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Journal : Jurnal Psikologi Pendidikan dan Konseling

The relationship between authoritarian parenting style, emotional intelligence and cyber aggression in university students Agata Ika Paskarista; Suparmi -; Emiliana Primastuti
Jurnal Psikologi Pendidikan dan Konseling: Jurnal Kajian Psikologi Pendidikan dan Bimbingan Konseling Volume 7 Number 2 Desember 2021
Publisher : Program Studi bimbingan Konseling PPs UNM Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/jppk.v7i2.22875


This study aims to investigate the relationship between authoritarian parenting style, emotional intelligence, and cyber aggression in undergraduate students in a private university in Central Java. There were three hypotheses tested in the study, including 1) the major hypothesis: there is a relationship between authoritarian parenting style, emotional intelligence and cyber aggression; 2) the first minor hypothesis: there is a positive relationship between authoritarian parenting style and cyber aggression; and 3) the second minor hypothesis: there is a negative relationship between authoritarian parenting style and cyber aggression.  This was a quantitative correlational study conducted on 105 research subjects. The data were collected using the authoritarian parenting style scale, the emotional intelligence scale and the cyber aggression scale. The results of hypothesis testing showed that there is a relationship between authoritarian parenting style, emotional intelligence and cyber aggression (R=0.476; p<0.01).  The results of the first minor hypothesis testing found a positive relationship between authoritarian parenting style and cyber aggression (rxy=0.386; p<0.05). The results of the second minor hypothesis testing found a negative relationship between emotional intelligence and cyber aggression (rxy=-0.402; p<0.05). The statistical test results showed that the three hypotheses were accepted. This study is hoped to encourage university administrators to consider the procurement of a program aiming to reduce students’ cyber-aggression behavior.
Co-Authors ,, Sarwono Agata Ika Paskarista Agung Sulistyanto Agus Yulianto Anggit Grahito Wicaksono Anggraeni, Melyana Dyah Arif Widiyatmoko, Arif Aris Nurkholis Atina Hussaana Avin Fadilla Helmi Azhari, David Akbar br Bangun, Feby Frisca br Bangun Frisca Cari, Cari Citta Arunika Risyudhanti, Citta Arunika Dahlia Dahlia Darsikin Darsikin Dedi Supriadi Desmelati Desmelati Dewi Ratnasari Dewita Buchari Dewita Dewita, Dewita Dianawati, Dyah Ayu Dina Fatmawati Dwi Sari Ida Aflaha, Dwi Sari Dya Qurotul A’yun, Dya Edwinar R Wau Emiliana Primastuti, Emiliana Ena Marsutji Setia Bakti Endang Ekowarni Erminingsih Erminingsih Ermininingsih Ermininingsih Esthi Rahayu Fithria Dyah Ayu Suryanegara, Fithria Dyah Ayu Fitri April Yanti, Fitri April Fuzi Marati Solikhah Harahap, Madan Syafriadi Harbandinah Pietojo Hardi Suyitno Harka Prasetya Harlita Harlita Indah Indah Indarwati Indarwati Isnaini Rosyida, Isnaini Israhnanto Isradji Jeffry Handhika Marhan, Ari Martha Widiana Mayangsari maryatun maryatun Mettavantya El Musavira MG Adiyanti Mliwes Hardhadhedhali Mohammad Gamal Rindarjono, Mohammad Gamal Nonoh Siti Aminah Nunung Nurlaila Nur Rokhim, Nur Parmono Parmono purba, Trie omitha Purwandari Purwandari Purwo Suyono, Purwo Putro, Robert Setiawan Rahmawati, Lilis Rianti, Ernita Saleha Saleha Sarwanto Marsutji Sarwanto Sarwanto Sarwanto Setyaningrum, Ndaru Shyfa, Resti Nurul Sianturi, Desky Novita Sari Sinaga, Pransiska Siregar, Heppi Nurjanah Sri Widodo Suciati Suciati Suciati Sudarisman Sukarmin Sukirno Mus Sukma, Elni Sumarto Sumarto Suryo, Joko Syamsu Syamsu Tinuk Istiarti V. Sri Sumijati, V. Sri Viska Inda Variani Wahdah Rochmawati Wahyu, Syafrudin Widha Sunarno Wiwik Marsutji Agustinaningsih Yulia Dewi Puspitasari Yuniar Alam, Yuniar