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Journal : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling

Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Vol 5 No 2 (2016): Desember 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling

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Tujuan penelitian ini untuk: (1) Menganalisis gambaran umum pelaksanaan layanan bimbingan kelompok dan Kondisi kecerdasan interpersonal siswa PAUD Percontohan di Kabupaten Kudus; (2) Menghasilkan pengembangan model layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik role play berbasis pendekatan BCCT untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan interpersonal siswa PAUD Percontohan di Kabupaten Kudus; dan (3) Mengetahui tingkat keefektifan model pengembangan layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik role play berbasis pendekatan BCCT untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan interpersonal siswa PAUD Percontohan di Kabupaten Kudus. Metode penelitian ini adalah Reseach and Development dengan prosedur pengembangan yang meliputi 3 tahap yaitu: tahap perencanaan, tahap penyusunan produk pengembangan dan tahap uji keefektifan produk pengembangan. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba keefektifan pada kelompok terbatas, tingkat kecerdasan interpersonal siswa mengalami peningkatan. Hal ini ditunjukan dengan perubahan tingkat kecerdasan interpersonal siswa pada saat pre test dan post test, yang mengalami peningkatan kecerdasan interpersonal anak sebesar 47,82%. The purposes of this study were: (1) to analyze the implementation of the general picture of group guidance services and condition of students' interpersonal intelligence Early Childhood Education Pilot in Kudus; (2) to generate a model of group guidance services with role play technique based on BCCT approach to improve students' interpersonal intelligence in Early Childhood Education Pilot in Kudus; and (3) to determine the effectiveness of the development model of group guidance services with role play technique based BCCT approach to improve students' interpersonal intelligence in Early Childhood Education Pilot in Kudus. Methods of this study was Reseach and Development which was implemented within three phases: planning phase, preparation stage of product depvelopment, and test phase of product development effectiveness. The results of present study showed that the levels of students’ interpersonal intelligence increased for 47,82% between pre-test and post-test.
Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Vol 5 No 2 (2016): Desember 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling

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Tujuan penelitian ini untuk (1) mengetahui gambaran umum pelaksanaan layanan konseling kelompok dan dampaknya terhadap self-esteem siswa SMA, (2) menghasilkan model konseling kelompok dengan teknik spirituality cognitive restructuring, dan (3) menguji efektivitas model konseling kelompok. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode R&D dengan langkah sebagai berikut: (1) persiapan pengembangan model, (2) merumuskan model hipotetik, (3) uji kelayakan model hipotetik, (4) revisi model hipotetik, (5) uji lapangan terbatas, (6) revisi model dan terumuskan model akhir, dan (7) uji keefektifan model akhir. Hasil penelitian ini, yakni (1) konseling kelompok telah dilaksanakan tetapi kurang efektif dan self-esteem siswa perlu ditingkatkan, (2) menghasilkan model konseling kelompok, dan (3) model konseling kelompok dengan teknik spirituality-cognitive restructuring efektif dalam meningkatkan self-esteem siswa. The purpose of this study were (1) to describe the implementation of  group counseling services and its impact on students’ self-esteem for Senior High School students, (2) to produce the model of group counseling with technique of spirituality cognitive restructuring, and (3) to test the effectiveness of the model. This study applied research and development (R & D) method in following steps: (1) preparation of model development, (2) formulating hypothetical model, (3) test the feasibility of hypothetical model, (4) revision hypothetical model, (5) preliminary field test, (6) revision model and formulating the final model, and (7) testing the effectiveness of the final model. This study result were: (1) group counseling have been implemented in school but it had less effective impact for students’ self-esteem, so that students’ self-esteem need to be improved, (2) the model of group counseling with spirituality cognitive restructuring for improving students’ self-esteem have been produced, and (3) the model were effective in increasing students’ self-esteem.
Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Vol 5 No 2 (2016): Desember 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling

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Tujuan penelitian ini untuk (1) mengetahui kondisi classroom engagement siswa di MTs. Negeri 1 Kotabumi; dan (2) mengetahui keefektifan konseling kelompok dengan strategi self management dalam untuk meningkatkan classroom engagement siswa di MTs. Negeri 1 Kotabumi. Metode penelitian adalah single group repeated measures design yang dilaksanakan dengan 3 kali observasi classroom engagement, yakni pretest, postest dan follow-up. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 10 siswa kelas VIII yang dipilih dari 247 siswa dengan menggunakan teknik purposive random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) rata-rata kondisi classroom engagement siswa kelas VIII MTs. N. 1 Kotabumi 2015/2016 berada pada tingkat sedang, (2) terdapat peningkatan classroom engagement secara signifikan setelah mendapatkan konseling kelompok. Penelitian yang dilakukan menegaskan bahwa konseling kelompok dengan strategi self management dapat diaplikasikan untuk meningkatkan classroom engagement siswa. The aims of this study were (1) to describe the students’ classroom engagement of MTs. (Islamic Junior High School) Negeri 1 Kotabumi; and (2) to investigate the effect of the group counseling with self management strategy on students’ classroom engagement. The single group repeated measures design was applied in three times classroom engagement assessment: pre-test, pos-test, and follow up. The participants of this study were ten students’ who were selected using purposive random sampling from 247 students. The results showed that (1) the level of students’ classroom engagement of the VIII graders in MTs. Negeri 1 Kotabumi academic year of 2015/2016 were in medium level, (2) there was a significant effect of improvement on the classroom engagement after getting group counseling. This research affirmed that the group counseling with self-management strategy is effective for increasing students’ classroom engagement.
Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Vol 5 No 2 (2016): Desember 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling

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Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji efektivitas konseling kelompok teknik cognitive restructuring untuk mereduksi prokrastinasi akademik ditinjau dari jenis kelamin pada siswa SMK PGRI 2 Ponorogo. Jenis penelitian randomized pretest–postest control group design diaplikasikan dalam penelitian ini dengan melibatkan sejumlah 16 siswa yang memiliki skor prokrastinasi akademik tinggi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik non parametrik dengan menggunakan uji u mann whitney untuk menguji efek cognitive restructuring terhadap prokrastinasi dan menggunakan uji wilcoxon signed rank test untuk mengetahui efektivitas intervensi antara jenis kelamin laki – laki dan perempuan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konseling kelompok CBT teknik cognitive restructuring efektif untuk mereduksi prokrastinasi akademik. Teknik cognitive restructuring cocok untuk siswa laki–laki maupun perempuan. Hal ini terbukti dengan tak ada perbedaan skor postes secara signifikan diantara keduanya. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of group counseling of Cognitive-Behavior Therapy with cognitive restructuring techniques to reduce academic procrastination between male and female students of SMK PGRI 2 Ponorogo. The randomized pretest-posttest control group design was applied, and 16 students were involved in present study. Data were analyzed using non parametric statistics of Mann  Whitney U test for examining the impact of cognitive restructuring on academic procrastination and Wilcoxon signed rank test for determining the effect of cognitive restructung between male and female students. The results showed that CBT group counseling with cognitive restructuring techniques was effective for reducing academic procrastination. The cognitive restructuring techniques were suitable for both male and female students. It was reflected from the absence of significant differences effect of cognitive restructuring between them.
Konseling Behavioral menggunakan Teknik Kontrak Perilaku dengan Students’ Logbook untuk Meningkatkan Minat Membaca Siswa Muslih, Yuyun Nuriyah; Wibowo, Mungin Eddy; Purwanto, Edy
Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Vol 6 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan konseling behavioral di sekolah, menganalisis kondisi minat membaca siswa, menghasilkana model dan menemukan keefektifan model. Metode penelitian menggunakan Research and Development (R&D). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) pelaksanaan konseling behavioral sudah terlaksana di SMAN Kota Tasikmalaya, namun dalam pelaksanaannya masih belum efektif, dikarenakan kurangnya wawasan dan keterampilan guru BK terutama dalam menggunakan teknik- teknik dalam konseling; (2) kondisi minat membaca siswa sebelum diberikannya perlakuan menunjukan pada kategori kurang sedangkan setelah diberi perlakuan berubah menjadi sedang; (3) model yang dihasilkan diperoleh melalui validasi pakar dan praktisi yaitu berupa model konseling behavioral menggunakan teknik kontrak perilaku dengan students’ logbook yang memiliki aspek kemanfaatan, keakuratan dan kemenarikan untuk meningkatkan minat membaca siswa; (4) model konseling behavioral menggunakan teknik kontrak perilaku dengan students’ logbook terbukti efektif untuk meningkatkan minat membaca siswa.The purpose of the research is to analyze the implantation of behavioral counseling in schools, the condition of students’ reading interest, produce models and found the level of effectiveness of the model. Type of this research method is Research and Development (R & D). The result of the research showed that (1) implementation of behavioral counseling has been implemented et a high school in the town of Tasikmalaya, but in practice not been effective, due to a lack of knowledge and skills of counselor especially in using the techniques in counseling; (2) the condition of students’ reading interests before the treatment with model given to show the poor but after being given treatment into middle category; (3) the resulting model obtained through validation by experts and practitioners that is behavioral counseling models using techniques behavior contract with the students’ logbook that have the aspect of usefulness, accuracy and independence to students’ improve interest in reading; (4) behavioral counseling models using techniques behavior contract with the students’ logbook proven effective to students’ improve interest in reading.
Konseling Naratif untuk Meningkatkan Konsep Diri Siswa Sari, Widya Juwita; Purwanto, Edy; Japar, Muhammad
Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Vol 6 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling

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Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui profil konsep diri di MAN Kembangsawit dan menguji efektivitas konseling naratif untuk meningkatkan konsep diri siswa di MAN Kembangsawit Kabupaten Madiun. Jenis penelitian yang dipakai  dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan desain “randomize pre-test post-test control group design” yang melibatkan subjek penelitian 10 siswa dengan konsep diri rendah dan status sosial ekonomi yang rendah. Mereka dibagi menjadi kelompok eksperimen berjumlah 5 siswa dan kelompok kontrol berjumlah 5 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa profil konsep diri siswa MAN Kembangsawit mempunyai kecenderungan konsep diri kategori sedang dan ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada skor konsep diri siswa antara sebelum dan sesudah penerapan konseling naratif. Dengan demikian, konseling naratif efektif untuk meningkatkan konsep diri siswa di MAN Kembangsawit Kabupaten Madiun.The aim of this research was to desribe the profile of the self concept in MAN Kembangsawit and to test the effect of counseling narrative on students’ self-concept of MAN Kembangsawit Madiun districtA randomize pre-test post-test control group design was implemented with involving 10 students who have low self-concept and low socio-economic status. They were divided into two groups: 5 students in the experimental group and 5 students in the control group. The results of the study showed the profile of students’ self concept of MAN Kembangsawit were in medium category and the narrative counseling was effective to develop students’ self concept in MAN Kembangsawit Madiun district.
Model Bimbingan Kelompok menggunakan Games untuk Meningkatkan Hubungan Interpersonal Siswa Purwanto, Edy; Loban, Maria Natalia; Wibowo, Mungin Eddy
Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Vol 6 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui pelaksanaan bimbingan kelompok,     (2) menganalisis tingkat hubungan interpersonal siswa di SMP Negeri 5 Kota Kupang, (3)  menghasilkan model bimbingan kelompok menggunakan games untuk meningkatkan hubungan interpersonal siswa (4) mengetahui efektivitas model bimbingan kelompok yang dikembangkan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R&D). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IX SMP Negeri 5 Kota Kupang yang berjumlah 256 orang, sedangkan jumlah sampel  sebanyak 10 siswa dipilih secara purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) bimbingan kelompok sudah dilaksanakan namun, belum menggunakan teknik tertentu dalam pelaksanaannya; (2) hasil penyebaran skala hubungan interpersonal pada 62 siswa kelas IX SMP Negeri 5 Kota Kupang diketahui bahwa 45,16% siswa berada pada kategori kurang;  (3) dihasilkan model bimbingan kelompok menggunakan games untuk meningkatkan hubungan interpersonal siswa, (4) model bimbingan kelompok efektif untuk meningkatkan hubungan interpersonal siswa.This study aimed to: (1) investigate the implementation of group guidance, (2) analyze the level of student interpersonal relationships, (3) produce model of group guidance using games to improve students' interpersonal relationships, (4) determine the effectiveness of the group guidance model. The method used in this study was Research and Development (R & D). The population in this study were the entire nine grade students totaling 256 people, whereas the total sample was 10 students selected by purposive sampling. The results showed that: (1) the group guidance has been implemented, however they have not used certain techniques in practice, (2) the results of scale deployment of interpersonal relationships in 62 students of class IX known that 45,16% of students are in the low category, (3) produce a model of group guidance using games to increase students interpersonal relationships, (4) the model  of group guidance using games is effective to improve students’s interpersonal relationships.
Konseling Kelompok Teknik Self Instruction dan Cognitive Restructuring untuk Mengurangi Prokrastinasi Akademik Saputra, Rikas; Purwanto, Edy; Awalya, Awalya
Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Vol 6 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling

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Tujuan penelitian ini untuk: (1) mengidentifikasi keefektifan konseling kelompok dengan teknik self instruction dan cognitive restructuring untuk mengurangi perilaku prokratinasi akademik siswa, dan (2) membandingkan konseling kelompok teknik self instruction atau cognitive restructuring yang lebih efektif untuk mengurangi perilaku prokrastinasi akademik siswa. Desain pre-test post test control group design”, diterapkan pada 21 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) konseling kelompok teknik self instruction dan cognitive restructuring efektif mengurangi perilaku prokrastinasi akademik  siswa,                        (2) konseling kelompok teknik self instruction lebih efektif dibandingkan teknik cognitive restructuring. Implikasi bagi peneliti lanjut dan pelayanan bimbingan konseling di sekolah didiskusikan dengan metode ini.The purpose of this research were to (1) identify the effectiveness of group counseling with self instruction and cognitive restructuring techniques on reduceiy student's academic procratination behavior; and (2) compare the effect of self-instruction and cognitive restructuring more effectively to reduce students' academic procrastination behavior. Pre-test design of post test control group design", applied to 21 students. The results showed  (1) counseling group of self-instruction and cognitive restructuring technique effectively reduce the student's academic procrastination behavior, (2) counseling group of self-instruction technique more effective than cognitive restructuring technique. The results of this study can be seen that the two groups that received treatment decreased academic procrastination. Implication of present studyfor further study and school counseling services were discussed in this article.
Model Bimbingan Kelompok dengan Teknik Brainstorming untuk Meningkatkan Komunikasi Interpersonal Siswa Lianasari, Dewi; Purwanto, Edy
Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Vol 5 No 1 (2016): June 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling

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Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan dan menguji keefektifan Model Bimbingan Kelompok dengan Teknik Brainstorming untuk Meningkatkan Ketrampilan Komunikasi Interpersonal dalam meningkatkan ketrampilan komunikasi interpersonal siswa SMA N 5 Kota Magelang. Desain penelitian research and development (R and D) diterapkan dengan langkah-langkah: persiapan pengembangan model, merumuskan model hipotetik, uji kelayakan model hipotetik, perbaikan model hipotetik, uji lapangan, hasil akhir produk. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa pelaksanaan bimbingan kelompok bersifat insidental. Sebanyak 14,29% siswa kelas XI memiliki kategori tingkat ketrampilan komunikasi interpersonal dalam kategori tinggi, sebanyak 48,16% siswa dalam kategori sedang, sebanyak 36,33% siswa dalam kategori kurang, dan 1,22% siswa dalam kategori rendah. Hasil uji eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa Model Bimbingan Kelompok dengan Teknik Brainstorming untuk dapat meningkatkan ketrampilan komunikasi interpersonal siswa secara signifikan (t (244) = 5.285, p < .01).   The aim of present study was to produce and to test the effectiveness of Model of Group Guidance using Brainstorming Technique on improving students’ interpersonal communication competence for students of State Senior High School 5 Magelang. The design of Research and Development was applied in several steps as follows: preparation for developing the model, developing the hypothetical model, the feasibility test of hypothetical model, revising the hypothetical model, experimental testing, and producing the final product. The result showed that the implementation of group guidance in SMA N 5 was insidental. A total of 14.29 % grade XI student had a high category of interpersonal communication skills, 48.16% had a moderate category, 36.33%  had low category, and 1.22% had very low category. The experiment finding showed that Model of Group Guidance Using Brainstorming Techniques had a significant effect on increasing the students’ interpersonal communication competence (t (244) = 5.285, p < .01).
Effectiveness of Reality Therapy Group Counseling to Increase The Self-Esteem of Students Rosidi, Rosidi; Sutoyo, Anwar; Purwanto, Edy
Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Vol 7 No 1 (2018): June 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling

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The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of reality therapy group counseling to improve the self-esteem of State Islamic High School (MAN) Semarang City students. To purse such objective, this study used experimental method with Non-equivalent Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Meanwhile, there were sixteen students involved as the subjects of the study with the focus on their self-esteem (8 students joined experimental group and 8 other joined control group). Once their data were collected and analyzed by using independent sample t-test, it showed that reality therapy group counseling was effective to improve students' self-esteem (t(14) = 8,01, p < 0,01). For more, the discussion of the results of this study was directed to identify the implications of the application of reality therapy group counseling in improving students' self-esteem.
Co-Authors A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Achmad Basuki Ade Sucipto Adhika, Dimitrij Dimas Afriwilda, Mayang T Agung Wahyudi Agus Setiya Budi, Agus Setiya Agus Supriyadi Aisah, Farida Nurul Ajeng Intan Nur Rahmawati Akhtiar Sigit Samseno Alexsander, Dio Ali Murtadho Andrian Fatmawijaya, Heru Anggakusuma, Rizky Dian Anugerah, Dwieky Anwar Sutoyo Arinata, Firdian Setiya Aryo Wibisono Aulia, Putri Sukma Awalya Awalya, Awalya Ayuningtyas, Ira Palupi Inayah Bambang Santosa Budi Yulianto Budiman, Rahmad Dewangga, Ade Dewi, Eka Riyana Dianawanti, Dianawanti Dicky Novriansyah, Dicky Dwi Bhakti Indri M, Dwi Bhakti Dwi Putra, Indrajaya Dwi Yuwono Puji Sugiharto, Dwi Yuwono Puji Dwistia, Halen DYP Sugiharto, DYP Eddi Wibowo, Mungin Edy Purnomo Elliza, Ismailah Nur Elliza, Ismailah Nur Endang Rifani Erfantinni, Imroatul Hayyu Ernawati Khasanah Fathurahman, Irfan Firda Primaheni, Firda Geladi, Elsafan Gelar Hanum, Aisyi Salsabila Hasibuan, Meli Adriani Hotma Herfidawati, Intan Herucahyo, Dwi Putra Himawan, Zainuddin Indra Himawan, Zainuddin Indra IÅ‚endo-Milewska, Agnieszka Imam Ariffudin Imam Tadjri Indra Kurniawan Intan Kusumaningrum Isyanto Isyanto Ja’far, Muhammad Khaldun Riantoby, Ibnu Khumaeroh, Siti Krisyanti, Martini Indah Kurniawan, Bakhtiyar Adi Kurniawati, Salis Kushendrahayu, Kartika Larto, Larto Lianasari, Dewi Listianah, Lestari Listyorini, Listyorini Loban, Maria Natalia Maba, Aprezo Pardodi Mahestika, Resti Artha Mahfud, Bahreisi Majdi, M. Zuhdi Zainul Maman Rachman Masbudi, Masbudi Masbudi, Masbudi Maududi, Ahmad Mayra, Zara Mohammad Hidayaturrahman Mohammad Iqbal Mabruri, Mohammad Iqbal Muhammad Bisri Muhammad Japar Purwati Mulawarman Mulawarman mungin eddy wibowo, mungin eddy Muslih, Yuyun Nuriyah Muzamil, Ahmad Nadhifatuz Zulfa, Nadhifatuz Niga, Maria Julianti Ningrum, Fuja Septia Nonoh Siti Aminah Nugroho, Hananto NURUL AZIZAH P, Fitri Haryanti Pasa, Alsenda Kemal Pasa, Alsenda Kemal Pertiwi, Rizka Eliza Prabaswara, Dhanes Prasetyo, Faishal Shiddiq Pratama, Firman Purnaningrum, Adiningtyas Wida Rachman, Nissa Zahra Rahman Hakim, Miftahur Risma Puji Astuti, Risma Puji Rosidi Rosidi Rostiana, Dewi Saputra, Rikas Sari, Dian Ayu Angling Sasongko, Harjun Adhitya Setiono Setiono Setiya Budi, Agus Setiya Budi, Agus Setyawan, Bagus Hendri Setyawan, Bagus Hendri Shafie, Amin Al Haadi bin Sofa Indriyani, Sofa Sri Mulyani Endang Susilowati, Sri Mulyani Endang Stefanus Adi Kristiawan Sugiyarto Sugiyarto Sugiyo Sugiyo, Sugiyo Sunanjar, Eka Mustika Sunarmasto, Sunarmasto Sunawan Sunawan Supardi Supardi Susilowati Susilowati Sutarno Sutarno Syaifullah, Aufan Armando Tomi Kurniawan Trisnandar, Ricky Miswan Tumanggor, Hotma Rosalin Ulfa Ulfa Ulvina Rachmawati, Ulvina Umi Haryati Vivi Yuniar Fitriani, Vivi Yuniar Wahyuningrum, Wijayanti Wahyuningrum, Wijayanti Wayne Syam Putra, Galang Akbar Wibowo Wibowo Widayanto, Totok Widha Sunarno Widi Hartono Widya Juwita Sari Winarno, Ahmad Yusuf Yunita, Reni Yusra, Tati