Burhani Fadila Jzuqynova Burhani Fadilla Ristya Aminda Faroby Falatehan Faroby Faletehan Fauji Yamin Fauji Yamin Fredinan Yulianda Halil (1 Hardiyanti Sultan Hari Hermawan Harianto Haris F. Aldila Haris Fatori Aldila Hartoyo, Sri Hasnah Sabrina Siregar Hasnawati Hasnawati Indah Kartika Sandra Iqbal Reza Fazlurrahman Irawan Wibisonya Jemmy Rinaldi JEMMY RINALDI Joko Purwono Jufri Muhammad Jullyo Gideon Rohi Kania Larasati Hartoyo Krisnamurthi, Bayu Kuntjoro Kuntjoro Kuntjoro, nFN Kurniasari, Novia Tri Lola Rahmadona Lukman M. Baga Lukman M. Baga Lukytawati Anggraeni M. Wildan Sayid Akbar Mahendra, Roy Mariyah Mariyah Martauli, Elvin Desi Mayhilda Nitami Mega Amelia Putri Mega Amelia Putri, Mega Amelia Mega Mustika Mirfatul Hidayah Muhamad Ridwan Muhammad Firdaus Muhammad Ismail Natasa Apriana Netti Tinaprilla nFN Kuntjoro nFN Puspitasari Nia Kurniawati Hidayat Nia Kurniawati Hidayat Normal Bivariant Padangaran Nunung Kusnadi Nur Fatonny Nurdiyah Nurdiyah Nurul Lainan Najmi Nurul Risti Mutiarasari Prasetyo, Kunandar Pratica Dewi Prihantini, Campina Illa Purwanti, Nurani Yuni Putri Larasati Widhiasih Putri Larasati Widhiasih R.R. Ajeng Pratiwi Indah Kusumarini Rachmat Pambudy Ratna Winandi Ratna Winandi Asmarantaka Relanti Irene Sopacua Reny Hidayati Rina Karuniawati Rina Karuniawati Ristiyanto, Nirwan Rita Nurmalia Rita Nurmalina Salsabila, Unik Hanifah Setiyaningsih Setiyaningsih Siti Jahroh Siti Jahroh Siti Syamsiah Siti Syamsiah Sri . Handayani Sri Ariani Safitri Sri Ariani Safitri Sri Hartoyo Sri Hartoyo Sri Hartoyo Sri Hartoyo Sri Hartoyo - Sri Mulatsih Sri Utami Kuntjoro Sriyani Wahyuni Tangahu Suharno Sumantri, Bayu Suryana, Anggita Tresliyana Suryo Wiyono Syaima Teki Sinatria Theresia, Valentina Timbul Rasoki Trees Augustine Pattiasina Umbu Joka Ummy Qalsum Valentina Theresia Valentina Theresia Vela Rostwentivaivi Vera Erviana vista uli sihombing Wahyu Budi Priatna Wanti Fitrianti Wianggawati, Hesty Dharmanita Winandi, Ratna Wujud Rolesya Yusalina Yusalina Yusman Syaukat Yusman Syaukat Yusman Syaukat