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Speech Acts on Discourse Analysis Used in a Speech “What Really Matters at the End Life” by BJ Miller Popiana Br Hutauruk; Jesana Tessalonika Simaremare; Astrinia Ristama Tampubolon; Albert Welman Daulat Lumbangaol; David Suranta Sinamo; Herman Herman
Journal of English Language and Education Vol 8, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jele.v8i1.330


This study aims to analyze and identify the contents of the speech "What Really Matters at the End of Life" by BJ Miller. The subject of this research is the script of the speech "What Really Matters at the End of Life" by BJ Miller. We analyze and examine each script of the speech "What really matters at the end of life?" by BJ Miller to make it easier to understand as a sample of speech acts in the speech "What really matters at the end of life?" by BJ Miller. Later, the results of the speech act data in the speech "What Really Matters at the End of Life" by BJ Miller will be reviewed to further identify and categorize the types of speech acts. We used a qualitative method with realistic analysis results in this study. We have analyzed a speech with the title "What Really Matters at the End of Life?" by BJ Miller and found several types of speech acts that often appear in each verse of the speech script, namely declarations, representatives, expressives, directives, and the last one, commissives. The dominant speech act in the script of the speech "What really matters at the end of life?" by BJ Miller is representation
How to Identify Context on Song Lyrics? A Case on Discourse Analysis on Eminem’s Song Entitled “When I’m Gone” Betty Jeniari Tambunan; Joint Tondang; Yuliska Gurning; Citra Sani Sinaga; Sumiati Butar-Butar; Herman Herman
Journal of English Language and Education Vol 8, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jele.v8i1.333


This research aims to analyzing a song lyric entitiled "When l'm gone by eminem", The theme of the song is about Eminem’s relationship between his daughter and his fans.Eminem’s daughter feels disappointed towards his father because Eminem is always busy with his music business and barely spend his time with his family. Descriptive qualitative research was implemented in this research. The data used was a song entitled ‘When I’m Gone’. This song was selected from internet randomly. This research focused to finding the four context, those are physical, epistemic, social context and Linguistics context.This research used the qualitative approach and the lyric as the data.The result show that all of the pragmatics context are found in this song.
Exploring Hermeneutic Through Lyrics of the Song “Akhir Tak Bahagia”: A Case on Critical Discourse Analysis Ratna saputri saragih; Klara kristina Malaub; Nikerian W, Manik; Widya Ambarita; Nopaulina Sinagae; Herman Herman
Journal of English Language and Education Vol 8, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jele.v8i1.338


The goal of this research was focused more on Wilhelm Dilthey's hermeneutic theory to examine the lyrics of the song "Akhir Tak Bahagia" with the concept of Erlebnis (living experience), the main reason why the author uses the science of hermeneutics because hermeneutics has an Erlebnis study process (living experience), which aims so that the results of this research can be a reflection of phenomena that occur in society according to the object studied. The data analysis technique used was descriptive qualitative analysis technique. The study of the structure of language units is a heuristic step to find meaning through linguistic signs, namely as follows. Based on the study of the language units, 92 data were obtained in the form of words, 8 data of phrases, 1 data of sentences, and from this study no clauses were obtained because in the lyrics do not describe the unit clause. Based on the results of the researcher's analysis of the text of the song "Akhir Tak Bahagia" by Misellia Ikwan to answer what is in the problem formulation, there are several points in the process of Wilhem Dilthey's hermeneutic analysis of the text of the song "Akhir Tak Bahagia", these points, namely: Erlebnis (living experience). 
A Discourse Analysis of Jokowi's International Speech Text: A Study on Critical Linguistics Abisag Rina Situmorang; Dwira May Situmorangb; Imelda Oppusunggu; Novita Forena Simanungkalit; Veronika MR Silalahi; Herman Herman
Journal of English Language and Education Vol 8, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jele.v8i1.332


The goal of this research is to identify and analyse the discourse analysis found in Jokowi’s international speech text. Descriptive qualitative was conducted in this research. Data Source Researchers feel the need to support the data as corroborating evidence that it was indeed Jokowi's speech based on what will be analyzed in this study Transcription of Jokowi's speech. It's a video taken from the internet or rather at ( This video shows Jokowi giving a speech in Indonesian about an endless war that will harm future generations. The results show that the use of grammar based on choice of word, clause, lexical, and figure of speech are the ways to expose certain meaning based on who is the speaker and the effect to the listeners. The changes patterns of clause and sentence can be changed, exchanged, omitted, added, combined with other clauses and rearranged
A Discourse Analysis on Deixis Used in “Night Changes” Song by One Direction Jon Salvator Adhi Keo; Agustinus Simamora; Meliana Br. Siahaan; Carolin Panjaitand; Rahel Manik; Herman Herman
Journal of English Language and Education Vol 8, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jele.v8i1.331


The purpose of this study is to conduct an analysis and determine which deixis are present in the song "Night Changes" by One Direction. The lyrics to the song are the focus of this particular piece of research "Night Changes" by One Direction. The researcher dissects and investigates each and every line in One Direction's song "Night Changes" in order to make it simpler to sample the words of the deixis contained inside the song. In the future, the results from the song's deixis information "Night Changes" will be evaluated in order to further define and categorize the different types of deixis; this study employs a qualitative methodology with realistic analysis results. The author of this study conducted an analysis of a song by One Direction titled "Night Changes" and discovered various types of deixis that frequently appear in each verse of the song's lyrics. These types of deixis include person deixis and temporal deixis, respectively. The specific individual deixis is utilized most frequently throughout the song "Night Changes" by One Direction, making it the song's primary focus deixis.
PELAKSANAAN PROGRAM PRAKTIK PENGAJARAN LAPANGAN (PPL) SEBAGAI PERWUJUDAN PENINGKATAN KETERAMPILAN MENGAJAR DI SMK NEGERI 1 PEMATANG SIANTAR Indah Rumondang Manik; Herman Herman; Arwin Tannuary; Rianita Simamora; Yanty Maria Rosmauli Marbun; Bloner Sinurat; Sudung Simatupang
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Volume 4 Nomor 2 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Program PPL Universitas HKBP Nommensen Pematang Siantar yang dilaksanakan pada semester 7 di tahun 2022 ini memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa Universitas HKBP Nommensen Pematang Siantar untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan dalam bidang pendidikan. SMK N 1 Pematang Siantar merupakan salah satu sekolah yang peneliti pilih dan telah disetujui oleh pihak Kordinator PPL UHN untuk menjadi lokasi PPL pada tahun 2022. Program PPL bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mengintegrasikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang telah dikuasai atau diperolehnya di perkuliahan ke dalam pembelajaran di kelas dengan memberikan pengalaman mengenali, mempelajari, dan menghayati permasalahan yang ada di sekolah atau lembaga yang terkait dengan proses pembelajaran. Sesi praktik mengajar terbimbing pertama untuk program ini akan berlangsung pada Oktober 2022. Pembelajaran di program PPL di SMK N 1 Pematang Siantar berjalan lancar. Meski ada sejumlah tantangan, mahasiswa PPL mampu mengatasinya dengan kerja sama yang kuat. Kelancaran pelaksanaan program PPL di sekolah sangat diuntungkan dengan adanya dukungan dan arahan yang diberikan oleh berbagai pihak terutama pihak sekolah itu sendiri
Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematika Geometri Berbasis Multiple Solution Doni Berkat Tabah Hulu; Nesti Surya Astuti Zebua; Alianus Zalukhu; Herman Herman; Magdalena Susanti Telaumbanua; Hardi Tambunan; Ruth Mayasari Simanjuntak
Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023): Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/innovative.v3i4.4010


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan siswa dalam memecahan masalah matematika geometri berbasis multiple solution, dan menjadikan siswa lebih kreatif dalam pemecahan masalah dengan menyelesaikan soal atau masalah lebih dari satu cara atau strategi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subyek penelitian adalah kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Alasa Talumuzoi. Pemilihan subyek dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, yaitu teknik pengambilan sampel sumber data dengan pertimbangan tertentu. Dan juga melakukan wawancara. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan pemecahan masalah matematika geometri berbasis multiple solution. penyelesaian dengan kode C2 digunakan oleh semua siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Alasa Talumuzoi. Cara penyelesaian yang paling sedikit digunakan siswa adalah cara penyelesaian dengan kode C5 (Mengerjakan dengan melihat sudut) yakni 3 siswa (12%) dari 25 siswa yang mengikuti tes pemecahan masalah. Sementara itu, tidak ada yang menggunakan cara penyelesaian dengan kode C4 dan C7.
Kajian Teori Behavioristik Stimulus dan Respon dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa pada Pembelajaran Matematika Nesti Surya Astuti Zebua; Alianus Zalukhu; Herman Herman; Magdalena Susanti Telaumbanua; Doni Berkat Tabah Hulu; Agusmanto Hutauruk; Efron Manik
Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023): Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/innovative.v3i4.4011


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji teori behavioristik stimulus dan respon dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa pada pembelajaran matematika. Metode dalam penulisan ini bersifat literatur riview dari beberapa jurnal sebelumnya terkait stimulus dan respon, penelitian jurnal sebelumnya berkaitan dengan “Implementasi Teori Belajar Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (Classical Conditioning). penelitian ini membahas tentang bagaimana stimulus dan respon dapat diimplementasikan dalam pendidikan, kemudian jurnal yang berjudul “Teori Belajar Aliran Behavioristik Serta Implikasinya Dalam Pembelajaran. Dengan ini stimulus respon yang berbasis E-learning dapat meningkatkan minat belajar siswa berdasarkan dari hasil riview dari beberapa penelitian jurnal sebelumnya. Stimulus dan respon memang penting dan dibutuhkan untuk mengubah perilaku siswa yang diinginkan. Perubahan perilaku tidak bisa bersifat instan maka perlunya stimulus dan respon yang diberikan guru pada setiap pembelajarannya agar stimulus yang diberikan dan dibiasakan guru terhadap murid dapat terimplementasi dengan baik. baik bagi murid sendiri ataupun bagi proses pembelajarannya.
Utilizing Instagram Social Media on Language Style: An Analysis to Teenagers as Millennial Generations in Their Captions Dameria Purba; Bloner Sinurat; Herman Herman
Anglophile Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Anglophile Journal
Publisher : CV. Creative Tugu Pena

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51278/anglophile.v2i1.268


This research was conducted in the aim to analyze the language style used by millennial generations in social media, instagram, in their daily captions. With Martin Joos' theory, five different language styles were examined. Frozen style is one of them, as are formal style, consulting style, casual and intimate style. The researchers applied qualitative research design to answer the research question and choose content analysis because the result of the data analyzed is the caption the teenager wrote on his Instagram account. The researchers used documentation as the research instrument. The researchers took 30 data from caption posted in January until July 2021. Data from the teen's Instagram caption was used in this study. There are thirty (30) pieces of data total. After conducting this research, it was found that the dominant style type on Instagram is casual style, which accounts for 17 cases (56.7%), formal style accounts for 10%, consultative style accounts for 2 cases (6.7%), intimate style accounts for 3 cases (23.3%), and frozen style accounts for one case (3,3). Participant, setting, and topic all have an impact on the language style you use. Because of the participant, setting, and topic, it may be determined that the teenagers primarily utilized a casual style Keywords: Language Style, Sociolinguistics, Language on Social Media
Attracting Viewers through Advertisement by Using Code Mixing: A Sociolinguistics Study Herman Herman; Nguyen Van Thao; Ridwin Purba; Novi Sri Ulina Simanjuntak
Anglophile Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Anglophile Journal
Publisher : CV. Creative Tugu Pena

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51278/anglophile.v2i2.304


The artcile aims to clarify what types of code mixes are used in TV advertisements and why code mixing is used because a trend or style of speech in society, particularly among young people has evolved in the phenomenon of mixing code and changing code. Bilingualism always involves the use of code mixing in the daily conversation of people. This research was carried out with a qualitative description. The research used transcript by note as an instrument, for the purpose of this research. Note that the video transcription method was used. The information is 30 ads. Data from this research were all published on Tuesday, 1 June 2021, through Saturday 6 June 2021, by the 30 television ads selected by the researchers. The result is a compatible lexicalization and insertion which appears as types of code mixing in the advertising. and 4 reasons were found, namely talking on a specific subject, interjection, intention to clarify the content of the speech and group identity expression. Keywords: Sociolinguistic, Code Mixing, Advertisement Analysis
Co-Authors Abisag Rina Situmorang Ade Sahbana Damanik Ade Sahbana Damanik Adi S Situmorang Afrodita Friska Ferawati Girsang Agusmanto Hutauruk Agustinus Simamora Albert Welman Daulat Lumbangaol Alianus Zalukhu Alianus Zalukhu Arwin Tannuary Arwin Tannuary Arwin Tannuary Astrinia Ristama Tampubolon Bangun Munte Bertaria Sohnata Hutauruk Betty Jeniari Tambunan Bloner Sinurat Bloner Sinurat Bobby Pramjit Singh Dhillon Butarbutar, Marisi Carolin Panjaitand Charlis Sangap Martahan Hutajulu Citra Sani Sinaga Clarisca Carolina Simarmata dame ifa sihombing Dameria Purba David Suranta Sinamo Dayana Sinaga Dewi Sri Lumbantobing Dian Syahfitri Doni Berkat Tabah Hulu Doni Berkat Tabah Hulu Dumaris E. Silalahi Dumaris, Atri Dwira May Situmorangb Eben Pasaribu Edy Dharma Edy Dharma Elia Simanjuntak Elisabet Hutabarat Ellis Merdiana Panggabean Endang Fatmawati Ezra Octania Sianipar Febri Dungo Silitonga Firman Pangaribuan Fitria Halim Fitria Halim Hardi Tambunan Hardi Tambunan Helty Sinaga Heppy Sinaga Hilman Pardede Hilman Pardede Hilman Pardede Hutahaean, David Togi Imelda Oppusunggu Indah Rumondang Manik Jesana Tessalonika Simaremare Joint Tondang Jon Salvator Adhi Keo Juli Antasari Br Sinaga Julyanthry Julyanthry Julyanthry, Julyanthry Klara kristina Malaub Lilis Napitupulu Magdalena Ngongo Magdalena Susanti Telaumbanua Manik, Efron Marbun, Yanty Maria Rosmauli Mariani Mariani Marnala Pangaribuan Martha Florida Sirait Marto Silalahi Mas'ud Muhammadiah Mega Triana Meliana Br. Siahaan Milka Simanjuntak MULA SIGIRO Nanda Saputra Nanda Saputra Nanda Saputra Nesti Surya Astuti Zebua Nesti Surya Astuti Zebua Nguyen Van Thao Nguyen Van Thao Nguyen Van Thao Nguyen Van Thao Nikerian W, Manik Njuah Moenda Sari Silitonga Nopaulina Sinagae Novi Sri Ulina Simanjuntak Novita Forena Simanungkalit PANJAITAN, MUKTAR B Pardede, Hilman Partohap S. R Sihombing, Partohap S. R Paulina Panjaitan Popiana Br Hutauruk Purba, Christian Neni PURBA, LYDIA Purba, Ridwin Putri Anggita Sijabat Rahel Manik Ratna saputri saragih Renita Krisdayanti Situmorang Renta Silalahi Ridwin Purba Riris Siahaan Rodia Mestina Simare mare Rohani Nirmana Hasibuan Rosita Manawari Girsang Ruth Mayasari Simanjuntak Sabar Dumayanti Sihombing Sam Roberto Andre Hasian Lumbantobing Santi Roulina Fentisia Pasaribu Seniwati Pardede Sherly Sherly Simamora, Rianita Simatupang, Sudung Simon M Panjaitan Sumiati Butar-Butar Syafryadin Syafryadin Tiarma Intan Marpaung Tiarma Marpaung Tulus Ikhlas Telaumbanua Tumpal Manahara Siahaan Tutiarni Naibaho Veronika MR Silalahi Vivi Lastiar Sinurat Widya Ambarita Yansen Siahaan Yanti Kristina Sinaga Yuliska Gurning Yusnadi Yusnadi