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Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian Vol 16, No 3 (2013): November 2013
Publisher : Balai Besar Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jpptp.v16n3.2013.p%p


ABSTRACT The Influence of Delaying Duration of Threshing and Threshing Methods on Grain Yield of Local Varieties of Rice “Karang Dukuh”. Problems related to harvest and postharvest in tidal land are usually related to the lack of technologies and labor for handling of threshing.  It caused for delaying of threshing. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the delayed period and method of threshing on the yield losses, threshing, capacity, and grain quality of Karang Dukuh local rice varieties.  The study was conducted in the Village of Anjir Muara Kota Tengah, Barito Kuala distric of South Kalimantan from July to December 2012. A randomized factorial experimental design with three replications was used. The main factor was threshing delayed period, while the second factor was threshing methods. The study showed that yield losses and threshing capacity were influenced by the interaction duration of delayed threshing and threshing methods. Threshing capacity and grain quality such as percentage of empty grain, percentage of foreign materials, and percentage of cracking grain were influenced by threshing methods. While the percentage of broken grain was influenced by delayed threshing. Interaction of manual threshing and 1 day threshing delay gave the lowest value of losses (0.21%). The highest yield resulting from the interaction of power thresher with 1 day delayed (61.17%). Threshing capacity was affected by the method of threshing. The average capacity of power thresher was 333.58 kg/h while the manual method was 69.04 kg/h.  In general the quality of grain can be included in  quality class II based on SNI standards. Keywords : Paddy,  tidal land, postharvest, threshing,  grain qualityABSTRAK                 Permasalahan utama dalam penanganan panen dan pascapanen padi di lahan pasang surut adalah ketersediaan tenaga kerja serta keterbatasan teknologi perontokan yang mengakibatkan terjadinya penundaan waktu perontokan. Tujuan kajian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu penundaan perontokan dan cara perontokan terhadap susut perontokan, rendemen perontokan, kapasitas perontokan, serta mutu gabah kering giling (GKG) pada padi lokal varietas Karang Dukuh. Kajian dilakukan di Desa Anjir Muara Kota Tengah, Kabupaten Barito Kuala Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan dari bulan Juli – Desember 2012. Rancangan percobaan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak faktorial dengan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah waktu penundaan perontokan sedangkan faktor kedua adalah cara perontokan. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa susut perontokan dan rendemen perontokan dipengaruhi oleh interaksi perlakuan penundaan perontokan dan cara perontokan. Kapasitas perontokan serta mutu gabah seperti persentase gabah hampa/kotoran, persentase benda asing, dan persentase keretakan gabah dipengaruhi oleh cara perontokan. Persentase butir kuning/rusak dipengaruhi oleh penundaan perontokan. Interaksi perontokan manual dan waktu penundaan 1 hari memberikan nilai susut paling rendah yaitu 0,21%. Rendemen perontokan tertinggi dihasilkan dari interaksi power thresher dengan penundaan 1 hari yaitu 61,17%.  Kapasitas perontokan dipengaruhi oleh cara perontokan. Rata-rata kapasitas perontokan dengan power thresher sebesar 333,58 kg/jam, sedangkan perontokan manual 69,04 kg/jam. Secara umum mutu gabah yang dihasilkan tergolong kelas mutu dua berdasarkan standar mutu SNI. Kata kunci : Padi, pasang surut, pascapanen, perontokan, mutu gabah
Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri Vol 21, No 2 (2015): Juni 2015
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jlittri.v21n2.2015.99-107


ABSTRAKKelapa kopyor memiliki kandungan gizi yang penting, seperti karbohidrat, protein, lemak, dan asam lemak. Selama penyimpanan kelapa kopyor mudah mengalami kerusakan karena proses oksidasi dan hidrolisis lemak. Hal ini menyebabkan kelapa kopyor mengalami ketengikan dan perubahan warna dari putih menjadi kuning kecoklatan. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, dilakukan pengemasan dengan film plastik dan menyimpannya pada suhu dingin.  Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk Memberikan informasi mengenai keefektifan film plastik untuk penyimpanan  daging kelapa kopyor. Bahan  penelitian adalah kelapa kopyor dari Kalianda (Lampung Selatan). Kelapa kopyor dikemas film plastik jenis Polyamide (PA),  Polypropylene (PP), dan High Density Polyethylene (HDPE).  Arameter mutu yang dianalisis adalah Thiobarbituric acid  (TBA),  asam lemak  bebas  (ALB),  total  padatan terlarut (TPT), pH, total mikrob,  kadar lemak, serta uji organoleptik warna,  aroma,  dan  rasa.  Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan dua faktor. Faktor pertama adalah film plastik dengan tiga taraf (PA, PP, HDPE), dan faktor kedua adalah suhu dengan dua taraf (5 ± 2 dan 10 ± 2 oC). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jenis film plastik PA pada penyimpanan suhu 5 ± 2 oC merupakan kemasan yang efektif dalam mempertahankan mutu kelapa kopyor hingga enam hari, yang dibuktikan dengan rendahnya total mikrob, TBA, dan ALB. Selain itu, panelis masih menyukai kelapa kopyor dari warna, aroma dan rasa.Kata kunci: kelapa kopyor, plastik film, mutu, suhu, waktu penyimpanan The Usage of Plastic Film for Kopyor Coconut Packaging ABSTRACTKopyor coconut contains important  nutrients, such as carbohydrates, protein, fat, and fatty acids. During storage kopyor coconut is  easily  suffered  damage,  because  of  oxidizing  and  fat  hydrolysis processes. The processes cause  kopyor coconut suffered rancidity and color change from white to brownish-yellow. Packaging  kopyor coconut with plastic film and keep it in a cool temperature could overcome this problem. The aim of the research  was to provide  information   the effectiveness  of  plastic  films  for  kopyor  coconut  storage.  Research material was kopyor coconut obtained from Kalianda (South Lampung). Kopyor   coconut   packaged   in   plastic   film   type   Polyamide (PA), Polypropylene (PP), and High Density Polyethylene (HDPE).  The quality parameters observed were Thiobarbituric acid (TBA), free fatty acids (FFA), pH, total soluble solid (TSS), pH, total microbes, fat content, and sensory characteristics including color, flavor, and taste. This research used Randomized Complete Design with two factors. The first factor was the packaging material with three different types (PA, PP, HDPE), and the second factor was the storage temperature at two levels of 5 ± 2 and 10 ± 2 oC. The results showed that the type of plastic film packaging PA at storage temperature 5 ± 2 oC is effective in maintaining the quality of kopyor coconut up to six days, as evidenced bythe low total microbe, TBA, and ALB. In addition, panelists still like kopyor coconut of color aroma and taste.
Aplikasi Ultrasonik untuk Pendugaan Kerusakan Serangan Lalat Buah pada Mangga Arumanis Rokhani Hasbullah; Ridwan Rachmat; Dondy A Setyabudi; nFN Warji
Buletin Teknologi Pasca Panen Vol 5, No 1 (2009): Buletin Teknologi Pascapanen Pertanian
Publisher : Buletin Teknologi Pasca Panen

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Kerusakan akibat lalat buah biasanya terlihat jika buahnya dibuka. Metode gelombang ultrasonik dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui mutu buah bagian dalam tanpa merusak. Tujuan penelitian adalah pendugaan kerusakan mangga Arumanis yang diakibatkan lalat buah dengan menggunakan gelombang ultrasonik. Karakteristik gelombang ultrasonik yang diaplikasikan untuk pendugaan kerusakan mangga Arumanis adalah atenuasi, kecepatan, dan zero moment power (Mo). Koefisien atenuasi mangga tidak rusak adalah 36,45 Np/M, dengan kecepatan gelombang ultrasonik 518,19 m/detik, dan zero moment power (Mo) 4,58. Dalam aplikasinya pendugaan kerusakan mangga Arumanis menggunakan gelombang ultrasonik dapat digunakan pada batas koefisien atenuasi sebesar 34,76 Np/M dan zero moment power (Mo) 5,60. Pada bentuk pendugaan koefisien atenuasi lebih dari 34,76 Np/M mangga dinyatakan normal/tidak terinfeksi lalat buah, sedangkan pada koefisien atenuasi kurang atau sama dengan 34,76 Np/M diindikasikan telah terinfeksi lalat buah. Pada Zero moment power (Mo) lebih dari 5,60 mangga Arumanis diindikasikan normal/tidak terinfeksi lalat buah, sedangkan kurang dari atau sama 5,60 dapat diindikasikan sebagai telah terinfeksi lalat buah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa koefisien atenuasi rata-rata mangga Arumanis sebesar 30,67 Np/m, kecepatan rata-rata gelombang ultrasonik 731,72 m/detik, dan zero moment power (Mo) 6,40.
Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship (IJBE) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2017): IJBE, Vol. 3 No. 1, January 2017
Publisher : School of Business, IPB University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17358/ijbe.3.1.24


In 2015, total imports of corn in Indonesia reached 3.1 million tons due to lower corn production of Indonesia. One way to overcome this is to apply the technology mechanization in the cultivation process as practiced by the country largest corn producer in the world. The purpose of this study is to know the level of competitiveness of mechanized corn cultivation and manual. In addition, it is to determine the effect of government policy on competitiveness of both type of corn cultivation. The analytical method used is the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM). The analysis showed that mechanized corn cultivation is competitive so that the business is feasible to be developed.  It is seen from the DRC and PCR- corn agribusiness based on mechanization level values that less than one is 0.54 and 0.50. The manual corn  cultivation, however, only show a competitive advantage but does not have a comparative advantage. Output policy is a policy that better influence both   type mechanized and manual corn cultivation.Keywords: competitiveness, corn, Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM)
Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship (IJBE) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2017): IJBE, Vol. 3 No. 2, May 2017
Publisher : School of Business, IPB University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17358/ijbe.3.2.90


Business School of IPB (SB-IPB) has a low level of completing of study for its master program students on-time. Based on the report of SB-IPB 2015, only 0.8% of students graduating in 2014/2015 successfully completed their study in the normal time of thesis writing. This study aims to identify what factors cause the students unable to complete their thesis on time, thus affecting their learning success. The primary data in this study came from interviews to the students of year 2011/2012, while the secondary data were obtained from the academic section of SB-IPB. Determination of the number of samples was done using slovin formula obtaining 80 students as the respondents. The data analysis method used was SEM with PLS method. The results of the research indicate that the indicator that has a dominant role on the student characteristics is employment status while the dominant role indicators on the process of thesis writing are the suitability of area of interest and the administrative process. The value of the characteristics of students significantly affecting the process of their thesis writing is-0.283, and this indicates that students who are full time workers have a number of constraints in their thesis writing process. Likewise, the process of the thesis writing has a significant influence on the success of the study i.e. 0.346, and it means that the easier the process of thesis writing, the greater the success of their study. The academic division is expected to be more active in controlling the students who are in the process of writing their thesis, especially for the class whose students work full time so that it can well support the learning success of the students.Keywords: business school, master program, success of the study, PLS, SEMABSTRAKMahasiswa program magister di sekolah bisnis IPB (SB-IPB) memiliki tingkat ketepatan penyelesaian studi yang masih rendah. Berdasarkan laporan SB IPB 2015, hanya 0.8% mahasiswa yang lulus tahun 2014/2015 berhasil menyelesaikan studi dalam waktu normal penyusunan tesis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor apa saja yang menyebabkan mahasiswa terlambat menyelesaikan tesis yang berdampak pada keberhasilan studi. Data primer dalam penelitian ini bersumber dari wawancara kepada mahasiswa tahun angkatan 2011/2012, sedangkan data sekunder bersumber dari bagian akademik SB-IPB. Penentuan jumlah sampel menggunakan rumus slovin diperoleh 80 mahasiswa sebagai responden. Metode analisis data yang digunakan, yaitu SEM dengan metode PLS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Indikator yang berperan dominan terhadap karakteristik mahasiswa yaitu status pekerjaan, sedangkan indikator yang berperan dominan terhadap proses penyusunan tesis yaitu kesesuaian bidang minat dan proses administrasi. Karakteristik mahasiswa signifikan memengaruhi proses penyusunan tesis sebesar -0.283. Artinya, mahasiswa yang aktif bekerja akan menghambat proses penyusunan tesisnya. Demikian juga proses penyusunan tesis berpengaruh signifikan pada keberhasilan studi sebesar 0.346. Artinya, semakin mudah proses penyusunan tesis maka akan semakin menigkatkan keberhasilan studi. Divisi akademik diharapkan dapat lebih aktif mengontrol mahasiswa yang sedang dalam proses penyusunan tesis terutama pada kelas yang mayoritas aktif bekerja untuk menunjang keberhasilan studi mahasiswa yang lebih baik.Keywords: sekolah bisnis, program magister, keberhasilan studi, PLS, SEM
Strategy to Develop Rice Farm Business Insurance in PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia Graita Gaiety Jatmiko; Arief Daryanto; Rokhani Hasbullah
Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship (IJBE) Vol. 3 No. 3 (2017): IJBE, Vol. 3 No. 3, September 2017
Publisher : School of Business, IPB University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17358/ijbe.3.3.196


Agricultural sector has very significant roles in Indonesian economy, some of which are as the contributor of the second highest PDB and the biggest labor absorber with the contribution of 13.6% and 32% respectively. Even though, it is the biggest labor absorber,agricultural business is not interesting to the community nowadays. This is because this business has a quite high risk to fail to harvest. This research aimed to analyze the external and internal factors affecting the development of Rice Farm Business Insurance (AUTP), to know the position of the company in carrying out the AUTP, and to formulate the strategy to develop AUTP in PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Jasindo). This research used descriptive method through case study with the analysis equipment, like Five Forces Porter, IFE/EFE Matrix, IE Matrix, SWOT, and QSPM. The results showed that there were several strategic factors influencing the implementation of AUTP, i.e. a wide market opportunity. The position of the company in the implementation of AUTP was in the position of hold and maintain with the recommended strategy, of market penetration and product development. In this research, eight alternative strategies were obtained with the with the highest priority was to expand the distribution channel network.Keywords: development stragety, rice farm business insurance,agricultural risk, Jasindo, QSPM
Uji Performansi Mesin Penepung Tipe Disc (Disc Mill) untuk Penepungan Juwawut (Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauvois) Parlaungan Adil Rangkuti; Rokhani Hasbullah; Kaltika Setya Utami Sumariana
agriTECH Vol 32, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (656.154 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.9658


Juwawut is a food from the grains includes in Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauvois species. Juwawut in the form of flourhas long been a food ingredient in various countries such as in South-Eastern Europe, North Africa, Northern China, and India. Performance test needs to be conducted, includes characteristics of the engine: capacity, yield, shrinkage scattered, power requirements, efficiency and quality of the flour: particle size, degree of fineness, and moisture content of flour. Disc mill performance test conducted by using 1 kg of juwawut seed per treatment with four rolling speed or rotation per minute (rpm): 1,425, 2,850, 4,750, and 5,700 rpm, and using 80 and 100 mesh sieve. The perfomance test result showed that optimum capacity obtained at 5,700 rpm using 80 mesh sieve: engine capacity 20.43 kg/hour, engine yield 91.66%, and shrinkage scattered 1.77 %. Mill engine at 5,700 rpm with 80 mesh sieve and using 3 phase electric motor needs 519 watt of power with 0.20 % efficiency. As the quality of the flour showed that particle size around0.016 inch, degree of fineness 96.25%, moisture of flour 8.80% of average with intial moisture content of juwawut seed12.03% (wet basis). Based on analysis of variance and Duncam further test rpm treatment was significantly different to mill capacity and yield. For shrinkage scattered analysis showed that rpm treatment of 2,840 is not significantly different to rpm treatment of 4,750, but significantly different to 5,700 rpm treatment.ABSTRAKJuwawut merupakan bahan pangan dari biji-bijian termasuk dalam spesies Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauvois. Juwawutdalam bentuk tepung telah lama menjadi bahan pangan di berbagai negara seperti di Eropa bagian tenggara, Afrika Utara, Cina bagian utara, dan India. Uji performansi mesin penepung tipe disc meliputi karakteristik mesin yakni kapasitas, rendemen, susut tercecer, kebutuhan tenaga dan efisiensi serta kualitas tepung yakni ukuran partikel, derajat kehalusan dan kadar air tepung. Uji performansi dilakukan dengan menggunakan biji juwawut seberat satu kg tiap perlakuan dengan empat kecepatan putar atau rotasi per menit (rpm) yakni 1.425, 2.850, 4.750 dan 5.700 rpm serta menggunakan saringan 80 dan 100 mesh. Hasil pengujian performansi mesin penepung menunjukkan bahwa kapasitas optimum diperoleh pada 5.700 rpm dengan menggunakan saringan 80 mesh yakni kapasitas mesin 20,43 kg/jam, rendemen mesin 91,6 6 %, dan susut tepung tercecer 1,77 %. Mesin penepung pada 5.700 rpm dengan saringan 80 mesh dan menggunakan motor listrik 3 fasa membutuhkan daya sebesar 519 watt dengan efisiensi motor listrik 0,20 %. Ditinjau dari segi kualitas tepung menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan ukuran partikel tepung yang dihasilkan berukuran berkisar 0,016 inchi, derajat kehalusan tepung 96,25 % dengan kadar air tepung rata-rata 6,80 % dengan kadar air awal biji juwawut 12,03 %. Berdasarkan analisa sidik ragam dan uji lanjut Duncan, perlakuan rpm berbeda nyata terhadap kapasitas penepungan dan rendemen penepungan. Untuk analisa susut tepung tercecer menunjukan bahwa perlakuan pada 2.840 rpm tidak berbeda nyata terhadap perlakuan pada 4.750 rpm, namun berbeda nyata terhadap perlakuan pada5.700 rpm.
Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2015): JABM Vol. 1 No. 2 Desember 2015
Publisher : School of Business, Bogor Agricultural University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17358/jabm.1.2.108


Inventory of raw materials in the company is very important, so it has to be controlled. A good inventory control of raw materials should be supported with cost efficiency. This study was to analyze factors that cause the base material inventories excess at PT. XYZ and analyze the purpose of the base material inventories to be controlled. The reseacrh was using a fish bone method and continue with using pairwise comparison method assisted with the expert choice 2000 software. The classification result based on ABC analysis, the selected item that was going to be analyzed was the A category items.The items that are included in the A category are clay ex belitung jw, clay ja 1/ja b and sodium feldspar. The EOQ equations model was used to answer the purpose of the base material inventories control. Based from the EOQ model, the needed quantity, order quantity, order frequency, reorder point (ROP), total order cost (TOC), total carrying cost (TCC), and total inventory cost (TIC) could be obtained. The comparison of the total cost of inventory among the EOQ model and company policies showed that the EOQ model in seven months can save up to Rp311.612.769. PT. XYZ could minimize the base material inventory costs by calculating the costs incurred. The EOQ model could be implemented if all of the departments involved are well cooperated. PT. XYZ should also be able to make inventory control standards which are quantity order, order frequency, and reorder point. Keywords: Cost, EOQ, frequency, inventory, ROPABSTRAKPersediaan bahan baku pada perusahaan sangatlah penting, sehingga harus dapat dikendalikan. Pengendalian persediaan bahan baku yang baik harus didukung dengan efisiensi biaya. Penelitian ini untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan kondisi persediaan bahan baku base material berlebih di PT. XYZ dan menganalisis persediaan bahan baku base material agar dapat dikendalikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode fish bone dilanjutkan dengan metode pairwise comparison dengan dibantu software expert choice 2000. Hasil pengklasifikasian berdasarkan analisis ABC item yang akan di analisis yaitu item yang termasuk klasifikasi A. Item yang termasuk klasifikasi A yaitu clay ex belitung jw, clay ja 1/ja b dan sodium feldspar. Persamaan-persamaan model Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) digunakan untuk menjawab tujuan dari pengendalian persediaan bahan baku base material. Pada model EOQ didapatkan jumlah kebutuhan, banyaknya jumlah setiap pemesanan, frekuensi pemesanan, titik pemesanan ulang (ROP), total biaya pesan (TOC), total biaya simpan (TCC) dan total biaya persediaan (TIC). Hasil perbandingan total biaya persediaan antara model EOQ dan kebijakan perusahaan didapatkan hasil bahwa dengan menggunakan model EOQ dalam tujuh bulan dapat menghemat Rp311.612.769. PT. XYZ dapat meminimalkan biaya persediaan bahan baku base material dengan melakukan perhitungan biaya-biaya yang ditimbulkan. Model EOQ dapat dijalankan ketika semua Departemen yang terlibat dapat bekerjasama dengan baik. PT. XYZ pun harus dapat membuat standar pengendalian persediaan yaitu jumlah setiap kali pemesanan, frekuensi pemesanan, titik pemesanan ulang. Kata kunci: Biaya, EOQ, frekuensi, persediaan, ROP
Strategi Pengembangan Inkubator Bisnis Sebagai Lembaga Pendampingan Perusahaan Pemula: Studi Kasus Inkubator Bisnis IPB Heriyanto S Soba; Rokhani Hasbullah; Nunung Nuryartono
Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2018): JABM Vol. 4 No. 1, Januari 2018
Publisher : School of Business, Bogor Agricultural University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17358/jabm.4.1.96


Business Incubator is a model in growing technology-based entrepreneurship. Compared with the other countries, the business incubator in Indonesia has not been well developed. In fact, the contribution of the business incubator is significant for the successes of the entrepreneurs and the economy in general. This study aimed to analyze the development strategy of business incubators (IncuBie) of IPB by analyzing the internal (Internal Factor Evaluation/IFE) and external (External Factor Evaluation/EFE) factors. This study applied SWOT analysis (Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats), and determined the alternative development strategy using Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM). The SWOT analysis showed four alternative development strategies. Meanwhile, the QSPM matrix analysis showed that an interesting strategy to be selected from various strategic alternatives that are available is by increasing the support to the business incubator through the implementation of regulation and provision of particular financing scheme based on its performance and services to the tenants. This strategy managed a number of strengths to take advantage of the existing opportunities (strengths-opportunities/SO) with the highest total attractive score (STAS).Keywords: business incubator, IFE, EFE, SWOT, QSPM
Integrasi dan Asimetri Harga Karet TSR20 Indonesia dengan Harga TSR20 Dunia Andi Suryadi; Sahara Sahara; Rokhani Hasbullah
Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Vol. 4 No. 3 (2018): JABM Vol. 4 No. 3, September 2018
Publisher : School of Business, Bogor Agricultural University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17358/jabm.4.3.354


Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan integrasi dan asimetri antara harga karet TSR20 di pasar Indonesia, SICOM dan New York. Ruang lingkup penelitian ini menggunakan metode Asymmetric Error Corection Model (AECM). Analisis asimetri yang dilakukan merupakan analisis asimetri yang disebabkan perbedaan respon peyesuaian dari segi kecepatan (Speed adjusment). Data yang digunakan merupakan data time series bulanan dari tahun 2010 sampai dengan tahun 2016. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa semua pasar telah terintegrasi. Hubungan yang terjadi adalah pasar SICOM memengaruhi pasar Indonesia, Pasar SICOM dan Pasar New York serta pasar Indonesia dengan pasar New York sama-sama saling memengaruhi. Sedangkan untuk hubungan asimetri terlihat bahwa SICOM dengan pasar Indonesia terjadi hubungan asimetri dalam jangka pendek namun dlam jangka panjang simetri. Sedangkan hubungan antara pasar Indonesia dan pasar New York terjadi hubungan simetri dalam jangka pendek namun jangka panjang tidak simetri. Sementara itu hubunga yang terjadi antara pasar SICOM dan pasar New York simetri baik dalam jangka pendek maupun dalam Jangka panjang. Rekomendasi penelitian selanjutnya, selain melihat harga di pasar SICOM dan Amerika Serikat penting untuk melihat integrasi harga di pasar China. Pasar Cina belakangan ini menjadi pasar yang banyak meng import karet alam selain Amerika Serikat dan Jepang.Kata kunci: TSR20, asimetri, SICOM, karet, AECM
Co-Authors . Setiadjit . Sukarno . Sutrisno Abdul Waries Patiwiri Achmad Fitrah Maulidin Adhitya Yudha Pradhana Agus Sutejo Ahmad Yani Ahmad Yani Ali Parjito Amzul Rifin Andi Suryadi Anggitha Ratri Dewi Arief Daryanto Arif Imam Suroso Arif Suroso Aris Purwanto Astu Unadi Budi Nurtama Budi Rahardjo Cicih Sugianti Dadang . Deasy Fitriani Desy Nofriati Desy Nofriati Deva Primadia Almada Dikky Indrawan Dondy A Setyabudi Dondy A Setyabudi DS Priyarsono Dwi Zuwarman Edi Suryanto Edy Hartulistiyoso Eka Priyana Elisa Nur Faizaty Elpodesy Marlisa Emmy Darmawati Eti Rohaeti Fahim M Taqi Firdaus, Jonni Graita Gaiety Jatmiko Harli Prawaningrum Hasniar . Heriyanto S Soba I Wayan Astika I Wayan Budiastra Idham Sakti Harahap Iriando Wijaya Ita Zuraida Iyus Hendrawan Jeffrey Fransiscus Juniska Muria Sariningpuri Kaltika Setya Utami Sumariana Khoirul Mukhtarom Leopold Oscar Nelwan Lidya Susanti Lilik Pujantoro Eko Nugroho Machfud Machfud Maya Wulan Arini Memen Surahman Mohamad Rahmad Suhartanto MUHAMMAD YUSUF ANTU Muhammad Yusuf Antu nFN Setyadjit nFN Sukarno Nunung Nuryartono Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurman Susilo Nurul Imamah Okky Setyawati Dharmaputra Parlaungan Adil Rangkuti Patiwiri, Abdul Waries Pramita Riskia D. P Prori Vitaliano Latief Purwiyatno Hariyadi Renny Anggraini Ridwan Rachmat Rimba Lestari Rio Viryawan Riska Indaryani Rizal Syarief Rizal Syarief RIZAL SYARIEF Rofika Rochmawati Ruri Wijayanti Sahara Sahara Setiadjit Setiadjit Slamet Budijanto Sugiyono Sugiyono Sugiyono Sugiyono Sukarno Sukarno Sulusi Prabawati Suparlan . Suroso . Susi Lesmayati Susilo, Nurman Sutrisno , Sutrisno - Sutrisno Mardjan Sutrisno Sutrisno Sutrisno Sutrisno Sutrisno, Sutrisno Tajuddin Bantacut Tri Yulni Usman Ahmad Warji Warji