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Journal : Mimbar Sekolah Dasar

Mimbar Sekolah Dasar Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53400/mimbar-sd.v1i1.1362


This study aims to explore the professional competence of elementary school teachers certified in Sumedang district. The study was conducted in the form of a survey in urban areas Sumedang district with a population of 592 elementary school teachers and 60 teachers certified as research samples. Total Respondents are 180 people consisting of 60 persons certified elementary school teachers, 60 peers who have not been certified, and 60 principals who captured data through questionnaires. Data were processed and analyzed with the rating scale measurement techniques and SPSS 16, and obtained the following results: 1) rating scale analysis results indicate that the professional competence of certified teachers in the Sumedang district, four aspects are in the 'ENOUGH' category and one aspect is in the 'LESS' category, and 2) the results of the attitude scale analysis using SPSS 16 shows that the professional competence of certified teachers in the Sumedang district are in 'GOOD' category, but this condition is far from the 'PROFESSIONAL' category.Keywords: competence, professional, teacher, certificated, sumedang.
Mimbar Sekolah Dasar Vol 1, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53400/mimbar-sd.v1i2.874


This paper examines one of the main teachers' competence, ie pedagogical competence of teachers who have been certified educators in Sumedang district. This type of research is a survey research with descriptive-quantitative method. The population was 592 certified teachers in the district of North and South Sumedang, with a sample of 60 teachers. Data collected through questionnaire (Likert scale) on the respondent one (R1) is a certified teacher of 60 people, two respondents (R2) are colleagues who have not been certified 60 people, and three respondents (R3) is the principal of 60 people, so total respondents amounted to 180 people. Processing and data analysis was performed using SPSS 16 through frequency analysis and correlation. The results stated that the average pedagogical competence of teachers at the GOOD category, with the acquisition value of 3.02 (75.48%). However, when seen by the results of the correlation answer, where answer between R1 and R2 are many significant / agree, but the answers are not many significant R3 / contrary, it can be concluded that the average pedagogical abilities certified teacher educators in Sumedang district, is in the category ENOUGH based on answers from 150 respondents (84.3%), and is in the category GOOD based on answers from 28 respondents (15.7%). Keywords: pedagogical competence, professionalism, teacher, sumedang.
The Impact of Social Media on Communication Politeness: A Survey of Prospective Primary School Teacher Students Julia, Julia; Kurnia, Dadang; Sudin, Ali
Mimbar Sekolah Dasar Vol 5, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53400/mimbar-sd.v5i3.14492


The presence of social media in our  daily life  gives both its positive and negative impact  to communication manners. This impact also occurs in schools’ environment or even in campus. This paper aims to analyze students’ politeness in communicating through the social media. The study was conducted by providing a survey to 147 students (ages between 19-24 years). The results of the study prove that communication through social media give an  impact on students to be more eager to communicate with anyone. However, their communication politeness has decreased, as the survey shows that the ethics of communicating through social media are nor good or polite. Therefore, it can be concluded that the social media has influenced the  communication politeness between students and students and between students and  lecturers.
Religious Songs on Youtube: The Impact on Students Supriyadi, Tedi; Julia, Julia
Mimbar Sekolah Dasar Vol 5, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53400/mimbar-sd.v5i3.14499


Beginning in 2018 Indonesian people are treated to religious songs from Sabyan Gambus group whose vocalist Nissa Sabyan. The songs sung by Nissa Sabyan echoed almost in every layer of the society. One of the media that made it easy for people  to enjoy various songs from several Nissa Sabyan albums is YouTube. This paper was aimed to analyze the YouTube's role of students' religious dimension. The method used in this research is a survey with a qualitative approach. The survey was conducted on 147 students. The results of the study prove that YouTube as an Internet-based audio-visual media is an effective medium for spreading religious nuances. The majority of students feel to be religious by listening to Nissa Sabyan's songs, even though they don't understand the contents of the lyrics. Thus, it can be concluded that YouTube has a significant  role in fostering a religious sense of students.
Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter Lokal Kasundaan Berbasis Kebijakan SPBS di Kabupaten Sumedang Jawa Barat Nurjaman, Omay Komara; Julia, Julia
Mimbar Sekolah Dasar Vol 5, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53400/mimbar-sd.v5i1.9292


This study aims to analyze the implementation of policy on kasundaan character education based on Sumedang Regent regulation about Sumedang Puseur Budaya Sunda (SPBS). The method used was a survey to the elementary school students, which was completed with interviews and FGD. The results of the study found that: (1) SPBS was only instructed in the "SKPD" environment only in the form of Thursday using kasumedangan dress and Sundanese language, (2) no education design of kasundaan characters in elementary school, (3) the majority of elementary school students already have the expected behavior in the context of kasundaan values based on Regent's regulation on SPBS. However, a few other minorities, in fact, show the unexpected behavior that potentially leads the students to negative behavior. Thus, it can be concluded that the implementation of kasundaan character education in elementary school in Sumedang conducted only based school curriculum in spite of Regent’s regulation.
Transformational Leadership Survey Sunaengsih, Cucun; Komariah, Aan; Kurniady, Dedy Achmad; Suharto, Nugraha; Tamam, Badrud; Julia, Julia
Mimbar Sekolah Dasar Vol 8, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53400/mimbar-sd.v8i1.30468


Several previous research have described transformational leadership as successful leadership that led higher education to implement changes for the better. However, a more comprehensive survey on the implementation of transformational leadership in higher education has not been conducted. This research aims at observing a transformational leadership style with the model 4I, namely idealized influence, intellectual stimulation, individual consideration, and inspirational motivation, which is applied to higher education comprehensively. A survey method with questionnaires taken from lecturers working at higher education in Indonesia was used in this research. The findings revealed that attention given to individuals and reducing penalty towards any mistakes by subordinates must be given more attention so that the application of complete combination between one dimension and other dimensions and each indicator of transformational leadership must be carried out. This research is expected to have implications for the effectiveness of higher education leadership, and be used as a reference by higher education leaders in choosing a leadership style.
Co-Authors Aah Ahmad Syahid, Aah Ahmad Aan Komariah Agustin, Devi Angnugrahaeny, Harmonic Juniar Apriani, Lestari Apriyani, Cica Kurnia Fitri Atep Sujana Badrud Tamam Bunga, Non Cucun Sunaengsih, Cucun Dadan Djuanda, Dadan Dadang Kurnia, Dadang Dahri Dahlan, Dahri Dedy Achmad Kurniady Deni Suhandani, Deni Devi Yuniar Diah Gusrayani, Diah Duwi Agustina Dwija Iswara, Prana Ence Mulyadi, Ence Erikalisdiana, Dyanti Safitrilia Eudia K Abriani Fadillah Fadillah Faroby, Firman Al Fatimah, Fatmah Hafsari Fitriana Rahmawati, Nur Fransiska Fransiska Herman Subarjah Hidayat, Restu Ahmad Ika Mustika Sari Imma Fretisari Indri Astuti Irawati, Riana Irawati, Riana Isadora Shandy Widyasri Isrokatun Isrokatun Jayadinata, Asep Kurnia Jayadinata, Asep Kurnia Kaffah, Silmy Kurniawan, Muhamad Arif Lusiani, Linda Maulana Maulana, Maulana Maulana, Aria Chandra Megaria L Parasan Multiati, Multiati Mulyono Mulyono Mundzir, Muhammad Fahri Mursalim Mursalim Nengsih, Wina Ningrum, Nurasih Setya Nopia, Rani Novel, Puput Nugraha, Anggi Anggriyana Nur Aulia, Siti Alawiah NUR LAILA Nur'aeni, Erna Siti Nurdinah Hanifah Nurhamidah, Restu Nurjaman, Omay Komara Nurjanah, Hanifah Ismi Nurlawati, Ayu Nurlita, Nurlita Nurrosyida, Erlin Prana Dwija Iswara, Prana Dwija Priyatna, Sukmana Purnama, Angga Eka Rahayu, Ayu Sri Regina Lichteria Panjaitan, Regina Lichteria Reni Fahdini, Reni Retnasari, Riska Rohmatun, Yunia Sari, Dwi Destiana Septiani, Septani Setiasih, Shanty Della Subandi, Didi Sudin, Ali Suharto, Nugraha Sunarya, Dede Sunarya, Dede Tatang Sunarya, Dede Tatang Supriyadi, Tedi Supriyadi, Tedi Suryani, Asih Tirza Santi Kurniawan Tri Sartika Sari Utama, Aldi Rizki Winda Istiandini Wiwin Wiwin, Wiwin Yulianingtyas, Atika Rahma Zaenab, Waode Zulkifli N Zulkifli N, Zulkifli N