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Journal : Jurnal Hilirisasi IPTEKS (JHI)

TEKNOLOGI PENGOLAHAN TEH HERBAL DARI TANAMAN GAHARU DI KELURAHAN LAMBUNG BUKIK KOTA PADANG Benni Satria; Nilla Kristina; Afrima Sari; Indra Dwipa; Armansyah Armansyah; Syahyana Raesi; Ferry Lismanto Syaiful; Trizelia Trizelia
Jurnal Hilirisasi IPTEKS Vol 3 No 3 (2020)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jhi.v3i3.427


The majority of Lambung Bukik Village people, Pauh Subdistrict, Padang City, make a living from farming horticultural crops, secondary crops, forest plants (Sungkai and gaharu) and raising cattle and chickens. The Sungkai Permai Farmer Group has a 2-5-year-old gaharu tree, the seeds obtained through the Elok Nagari CSR activities of PT Semen Padang. Currently, the agarwood tree has good potential through the inoculation of fungal pathogens on the agarwood tree to form economically valuable sapwood and the use of its leaves as a health drink. This activity aims to: 1). the community knows how to cultivate agarwood plants, know its benefits, and know-how to process parts of the agarwood tree, such as sapwood and leaves, into raw materials for tea drinks, 2). provide special skills for farmer groups members so that they are expected to be used as independent businesses; 3). They empower the community in utilizing empty land through the cropping pattern of aloes agroforestry with plantation crops, 4). as a form of community activity from Andalas University, especially the Faculty of Agriculture. This activity was carried out in the Sungkai Permai Farmer Group, Lambung Bukik Village, Padang City. The Sungkai Permai farmer group has acquired knowledge about gaharu cultivation and tea use through participatory methods and training in the form of demonstrations and demonstration plots by planting approximately 150 gaharu seeds as raw material for tea through an agroforestry pattern. The Sungkai Permai farmer group has acquired knowledge of using the part of gaharu to become aloe tea as a drink and health medicine from the leaves and sap of aloes. The Sungkai Permai farmer group can manage raw materials for gaharu leaves and sap derived from gaharu trees around farmers' land in Limau Manis sub-district, or other areas. They can be a productive business opportunity as tea and medicine in health drinks to improve the community's economy.
TEKNOLOGI PENGOLAHAN PUPUK ORGANIK PADA KELOMPOK TANI SUNGKAI PERMAI DI KELURAHAN LAMBUNG BUKIK KOTA PADANG Benni Satria; Syahyan Raesi; Afrima Sari; Armansyah Armansyah; Indra Dwipa; Aprisal Aprisal; Ferry Lismanto Syaiful; Ardi Ardi
Jurnal Hilirisasi IPTEKS Vol 3 No 3 (2020)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jhi.v3i3.438


The people of Lambung Bukik Village, Pauh Subdistrict, Padang City, mostly work on horticultural crops, secondary crops, raising cattle, and chickens. Agriculture in this area uses mostly inorganic fertilizers and organic fertilizers. This results in the high need for farmers for inorganic fertilizers. The activity's objectives are 1. to obtain an organic production module by utilizing horticultural agricultural waste, secondary crops, and cow dung, 2. analyzing the organic fertilizer content, 3). obtain organic fertilizer containing high nutrient elements and 4. obtain organic fertilizer derived from organic fertilized waste material with EM4, MOL, and Trichoderma sp. Activities were carried out in the UPPO Sungkai Permai farming community through organic fertilizer processing technology. Participants in this activity are members of farmer groups, community leaders, and accompanied by Andalas University students. The activity methods applied are 1. training and demonstration on the manufacture of organic fertilizers from agricultural waste and cow dung using EM-4, Mol, Trichoderma sp, 2. demonstration of making local microorganisms (MOL), 3. analyzing nutrient elements of organic fertilizers, and 4. a demonstration plot of organic spinach and water spinach using organic fertilizers from three different organizer depupuk, namely: EM4, fruit mole, and a mixture of both. The results achieved were: organic fertilizer processing methods, and quality organic fertilizers with the highest average nutrient content of fruit mole samples (N = 1,823%, P = 1,717%, K = 0.757%, Mg = 0.742, C. organic 27,400 , Organic matter = 47.237, and the highest C / N = 39.645%. The demonstration plot of organic fertilizer from three organic fertilizer samples obtained that the use of fruit moles as organizer depupuk resulted in the best growth and yield of spinach and kale wet weight.
INOVASI PENANAMAN BIBIT AREN UNTUK KONSERVASI DI BANTARAN SUNGAI BATANG HARI DI NAGARI SUNGAI DAREH KABUPATEN DHARMASRAYA Zahlul Ikhsan; Indra Dwipa; Yaherwandi Yaherwandi; Reflinaldon Reflinaldon; Edwin Edwin; Dewi Rezki; Irwin Mirza Umami; Siska Efendi; Wulan Kumala Sari; Dede Suhendra
Jurnal Hilirisasi IPTEKS Vol 4 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jhi.v4i1.487


Nagari Sungai Dareh, Pulau Punjung District, Dharmasraya Regency is an area located on the banks of the Batang Hari River. Rivers must be protected and conserved, and their functions and benefits must be improved for the health and sustainability of the ecosystem. Planting sugar palm on the river banks is one way that can be done to preserve the river. Besides being useful for conservation, sugar palm also has a high economic value. This activity aims to empower the community by 1) Conservation activities on the banks of the Batang Hari river, and 2) Introduction of sugar palm plants and increasing community knowledge and skills in sugar palm cultivation. This activity was carried out in Jorong Sungai Kilangan Nagari Sungai Dareh, Dharmasraya Regency, with lectures, discussions, and demonstrations of planting sugar palm on the banks of the river. The number of students involved was five people. The people of Nagari Sungai Dareh are very enthusiastic about listening and discussing sugar palm cultivation and the importance of river conservation. Most of the participants are very interested and will immediately plant sugar palm on their land, but some are still learning more. As a form of our hope that the planting of sugar palm on the river banks can be successful, we assist ± 200 sugar palm seeds for the people of Nagari Sungai Dareh. Community empowerment through sugar palm cultivation has been able to increase community knowledge and skills about the importance of maintaining river sustainability and the prospects and challenges of sugar palm cultivation.
DISEMINASI PGPR SEBAGAI BIOAKTIVATOR DEKOMPOSISI BAHAN ORGANIK DI KELOMPOK USAHA TANI NAGARI SUNGAI ABANG KECAMATAN LUBUK ALUNG KABUPATEN PADANG PARIAMAN Haliatur Rahma; Indra Dwipa; Agustian Agustian; Yaherwandi Yaherwandi; Reflinaldon Reflinaldon; Jumsu Trisno; Armansyah Armansyah; Gusmini Gusmini; Afrima Sari; Ryan Dwi Setyawan; Rika Hariance; Dede Suhendra
Jurnal Hilirisasi IPTEKS Vol 6 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jhi.v6i2.625


Nagari Sungai Abang is one of the areas in Lubuk Alung District, one of the rice production centers in Padang Pariaman Regency. One farming group that intensively cultivates rice is the Farming Business group. The problem with the farmer groups is their ignorance of the benefits of straw as a source of organic matter in the soil. The composting process is long, so farmers always burn rice straw after harvest in preparation for planting the following season. If the burning of straw is carried out continuously, it is feared that nutrients will be deficient in the soil. This activity aims to empower Farming Business groups in Nagari Sungai Abang, Lubuk Alung District, to utilize Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) as a bio activator in making straw compost as organic fertilizer and an alternative to addressing the problem of straw waste in Nagari Sungai Abang, Lubuk Alung. This activity has been carried out in the Farming Group of Farmers in Sungai Abang Dalam Nagari Sungai Abang, Lubuk Alung District, Padang Pariaman Regency. The method used is outreach, counseling, and training to demonstrate making PGPR suspension and compost from straw. From the activities that have been carried out, ready-to-use PGPR is obtained as a bio activator reproduced in coconut water media and used as a bio activator to speed up the composting process. The conclusion of this activity is increasing farmers' understanding of the benefits of straw as a raw material for compost and the use of PGPR as a bioactivator in making straw compost.
Co-Authors . Gusmini . Reflinaldon Afrima Sari Agil Syah Putra Agustian Agustian Anwar, Aswaldi Aprisal Aprisal Aprisal Aprisal, Aprisal Aprizal Zainal Ardi Ardi Ardi Ardi Ardi Ardi Aries Novita Putri Armansyah Armansyah Astri Harnov Putri Auzar Syarif Awang Al Hamdi Benni Satria Berri Brilliant Albar Bujang Rusman Cam Hong Ha Chairil Ezward, Chairil Damayanti, Elok Dede Suhendra Dede Suhendra Dewi Rezki Diah Sundari Ilyani Dini Hervani Dini Hervani Doni Hariandi Edwin Edwin Eka Candra Lina elara resigia Erlina Rahmayuni Eti Farda Husin Fajriwandi Fajriwandi Faly Sandika Fatardho Zudri Ferry Lismanto Syaiful FRISKIA HANATUL QOLBY Ghifron Ardana Hadi Rafindo Haliatur Rahma, Haliatur Henny Puspita Sari Henny Puspita Sari Irawati Chaniago Irawati Irawati Irfan Suliansyah Irwin Mirza Umami J Juniarti Jumsu Trisno KRISTINA, NILLA Meisilva Erona S Meisilva Erona Sitepu Muhammad Makky Muhammad Revan Hasibuan Muhsanati Muhsanati MUHSANATI MUHSANATI Musliar Kasim Nadila Aulia Ardi Nalwida Rozen Nandita Samaralya Tori NOVRI NELLY Obel, Obel Pancolo Agung Nur Pamuji Prima Fithri Puan Habibah Rachmad Hersi Martinsyah Raesi, Syahyana Ramadhan, Nugraha Ramadhan, Nugraha Ramadhan, Nugraha Refdinal Refdinal Reski Marbeni Putra Rika Hariance Ryan Budi Setiawan Ryan Dwi Setyawan Sanna Paija Hasibuan Sari Rahmadhini Shinta Mulyana Silvia Permata sari Siska Efendi Siti Rahmah Sutoyo Sutoyo Syafrimen Yasin Syahyan Raesi Syarief, Zulfadly Syarief, Zulfadly Trizelia . Warnita Warnita Weni Veriani Winda Purnama Sari Winda Purnama Sari Wulan Kumala Sari Yaherwandi Yanny Savitri Zahlul Ikhsan Zul Fahmi Zul Irfan Zulfadly Syarief Zulfadly Syarif Zurai Resti