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International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Vol 5, No 2 (2021): IJEBAR, VOL. 05 ISSUE 02, JUNE 2021
Publisher : LPPM ITB AAS INDONESIA (d.h STIE AAS Surakarta)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29040/ijebar.v5i2.2507


This study aims to determine the effect of operating income, net income, gross profit in predicting future cash flows in food and beverage companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The research used is a causal study with a population of food and beverage companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2016 to 2018. This study used a purposive sampling method with a sample of 19 companies which are food and beverage companies listed on the Indonesian stock exchange period 2016 - 2018. Data collection in this study was carried out using secondary data, namely the financial statements of food and beverage companies for the period 2016 - 2018, which were listed on the Indonesian stock exchange. The results of the study obtained partially from the operating profit variable affect the future cash flow while the net income variable and the gross profit variable have no partial effect on future cash flows. Simultaneously operating income, net profit, and gross profit affect the future cash flow and give an influence of 0.617 or 61.7% in predicting future cash flows. Keywords: Operating Profit, Net Profit, and Gross Profit, Cash Flow
Nilai-Nilai Akhlak, Agama, dan Kemanusiaan dalam Novel Ayat-Ayat Cinta 2 Karya Habiburrahman El-Shirazy Huda, Nurul Afiatul; Sumadi, Sumadi; Selamet, Selamet
Bestari | Jurnal Studi Pendidikan Islam Vol 17 No 2 (2020): Juli-Desember 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Institut Agama Islam Darussalam (IAID), Ciamis, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This research discusses the moral values ​​of religion and fellow humans in the novel Ayat-ayat Cinta 2 by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy. The research method used is library research, namely a series of activities related to the method of collecting library data, reading and taking notes and processing research materials. The results of research and discussion conducted by researchers in conducting this research are reading, analyzing and searching for sources With regard to data that is in accordance with the moral values ​​in the novel ayat-ayat-cinta, after which the author obtains some moral values ​​contained in the Novel Ayat-ayat Cinta 2. After analyzing the data, the following conclusions are obtained: (1) Moral values ​​for religion contained in the Novel Ayat-ayat Cinta 2 by Habiburrahman El-Shiazy include worship, monotheism of Allah, gratitude, dzikir, fear of Allah SWT. (2) Moral values ​​towards fellow human beings include patience, trustworthiness, tawadhu, hard work and discipline, sincerity, living simply, doing good to parents and family, helping out, respecting guests and advising each other.
Landasan Pendidikan Akhlak menurut HAMKA Fuadi, Syifa Tsamrotul; Bisri, Hasan; Sumadi, Sumadi
Tsamratul Fikri | Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 15 No 1 (2021): Tsamratul Fikri 15-1-2021
Publisher : Asosiasi Mahasiswa Program Pascasarjana | Institut Agama Islam Darussalam | IAID | Ciamis | Jawa Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36667/tf.v15i1.701


Moral education is education which is about the basics of morals (morals) and the virtue of character, the traits a child must have from childhood until he becomes a convert. Morals are closely related to human thought patterns, attitudes and behavior. Good morals or noble morals are attitudes and behaviors that must be possessed by every Muslim, either directly related to Allah Almighty, or to His creatures. Regarding the moral education, the researcher studied the thoughts of Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah (HAMKA), a prominent scholar from Minangkabau. This study is to determine the moral education according to HAMKA, both for students and for the community. Moreover, some of HAMKA's thoughts on Islamic Education, many say that the form of all his thoughts on the issue of Education is to emphasize more on mental education or morals. The objectives of this research are: 1) To know the basis of moral thought according to HAMKA, 2) To know the purpose of moral education according to HAMKA, and 3) To find out the moral education according to HAMKA and its relevance to Islamic religious education. This study uses library research (library research) with descriptive analysis method, namely by collecting data, compiling and classifying, compiling and interpreting it. This descriptive study was carried out by collecting data, classifying the data, then formulating the rules for compliance contained in the data. The results of the research conducted by the intruder is that according to HAMKA, the moral basis is an inner temper that can change so that if it arises based on reason and religion, a good character will emerge and vice versa if it arises not based on reason and religion, a bad character will appear or is often called with a despicable character. The sources of moral education according to HAMKA are the Koran, Assunah, tawhid, and reason.
Journal of Biology Education Vol 5 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : FMIPA UNNES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jbe.v5i2.14659


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning berbantuan TV-News terhadap kemampuan analisis siswa menggunakan quasi experiment design dengan pola Pretest-Posttest one group design. Populasi adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMP N 24 Semarang, sedangkan sampelnya adalah sebagian dari kelas VIII yaitu kelas VIII C menggunakan teknik convenience sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan rata-rata nilai kemampuan analisis siswa sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran. Dari hasil analisis uji t diperoleh bahwa t hitung > t tabel yaitu 2.07 > 2.03 maka ada perbedaan signifikan antara kemampuan analisis siswa sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran. Selain itu kemampuan analisis siswa berada pada kriteria baik dan cukup, dengan persentase baik 56.25 dan cukup 43.75. Hal ini didukung dengan aktivitas siswa dan tanggapan guru dan siswa yang memberikan respon positif terhadap pembelajaran. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan model Problem Based Learning berbantuan TV-News berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan kemampuan analisis siswa pada materi bahan kimia kehidupan. The study aims to understand the influence of learning model the problem based learning through tv-news of the ability of analysis students to the matter chemicals life. The study is quasi experiment design. The design of the study uses pretest-posttest one group design. The population in this study is all of the eighth grade students of Junior High School in 24 Semarang, while the sample is the students of class VIII C. The samples were collected by convenience sampling. The results of the study showed that there are differences average score pretest and posttest. The results of pretest and posttest obtained later in analysis by t-test. The results of pretest and posttest acquired analysis by t-test. t-test results obtained that t count> ttable.. t count is 2.07, whereas for the t table is 2.03. So any significant difference between pretest and posttest grades. In addition analytical capability students are to a criterion good and quite , with the good of 56.25 and quite of 43.75. This is supported with the activity students and the response of teachers and students who provide a positive response to the problem of learning model based learning through tv-news. Based on the results of the study concluded that learning a problem with a model based learning through tv-news impact on analytical capability students on any material chemicals life .
The Effectiveness of NHT Cooperative Learning Assisted with Picture Puzzle Towards Students’ Learning Activity and Outcomes in Plant Tissue’s Structure and Function Material Prikadiastuti, Idaliani; Retnoningsih, Amin; Sumadi, Sumadi
Journal of Biology Education Vol 6 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : FMIPA UNNES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jbe.v6i2.19296


Limited number of microscope in a school become an obstacle to learning process, including to do anobservation to structure and function of tissue, especially from plants. This research discussed aboutplant tissue. Most students considered that this material was difficult due to limited number ofmicroscope and limited textbook information. Students became bored since the learning material wasdone only by listening and noting teachers’ explanation. The learning process suppose to make themactive, one of the alternative was by Numbered Head Together (NHT). The limited number ofmicroscope can be handled by the picture in picture puzzle. The purpose of this research was toanalyze the effectiveness of NHT with picture puzzle to the activity and learning outcome of studenstin plant tissue structure and function material. This research used pre-experimental with One ShotCase Study. The analysis of data included quantitative data to students’ activity, learning outcome,students’ opinion, and descriptive analysis to teacher’s opinion. The result of this research showed that91% of the students became active and very active. 82% of the students were also passed the score.Teacher and students gave positive reviews to the learning process. Based on the learning outcome, itwas concluded that the cooperative learning of NHT with picture puzzle was effective in increasingstudents’ learning activity and outcome in plant tissue function and structure material.
The Quantitative And Qualitative Analysis Of Students Learning Outcomes According To Student Admission Line Of Biology Education Program Fmipa Unnes Irhas, Muhammad; Sumadi, Sumadi; Ridlo, Saiful
Journal of Biology Education Vol 7 No 1 (2018): April 2018
Publisher : FMIPA UNNES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jbe.v7i1.22086


PP RI no. 66 of 2010 article 53B (1) and Permendiknas no. 34 of 2010 article 3 (1) state that a higher education unit which is organized by the government is required to recruit new undergraduate students through a national admission of at least 60% of the number of new students who are accepted for each Study Program. The objective of this study was to analyze the differences in student learning outcomes according to the admission line of Biology Education Program students of FMIPA UNNES. This study used sequential explanatory design combination method. The population of this study was the students of Biology Education Study Program of FMIPA UNNES class of 2013 to 2016. The quantitative samples were chosen using total sampling method and the qualitative samples were chosen using purposive sampling method. In this study, the students learning outcomes were in the form of GPA. The data of this study were collected using document study method, questionnaire, and interview. The data were then analyzed using descriptive technique percentage, two way anova, regression, and qualitative analysis of Miles & Huberman (Sugiyono, 2011). The results showed that the average of students' GPA of SNMPTN was 3.32, the average of students’ GPA of SBMPTN was 3.29, and the average of students’ GPA of SM was 3.25. The sig value in the two way anova test to examine the difference of GPA according to the admission line is caused by the level of family, campus, society environment, and learning motivation were 0.834, 0.322, 0.810, and 0,246> 0.00 respectively which means there was no significant differences in GPA among students of the three admissions line. The result of R2 value on the regression analysis showed that the most contributing variable to the GPA were the campus environment (86.1%), the learning motivation (82.2%), the family environment (76.7%), and the least was the level of community environment (74.8%). It can be concluded that there is no significant difference of students learning outcomes according to student admission line in Biology Education Program of FMIPA UNNES caused by the level of family, campus, society, and student's motivation.
Co-Authors A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Agus Wahyudin Agustina, Indrian Ah Roifuddin, Ah AHMAD ALFIAN Ahmad Fatih Khakikudin, Ahmad Fatih Ahmad Tafsir, Ahmad Ai Astuti, Ai Alifah, Maria Alvianto, Muhamad Amalia, Inneke Amin Retnoningsih Amryansyah, Fredy Andresta, Ria Anggi Tyas Prabawati Anindya, Marsya Nabila Anjalis, Anis Anjalis, Anis Anne Nuraeni ANNE NURAINI Atikah, Farah Bambang Irawan Belina, Septiara Debora Noviana, Debora Dedi Ruswandi Dedy Miswar Denny Sobardini, Denny Dewi, Aprilia Endra Diana Tien Irafahmi Dwi Angga Septianingrum, Dwi Angga Dwi Hastuti Edy Haryono Emirilda, Mide Rara Enandang, Much Endri Saputra, Endri Erma Erma Erni Suminar Euis Soliha Fadlil Munawwar Manshur Faujiah, Ajri Fitri Nuryani, Fitri Fuadi, Syifa Tsamrotul H Saumar, H Handayani, Wini Nur Hasan Abdul Rozak Hasan Bisri Herpratiwi Herpratiw Huda, Nurul Afiatul I Gede Sugiyanta Ibrahim Ali Imanuni, Desi Indah Nurlaila Lestari, Indah Nurlaila Indra Lila Kusuma, Indra Lila Indrayani, Inten Indri Juriana Saputri, Indri Juriana Infandyah, Infandiyah Irma Lusi Nugraheni Ismail, Norman Jajang Sauman Hamdani Kadapi, Muhammad Khotimah, Nur Khusnul Lega Marisa, Lega Lina Herlina Ma'ruf, M. Hasan Maisaroh Maisaroh Malinda, Yuni Maman Surahman Meddy Rachmadi Melya Sari, Melya Mentari, Erni Muhamad kadapi, Muhamad Muhammad Irhas, Muhammad Mulya Sari Mulyanto, Robby Tri Murdaningsih Haeruman Karmana, Murdaningsih Haeruman Murgayanti Murgayanti N Ngadiyono, N Nadia, Putri Naila Rofi’ati, Naila Nani Suwarni Neni Rostini Noladhi Wicaksana Norita, Wenda Novi Eka Susilowati, Novi Eka Noviyani Noviyani Noviyanti Anita Wulandari Nugroho Edi Kartijono Nuzula Suci Azima, Nuzula Suci Oktareza, Saprama Eric P. Suryatmana, P. Parizawati, Parizawati Pras, Prastyono Putro Pangarso Prayudi, Masgilang Prikadiastuti, Idaliani Prikadiastuti, Idaliani Puadah, Nurul Qibtiyah, Qibtiyah R. Fauziah, R. R. Pratama, R. Rahma Kurnia Sri Utami resha, Anna Riama, Prayoga Desta Riskawati Yuanita, Riskawati Riskia, Feni Dini Rodiah, S Roni, Azam Sah Rosana Rosana Rubaekah, Siti Sarah Rumiasih, Rumiasih S.A, Desty Yusniarti Saiful Ridlo Santi Ganggayani, Putu Kriya Sari, Tri Permata Selamet Selamet Septiana, Lusi Setyawan, FX Arinto Sopandie Sunarya, Sopandie Sopiatin, N. Iin Sri Purwiyanti Suci Azima, Nuzula Sudarmi Sudarmi Sudomo Sudomo Sugeng Widodo Sulastri Sulastri Sulton Djasmi Sunaryo Sunaryo Syahda Aulia Fatmaningrum, Syahda Aulia SYARIFUL MUBAROK T Hartatik, T Teguh Pramono Pramono, Teguh Pramono Tino Mutiarawati Onggo Usbay, Febriyanti Valentina, Pradita Yulia Vianti, Okta Waljiemah Waljiemah Wilda Nuraida, Wilda Wiwi Isnaeni WPB Putra, WPB Yarmaidi Yarmaidi Yayah, Yayah Yudi Pratama, Yudi Yunani, Yuyun Yusmalia, Yeni Yusrina, Dina ZULKARNAIN ZULKARNAIN