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Journal : Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education

Analysis Critical Thinking Stage of Eighth Grade in PBL-Scaffolding Setting To Solve Mathematical Problems Isti, Nur Aisyah; Agoestanto, Arief; Kurniasih, Ary Woro
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Vol 6 No 1 (2017): Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education
Publisher : Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ujme.v6i1.12593


The purpose of this research was described critical thinking stage of students grade VIII in setting PBL and scaffolding to solve mathematics problems. Critical thinking stage consists of clarification, assesment, inference, and strategy/tactics. The subject were teo students in the level of capacity to think critical (uncritical, less critical, quite critical, and critical). So that this research subject was 8 students in VIII A One State Junior High School of Temanggung. The result showed a description (1) critical thinking stage of students in setting PBL, in clarification the higher level of capacity to think critical students, students can identification information from question fully, can identificatio problem became detailed, and can explored the relationship among the information; (2) a strategy of scaffolding were given by critical thinking stage and TKBK, in assesment, scaffolding had given was given hint/key classically; and (3) transformation characteristic of the critical thinking stage of students after given scaffolding, it because of habituation in setting PBL and scaffolding.
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Vol 5 No 3 (2016): Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education
Publisher : Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ujme.v5i3.13100


Berpikir aljabar merupakan representasi dari aktivitas maupun kemampuan dalam mempelajari aljabar sekolah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan berpikir aljabar siswa SMP Kelas VIII. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan memberikan tes kemampuan berpikir aljabar pada siswa. Selanjutnya berdasarkan hasil tes, siswa dikelompokkan berdasarkan kemampuan berpikir aljabar mereka yang terdiri dari kelompok tingkat tinggi, kelompok tingkat sedang, dan kelompok tingkat rendah. Dari masing-masing kelompok tersebut dipilih dua subjek sebagai perwakilan untuk diwawancara lebih lanjut terkait kemampuan berpikir aljabar mereka. Hasil analisis dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan generasional, transformasional, dan level-meta global sudah terlihat pada sebagian siswa kelas VIII. Siswa yang termasuk dalam kelompok tingkat tinggi mempunyai kemampuan generasional, transformasional, dan level-meta global yang cenderung tinggi. Sedangkan siswa dalam kelompok rendah mempunyai kemampuan transformasional yang cenderung rendah, kemampuan generasional yang rendah sampai sedang, dan kemampuan level-meta global yang rendah sampai sedang. Algebraic thinking is a representation of activities and abilities to learn school algebraic. The aim of this research was to determine the ability of eighth grade junior high school students in algebraic thinking. The method used in this research was the qualitative descriptive approach. This research was conducted with giving a test of algebraic thinking skills to the students. Furthermore, based on test results, students are grouped according to their algebraic thinking skills which consists of a high­level group, moderate­level group and low­level group. From each group, two subjects were selected to be interviewed more related their algebraic thinking skills, as a representative for their each group. Analytical results from this research indicated that the ability in generational, transformational, and global meta­level activities is already visible in some eighth grade students. Students were included in the high­level group tend to have high skill in generational, transformational, and global meta­level activities. While students were included in the low­level group tend to have low skill in transformational ability, low to medium skill in generational ability, and low to medium skill in global meta­level ability.
The effectiveness of auditory intellectually repetition learning aided by questions box towards students’ mathematical reasoning ability grade XI SMA 2 Pati Agoestanto, Arief; Priyanto, Oei Yuda Setiyo; Susilo, Bambang Eko
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Vol 7 No 1 (2018): Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education
Publisher : Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ujme.v7i1.15828


The objective of this study is to determine does the AIR learning is effective towards students’ mathematical reasoning ability grade XI SMA 2 Pati on the sequence and the series material. The population in this study is all students grade XI SMA 2 Pati Academic Year 2016/2017. The method used in this study is quantitative method. While the data collection includes test methods, questionnaires, and observations. The results showed that: (1) the mathematical reasoning ability of students grade XI SMA 2 Pati who learn with AIR learning model is reaching the mastery learning; (2) the mathematical reasoning ability of students grade XI SMA 2 Pati who learn with AIR learning model aided by Questions Box is reaching the mastery learning; (3) the mathematical reasoning ability of students grade XI SMA 2 Pati who learn with AIR model aided by Questions Box is better than the mathematical reasoning ability of students who learn with AIR learning model and expository learning model; (4) the mathematical reasoning ability of students grade XI SMA 2 Pati who learn with AIR model aided by Questions Box is better than the mathematical reasoning ability of students who learn with AIR learning model and expository learning model for each group, either low, medium or high. Based on the four results of the above research, it can be concluded that the AIR learning aided by Questions Box is effective towards students’ mathematical reasoning ability grade XI SMA 2 Pati on the sequence and series material.
Mathematical Communication Ability by Grade VII Students Using a Themed Problem Based Learning with Scaffolding on Rectangle Materials Saputro, Didik Adi; Masrukan, Masrukan; Agoestanto, Arief
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Vol 6 No 2 (2017): Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education
Publisher : Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ujme.v6i2.17057


The aim of research to test students' mathematical communication used themed of PBL with scaffolding, themed of PBL and PBL achieve mastery learning;to test students' mathematical communication that used the themed of PBL with scaffolding, themed of PBL and PBL; and to test students' mathematical communication for the low, medium group, and a high-group themed of PBL with scaffolding, themed of PBL and PBL. This type of research is quantitative research. The Population is seventh grade students of SMPN 22 Semarang and the sample class VII E, F and VII VII G. Used normality test, homogenity test, equality test on average, the proportion of one-party test, one way anova test, and scheffe test. The results showed that (1) Student’s mathematical communication ability using themed of PBLwith Scaffolding strategy,themed of PBL, and PBL achieve the completeness of learning, (2) there is a difference in the classroom using the themed of PBL with scaffolding, themed of PBL, as well as PBL, (3) For the low, medium, high and there is a difference in the classroom using the themed of PBL with scaffolding, themed of PBL and PBL.
Misconception as a critical and creative thinking inhibitor for mathematics education students Rochmad, Rochmad; Kharis, Muhammad; Agoestanto, Arief; Zahid, Muhammad Zuhair; Mashuri, Mashuri
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Vol 7 No 1 (2018): Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education
Publisher : Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ujme.v7i1.18078


The accurate understanding of critical thinking and mathematical creativity in solving the current problem is still difficult to standardize. These two thinking skills are indispensable to anyone who is studying mathematics, especially for Undergraduate Mathematics students who are studying Linear Algebra. However, the difficulties in critical thinking discourage students to think creatively and mathematically. In linear algebraic subject matter, many problems require critical reasoning. It goes without saying that the difficulties in various reasoning aspects critically cause other difficulties in developing creative thinking aspects. Further, mathematical critical thinking skills in solving problems require a background in understanding the concepts related to the problem faced. In addition, the failure to understand and connect between concepts in solving linear algebra problems makes it worst and difficult to critically and creatively think.
Enhancement of Lecturer Professionalism using Lesson Study Approach for Curriculum Review of Mathematics 1 Agoestanto, Arief; Kurniasih, Ary Woro; Zahid, Muhammad Zuhair; Mulyono, Mulyono
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Vol 6 No 3 (2017): Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education
Publisher : Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ujme.v6i3.19506


The purpose of this research is to know the improvement of lecturer professionalism through the approach of lesson study, to see the increase of student interaction (with the students, teaching materials, lecturer), and to know whether the student learning result of the lesson study approach reaches the completeness. This research is a research of mixed method based on lesson study. Activities performed for each cycle consists of three stages: planning, execution, and reflection. The qualitative data is the description of the lectures professionality improvement with the quantitative is the increase of student interaction (with students, teaching materials, lecturers), and the result of studying Curriculum Review of Mathematics 1. The subject of this research was the students of Curriculum Review of Mathematics 1 in Mathematics Department UNNES year academic 2016/2017. The research instruments are a test, observation sheet, and questionnaire. The result of the research is the improvement of professionalism of lecturers of KBK Mathematics Education through lesson study approach for Mathematics Curriculum Mathematics 1 course, student interaction (with students, teaching materials, lecturers) increases, and learning achieves mastery.
The students’ critical thinking ability through problem posing learning model viewed from the students’ curiosity Permanawati, Fitra Inda; Agoestanto, Arief; Kurniasih, Ary Woro
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Vol 7 No 3 (2018): Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education
Publisher : Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ujme.v7i3.25025


Critical thinking is an embodiment of high level thinking. The purposes of this research were to know that the critical thinking ability of class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Wangon on Problem Posing passes the learning completeness grade, the critical thinking ability of class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Wangon on Problem Posing is better than Direct Instruction, and to describe the students’ critical thinking ability through Problem Posing seen from the students’ curiosity. The results showed that: 1) critical thinking ability of class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Wangon on Problem Posing pass the learning completeness grade; 2) critical thinking ability of class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Wangon on Problem Posing is better than Direct Instruction; 3) subject with high curiosity are able to accomplish 6 indikators, while the subject with medium curiosity are able to accomplish 5 indikators, and subject with low curiosity are able to accomplish 3 indikators.
Analysis of algebraic thinking ability viewed from the mathematical critical thinking ablity of junior high school students on problem based learning Harti, Laela Sih; Agoestanto, Arief
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Vol 8 No 2 (2019): Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education
Publisher : Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ujme.v8i2.32060


The aims of this research are (1) find out students critical ability in learning problem based learning achieves the minimal mastery criteria; (2) find out students algebraic ability in learning problem based learning achieves the minimal mastery criteria; (3) to describe the algebraic ability of 8th grade students of SMP Negeri 6 semarang viewed by students critical ability (high, middle, and low). The method of this research is mix method with concurrent embedded design. The population in this researchwere class 8thSMP Negeri 6 Semarang The research sample was class VIII G and the subjects were taken 9 out of 34 students of class VIII G. The results of the research showed that: (1) students critical thinking ability in problem based learning achieved the minimal mastery criteria; (2) students algebraic thinking ability in problem based learning achieved the minimal mastery criteria; (3) students who belonging to the high-critical thinking ability group, have high generationaland global meta-level capabilities, while transformational capabilities that moderate to high.Studentswho belonging to the middle-critical thinking ability group, have generational, transformational, and global meta-level capabilities that tend to be moderate. Studentswho belonging to the low-critical thinking ability group, have generational and transformational capabilities that tend to be low, while global meta-level capabilities that low to moderate.
Analysis of students error in global meta-level algebraic thinking on problem proving on CORE learning assisted by scaffolding Ihtiani, Ana; Agoestanto, Arief
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Vol 10 No 1 (2021): Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education
Publisher : Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ujme.v10i1.32419


The aims of this study are to identifies the quality of mathematics learning used CORE model assisted by scaffolding, examine whether students' ability in global meta-level algebraic thingking pass the minimun completeness criteria, describes the type and the causes of students error in global meta-level algebraic thingking, and type of scaffolding for lower group students. This is a mixed-method research. The population of this research are students of class XI-IPA at SMAN 1 Bojong. The sample of this research are students of class XI-IPA 3 as many as 32 students. The research subjects were taken 9 students, each of 3 students from the uuper, middle, and lower groups. Data collection methods used documentation, interviewies, and test. Teh validity of the data is done by triangulating the result of test and interviews. Data is analyzed by doing data reduction, data presentation, and verificatiton. The results of this research showed that (1) the quality of mathematics learning used CORE model assisted by scaffolding in very good criteria; (2 students' ability in global meta-level algebraic thingking on CORE learning assisted by scaffolding pass the minimun completeness criteria; (3) upper group students tend to make some error in the process skill and encoding steps, middle group students tend to make some error in the process skill steps, while lower group students tend to make some error in the transformation and process skill steps; (4) the cause of the error are lack of students’ accuracy in writing problem information modeling, inaccurate in calculation process, not able to complete the proving process, and inaccurate in writing down the variables in conclusion sentences; (5) scaffolding reviewing is given for transformation and encoding errors, scaffolding explaining, reviewing, and restructuring are given for process skill errors.
Analysis of the ability to interpreting information in algebraic critical thinking Agoestanto, Arief; Sukestiyarno, YL; Isnarto, Isnarto; Rochmad, Rochmad
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Vol 8 No 3 (2019): Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education
Publisher : Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ujme.v8i3.35224


This research aimed to describe the ability to interpret the information in the student's algebraic critical thinking. The type of research is a mixture of quantitative and qualitative. Methods of data collection are tests and interviews. The results of the algebraic critical thinking test referring to Watson-Glaser were analyzed descriptively quantitatively, then 6 subjects were selected each of 2 subjects including the upper, middle, and lower groups for interviews. Triangulation was carried out using 2 different subjects for each level and comparison of test results and interview results. The results of this research indicate the average Algebraic Critical Thinking ability of 31 students was 50.14 and the standard deviation was 9.09, with the lowest average inference ability was 32.64, and the highest average argument was 62.63; the correlation coefficient of algebraic critical thinking skills with indicators of inference, recognition assumptions, deductions, interpretations, evaluations of arguments, each of which amounted to 0.3264, 0.5126, 0.5417, 0.4602, 0.6263; and that the upper group subjects were able to interpret information in the medium category, the middle group subjects were able to interpret information in the medium category, and the lower group subjects were able to interpret the information in the low category.
Co-Authors Adi Nur Cahyono Afifah, Siti Atiatul AGUSTINA, SELY Ahmad Badawi, Ahmad Ahmad Musyafak Apriliani, Yustika Rakhma Arie Wahyuni Artanto, Noviesag Ary Woro Kurniasih Bambang Eko Susilo Bambang Eko Susilo Bebyd Noverianto Budi Waluya Deby Ashri Khardita Dewi, Ardhyani Yunika Dewi, Elok Tri Kusuma Dr. Masrukan, Dr. Dwijanto Dwijanto Eko Andy Purnomo Ellya Masturina Hamid Endang Retno Winarti Erlinda Isulis Marissa Fani Laffanillah Fani Fathiya, Rina Nurul FAUSTINA, RIZA SILVIA Fifqi Inayah Hamidah Hamidah Hanif Jauhar Noor Hardi Suyitno Harti, Laela Sih Hikmah, Al Ihtiani, Ana Iqbal Kharisudin Isnarto Isnarto Isnarto, Isnarto Isti, Nur Aisyah Iwan Junaedi Jaka Wijaya Kusuma Kartono - Khasmarawati, Vinda Kinasih, Sekar Latifah, Nana Umi LILIK SUPONO Mahfiyah, Amaliyatul Mashuri - Mashuri Mashuri Masrukan Masrukan Masrukan Masrukan Miranti, Nawang Kusuma Muchammad Imron Muchtar Adam Muachor Muhammad Fayakuun Muhammad Kharis Muhammad Kharis Muhammad Rizcky Kurniawan Muhammad Syaiful Rohman Syaiful Muhammad Zuhair Zahid, Muhammad Zuhair Mulyono Mulyono Mulyono Mulyono Ni’mah, Roudlotin Nor Amalliyah Nuriana Rachmani Dewi Nuriana Rachmani Dewi Nurintya, Fairusz Hanan Nurkaromah Dwidayati, Nurkaromah Oktaviyanty, Hetty Paradita, Evelyn Permanawati, Fitra Inda Priyanto, Oei Yuda Setiyo Puji Handayani Putriaji Hendikawati Ratih Kusumawati Ratri Rahayu Riza Arifudin Rochmad - Ruliana Ruliana, Ruliana Saputro, Didik Adi sari, atmira qurnia Savitri, Soviana Nur Scolastika Mariani Septiana, Meli Sopyyev, Ylyas St. Budi Waluya Sugiman Sugiman Sukestiyarno Sukestiyarno Sukestiyarno Sukestiyarno Sunarmi Sunarmi T.D. Setyaningsih, T.D. Tsania Rahma Azzahra Ula Himatul Aliyah Vera Dewi Susanti Wijaya, Linda Winanti, Kresni Winanti, Kresni Witha Paramitha Wuryanto Wuryanto YL Sukerstriyarno YL Sukestiyarno YL Sukestriyarno Yohanes Leonardus Sukestiyarno Yulianto, Dimas Arif Yuliyani Yuliyani, Yuliyani Zaenuri Mastur