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Journal : International Journal of Educational Research and Social Sciences (IJERSC)

Natural Environment Strategy Data Disclosure Instruments Study On Palm Oil Companies In Riau Province Mashur Fadli; Meyzi Heriyanto; Yusmar Yusuf; Isril; Mandataris; M.Y.Tiyas Tinov
International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences Vol. 2 No. 5 (2021): October 2021
Publisher : CV. Inara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51601/ijersc.v2i5.164


The goal of this research is to create and validate the scale. A total of 126 workers from a palm oil plant in Riau province were included in this investigation. Win step program is used to analyze data using the Rasch model. This is supported by research. In the unsatisfactory category, the Cronbach alpha value, which measures the overall interaction between people and items, is included. Furthermore, the importance of person reliability as a measure of the consistency of respondents' responses is categorized as extremely bad. In the meantime, item reliability as a measure of the instrument's quality falls into a distinct category. The standard items' average difficulty level is below the ability level of the palm oil mill's managers. As a result, palm oil mill management readily approves this natural environment plan instrument item.
Social Capital And Food Security Of Poor Households In Watersheds During The Covid-19 Pandemic Meyzi Heriyanto; Khairul Anwar; Ismandianto; Ruzikna; Mashur Fadli; Yusmar Yusuf
International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences Vol. 2 No. 5 (2021): October 2021
Publisher : CV. Inara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51601/ijersc.v2i5.179


Poor Household Research on Social Capital and Food Resilience (RTM) The socioeconomic imbalances of impoverished households in the Siak watershed areaprovide the backdrop for the execution of the 2020 Social Distancing and PSBBpolicies. The condition of the population in the Tanjung Rhu and Rumbai PesisirSub-Districts that has tested positive for Covid-19 is relatively low, but the potentialfor the rise and socio-economic gaps is substantial. This research sought to answerthe following key question: How can social capital be mobilized to increase foodsecurity for poor households in the context of social distancing and PSBB policies intwo Pekanbaru sub-districts? Social participation and social capital theory canprovide answers to this topic. The goal of this study was to look at the state of socialcapital and the possibilities for enhancing food security for disadvantaged familiesin the two Covid-19 in the year 2020: (1) The level of public trust in workingtogether to strengthen food security during the implementation of social distancingand PSBB policies; (2) The level of a family trust in working together to strengthenfood security during the implementation of social distancing and PSBB policies; (3)The benefits of formal and informal social networks in dealing with SocialDistancing and PSBB; (4) The benefits of socialization medium for formalgovernment and informal regulations fo? The following are the findings of theresearch given in this paper: To begin with, this PSBB policy influenced the riverflow resilience of impoverished households in Pekanbaru City's Tanjung Rhu andMeranti Pandak villages. Second, the components of social capital that weresignificantly related to community and household trust in establishing relationshipswithout mutual suspicion, household trust in being able to maintain a sustainableenvironment, and in dealing with the impact of the implementation of Covid 19 afterthe PSBB's enactment. Third, social capital can be established and improved at thecommunity level in the form of social institutions that help improve food security inpoor communities.
Social Capital: A Literature Review In Resources Management Yusmar Yusuf; Meyzi Heriyanto; Tri Joko Waluyo; Syafrizal; Mashur Fadli; Achmad Fajri Febrian
International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences Vol. 2 No. 5 (2021): October 2021
Publisher : CV. Inara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51601/ijersc.v2i5.181


The subject of this study is resource management. By examining the literature that has the keyword "social capital" in the article title and a source region, the goal of this study is to identify research trends and research areas in the field of social capital in 2021, as well as publications from time to time and by nation (locus). The search was limited to Scopus-indexed publishers. To be used as research literature analysis material, the article must meet six inclusion criteria. A total of 120 articles were found to be related to the inclusion criteria and used as material for literary analysis in this study. The VOS Viewer Software is used in the SLR approach and there. The results of the SLR mapping in 2021 demonstrate that it is currently developing, and there are chances for social capital research with topics like cooperation, grassroots level, collaboration network, and supply chain collaboration. The scope of grassroots collaborative and social capital research is extremely vast, encompassing both technical and non-technical domains. Researchers from various countries are investigating how to bring changes in the business environment closer to the era of the digital economy and achieve a longterm competitive advantage in the field of technology, which is defined by traits such as technical mastery and innovation. This study's findings are remarkable.
Co-Authors ", Maria ', Lasmin Abas Bambang Achmad Fajri Febrian Achmad Fajri Febrian Achmad Fauzi Adi Putra Adi Putra Sihombing Adianto Adianto Adil Asyhadi Supma Adinda Qori T.M Afrizal Afrizal Agung Pramudya Agus Setiawati Agustariyani " Ailen Safitri Alfiandri Angraini, Rini Anisa Gusanasari Arum Prameswari Ashaluddin Jalil Aulia Kharisma Basuki, Johanes Bayu Andrianto Wirawan Bella Fitrianti Bunga Chintia Utami Chalid Sahuri Christian Kennedy Simbolon Cica Nopika Sari Dahlan Tampubolon Darwis, AN Dedi Arnanda Delpi Susanti Dewi Sartika Agustiar Sihombing Diana Persari Dini Handayani Ebean Ezher Batubara Eko Risky Emmy Oktavianty Tampubolon Endang Kesumawaty Ernawati Ernawati Febri Yuliani Febrianza Fadhilla Firdaus Firdaus Firman Hidayat Fitri " Fitri, Afma Mega Sari Fitria Nengsih FRINI KARINA ANDINI Gea, Risihati Giovani Permadi, Giovani Hafiz Kemurata An Nawawi Hafizhuddin Hanatasia Isora Abelia Harapan Tua R. F. S Haris Tri Elang Sakti Harlen Harlen Hasan Bakri Sinaga Hasim As'ari Hendra Saputra Hernimawarti Hesti Agustin Ika Harmei Salina, Ika Harmei Indra Safri Ireni Adila Sari, Ireni Adila Ismandianto Ismandianto Isran Riski Alfasiri Isril Kasmiruddin Kasmiruddin Kasmiruddin Kasmirudin Kasmirudin Kasmirudin Kasmirudin Kelvin Rizaldy Khairul Anwar Khairul Anwar Kiswanto Kiswanto Lena Farida Lena Farida Lestari, Miranty R Lie Othman Lie Othman Lie Othman Lina Lestari Linda, Wulandari Afrima Lisnarita, Reska Jan Anggraini M.Y.Tiyas Tinov Manurung, Juni Yanti Marganda Parsaulian Sihombing, Marganda Parsaulian Mariaty Ibrahim Mashur Fadli Mayarni Mayarni Megiannisa " Meldafani Meldafani Muchid Muhammad Rangga Mursalin Mursalin Naplina Sonia Neliyanti ' Ninda Agustiani Nora, Sri Novella Indriani Novika Pakpak Nur Laila Meilani Nur Laila Meilani Nur Sohana Nurhalisa " Nursayfni Atikah Nurul Annisa Okta Karneli, Okta Pivit Septiary Chandra Poppy Rahmadini Poppy Rahmiaty Maelan Prawiades ", Prawiades Putri Andriani Putri Andriani Putri Ayu Soleha Rahma Puspita Sari Rahmanul Rahmanul Ratna Paryanti Resa Vio Vani Resi Fibrianti Riama Desy Hotmauli Sibuea Rima Yuliana Riski Wandi Romi Pasrah Ronny Fernando Silali Rosnidar Silviana N Rumapea, Yeni Pebriani Rumini Rumini Rusnita, Wan Marlina Ruth Gok Maria Manalu Ruzikna Sahat Pardomuan Simbolon Said Alhudri Salman Alfarisi Salsa Alkila Seno Andri Siagian, Joko Hendro Silvia Ocdelina Siti Purnama Suhartina Suhartina Sujianto Sujianto Sujianto Surya Atmaja Suseno Aji Suryana Syafendra, Rian Syafrizal Syofiatul Safitri Syuhada, Muhammad Tami Astari Zulkarnain Tesya Novia Tito Handoko Tri Joko Waluyo Triyana Putri Tuti Allawiyah Tuti Khairani Harahap Tuti Khairani Harahap Vikario Solenski Wan Hamdani Wandry Simarmata Weni Puji Hastuti Winda Zainur Wisnu Subroto Wiyata Ariefebriana Yose Sepriansyah Yosi Witasari Yudi Pratama C Yusmar Yusuf Yusmar Yusuf Yusmar Yusuf Yusrizal Yusrizal Zaili Rusli Zulkifli Zulkifli