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Manajemen Pengendalian Mutu Dalam Produksi Agribisnis pada Kelompok Wanita Tani Ayu Tangkas Ni Putu Sukanteri; Pande Komang Suparyana; I Made Suryana; Diah Yuniti; Yenny Verawati
Publisher : Fapetrik-UMPAR

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31850/jgt.v9i3.626


Quality control is needed by the company to improve the quality of the products produced so that they are by the company's standards and by consumer desires. Maintaining the quality of the products made is also necessary to reduce the company's quality assurance costs. The research objective was to analyze the quality control of the products produced and identify the factors that damage the products produced by the Ayu Tangkas Women Farmers Group (WFG). The method used in this research is the Statistical Process Control (SPC) method with analysis using the p-control chart and the Fishbone Diagram. The population in the study were all products produced by WFG Ayu Tangkas in December 2019. The results showed that the quality of snacks made by WFG Ayu Tangkas, as many as 4280 pieces, were under control. This can be seen from the 28 points between the Lower Control Limit (LCL) and Upper Control Limit (UCL). There are only two points that are above the UCL control limit. The factor that causes deterioration in Ayu Tangkas WFG snacks' quality is that the ingredients are not measured with certainty using only the snack maker considerations. Besides, they do not use manufacturing machines, so that the sizes are often not the same because there is no definite SOP for the manufacturing process. There is no promotion so that snacks are made still at a constant volume and the use of firewood in the manufacture so that the heat generated is unstable, causing the snacks to burn and break frequently.
Co-Authors A. Nurjannah Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri Abdul Muta Alli Anwar Addinul Yakin Aeko Fria Utama FR Ahmad Jaelani Ahman Alfan Ansori Ainurrofiq Algifari Rozak Firdaus Amiruddin Amiruddin Amiruddin Amiruddin Amiruddin, Amiruddin Anak Agung Made Dewi Anggreni Ananda, Komang Dean Andi Iva Mundiyah Andi Tri Lestari Andi Tri Lestari Aryaningsih, Made Yuli Asisto, Venansius Atika Safitri Ayu Aprilyana Kusuma Dewi Ayu, Candra Bagus Reynaldy Wijaya Baiq Mega Kurnia Baiq Saopi Nadiawati Dananjaya, IGAN Dano Syahputra Dea Aswani Diah Permatasari Dian Tariningsih Dian Tariningsih Dudi Septiadi Dudi Septiadi Dudi Septiadi Dudi Septiadi Dudi Septiadi Dwi Ayu Sunarti Dwi Praptomo Sudjatmiko Endah Wahyuningsih Endah Wahyuningsih Fadli Ferdian Arya Kusuma Feri Bagus Wardani Fredisius Sadir Hairil Anwar Halimatus Sa’diyah I Gede Yudha Partama I GUSTI AGUNG GEDE WIADNYANA . I Gusti Agung Nyoman Dananjaya I Gusti Agung Nyoman Dananjaya I Gusti Ayu Diah Yuniti I Ketut Sudana I Ketut Widnyana I M Dedy Setiawan I M Dedy Setiawan I M Suryana I Made Budiasa I MADE DEDY SETIAWAN . I Made Suryana I Nyoman Suta I WAYAN BUDIASA I Wayan Dika I Wayan Ramantha I Wayan Suanda Ida Bagus Putu Surya Dharmendra Ida Bagus Wayan Gunam IGAN Dananjaya Ihsan Itqanul Amal Imro’atul Hapizah indra wahyu indrawan, Putu eka Jamhari Jamhari Januardi Jaya Ningrat Jenahan, Agustinus Jurnal Pepadu Komang Dean Ananda Komang Dean Ananda L. Sukardi Lalu Anugrah Wira Anggardikzza Lalu Sukardi M. Fahed Ramadhan M. Nizar Hamdani M. Yusuf Maftukhakh Hilmya Nada Maiser Syahputra Maiser Syaputra Mariun Marwati Maryam Shabrina Mayang Erika Putri Mei Sukmawati Mizaji Tasnimia Muhammad Jaelani Muhammad Nursan Muhammad Nursan Muhammad Nursan Muhammad Rozi Muji Rahayu Nabilah, Sharfina Ni Gst. Ag. Gde Eka Martiningsih Ni Luh Putu Yesy Anggreni Ni Luh Putu Yesy Anggreni Ni Made Dwi Nalayani Ni Made Wartini Ni Made Wirasatika Sari Ni Made Wirastika Sari, Ni Made Wirastika Ni Putu Pandawani Ni Putu Sukanteri Ni Wayan Sri Suliartini Nur Latifa Aini Nursan, Muhammad Pande Komang Pusaka, Semerdanta Putu Edi Yastika Putu Eka Pasmidi Ariati Putu Eka Pasmidi Ariati Putu Eka Pasmidi Ariati Putu Fajar Kartika Lestari Putu Siti Firmani Rian Wahyuni Rizky Nurvaningsih Rusdianto Sadir, Fredisius Salsa Dwi Cahyani Sarah Lehani Mitchell Sauqi Sauqi Septiadi, Dudi Shela Hadri Dhuha Siti Wahyuni Sitti Sitti Supartiningsih, Sri Suryana, I M Syarifuddin Syarifuddin Vina Alfi Royani Wafiq Laelatul Kodrianingsih Wijaya, Bagus Reynaldy Windi Aulia Apriani Wulandari, Febriana Tri Yenny Verawati Yulfia Elsadewi Yanuartati Yuni Fatmala Zaenati Mariska