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Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/14080171074


Education in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 is not enough just to read and write and numeracy. One of the 16 life skills that students must have in this industrial revolution era is scientific literacy. The aim of the study was to test the effectiveness of using the developed worksheet integrated with scientific literacy. However, worksheets that support literacy activities in the process of learning are still relatively rare and do not support practicum activities. One of the solutions to the problems expressed is to develop scientific literacy integrated worksheets for the use of physics practicum KIT on the material elasticity of materials. The research type used was research and development (Research and Development) or known as R&D. The object of research is worksheets that are integrated with scientific literacy for the use of physics practicum KIT on material elasticity for class XI high school. Research is limited to the product trial stage with a limited scale. Based on the research conducted, 3 conclusions can be drawn. First, the integrated scientific literacy worksheet for the use of physics practicum KIT on material elasticity is very valid with a validity value of 0.85. Second, the practical value of integrated worksheets with scientific literacy obtained from teachers is 94% in the very practical category. The practicality value by students obtained a value of 92% with a very practical category. Furthermore, the use of scientific literacy integrated worksheets is effective in improving student outcomes of learning.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol 9 No 4 (2023): April
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v9i4.3291


In the 21st century, the improvement of science and technology leads humans to master various skills, one of which is problem solving. Physics learning can be one of the means in improving students' problem-solving ability (PSA). The purposes of this research are determine the effect of PBL model on students' physics PSA, determine the effect of PBL model on students' physics PSA based on subject matter, and determine the effect of PBL model on students' physics PSA based on teaching materials. This research is a meta-analysis by analysing 17 articles from national journals indexed at least Sinta 4 and international journals or proceedings. The results showed that there is an effect of PBL model on the ability to solve physics problems of students as a whole equal to 1.985 with a very high category. Based on the subject matter, the most effective effect of PBL on PSA is on temperature and heat material which is 4.135 with a very high category. In the material of effort and energy, the influence of PBL on PSA is the lowest compared to other materials with an effect size value of 0.365. While based on teaching materials, the effect of PBL on physics PSA is low with an effect size of 0.315. Digital teaching materials are the best teaching materials applied in PBL learning to improve students' physics PSA
ORBITA: Jurnal Kajian, Inovasi dan Aplikasi Pendidikan Fisika Vol 9, No 1 (2023): Mei
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/orbita.v9i1.14797


ABSTRAKTujuan studi ini adalah mengetahui kebutuhan terhadap media pembelajaran berbasis ICT. Analisis kebutuhan dilaksanakan karena rendahnya minat belajar siswa terhadap pembelajaran fisika dan rendahnya prestasi belajar siswa dalam pelajaran fisika.  Studi dilakukan di SMA Negeri 6 Padang kelas X MIPA 3. studi ini menggunakan metode studi deskriptif kualitatif. Untuk memperoleh informasi, peneliti menyebarkan angket atau kuisoner secara langsung. Hasil studi ini menyatakan bahwa kebutuhan akan media pembelajaran berbasis ICT sangat diperlukan oleh siswa dengan persentase rata – rata 85,1% namun  sarana dan prasarana seperti akses internet terbatas menjadi hambatannya . Maka dari itu dibutuhkan media pembelajaran berbasis ICT yang bisa dipergunakan tanpa akses internet dan bisa disemua device smartphone  siswa dan guru. Media pembelajaran berbasis ICT tersebut bisa seperti bahan ajar elektronik, virtual laboratory atau game pembelajaran yang diharapkan mampu meningkatkan semangat belajar dan prestasi siswa. Kata kunci: analisis kebutuhan; media pembelajaran; ICT ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to determine the need for ICT-based learning media. A needs analysis was carried out because of the low interest of students in learning physics and low student achievement in physics subjects. The study was conducted at SMA Negeri 6 Padang class X MIPA 3. This study used a qualitative descriptive study method. To obtain information, researchers distribute questionnaires or questionnaires directly. The results of this study state that the need for ICT-based learning media is needed by students with an average percentage of 85.1%, but facilities and infrastructure such as limited internet access are the obstacle. Therefore, ICT-based learning media is needed which can be used without internet access and can be used on all student and teacher smartphone devices. ICT-based learning media can be electronic teaching materials, virtual laboratories, or learning games which are expected to increase student enthusiasm for learning and achievement. Keywords: need analysist; learning media; ICT
Research Trends of Physics Identity Development in University: How About Indonesia? Putri Dwi Sundari; Hidayati Hidayati
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol 9 No 6 (2023): June
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v9i6.4087


The concept of physics identity plays an essential role for physics teacher professionalism. That is why physics identity development has become a trend of research in West country. Through this study, we aimed to analyze research related to physics identity development in various international journals. We reviewed 17 emphirical studies published in 2013-2023 in reputable journals in context of undergraduate physics. The findings of the study were discussed based on in what ways student’s physics identity development, and what factor that influences the development. We indentify gaps in the existing knowledge base, particularly in Indonesia context, and we purpose further study directions. This study provides an overview of how physics identity development in university and give information where is Indonesia position.
Systematic Review: The Effect of Using Virtual Laboratory On Physics Learning to Improve Student’s Concept Understanding Annisa Rahmi; Hidayati Hidayati; Hufri H; Wahyuni Satria Dewi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/14780171074


The 2013 curriculum requires teachers to be skilled in the learning process which makes students more active in learning activities. Physics learning does not only discuss theory, but also needs to do practical work so that students understand the concepts being taught, if schools have limitations regarding laboratory equipment, then they can use virtual laboratories instead. There are many research articles about the use of virtual laboratories in physics learning. However, there has been no systematic study that summarizes these studies, for this reason a systematic study is needed that will produce new information. This study aims to: (1) analyze the model/strategy/method of using virtual laboratories in learning physics, (2) analyze the effect of virtual laboratories in learning physics on increasing students' understanding of concepts. The method used in this study is a systematic review. The collected articles totaled 25 articles published in the last 10 years in national and international journals. Data analysis was performed using predetermined instruments and effect size formulas. The results of the study are learning models/learning strategies/learning methods for using virtual laboratories in physics learning to improve students' understanding of concepts, there are 7 learning models, and 2 learning approaches. The discovery learning learning model and inquiry learning model are the most widely used. momentum and impulse materials have a good effect on students' understanding of concepts. with an average effect size value of 1.95 with a high influence category
The Effect Of The Guided Inquiry Learning Model On The Critical Thinking Skill Of Students In Static And Dynamic Fluid Materials For Class XI MAN 2 Bukittinggi Nelly Zamriani; Silvi Yulia Sari; Hidayati Hidayati; putri dwi sundari
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/14247171074


This research was conducted on the critical thinking skills of students who still need to be critical but must still be directed to develop critical thinking. One way to encourage students to think critically is to apply the guided research learning model. Applying the guided research learning model in the learning process can support critical thinking skill of students. This aims of this study is to determine the effect of the guided inquiry learning model on the critical thinking skills of class XI Natural Science students on static and dynamic fluid materials. This type of research is quasi-experimental and only has a post-trial control group. The population for this study was obtained from students of class XI Natural Science in Islamic Senior High School.  Sampling was carried out using the cluster random sampling technique. Samples were taken randomly, and Class XI natural science 1 was taken as the experimental class and Class XI natural science 3 as the control class. Data analysis was performed using a statistical t-test. The results showed that critical thinking skill of students ranged from 76.74 in the experimental class to 69.32 in the comparison class. Based on the T distribution table, obtained tbltable.04 and t count of 5.62. The condition for rejecting H0 is if the ttable < tcount. H1 is accepted because the t count value rejects H0. This confirms that applying the model of guided inquiry learning influences critical thinking skill of students in static and dynamic fluid  material.
Development of Student Worksheet Integrated Scientific Literacy for The Using Of Physics Practicum Kit in Simple Harmonic Vibration Aivani Caesaria; Hidayati Hidayati; Fatni Mufit; Silvi Yulia Sari
Physics Learning and Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): June Edition
Publisher : Department of Physics Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/ple.v1i2.22


Facts found in the field found that the available Practical KIT is complete, but teaching materials in the form of the student worksheet are still built from Practical KIT and are still general in nature. One of the solutions to overcome these problems is the development of worksheets integrated with scientific literacy for the use of KIT Physics Practicum on Simple Harmonic Vibration Material. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of the validity of the student worksheet Integrated with Scientific Literacy The research conducted included a type of research and development with the ADDIE model which consists of 5 stages, namely, Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. This research was conducted up to the Development stage where each stage was carried out Evaluation Research is limited to the Development stage at the validity test stage. The object of research is student worksheet integrated with science literacy. Data sources were obtained from the results of expert validation by Physics lecturers of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Padang State University Padang State University. The data collection instrument in this study was a validity test sheet. Data analysis techniques for instrument and product validation using V Aiken. The results of this study obtained three results, namely first based on preliminary analysis obtained the problem of practicum KIT available has not been maximally utilized so it is necessary to develop student worksheet Integrated Scientific Literacy. Secondly, at the design stage, the student worksheet integrated with scientific literacy has been designed. Third, the validity test results obtained an average of 0.86 with a very valid category. From this study it can be concluded that the development of student worksheet Integrated with Scientific Literacy for the Use of Physics Practicum KIT on Simple Harmonic Vibration Material is feasible to use in physics learning.
Descriptions of Student Needs for Digital Physics Teaching Materials on Particle Dynamics: A Preliminary Study Hidayati Hidayati; Putri Dwi Sundari; Defrizal Saputra; Silvi Yulia Sari; Nabilah Ikrimah Ayani
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol 9 No 9 (2023): September
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v9i9.4900


This research describes the initial study to develop e-modules based on student perceptions. This type of research is descriptive which was conducted in seven high schools in Padang based on school level with 667 students as respondents. Data were obtained using a questionnaire of student needs for teaching materials consisting of four indicators, namely student characteristics, implementation of physics learning, use of teaching materials in physics learning, and student needs for teaching materials. The results showed that as many as 67% of students experienced difficulties in physics subjects, supported by 53% of teachers who provided feedback at the end of each physics lesson and 45% of teaching materials used were less varied, in other words 80% of students needed other learning resources containing text, images and learning videos that were studied independently. The results of this study are expected to be the basis for the development of e-modules and efforts to improve the quality of physics learning in high school.
Liveworksheet-Based Student Worksheet for Senior High School in Physics Learning Putri Lingga Harmita; Wahyuni Satria Dewi; Akmam Akmam; Hidayati Hidayati
Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education Vol 6, No 2 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24042/ijsme.v6i2.18004


Physics learning should be equipped with technology-assisted student worksheets following the demands of the 2013 curriculum and contain steps in the scientific approach. This study aimed to produce electronic student worksheets based on liveworksheets on sound waves. This research is development research using the ADDIE model, which consists of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. This research was conducted in a school in Salimpaung. Data collection is based on product validation and trial results. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistics. The validation results of the three validators who rated it gave an average score of 87.4% in the "highly valid" category. The result of the product trial by 25 students achieved an average score of 91% with the criteria of "very practical ."Student understanding seems to increase after using electronic student worksheets. Thus, the products developed are easy and interesting to use in learning physics and can increase student understanding. It is suggested that future researchers develop electronic student worksheets on different materials.
Studi Pendahuluan Pengembangan E-Modul IPA Materi Energi Terbarukan Pada Kurikulum Program Sekolah Penggerak Anisa Triwijaya; Asrizal Asrizal; Hidayati Hidayati; Renol Afrizon
PAKAR Pendidikan Vol 21 No 2 (2023): Published in Juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/pakar.v21i2.318


21st-century skills must be built, especially in creative thinking, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. The concept of independent learning present in 2021 is a form of developing and strengthening Indonesian national character. According to the Pancasila learning profile, the driving school program curriculum aims to develop and strengthen competencies and characters. The research analyzes learning problems, student characteristics, learning objectives, and settings. This type of research is descriptive research, a preliminary study that refers to the preliminary research stage in the Plomp development model. The population in this study were students of class X SMAN 2 and 9 Padang who implemented the driving school curriculum. From the data analysis that has been done, it can be stated that there are four research results. First, the problems teachers face are learning objectives in the moderate category, learning methods in the moderate category, learning materials in the strong category, teaching materials in the moderate category, and learning evaluation in the moderate category. Second, student characteristics, namely learning motivation, learning style, learning interest, and attitude, are in a strong category. Third, the analysis of learning objectives shows that competence has a suitable category, content is a good category, variety a suitable category, and KKO a good category. Fourth, the analysis of learning arrangements shows that the learning arrangements designed by teachers are quite different from the expected ideal conditions.
Co-Authors - Asrizal - Asrizal - Gusnedi - Helmita . Asrizal Aditya Fahlevi Aini Syahbani Aivani Caesaria Alia Rizky Allin Wel Ningsi Almutia Lima Amalia Putra Ananda Mahaputra Iskandar Anisa Puspa Utami Anisa Triwijaya Annisa Citra Vivany Annisa Rahmi Asmi Putri Asrizal Asrizal Asrizal Auvi Winandri Utami Azizah Fadhila Defrizal Saputra Desnita Desnita Dessy Ratnasari Dewi Puspa Sari Dio Ade Putra Dona Fitri Ayu Doni Martha dwi putri ramadhani Dwi Yulianti Efni Zalpita Eko Muda Setiawan Elarismoy Beporta Anusba Emiliannur Emiliannur everly aberta Fadhila Ulfa Jhora Fakhruddin Arrazzi Fanny Rahmatina Rahim Farhannisa Tsalatsiyah Fatni Mufit Fera Desnawati Festiyed Fitrah Ayu fitri rahmi Fitria Penta Krisna Genov Zulmartin Gusnedi Gusnedi Hamdi Rifai Hanifah Ahmad Harman Amir Hayatul Islamiah Hazrati Ashel Hidayati Hidayati Hufri Hufri Iftitah Khairunnisa Iin Eka Cahyani Imron Maulana Jeremia Vincensius Kasih Syirpia Khairun Nisa Al-yafasy Kurnia Andoko Kurnia Heru Pratama Laras Setia Ningsih Letmi Dwiridal Letmi Dwiridal Luthfiatul Hasanah Mahrizal Mahrizal Mairizwan Mairizwan masril masril Masril Masril Masril Masril Masril Masril Maya Sri Anggraini Mega Oktisa Melia Vivi Ningrum Metta Liana Mira Restuti Muhammad Tri Bimo Muhammad Virell Bramasta Murtiani Murtiani mutia faizah apriani Nabilah Ikrimah Ayani Nadia Rahmani Zulkarnain Putri Nadilla Rahmi Fitri Nadya Putri Herman Nadya Sari Putri Najmil Khaira Nelly Zamriani Nia Nursurila Niswatul Khasanah Nita Adzaniah Akbar novelia prima Novita Novita Nur Sahfitri Nurhafifah Nurhafifah Pakhrur Razi Putra, Amali Putri Dwi Sundari Putri Lingga Harmita Putri Melati Qerzi Elsadola Radha Firaina Rahmat Hidayat Ramli Ramli Ramli Ramli Ratnawulan . Relsas Yogica Renol Afrizon Renold Fernanda Resti Sundari Reynaldy Siregar Rezki Putri Rif’il Husniyah Riri Jonuarti Rizka Nabila Rizka Okta Perrina Roni Jarlis Rozi Prima Yenni Septi Putri Dewi SILVI DWI MAYORA Silvi Yulia Sari Silvia Agustin Syafriani Syafriani Tut Dunya Wahyuni Ilahi Uci Rahmadani Vina Elviana wahyu dilla abdullah Wahyu Kurnia wahyuni hafnisyah Wahyuni Satria Dewi Weni Oktavia Wina Nanda Putri Winda Permatai Sari Yeni Mustika Sari Yenni Darvina Yofita Sandra, S.Pd., M.Pd., Zico Farlin, Dr. Budiwirman, M.Pd., Yolvi Oktaviani Yuli Hafizah Yuri Yanti Yurnetti Yurnetti Yurnetti Yurnetti Zhafrandy Eka Senida Zulfadhlil Haqi Zulhendri Kamus