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The Frequency Effects OfTubifex sp.As Feeding On The Growth And The SustainabilityOfBawal Larvae (Colossoma macropomum) Joinanda Tarigan; Sukendi Sukendi; Nuraini Nuraini
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Vol 6 (2019): Edisi 1 Januari s/d Juni 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan

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Abstract  This research was conduted on September until January  in Fish Hatchery and Breeding Laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine University of Riau. The aim of this research was to know the effect of  FrequencyTubifex sp  on the growth and survival rate of  Bawal Larvae  (Colossoma macropomum). The method in this research was an experimental method with Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with one factor, four  treatments and three  replication. The treatment in this research were F4(Frequency of feeding Tubifex sp. four times at day) F5 (Frequency of feeding Tubifex sp. five times at day), F6 (Frequency of feeding Tubifex sp. six times at day),F7  (Frequency of feeding Tubifex sp. seven times at day), The result showed that the best treatment was in F5 (Frequency of feeding Tubifex sp. four times at day,) the absolute weight growth was 0,92 grams, the absolute length growth was 4,51 cm  specific growth rate was  20,20 % dan survival rate was 93,33%.Keyword : Tubifex sp. Growth and  Bawal Larvae Sustainability1)        Student of Aquaculture Depertement, Fisheries and marine Faculty, University of Riau2)        Lecturer of Aquaculture Depertement, Fisheries and marine Faculty, University of Riau
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Vol 5 (2018): Edisi 1 Januari s/d Juni 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan

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ABSTRACTThe research was conducted from May to June 2017 at The Fish Hatchery and Breeding Laboratory, Fisheries and Marine Faculty University of Riau. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of ovaprim and hCG ovulation and egg quality climbing pearch (Anabas testudineus Bloch) fish. The treatment used in this research was in injection of ovaprim and hCG with different doses is : P1: ovaprim 0,5 ml/kg body weight, P2 : ovaprim 0,7 ml/kg body weight, P3 : hCG 500 IU/kg body weight, P4 : hCG 1000 IU/kg body weight and 1 ml of NaCl physiology 0,9%/kg of body weight. The result showed that ovaprim dose of 0,5 ml/kg of body weight was the bestin turn of latency time of 4,23 hours, total oegg stripping 974 egg/g gonads, egg diameter 0,11 mm, egg maturity 29% and Ovi Somatic Index 25,4%. The temperature ranged from 27-29ºC, pH was 4-6 and DO (Disolved Oxygen) 3,76 ppm.Key word : Ovaprim, hCG, Ovulation, Anabas testudineus Bloch
THE EFFECT OF OVAPRIM DOSES ON OVULATION AND EGG QUALITY OF SILIMANG BATANG (Epalzeorhynchos kalopterus) sihombing taruli; Sukendi Sukendi; Nuraini Nuraini
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Vol 5 (2018): Edisi 1 Januari s/d Juni 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan

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Abstract The research was conducted in July 2017 in the Fish Hatchery and Breeding Laboratory of the Fisheries and Marine Sciences Faculty University of Riau. The research was to determine the effect of ovaprim on ovulation and egg quality of silimang batang (Epalzeorhynchos kalopterus). The method used is an experimental method with a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and three replications. Treatment in this study were P0 (NaCl 0,9% dose of 1 ml / kg body weight) P1 (ovaprim dose of 0,3 ml / kg body weight) P2 (ovaprim dose of 0,5 ml/ kg body weight) and P3 (dose ovaprim 0,7 ml / kg body weight).The results of the research showed that the ovaprim doses 0.7 ml / kg body weight gave the optimum result inter of latent period (4,31 hours), number of egg striping (307 eggs / gram broodstock),the ovisomatik index (11,09%), increase the diameter eggs (0,145 mm) and percent increase egg maturation (21%). Keywords: Ovaprim doses, Ovulation, Ovisomatik indeks and egg quality 
Strategi pengembangan lingkungan bandara sehat di Bandara Internasional Sultan Syarif Kasim II Pekanbaru Provinsi Riau Fazli Fazli; Sukendi Sukendi
Jurnal Zona Vol 6, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Pelantar Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52364/zona.v6i2.66


Healthy airport is an airport environmental condition that is clean, safe, comfortable and healthy for the working community and the airport community in carrying out their activities. The goal of healthy airport is to create a healthy airport environment that does not pose a risk to public health and to create a clean, safe, comfortable and healthy airport environment for the airport community in carrying out its activities. To achieve this condition, it is necessary to develop a strategy to develop a healthy airport environment. One of the international airports belonging to the Pekanbaru city government that needs to develop a healthy airport environment is the Sultan Syarif Kasim II International Airport, Pekanbaru. The purpose of this research is to analyze the environmental conditions of a healthy airport, to analyze the components that play a role in the development of a healthy airport environment and to develop a strategy for development of a healthy airport environment at Sultan Syarif Kasim II International Airport, Pekanbaru. The method used was interviews, observvation and documentation. To data analysis used SWOT. The strategy for developing a healthy airport environment is to take advantage of good airport environmental conditions and is supported by adequate facilities and infastructure to increase community satisfaction, so as to attract public interest (investors) to use airport services through the support of vertical agencies or the Riau Provincial Government in the form of budget assistance for development of a healthy airport environment and utilizing quality human resources owned by the airport to plan good activities for the fulfillment of the increased budget in the development of a healthy airport environment carried out by the airport through the Healthy Airport Forum that has been established, as well as collaborating (MoU) with third parties in the management of waste and B3 waste which are bound by regulations and SOP’s in force at the airport.
Diversifikasi Produk Olahan Berbasis Ikan Patin sebagai Produk Unggulan BUMDES di Desa Sungai Sorik Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi Dewita Dewita; Thamrin Thamrin; Sukendi Sukendi; Syahrul Syahrul; Santhy Wisuda Sidauruk
Journal of Rural and Urban Community Empowerment Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/jruce.4.1.1-4


Desa Sungai Sorik merupakan salah satu desa di Kecamatan Kuantan Hilir Seberang Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi (Kuansing). Di desa ini terdapat sebuah Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDES) yang beranggotakan kaum muda perempuan yang mengelola Danau Wisata Sungai Sorik. Danau Wisata ini ramai di kunjungi warga sekitar kecamatan dan bahkan warga kecamatan lain baik dari kabupaten Kuansing maupun kabupaten tetangga yaitu kabupaten INHU (Rengat). Wisata kuliner merupakan suatu usaha inovatif untuk mendukung aktivitas wisata yang menyediakan makanan unggulan sebagai daya tarik bagi wisatawan. Untuk itu untuk memproduksi makanan jajanan kaya protein adalah produk nugget kaki naga dan otak-otak berbahan baku ikan, khususnya ikan patin. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat di Desa Sungai Sorik tersebut adalah mengembangkan BUMDES memproduksi makanan jajanan kaya protein sebagai wujud ekonomi kreatif yang dilakuan dengan cara membuat varian cita rasa produk makanan jajanan. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dalam pengembangan BUMDES adalah cita rasa baru pada produk makanan jajanan berbasis ikan. Berdasarkan minat konsumen terhadap produk varian rasa yang dihasilkan, ternyata semua varian yang diproduksi disukai konsumen.
Penyuluhan Pencemaran Lingkungan dan Makanan Sehat dari Ikan di Desa Rantau Baru Kecamatan Pangkalan Kerinci Kabupaten Pelalawan Provinsi Riau Ridwan Manda Putra; Sukendi Sukendi; Dewita Dewita; Syahril Nedi; Elizal Elizal
CANANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 2, No 2 (2022)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52364/canang.v2i2.26


The Extension Activities were done in Rantau Baru Village, Pangkalan Kerinci District, Pelalawan Regency, and was carried out on Thurs and public awareness day 8 September 2022. This community extention aimed providing  information to the public about environmental conservation and healthy food of fish. The extension team provided explanations and descriptions of: a) the importance of protecting the environment, b) types of environmental pollution, c) plastic waste and its effects, d) environmental diseases, their causes and remedies. e). Healthy food from fish, so people don't get sick. Participants in this counseling were consists of local government, women group and young in Rantau Baru Village. The participants are representatives from each dusun with a total of 35 participants. The method used in carrying out this activity is to survey the field first, then conduct counseling in the form of interactive lectures and discussions, demonstration of theoretical material through a slide projector and followed by a demonstration of making healthy food from fish, including making fish skin crackers, dinsum fish and fish nuggets. The results of the evaluation of changes in knowledge made to 35 participants in community service activities. 4 people (11.4%) have been able to absorb the material given with very good predicates, 15 people (42.9%) can absorb the material given with good predicate, and 9 people (25.7%) can absorb the material with sufficient predicate and 7 people (20.0%) can absorb the material with less predicate. Based on these data, the community service activities carried out can be said to be successful and show that the impact on the participants is still mastery of science, according to the material provided at the time the service activities are carried out. While the impact on implementation in the field, there has been a process of disseminating knowledge to mothers by the PKK Team on how to make healthy food from fish, and it is hoped that in the future it will develop as a household business which ultimately improves the family economy. Meanwhile, community leaders and village youth work together to tackle waste (especially plastic waste) in Rantau Baru Village. 
Pembenihan Ikan Baung (Hemibagrus nemurus) pada Kelompok Perikanan Sawah Mandiri Sukendi Sukendi; Thamrin Thamrin; Ridwan Manda Putra; Nuraini Nuraini; Ade Yulindra
Unri Conference Series: Community Engagement Vol 4 (2022): Seminar Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/unricsce.4.65-72


The purpose of community service activities carried out is to provide knowledge and technology about Hemibagrus nemurus fish hatchery technology through artificial spawning at the Independent Sawah Fishery Group in Sawah Village, North Kampar District, Kampar Regency. The method applied in this community service activity is the lecture method, discussion and field practice. The lecture method was carried out in the meeting room of the Chairperson of the Independent Sawah Fishery Group, Sawah Village, North Kampar District, Kampar Regency by providing material about the hatchery of H. nemurus fish through artificial spawning. The results of the evaluation of changes in knowledge carried out on 11 participants of the activity showed that 8 people (72.73%) had been able to absorb the material given with a very good predicate, 2 people (18.18%) could absorb the material given with a good predicate, 1 people (9.09%) could absorb the material with sufficient predicate, while those who received less predicate and less predicate were not found. The results of the skills evaluation show that members of the Independent Sawah Fishery Group have been able to directly practice the activities that have been given in the field regarding H. nemurus fish hatchery technology. Meanwhile, the results of the impact evaluation show that members of the Sawah Mandiri Fishery Group have started to hatch H. nemurus fish in addition to the catfish hatchery that has been done so far.
Strategi Pengelolaan Limbah Pabrik Tahu di Desa Tarai Bangun Kecamatan Tambang Kabupaten Kampar Muhammad Arif Fahrurozi; Yusni Ikhwan Siregar; Sukendi Sukendi
SEHATI: Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 3, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Pelantar Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52364/sehati.v3i1.35


Tofu is a traditional food for most people in Indonesia, which is favored by almost all levels of society including those in Riau Province. Besides containing good nutrition, making tofu is also relatively cheap and simple. It tastes good and the price is affordable by all levels of society. At present, the tofu business in Riau Province is on average still carried out with simple technology, so that the efficiency level of resource use (water and raw materials) is felt to be still low and the level of waste production is also relatively high. The purpose of this research is to develop a waste management strategy for the tofu pabarik tofu in Tarai Bangun Village, Tambang District, Kampar Regency. In general, tofu is made by craftsmen or home industries with simple equipment and technology. The process order or method of making tofu in all small tofu industries is generally almost the same and even if there is a difference it is only in the order of work or the type of protein coagulating agent used. This research was conducted in September - November 2010. The research location is a tofu factory in Jalan Sukajadi, Tarai Bangun village, Tambang sub-district, Kampar district. Sampling was done using the AHP questionnaire for the tofu factory waste management strategy. The management of the tofu factory should pay attention to several important things as the researchers recommended. These parameters consist of aspects of ecology, economy, socio-culture, environmental ethics, PP-UU, chemistry and physics. The results obtained based on the distribution of questionnaires can be seen in Figure 5. Based on the seven parameters presented the chemical parameters have the highest value, namely 0.33 and 0.26 physics, while the environmental ethics parameter is 0.17. The hierarchical rankings of the tofu factory business management in this study are, respectively, chemical, physical, UU-PP, environmental ethics, socio-culture, economy and ecology. Even though the ecological parameter is in the last rank in this hierarchy, where ecologically the pollution has not been so severe, it is proven that in the research location it does not cause social conflict with the surrounding community and the ethics used is still on biocentrism.
Strategi Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga Di Kecamatan Senapelan Kota Pekanbaru Putri Kalbina; Sukendi Sukendi; Yusni Ikhwan Siregar
Jurnal Zona Vol 7, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Pelantar Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52364/zona.v7i1.77


Household waste which is often the most waste generated every day, remains of human daily activities in solid form at the household scale. The lack of public attention to environmental cleanliness, especially waste management, results in accumulation and even non-optimal waste management, couses accumulation and even waste management that is not optimal. To achieve success in development, it is necessary to payattention, one of which is community involvement in waste management. The conditions in the field clearly show that Senapelan Subdistrict itself carries out waste disposal independently, garbage has accumulated at several points causing an unpleasant odor, and even illegal TPS have appeard at several points. This research was conducted from May to September 2022 in Senapelan District using a descriptive survey method through interviews and distribution of questionnaires, literature searches and field observations. This study aims to formulate a household waste management strategy in Senapelan District using SWOT analysis. The selected household waste management strategy based on the results of a SWOT analysis which shows superiority in the strengths and opportunities that exist in Senapelan District is optimizing DAK funding for waste management and sanitation facilities, increasing human resources to support waste management, improving the waste recycling process so that it is reduced the amount of existing waste, increasing communication media or socializing to the community the importance of household waste management.
PENGARUH PERENDAMAN rGH TERHADAP SINTASAN DAN PERTUMBUHAN LARVA IKAN GABUS (Channa striata) Rias Oktaviani Putri; Nuraini Nuraini; Sukendi Sukendi; Benny Heltonika
Media Akuakultur Vol 17, No 2 (2022): Desember, 2022
Publisher : Pusat Riset Perikanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15578/ma.17.2.2022.67-72


Ikan gabus memiliki nilai ekonomis penting bagi masyarakat melayu. Namun dalam budidayanya masih mengalami kendala yaitu pertumbuhannya lambat.  Beberapa pendekatan telah dilakukan untuk memacu pertumbuhan, salah satunya adalah dengan perendaman hormon pertumbuhan rekombinan (rGH).  Tujuan kajian ini untuk mengevaluasi perendaman hormon rGH terhadap sintasan dan pertumbuhan larva ikan gabus dengan dosis berbeda. Penelitian ini  menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan, dengan ukuran larva 0,7±0,00 cm dengan padat tebar 2 ekor/L. Dosis perendaman larutan hormon rGH pada penelitian ini adalah 0, 1,5, 2 dan 2,5 mg/L, setiap perlakuan direndam selama 1 jam dengan padat tebar 6 ekor/L. Perendaman larva ikan gabus menggunakan dosis berbeda hormon rGH berbeda berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan bobot dan panjang, laju pertumbuhan spesifik, sintasan serta bobot biomassa larva ikan gabus secara sangat nyata (P<0,01). Dosis rGH yang optimal untuk perendaman larva ikan gabus yaitu 2,5 mg/L (P4) dengan peningkatan pertumbuhan bobot 2,83 g, pertumbuhan panjang 2,72 cm, laju pertumbuhan spesifik 3,11%, sintasan 16,67% dan bobot biomassa 83,53g jika dibandingkan dengan perlakuan kontrol.Snakehead fish is an economic fish in Malay society. The Problems of cultivation this fish are slow growth and low survival rate. Some approaches to stimulate the growth of fish has been done, one of the ways was by immersion rGH.  The research aimed was to evaluated the immersing effect of rGH hormone with different doses on the survival and growth of snakehead fish larvae. This research was carried out with a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 3 replications, the larvae used measuring 0.7±0.00 cm with 2 fish/L on a stocking density. Dose of rGH hormones in this study were 0, 1.5, 2 and 2.5 mg/L, immersion of rGH done for 1 hour with a stocking of 6 fish/L for each treatment. The result showed that, rGH could increase survival rate and growth (P<0.01) of snakehead larvae. The optimal dose of rGH for immersing snakehead larvae was 2.5 mg/L (P4) with an increase in weight growth of 2.83 g, length growth of 2.72 cm, specific growth rate of 3.11%, survival rate of 16.67%. and biomass weight of 83.53g when compared to the control treatment.
Co-Authors ', Habibi ', Mulyadi ', Nuraini . Mansyurdin . Zulfan A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri Ade Yulindra Ade Yulindra Ade Yulindra Ade Yulindra Adi Andana Adrianto Ahmad Ady Putra Raja gukguk Agrina Agus Kurniawan Agus Suparman Agus Sutikno Agustin, R. Sandra Ahmad Muttaqie aini, aini Akhmad Lukman Nul Khakim, Akhmad Lukman Anak Agung Istri Sri Wiadnyani Andarini Diharmi Andy Sabara Anggraini, Betty Anggun Zhonada Antonius Surbakti Aras Mulyadi Ari Fahriza Asep Permana Ayi Yustiati Ayi Yustiati Bastianto Bastianto Benny Heltonika Bintal Amin Chaidir P. Pulungan Chaidir P. Pulungan Dalizaro Harefa Deasy Arisandy Dede Novendra Dedi Afandi Defri Erman Desi Hidayanti Muas Desi Indriyani Manalu Desi Sukmawati Dessy Yoswati Dewita Buchari Dewita Dewita Dewita Dewita Dewita Dewita Dewita Dewita Dio Izmi Hasyim Eddiwan Kamaruddin Efriyeldi, Efriyeldi Elda Nazriati Elizal, Elizal Elsi Kumala Sari Endang Purnawati Rahayu Eni Sumiarsih Erma Juniarti Erman Taer Erwin &#039; Esron Hermanto Tampubolon Esti Meliana Manalu Fadillah Disa Yolanda Fandi Atmajaya Faraz Ramadhan Faridz, Achmad Fazli Fazli Febbiyanti Yofangka Ferry Dua Andhika Fika Yulia Rachmah Firda Luthfiani Fitri Merga Ayu Gema Illahi Driani Gendraya Rohaini GUSMAN VIRGO Habibi &#039; Habibi . Haerizul Fahrullah Hafez Adefl Can Hamdan Alawi Hamdan Alawi Hardini Rika Pangaribuan Hari Haryanto Harianto Harianto Harlyanto Harlyanto Hartati, Ria Hendra Pranata Napitupulu Hilda Sawita Parhusip Hylda Khairah Putri, Hylda Khairah Ika Riezki Ananda Iman Nurzaman Indra Hartanto Indra Junaidi Zakaria Indri Tri Mayang Sari Intan Nuraysah Irfan Emersida Irma Yulisari Jansen Daeli Joinanda Tarigan JUNIANTO JUNIANTO Junianto Junianto Junita Hutagalung Khairil Anuar, Khairil Leis Utami Manurung Leodewik Murdani Simanjuntak Leonardo Davinci Lifia Desi Lilis Kurnia Lilis Kurnia Lisa Andriani M. Nawir, M. Mardawi, Mardawi Martiani Harianja Mega Novia Putri Mhd Sukrillah Michael Franciscus Nainggolan Mira Rahmita Sari Mohd. Fathil Mohd. Fathil, Mohd. Muhamad Ambar Budi Hariono Muhammad Arif Fahrurozi Muhammad Aulia Rasyid Muhammad Fahrul Muhammad Hasby Muhammad Rais Muhammad Rizki Saputra, Muhammad Rizki Muhammad Thabri Mulyadi . Mulyadi Mulyadi Mursyd, Fadhillah N. Irasari Nawari Nawari Nazri Zulfajrin Neti Aryani Netti Aryani Nia Vitaloka Nicolas Maruli S Nofrizal Nofrizal Nofrizal Nofrizal Novia Parenri Nur Asiah Nur Asiah Nur Asiah Nuraini &#039; Nuraini Nuaraini Nuraini Nuraini Nuraini Nuraini Nuraini Nuraini Nurlaila Fitri Nurmayani Nurmayani Obiyan Syahputra Oktavia Dewi, Oktavia Pandiangan, Tito Fresly Puja Andini Putri Kalbina Putri Utami Qory Aulia Zukrina RAHAYU SIREGAR Rahmadani, Rizka Rahman Karnila Rasoel Hamidy Reza Ahmad Ria Hartika Rias Oktaviani Putri Ridwan Manda Putra Rifqa Rahmi Rinaldi Rinaldi Rio Aprinata Rios Apriliyan Saputra Risma Putri TM Rizka Inanda Harahap Rizki Syakbana Rudi Pratama Rudy Julius Simanjuntak Rusdianto Rusdianto, Rusdianto Salsabila, Unik Hanifah Santhy Wisuda Sidauruk Santhy Wisuda Sidauruk Sebayang, Nasha Putra Selly Arisa Septian Julifar Septiana Anggraini Setianingrum, Dwi Rezno Sianipar, Doni MangasiPandapotan sihombing taruli Sihombing, Taruli Sintia Rahma Siska Finalita Siti Masfiroh Sofia Anita Sofyan Husein Siregar Sri Faulina Nainggolan Srimenda Br Ginting Sulistia Budi Susanti, Nelvia Mai Suyanto &#039; Suyanto Suyanto Suyanto Syafri Boy Syafriadiman, Syafriadiman Syafruddin Nasution Syahril Nedi Syahril Syahril Syahrul Syahrul Syahrul Syahrul Syamsul Nizar Syamsul Nizar Tarmizi Tarmizi Tengku Nurhidayah Thamrin &#039; Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Tri Utami Ulfania Julisa Ulfilia Julisa Usman Muhammad Tang Wewi Lorenza Wilzam Hamidi Windarti Windarti Windarti Windarti Windarti Windarti Yessi Harnani Yetti Elfina Yolanda Puspita Yollan Sri Hidayah Yudho Harjoyudanto Yurisman &#039; Yurisman Yurisman Yurisman Yurisman Yusni Ikhwan Siregar Zulfan Saam Zulfan Saam Zulfikar Zulfikar Zulfirman Ginting Zulmi Arnoli