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Journal : Informatio: Journal of Library and Information Science

Penyebaran Informasi wisata kuliner pada Instagram @Bogoreatery di Kota Bogor Natasya Cathelea Millenitri Januatisa; Yunus Winoto; Ute Lies Siti Khadijah
Jurnal Informatio Vol 2, No 2 (2022): 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Communication, Padjadjaran University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/inf.v2i2.40693


The @Bogoreatry Instagram account utilizes social media to disseminate information in the culinary field, which already has many followers. Information distribution on Instagram social media has its targets and methods that need to be studied to present information effectively. This study aimed to discover how the Instagram account @Bogoreatry disseminated culinary information at the sharing, optimization, management, and engagement stages. In this case, the researcher would make the @Bogoreatry Instagram account the research object. The research method used case studies with a qualitative approach. Based on the study results, the @Bogoreatry account created the sharing stage by creating informative content. The optimize stage was carried out by analyzing the time of information dissemination, the managed stage was by creating teams that have their respective duties, and the engage stage was performed by collaborating with other accounts. The analysis result showed that the users of the @Bogoreatry Instagram account got information and benefited from the @Bogoreatry account. Then the account also managed very well information on culinary tourism in Bogor city. The presence of the Instagram account @Bogoreatry can positively impact various parties, namely between culinary business owners who are assisted in carrying out promotions and likewise with information seekers or tourists visiting Bogor city.
Kegiatan preservasi koleksi di Perpustakaan Institut Teknologi Nasional Raisya Gita Cahyani; Ute Lies Siti Khadijah
Jurnal Informatio Vol 3, No 2 (2023): 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Communication, Padjadjaran University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/inf.v3i2.46665


The Library of the National Institute of Technology (Itenas) has many collection of organic materials. The collection in this library is vulnerable to collection mild damage to severe levels so that preservation activities are one way to overcome them. The purpose of this research to find out preservation activity collection at The Library of the National Institute of Technology through preventive, curative, and restorative. The research method used qualitative descriptive. The results showed that biota like termite, and human factors like vandalism were the causes of the damage to the library collections. Librarian have been done preservation activity to minimize collection damage through preventive, curative, and restorative. Preventive preservation activity carried out through educational programs for library staff, provision and arrangement of collection storage areas, environmental control programs and implementation of security systems using CCTV. Curative preservation activity carried out through library cleaning as a periodically, it’s name Jumat Bersih (Clean Friday) Program, and fumigation activities. Restorative preservation activity carried out through binding and mending of damaged library collections. The preservation activities at The Library of National Institute of Technology has some constrains including lack of budget, facilities, and the small number of librarian who worked in preservation activities. Conclusion this research is librarian at The Library of National Institute of Technology has conducted preservation activities with proper procedure consist of preventive, curative, and restorative activities.
Penggunaan buklet dalam meningkatkan literasi perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat kader posyandu Yuliani Yuliani; Agus Rusmana; Ute Lies Siti Khadijah
Jurnal Informatio Vol 3, No 3 (2023): 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Communication, Padjadjaran University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/inf.v3i3.46724


This study was conducted to determine the effective booklet design and its use in enhancing the literacy of PHBS cadres at Posyandu in Jatinangor Sub-district. The method used is qualitative with an action research approach. The booklet creation followed four stages based on the action research theory: planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The informants in this study consisted of eight cadres from two community health posts in Jatinangor Sub-district. These eight cadres are from Posyandu Nuri 3 (Cikeruh Village, RW 03) and Posyandu Nuri 4 (Cikeruh Village, RW 04). Data were collected through interviews, observations, FGDs, and literature studies. The results of this study indicated that the criteria for an effective booklet include being user-oriented, credible, easily understandable, and visually appealing. The information sources used in the booklet come from trusted sources such as the Jatinangor Health Center, the Indonesian Ministry of Health, and health journals. The language used in the booklet is clear, straightforward, and simple in Indonesian, making it easily understandable for the cadres. The booklet has a colorful design and supporting images to make it more appealing. The booklet aims to enhance the cadres' knowledge of self-care, caring for others, preventing diseases, and persuading the community to apply these principles in daily activities. In conclusion, the booklet can be used to improve the PHBS literacy of Posyandu cadres.
Co-Authors Acep Rahmat Acep Rahmat Acep Rahmat Adinda Paramita Agung Budiono Agus Rusmana Agus Rusmana Agustina Eka Putri Ahmad Nurfatah Ajeng Wulandari Alexander M. A. Khan Alexander Muhammad Akbar Alya Zahra Tiaranisa Andi Kamila Ariani Andri Yanto Annisa Ainul Umami Apriliani Rahma Agam Asep Zainal Abidin Aulia Iskandarsyah Awaludin Nugraha Awaludin Nugraha Awaludin Nugraha Awaludin Nugraha Ayu Apriliani Azizi Maulana chotibul umam umam Cipta Endyana Dadang Suganda Dadang Suganda Dadang Suganda Dadang Suganda Dadang Suganda Damayanti, Ninis Agustini Deddy Mulyana Desmala Sari Desyandri Desyandri Dewi, Susianty Natalia Diah Fatma Sjoraida Diah Fatma Sjoraida Diah Sri Rejeki Dian Wardiana Wardiana Edwin Rizal Edwin Rizal Eka Susanto Elnovani Lusiana, Elnovani Elya Nur Luthfyah Encang Saepudin Encang Saepudin Engkus Kuswarno Enjat Munajat Eva Mardiyana Evi Novianti Evi Novianti Evi Novianti Evi Novianti Evi Novianti Evi Novianti Evi Novianti Evi Novianti Evi Novianti Evi Novianti Evi Novianti Evi Noviyanti Evi Noviyanti Evi Nursanti Rukmana Evi Nursanti Rukmana Evi Nursanti Rukmana Evi Nursanti Rukmana, Evi Nursanti Evi Rosfiantika Evie Novianti Fakhri Zakaria Fikri Dwi Oktaviani Fina Nurul Zakiyyah Fitri Handayani Franck Lavigne Fransisca Widya Pinarashayani Gheya Madinatu Sjaida Hadian, M. Sapari Dwi Hafsah Nugraha Hanny Hafiar Hartifiany Praisra Helen Nur Fauziyah Hendry Ferdiansyah Heriyadi Rachmat Heryadi Rachmat I Nyoman Sedana I Nyoman Sedana, I Nyoman Ika Merdekawati Kusmayadi Ilham Gemiharto Ilham Gemiharto Ilham Gemiharto Imam Musthofa Indarwati Aminuddin Intan Ayuni Irwan Irwan Irwan Ismi Anjar Farida Jenny Ratna Suminar Junizar, Fahriza Khairul Anwar, Rully Kharimah Pamella Kunkun Kurniawan Kusnandar Kusnandar Lubis Lubis, Lubis Lutfi Khaerunnisa Lutfi Khoerunnisa Lutfi Khoerunnisa Lutfi Khoerunnisa Lutfi Khoerunnisa Lutfi Khoerunnisa Lutfi Khoerunnisa M Liga Suryadana M. Sapari Dwi Hadian M. Sapari Hadian M. Taufiq Rahman, M. Taufiq Maharani Citra Praphesti Mohamad Sapari Dwi Hardian Mukti Utama Munajat, Enjat Nani Adeliny Nani Adeliny, Nani Natasya Cathelea Millenitri Januatisa Ninis Agustini d Ninis Agustini Damayani Ninis Agustini Damayanti Ninis Agustini Damayanti Novera Sumaryati Nuning Kurniasih Nurfatah, Ahmad Nurul Aldha Mauliddina Siregar Nurul Aldha Mauliddina Siregar Nurul Aldha Mauliddinna Siregar Nurul Rochmah Pramadika Oktaviani, Fikri Dwi Pawit M Yusup Putra, Rifki Rahmanda Putri Nurlatifah Rahmatika Desiana Rahmatika Desiana Rahmatika Desiana Raisya Gita Cahyani Rakhman, Cecep Ucu Ratna Ningsih Kuswara Ratnamala Vanamamalai Reiza D Deinaputra Reiza D Dienaputra Reiza D. Dienaputra Reza Permadi Reza Permadi Rifki Rahmanda Putra Rizkaf Zulfikar Kasim Rully Anwar Rully K. Anwar Rully Khairul Anwar Rusdin Tahir Rusdin Tahir Rusdin Tahir Rusdin Tahir Rusmana Agus Saleha Rodiah Salsa Amalia Putri Samson CMS Samson CMS Samson CMS Sapari Dwi Hadian Sapari Dwi Hadian Saskia Dwi Indriani Shahnaz Az Zahra Sjuchro, Dian Wardiana Sukaesih - Sukaesih Sukaesih Sukaesih Sukaesih, Sukaesih Sukaesih, - Susanto, Eka Suwarni Suwarni Suwarni Suwarni Syahrul Akbar Syahrul Akbar Syifa Naufal Qisty Teguh Husodo Tine Silvana Rachmawati Tine Silvana, Tine Umy Fatkhah Wahyuni Pratiwi Ningsih Wawan Setiawan Widianti Fatimah Windyani Aprilia Wiwit Widyawati Wiwit Widyawati Yohana Grace Yohana Kristi Purwadi Yuliana Rosita Yuliani Yuliani Yuliawati, Ayu Krishna Yunnisa Nabila Putri Abduh Yunus Winoto Yunus Winoto Yunus Winoto Yunus Winoto Yunus Winoto Yunus Winoto Yunus Winoto Zahra Fahira Iskandar