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The Impact of Government Policy of Presidential Instruction in 2005-2008 for Rice Policy on Food Security) Surya Abadi Sembiring; Harianto Harianto; Hermanto Siregar; Bungaran Saragih
Forum Pasca Sarjana Vol. 35 No. 1 (2012): Forum Pascasarjana
Publisher : Forum Pasca Sarjana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (185.224 KB)


The objectives of this research is to analyze the impacts of rice policy on the food security and on producer and consumer surplus. The research used time series data. The data was a monthly time series from March 2005-September 2009. Rice policy model specification uses the simultaneous equations consisting of 15 structural equations and 11 identity equations which was estimated using Two Stages Least Squares (2SLS) method. The results show that: (1) the increase of the government purchases price of dried harvest paddy by 15 percent improve food security whereas retail rice price decrease makes producer and consumer surplus increase, and (2) the increase of the ceiling retail price of NPK fertilizer by 15 percent gave a negative impact on food security whereas retail rice price increase makes a negative effect to consumer surplus. Food security would be achieved if the government purchase on dried harvest paddy is implemented accordingly.
Jurnal Analisis Kebijakan Kehutanan Vol 10, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Analisis Kebijakan Kehutanan
Publisher : Centre for Research and Development on Social, Economy, Policy and Climate Change

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jakk.2013.10.1.15-36


In the last three decades the forestry sector has given important contributi on to the government revenues, among others are recieved from forest royalty (PSDH) and reforestation fund (DR). To determine the impact of implementation of PSDH and DR policy on welf are the nelasticity of supply and demand of roundwood market and wood products market were determined, and use from previous study. Data use din this study was time series from year 1995 to year 2009. This study was concluded that increasing PSDH and DR separately will increase the price of roundwood, except the price of pulp wood of HTI, and will increase the price of wood products. An increased DR and PSDH at the sametime will increase the price of roundwood and wood products. Increased PSDH will encourage higher production of roundwood and wood products, except of plywood which was not much influenced by increased market prices. Increased DR will increase roundwood production, except the pulp wood of HTI. Increased DR will increase production of sawn timber. While increased DR and PSDH will simultaneously increase the production of roundwood from natural forest, construction wood and pulp wood from HTI as well as sawn timber and pulp product. Increased PSDH and DR will increase producer welf are and reduce consumer welf are of round wood
Dampak Perubahan Harga Pangan terhadap Tingkat Kesejahteraan Rumah Tangga di Indonesia Rita Yuliana; nFN Harianto; Sri Hartoyo; Muhammad Firdaus
Jurnal Agro Ekonomi Vol 37, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Agro Ekonomi
Publisher : Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jae.v37n1.2019.25-45


EnglishThe most important people's welfare related food problem is increasing food prices. Food price induced welfare change varies by household groups, either by location (urban/rural), poverty status (poor/non-poor), and souces of incomes (agriculture/non-agricultural). The sources of the welfare change may also vary by food categories. This study aims to evaluate changes in household welfare in Indonesia by household groups and the contribution of food categories. The household welfare was measured with the Compensating Variation which was computed by using the Hicksian compensated price elasticities obtained from the estimated Linear Approximation Almost Ideal Demand System using the National Socio-Economic Survey March 2016 data. The results showed that in March 2016, welfare losses in all household groups, in urban areas higher than in rural areas, in poorer households higher than non-poor, in agricultural households higher than non-agricultural and the contribution of each food group to the decline in welfare levels varies among individual household groups. The largest contributor is food prices. Rice is the largest contributor for the rural, the poor and the agricultural households. Animal products, fruit, prepared food and beverage and cigarettes categories are the main contributors for the urban, the not poor and the non-agricultural households.IndonesianPermasalahan pangan utama yang berkaitan dengan tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat adalah kenaikan harga pangan. Perubahan tingkat kesejahteraan akibat kenaikan harga pangan berbeda menurut kelompok seperti menurut tempat tinggal (perkotaan/perdesaan), status kemiskinan (miskin/tidak miskin), sumber utama penghasilan rumah tangga (pertanian/nonpertanian). Demikian pula kontribusi masing-masing kategori pangan terhadap perubahan tingkat kesejahteraan berbeda pada kelompok rumah tangga sama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi perubahan tingkat kesejahteraan rumah tangga di Indonesia menurut kelompok rumah tangga dan kontribusi kategori pangan terhadap perubahan tingkat kesejahteraan tersebut. Perubahan kesejahteraan diukur dengan Compensating Variation berdasarkan elastisitas harga terkompensasi Hicksian yang diperoleh dari model permintaan Linear Approximation Almost Ideal Demand System dengan data Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional periode Maret 2016. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada Maret 2016, terjadi penurunan kesejahteraan pada semua kelompok rumah tangga, di perkotaan lebih tinggi daripada di perdesaan, pada rumah tangga miskin lebih tinggi dari pada tidak miskin, pada rumah tangga pertanian lebih tinggi dari pada nonpertanian. Kelompok makanan berkontribusi tertinggi terhadap penurunan tingkat kesejahteraan rumah tangga secara umum. Beras berkontribusi tertinggi dalam penurunan tingkat kesejahteraan kelompok rumah tangga perdesaan, miskin, dan pertanian. Kategori pangan hewani, kelompok buah-buahan, makanan dan minuman jadi serta rokok berkontribusi tertinggi untuk kelompok rumah tangga di perkotaan, tidak miskin dan nonpertanian.
Dampak Kebijakan Domestik terhadap Ketersediaan Jagung untuk Bahan Baku Industri Pengolahan di Indonesia Veralianta Br Sebayang; Bonar Marulitua Sinaga; nFN Harianto; I Ketut Kariyasa
Jurnal Agro Ekonomi Vol 37, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Agro Ekonomi
Publisher : Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jae.v37n2.2019.141-155


EnglishMaize is a strategic commodity for Indonesia. In line with the consumption pattern, the domestic demand for maize has changed from previously dominated by household consumption to presently dominated by raw material for feed and food processing industries. The maize demand of the processing industry increases rapidly, outpaced   domestic production growth, that makes Indonesia must import maize in an increasing amount. This study aims to determine the impact of government policy on maize production which is the input of the maize processing industry. The analysis was conducted using an econometric simultaneous equation system model which was estimated with the two stages least squares technique using time series data of 1985-2017. The results show that the maize harvest area is negatively related with labor wage and urea price, and is positively related with the maize farm price. Maize productivity is positively related with quantity of urea fertilizer and hybrid seeds. but negatively related with composite seeds. The scenario of subsidizing urea prices and hybrid seed, raising import tariffs can increase the availability maize for processing industries as indicated by increasing domestic production and decreasing maize imports.IndonesianJagung termasuk komoditas strategis untuk Indonesia. Seiring dengan perubahan pola konsumsi, permintaan jagung dalam negeri berubah dari sebelumnya didominasi oleh konsumsi rumah tangga menjadi kini didominasi oleh bahan baku industri pengolahan pakan dan pangan.  Kebutuhan jagung untuk bahan baku industri pengolahan meningkat pesat, bahkan melampaui peningkatan produksi jagung dalam negeri, sehingga Indonesia terpaksa mengimpor jagung dalam jumlah yang terus meningkat. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak kebijakan pemerintah terhadap produksi jagung yang menjadi input industri pengolahan jagung. Metode analisis yang digunakan ialah model ekonometrika sistem persamaan simultan yang diduga dengan teknik two stages least squares memakai data deret waktu 1985-2017. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa luas areal panen jagung berhubungan negatif dengan upah buruh tani dan harga pupuk urea, sebaliknya, berhubungan positif terhadap harga jagung di tingkat petani. Produktivitas jagung berhubungan positif dengan volume penggunaan pupuk urea dan benih hibrida, namun berhubungan negatif dengan benih komposit. Skenario kebijakan subsidi harga pupuk urea, subsidi harga benih hibrida, dan kenaikan tarif impor dapat meningkatkan ketersediaan bahan baku industri pengolahan dan peternak mandiri sebagaimana ditunjukkan oleh kenaikan produksi dalam negeri dan penurunan impor jagung.
Permintaan Pangan Sumber Karbohidrat di Indonesia Prasmita Dian Wijayati; nFN Harianto; Achmad Suryana
Analisis Kebijakan Pertanian Vol 17, No 1 (2019): Analisis Kebijakan Pertanian
Publisher : Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/akp.v17n1.2019.13-26


Rice is the main staple food for Indonesian population. At the same time, per capita consumption of wheat products has increased annually.  One of main government policies related to food consumption is to accelerate food and nutrition diversification based on local food sources. Objective of this study was to understand demand for various carbohydrate food sources at household level by introducing socio-economic variables such as household size, wife working status, and characteristics of household head. This research used Susenas 2017 data at national level.  Demand for food was estimated by the AIDS model.  Rice was still as the most favorable carbohydrate source for Indonesian people. Bread and processed food were categorized as luxurious; while rice, wheat flour, cereals, and roots were as normal goods. Own-price demand elasticity for rice, wheat flour, cereals, and roots were elastic, meanwhile for bread and prepared foods were inelastic. Reducing per capita rice consumption, among others, should be conducted by increasing knowledge and awareness of household members of the importance of food consumption diversification. The government should be aware of the continuing increase in wheat flour imports in line with national economic growth due to high income elasticity for bread and processed food. AbstrakPangan sumber karbohidrat yang merupakan pemasok utama energi untuk menjalankan aktivitas sehari-hari penduduk Indonesia masih didominasi oleh beras.  Bersamaan dengan itu, konsumsi pangan/kapita berasal dari gandum meningkat setiap tahunnya. Di fihak lain, Indonesia memiliki beragam pangan lokal sumber karbohidrat. Salah satu kebijakan utama pemerintah terkait konsumsi pangan adalah mempercepat diversifikasi pangan dan gizi berbasis pangan lokal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui permintaan pangan berbagai komoditas sumber karbohidrat di tingkat rumah tangga dengan memasukkan variabel sosial ekonomi yaitu jumlah anggota rumah tangga, status istri bekerja, dan karakterestik kepala keluarga. Penelitian ini menggunakan data Susenas tahun 2017 untuk tingkat nasional dari BPS. Permintaan pangan dianalisis dengan menggunakan model AIDS. Hasil analisis mengkonfirmasi bahwa beras masih menjadi komoditas sumber karbohidrat yang paling diminati masyarakat. Roti dan makanan jadi merupakan golongan pangan mewah sedangkan beras, terigu, padi-padian, serta umbi merupakan barang normal. Elastisitas harga sendiri untuk permintaan komoditas beras, terigu, padi-padian, dan umbi bersifat inelastis sedangkan roti dan makanan jadi tergolong elastis. Dari hasil penelitian ini disarankan upaya pengurangan konsumsi beras/kapita diantaranya dilakukan melalui peningkatan pengetahuan dan kesadaran anggota rumah tangga mengenai manfaat diversifikasi pangan dan gizi untuk memelihara hidup sehat dan produktif. Pemerintah perlu mewaspadai berlanjutnya peningkatan impor terigu sejalan dengan  pertembuhan ekonomi nasional karena roti dan makanan jadi memiliki elastisitas pendapatan yang tinggi.
Kredit Ketahanan Pangan dan Energi: Implementasi dan Persepsi oleh Petani Padi Iman Widhiyanto; Nunung Nuryartono; nFN Harianto; Hermanto Siregar
Analisis Kebijakan Pertanian Vol 15, No 2 (2017): Analisis Kebijakan Pertanian
Publisher : Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/akp.v15n2.2017.99-112


Agricultural sector is the government’s priority through fiscal policies. One of the policies implemented is the interest rate subsidy for Food and Energy Security Credit Program (KKP-E). Some Banks had been appointed and in collaboration with the government to provide KKP-E. KKP-E program had lower interest rate than the market rate and it was expected that the farmers could access it. KKP-E was intended to meet the needs of agricultural equipment and farm inputs purchase. Since the program rolled out from 2008 to 2015, the implementation of KKP-E was below the credit limit. This study aimed to analyze the KKP-E implementation, farmers’ perspectives of KKP-E, and change from KKP-E to KUR (People’s Business Credit) for Agricultural Sector. Results of the study showed that KKP-E disbursement was relatively low. KKP-E distribution channels needed enhancement and the credit could not satisfy all farm business. Farmers did not receive KKP-E from the bank on time. Continuity of subsidized credit was important for farmers. Basic scheme of KKP-E program should be applied to KUR for Agricultural Sector. The government and the Banks need to be more actively in socializing the program, to improve financial education, to utilize more advanced technology, and to simplify bureaucracy. AbstrakPemerintah berusaha untuk membangun sektor pertanian melalui berbagai instrumen kebijakan fiskal. Salah satu kebijakan yang telah digulirkan adalah subsidi bunga Kredit Ketahanan Pangan dan Energi (KKP-E). Pemerintah bekerjasama dengan bank pelaksana menyediakan KKP-E. Petani diharapkan dapat mengakses KKP-E karena tingkat bunganya lebih rendah dari pasar. KKP-E digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pembelian peralatan pertanian dan input usaha taninya. Sejak digulirkan pada tahun 2008 sampai dengan 2015, realisasi penyaluran KKP-E masih jauh di bawah plafon kredit, dan realisasi subsidi bunga tidak efisien pada tahun-tahun awal digulirkannya subsidi bunga KKP-E. Penelitian ini bermaksud menganalisis secara diskriptif implementasi KKP-E, perspektif usaha tani terhadap KKP-E, dan perubahan KKP-E menjadi KUR (Kredit Usaha Rakyat) sektor pertanian. Data di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa jangkauan KKP-E masih rendah, saluran distribusi KKP-E perlu ditambah, terjadi fungibility penggunaan KKP-E, pinjaman KKP-E belum dapat memenuhi semua kebutuhan usaha tani, dan pencairan KKP-E masih lama dan tidak tepat waktu. Usaha tani menginginkan agar skim kredit dengan subsidi bunga dapat dilanjutkan di masa yang akan datang. Kemudahan-kemudahan yang ada pada KKP-E hendaknya diterapkan pada KUR sektor pertanian. Pemerintah bersama bank pelaksana perlu lebih masif melakukan sosialisasi dan edukasi keuangan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi yang lebih maju dan menyederhanakan birokrasi. 
DRY PORT BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Michael Jourdan; Harianto Harianto; Izzuddin A Hakim
Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen Vol 16, No 4 (2018)
Publisher : Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (226.663 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jam.2018.016.04.01


Export and import activities are the most important part of economic activity in Indonesia. These need to be supported by good port infrastructure. Cikarang Dry Port (CDP) as the only Dry Port, owned by private, should be able to support export and import activities and supply chains, especially in the Greater Jakarta and Cikarang areas. There is a need to develop appropriate business development strategies to maximize resources and optimize opportunities from the CDP business environment. These study aims were identifying the influence of internal and external factors that affect the development of the CDP business and formulating business development strategies. The method used in this study is descriptive analysis and purposive sampling. Analytical tools used include internal and external analysis and SWOT. The main strength is the availability of land port capacity. An external factor that provides relative significance to the successful development of Dry Port is the usage of internet and application on a smartphone. The regulation for expansion and New Priok business development by JICT which is the biggest threat scored. Future research is expected to analyze the efficiency of time, performance and human resources in Cikarang Dry Port.
Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia (Journal of Indonesian Agribusiness) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2014): Juni 2014 (Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia)
Publisher : Departmen of Agribusiness, Economics and Management Faculty, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jai.2014.2.1.33-62


Soybean is the main strategic food commodities after paddy and maize, as stated in the UU No. 7 Tahun 1996. Since 2009 until now, national soybean consumption has reach about 2 illion tones per year, but national soybean production just able to satisfy around 900 thousand tones per year, so it drawbacks met from imported soybeans. Contribution quantity of soybean imports reached more 70 persen of the domestic soybean demand per year, this is opposite to the Government aim has launched several years ago to become self-sufficient in soybeans at 2014. So that, we need a policy government to support soybeans self-sufficiency program. Soybeans self-sufficient will be achieved when the national soybeans production can meet the domestic soybeans demand, so that, the policy needs to be done is how to increase the quantity of the national soybeans production. In this study, a simulation analysis was conducted to provide the some alternative policy to improve soybeans production. The results of the analysis concluded that the national soybeans production will increase, at least 15 percent per year by increasing 25 percent the quantity of soybean seeds, 15 percent area harvested, 20 percent of imported soybean prices, 25 percent of national soybeans price, 30 percent soybean import tariffs, and the last is decreasing 150 percent of the quantity soybean imports. Simulation is determined based on the average growth rate of the historical data used.
Perilaku Penawaran Peternak Sapi di Indonesia dalam Merespon Perubahan Harga (Supply Behaviour of Cattle Farmers in Indonesia to Respond the Price Changes) Ahmad Zainuddin; Ratna Winandi Asmarantaka; Harianto Harianto
Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia (Journal of Indonesian Agribusiness) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2015): Juni 2015 (Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia)
Publisher : Departmen of Agribusiness, Economics and Management Faculty, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jai.2015.3.1.1-10


Demand for beef in Indonesia keeps growing and it leads to increased gap between its low production and high consumption (excess demand). The impact is an increasing trend of domestic beef price. Eventhough, the beef farmers in Indonesia don’t respond to the price changes. In this study, an attempt has been made to examine the supply response of beef farmers in Indonesia by using Error Correction Model (ECM). The result showed that (1) the beef supply influenced by the number of cattle cut which is variable availability; (2) the price of dairy milk, the price of feed, and the price of beef the world have negative influence; (3) cattle farmers not responsive to the price change as spatially subsistence.
Efisiensi Teknis, Alokatif dan Ekonomi pada Usahatani Ubikayu di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah Provinsi Lampung Nuni Anggraini; Harianto Harianto; Lukytawati Anggraeni
Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia (Journal of Indonesian Agribusiness) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2016): Juni 2016 (Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia)
Publisher : Departmen of Agribusiness, Economics and Management Faculty, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jai.2016.4.1.43-56


Efficiency is one of the factor that play an important role in determining the level of productivity. This research aims are (1) to analyze the factors that affect cassava production, (2) to measure the level of technical, allocative and economic efficiencies, (3) to identify the factors that influence the technical inefficiency in Central Lampung Regency. The study was conducted in Central Lampung Regency, Lampung Province. The purposive sampling method was used to select area study and simple random sampling technique was used to collect 78 cassava farmers in the study area. Data were analyzed with the stochastic frontier production function model and cost function dual frontier. The results shows that the land, seed,fertilizer N and fertilizer K variable significantly affected cassava production. The level of technical, allocative and economic efficiencies of cassava farming were not efficient with average technical, allocative and economic efficiencies value respectively of 0,69; 0,71; and 0,47. This indicates that cassava farmers in Central Lampung regency has not been optimally allocate the use of inputs at the level of the minimum cost.  Socio-economic variables that significantly affect the technical efficiency is age, the time of harvest, family size, and access to credit.
Co-Authors A Faroby Falatehan Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri Achmad Suryana Ahmad Zainuddin Alghif Aruni Nur Rukman Amzul Rifin Anggita Tresliyana Suryana Anisa Dwi Utami Annisa Fitri Antik Suprihanti Aprilia Bella R. Rifaini Arham Rivai Arief Daryanto Arief Daryanto Astari Miranti Bintang C. H. Simangunsong Bonar M Sinaga Bonar M. Sinaga Bonar M. Sinaga Bonar M. Sinaga Bonar M. Sinaga Bonar Marulitua Sinaga Bonar Marulitua Sinaga Bonar Marulitua Sinaga Bungaran Saragih Dahlia Nauly Dedi Budiman Hakim Devi Agustia Dian Hafizah, Dian Dominicus Savio Priyarsono Dudi Septiadi Dwi Ajeng Kartini Apriliyanti Dwi Rachmina Edy Siswanto Eka Dewi Satriana Eka Monika Manihuruk Ekamonika Manihuruk Ervina Mela Dewi, Yandra Arkeman, Erliza Noor, Noer Azam Achsani Erwinsyah Erwinsyah Erwinsyah, Erwinsyah Fitria Virgantari Freshty Yulia Arthatiani Gita Vinanda Gita Vinanda Hariadi Kartodiharjo Harmini, Harmini Heny Kuswanti Heny Kuswanti Suwarsinah Daryanto Herawati Herawati Hermanto Siregar I Ketut Kariyasa Iman Widhiyanto Izzuddin A Hakim Joko Adrianto Kuntjoro Kuntjoro Kusmaria Lukman M. Baga Lukytawati Anggraeni M. Parulian Hutagaol Maharani Tristi Manalu, Doni Sahat Tua Manuntun Parulian Hutagaol Maria Trisanti Saragih Meily Andriani Meylani Lestari Michael Jourdan Moeljopawiro, Sugiono Muh Saiful Djafri Muhamad Yunus Muhammad Emil Rahman Muhammad Fadil Hidayat Muhammad Fathul Anwar Muhammad Firdaus Nandika Aisya Pratiwi Novia Fitri Yanti Saragih Nuni Anggraini Nunung Kusnadi Nunung Nuryartono Nur Afni Evalia Nurul Iski Prasmita Dian Wijayati Rahman, Muhammad Emil Ratna Winandi Ratna Winandi Asmarantaka Ratna Winandi Asmarantaka Ratna Winandi Asmarantaka Reni Kustiari Risnayanti Ulfa Aulia Risnayanti Ulfa Aulia Rita Nurmalina Rita Yuliana Rizki Amalia Rizki Puspita Dewanti Rizma Aldillah Saragih, Edwin S Sevi Oktafiana Fortunika Sherley Siseraf Pamusu Sinaga, Bonar M. Siti Yuliaty Chansa Arfah Sitorus, Santun RP Sonitia Verawati Sinaga Sri Hartoyo Sri Hartoyo Sri Hery Susilowati Sri Utami Kuntjoro Stevana Astra Jaya Suharno Suprehatin Suprehatin Surya Abadi Sembiring Susilowati, Sri Hery Tanti Novianti Tjipta Purwita Veralianta Br Sebayang Wahyu Budi Priatna Yahdi Zaky Yosephine Vincensia Sinaga Yundari, Yundari Yusman Syaukat