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Journal : M A T H L I N E : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika

Development of Open Ended Based Mathematics E-Modules to Enhance Students' Critical Thinking Ability Riawan Yudi Purwoko; Betty Kusumaningrum; Annis Nur Laila; Erni Puji Astuti
Mathline : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): Mathline
Publisher : Universitas Wiralodra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31943/mathline.v8i1.337


In the current era of globalization, students' critical thinking skills are still low, so teaching materials that support learning are needed. In the learning process, educators have not developed teaching materials that are following technological advances, and existing teaching materials use more routine questions so that students only accept and follow the flow and rules rather than experimenting and finding answers or solutions on their own. Therefore, this study aims to produce an open-ended based mathematics e-module product on a system of two-variable linear equations for class VIII students of junior high school, to determine the feasibility of the product in terms of valid, practical, and effectiveness, to determine the increase in students' critical thinking skills after using e-module. This is development research with the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). This research was conducted at a Public Middle School in Purworejo for the 2021/2022 academic year. The data collection technique in this study was carried out through questionnaires and tests. The instruments used in this study were validation sheets, questionnaires, and tests. Data analysis techniques use validity, practicality, and effectiveness tests. The results of this study are open-ended-based mathematics e-modules to improve students' critical thinking skills. The product test results showed that the e-module validity score obtained a percentage of 80% from material experts and 82.5% from media experts. The results of the practicality test of the e-module obtained a percentage of 78% from the limited test and a percentage of 74% from the wide test. The results of the effectiveness of open-ended-based mathematics e-module products, namely the N-Gain test, obtained 0.6 in the medium category. The data shows that the e-module developed in this study is categorized as feasible. Students' critical thinking skills after using open-ended-based mathematics e-modules have increased.
Co-Authors Achmad Chuseri Aci Primartadi Adhy Pradana Adi Amin Gunawan Ageng Triyono Agustri Amelia Fajarwati Ahsyariyah Zulfi Hafidhoh Alifiya Nur Faidah Anjarini, Titi Annis Nur Laila Aprilia Nurul Chasanah Ari Fajar Isbakhi Arif Susanto Ariyadi Wijaya Awal Mulia Rachmanto Bambang Priyo Darminto Bambang Priyo Darminto Basuki Basuki Betty Kusumaningrum Budiyono Budiyono Budiyono Budiyono Cristiana, Dwi Indah Dafid Slamet Setiana Dafid Slamet Setiana Dafid Slamet Setiana Dafid Slamet Setiana, Dafid Slamet Darmono, Prasetyo Budi Denik Agustito Desmita Ratriana Dhimas Nur Setyawan Dian Eka Pratiwi Diana, Ade Eka Dina Inti Amaliyah Dini Ken Rumantiningsih Dita Yuzianah Dita Yuzianah Diyah Choirina Dwi Indah Cristiana Dwi Indah Cristiana Dwi Jatmoko Edi Riyanto Elma Joelian Erni Puji Astuti Erni Puji Astuti Erni Puji Astuti Erni Puji Astuti Erni Puji Astuti Erni Puji Astuti Erni Puji Astuti Eva Lasfiani Faradila, Lisa Farida Hanum Feranika Oftaviani Hafidzah Diina Hakiki Hapsari Dika Pratiwi Hartiwi, Rani Hasanah, Huriah Heru Kurniawan Heru Kurniawan Heru Kurniawan Ika Khoirunisa Ika Novianti INDAH EKA PRATIWI Irham Taufiq Isnaeni Fatmawati Istikomah Istikomah Krida Singgih Kuncoro Kusumaningrum, Betty Lilis Setianingsih Malinda, Aditya Masro?ah, 'Izzatul Medita Wahyu Sintiya Medita Wahyu Sintiya Muflikhul Khaq Muflkhul Khaq Mujiyem Sapti Mujiyem Sapti Nafasya Mufrodatu Nafus Niken Hajar Indah Sari Nila Kurniasih Ningsih, Singgih Tresna Nofita Nur Ngazizah Nurcholifah, Siti Nurlaela, Latifah Nurul Chusna Nurul Hidayah Oktafianti, Riani Ika Prasetyo Budi Darmono Puji Nugraheni Puji Nugraheni Puji Nugraheni puji Nugraheni Purnawan Purnawan Purwaningsih, Wharyanti Ika Rahayu, Wita Rani Puspita Retno Utari Riani Ika Oktafianti Rieza Indriani Rintis Rizkia Pangestika Riyanto, Edi Rusdyi Habsyi Rusmin R. M. Saleh Saryati Saryati Sekar Kinanthi Shafira Hidayah Siti Nurcholifah Sri Setiyawati Sriyono Sriyono Sriyono Sriyono, Sriyono Sumaryani, Eka Supriyono Supriyono Suyoto Suyoto Suyoto Syafarina Nadhilah Syafarina Nadhilah Taufik, Arohman Teguh Wibowo Thomas Amin Titi Anjani Titi Anjarini Titi Anjarini Titi Anjarini Tri Swaraswati Umi Wasilatur Rohmah Wharyanti Ika Purwaningsih, Wharyanti Ika Wijayanti, Ayu Wulandari, Dyah Utami Yosep Efendi Yulia Kusniawati Zainal Arifin Zumrotus Sholihah Fahrudin