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Selection, Identification and Optimization of the Growth Water Probiotic Consortium of Mangrove Ecosystems as Bioremediation and Biocontrol in Shrimp Ponds Wilis Ari Setyati; Erni - Martani; Triyanto - -; Subagiyo - -; Muhammad - Zainuddin
Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia Vol 17 No 3 (2014): Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia
Publisher : Department of Aquatic Product Technology IPB University in collaboration with Masyarakat Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia (MPHPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4379.25 KB) | DOI: 10.17844/jphpi.v17i3.8913


Shrimp aquaculture is an activity that potentially generates organic waste. The accumulation of organic matter is becoming one of the main factors causing the emergence of disease. Problem-solving approach that is most effective is through bioremediation. The aims of this study were to select, identify and cultivate bacteria from mangrove sediments from Cilacap, Rembang and Banyuwangi which potentially as probiotic consortium of bioremediation activity and biocontrol. The results showed that total of 45 isolates (proteolytic), 35 isolates (amylolytic), 35 isolates (lipolytic), and 18 isolates (cellulolytic). There were 59 bacterial isolates had antibacterial activity of vibrio (V. harveyi, V. alginolyticus, V. vulnificus and V. anguilarum). Based on the identification of 16 S-rRNA genes, 4 isolates showed that the C2 isolate was identified as Bacillus subtilis, C11 isolate was identified as Bacillus firmus, C13 and C14 isolates were identified as B. Flexus. This study concluded that cultivation of Bacillus subtilis C2 optimum at 2% molase and yeast extract 0.5% at pH 8 and 30 0C. Bacillus firmus C11 optimum at 2% molase and yeast extract 0.5% at pH 8 and 30 0C. Bacillus flexus C13 optimum at 2% glucose and yeast extract 0.5% at pH 8 and 30 0C. Bacillus flexus C14 optimum at 4% molase and yeast extract 0.25% at pH 8 and 30 0C. The result of culture applications of 4 isolates showed an effect of increasing shrimp weight by 141, 9% compared by the control.Keywords: sediment, mangrove, bioremediation, biocontrol
Bacteriological Study of Ballast Water at Tanjung Emas Port, Semarang Husna El Iksiroh; Sutrisno Anggoro; Henna Rya Abdurachim; Subagiyo Subagiyo; Mostafa Imhmed Ighwerb
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 27, No 1 (2022): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.27.1.45-52


The D-2 Ballast Water Management Convention standard regulates the requirements for the disposal of ballast water, which must not contain pathogenic bacteria, which are harmful to health and pollute the environment and the sustainability of local ecosystems. Tanjung Emas was chosen because it is one of the busiest ports in Indonesia to serve domestic shipping. In addition, there has never been a study examining the composition of bacteria carried through ballast water at the port of Tanjung Emas. This study aims to determine the content of pathogenic bacteria carried by the ballast water of ships docked at Tanjung Emas Port compared to the waters around the disposal and river flows around Tanjung Emas Port, Semarang. The samples were taken from 4 ships, 5 waters, and 2 rivers in Tanjung Emas area. The samples were analyzed biochemically to obtain the morphology of the bacteria present. The results showed that ballast water from the ships (KVOG, KMPS, and M) contains pathogenic bacteria: V. cholerae, E. coli, enterococci, S. typhii, S. desenteriae, Klebsiella, S. epidermidis, B. subtilis, and Actinobacteria. All types of that bacteria were also found in the Tanjung Emas waters except Actinobacteria. For three bacteria i.e. V. cholerae, E. coli, and enterococci whose levels exceed the threshold required by the BWM Convention and have the potential to pollute the Tanjung Emas environment. The water from the river did not contribute to the presence of V. cholerae bacteria in port waters, so the ballast water must be treated before being disposed of.
Komposisi Asam Lemak pada Karang Acropora humilis dan A. hyacinthus dari Kepulauan Karimunjawa Diah Permata W; Elis Indrayanti; Subagiyo Subagiyo
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 16, No 1 (2011): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1649.98 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.16.1.9-15


Binatang karang diketahui memiliki kandungan lemak dalam jaringan tubuhnya. Lemak dijumpai dalam bentuk lemak struktural atau tersimpan sebagai cadangan. Lemak tersebar dan berasosiasi dengan sel di polip maupun zooxanthellae. Kandungan dan komposisi jenis lemak dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai indikator kesehatan koloni karang. Metabolisme lemak dilaporkan berhubungan dengan proses reproduksi binatang karang. Komposisi dan kandungan lemak dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi waktu spawning pada karang Famili Acroporidae. Meski pengetahuan tentang kandungan lemak pada binatang karang memberi banyak manfaat, namun hingga kini di Indonesia penelitian tentang kandungan lemak pada binatang karang belum pernah dilakukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memberi gambaran komposisi asam lemak yang terdapat pada karang Acropora yang dikoleksi dari Kepulauan Karimunjawa. Komposisi asam lemak dianalisis dengan Kromatografi Gas. Hasil analisis komposisi asam lemak menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan komposisi asam lemak antara Acropora humilis dan A. hyacinthus, yang dikoleksi dari Pulau Sambangan maupun Cemara Kecil. Kandungan lemak pada kedua species didominasi oleh asam palmitat (53-74%), asam stearat (10,2- 19,92%), dan asam oleat (4,8-8,75%). Perbedaan urutan dan jumlah asam lemak berikutnya, mengacu kepada perbedaan species. Karakteristik kandungan  dan  komposisi  asam  lemak  binatang  karang  dapat  digunakan untuk  khemotaksonomi.  Data komposisi lemak yang diperoleh juga dapat digunakan sebagai acuan kandungan asam lemak pada kondisi normal, mengingat bleaching sering terjadi pada kedua lokasi sampling. Kata kunci: Scleractinian, asam lemak, kesehatan karang, Acropora Corals contain large amounts of lipid in their tissues. Lipids may be used for cell structure or energy storage. Lipids were distributed among coral cells or zooxanthellae. Fatty acids analysis has been proved useful as biomarker in stress studies. Lipids also play key role in metabolism of gametogenesis and synchrony of coral spawning. Though fatty acids signature was reported useful for various studies, however, none of studies was done on fatty acids composition of Indonesian corals. The purpose of this study was to survey the lipid composition of Acropora humilis and A. hyacinthus collected from Sambangan and Cemara Kecil Island. Analysis was made of fatty acid composition using Gas Chromatography.  Results show fatty acid composition of two corals species was similar regardless of sampling location. Composition of fatty acids was dominated by palmitic acid ranging from (53-74%), followed by stearic acid (10,2-19,92%) and oleic acid (4,8-8,75%) in both species. However, the order of dominancy of the next fatty acid is depend on coral species. Indeed, fatty acid signature was reported to be useful for chemotaxonomy of corals species. The data also useful as data base of lipid composition at normal condition, since bleaching was reported to occur repeatedly from the sampling locations. Key words: Scleractinian, fatty acids, coral physiology, Acropora
Analisis Regresi Poisson untuk Menduga Hubungan Kelimpahan Makrobenthos dengan Parameter Kualitas Perairan Dwi Haryo Ismunarti; Subagiyo Subagiyo; Ria Azizah TN
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 9, No 4 (2004): Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (213.218 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.9.4.230-237


Fungsi peluang poisson merupakan standar model untuk variabel cacah. Sebagai contoh banyaknya makrobenthos dan faktor-faktor oseanografi yang mempengaruhinya dapat didekati dengan model regresipoisson. Model regresi poisson dapat diduga menggunakan fungsi GLM (generalized linear models) dari program S-PLUS. Faktor-faktor oseanografi yang berpengaruh terhadap jumlah makrobenthos adalah salinitas, kecerahan, kecepatan arus, DO dan suhu.Kata kunci : peluang poisson, variabel cacah, makrobenthosThe poisson probability provides the standard models for count variable. As an example, the number of makrobenthos and oceanograpy factors could be approach a poisson regression model. The poissonregression can be fitted using the function GLM, which fits Generailized Linear Models in S-PLUS program. Oceanography factors as having an effect on the number of makrobenthos are salinity, kecerahan, kecepatanarus,DO dan suhu.Key words : poisson probability, count variable, makrobenthos
Potensi Berbagai Jenis Lamun Sebagai Sumber Makanan Kesehatan : Analisis Proksimat Wilis A Setyati; Subagiyo Su8bagiyo; Ali Ridlo
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 10, No 2 (2005): Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.10.2.115-118


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari status nutrisi berbagai jenis lamun yang terdapat diperairanBandengan, Jepara berdasarkan analisis proksimat (gula reduksi, serat kasar, lemak, protein dan abu). Penelitian ini juha melakukan analisis vegetasi lamun di perairan Bandengan, Jepara. Hasil penelitian menunjukan ada 6 jenis lamun yang tumbuh di perairan Bandengan Jepara yaitu Cymodecea serrulata, Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, Syrirgodium isoetifolium, Halodule uninervis dan Thalassodendron ciliatum. Keenam jenis lamun tersebut berturut-turut mempunyai kepadatan 109,00 ind/m2, 106,87 ind/m2, 89,35 ind/m2 , 82,97ind/m2 , 73,65 ind/m2 dan 18,75 ind/m2. Hasil analisis proksimat utuk ke enam jenis lamun tersebut berturut turut adalah sebagai berikut, Cymodecea serrulata mempunyai kandungan protein, gula reduksi, lemak, abu dan serat kasar berturut-turut (% berat kering) 9,39 ; 0,91; 7,81; 67,09; 19,25, Thalassia hemprichii berturut turut 8,35; 1,10 ; 7,38; 62,43; dan 17,27, Enhalus acoroides berturut-turut 7,65 ; 1,00; 6,13 ; 68,14 ; dan 19,92, Syrngodium isoetifolium berturut-turut 5,52 ; 2,19; 4,71; 70,62 dan 12,16. Sedangkan Halodule uninervis dan Thalassodendron ciliatum tidak dilakukan analisis proksimat karena jumlah vegetasi yang adasangat sedikit.Kata kunci : Lamun, analisis proksimat, analisis vegetasiThe research was done to answer how about nutritive profile (protein, lipids, reduction sugar ash and crudefibre) of some seagrass and how about some seagrasses can be improved potentially as foodhealthness. In this research vegetaion analyze or seagrasses also was done, to identified rheir diversity and density. The research found 6 species of seagrass in seagrass filed of Bandengan waters, Jepara, i.e. Cymodecea serrulata, Thalassia  hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, Syrirgodium isoetifolium, Halodule uninervis dan Thalassodendron ciliatum. There have population density respectively 109,00 ind/m2, 106,87 ind/m2, 89,35 ind/m2 , 82,97 ind/m2, 73,65 ind/m2 and 18,75 ind/m2.The result of proximate analyze showed that Cymodecea serrulata haveprotein , sugar reduction, lipid, ash and crude fibre (% dry weight) respectively 9,39 ; 0,91; 7,81; 67,09;19,25, Thalassia hemprichii 8,35; 1,10 ; 7,38; 62,43; dan 17,27, Enhalus acoroides 7,65; 1,00; 6,13; 68,14 ; and 19,92, Syrngodium isoetifolium 5,52 ; 2,19; 4,71; 70,62 and 12,16. Halodule uninervis and Thalassodendron  ciliatum have not beeb abalyzed.Key words: seagrass, proximate analysis, vegetation analysis.
Characterization of Some Commercially Important Octopus (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) from Indonesian Waters using Mitochondrial DNA Cytochrome Oxidase Sub-Unit I (Mt-DNA COI) Nenik Kholilah; Norma Afiati; Subagiyo Subagiyo
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 26, No 1 (2021): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.26.1.17-26


As per the FAO data, octopus identification is very limited in the species level at world fishery and also they are cryptic nature. On the other hand, Indonesia is one of the top ten highest octopus exporters. This study therefore aimed to determine the species of octopus based on phylogenetic analysis of mt-DNA COI. Octopuses were collected from nine different locations throughout Indonesia, i.e., Anambas, Bangka-Belitung, Cirebon, Karimunjawa, Tuban, Lombok, Buton, Wakatobi and Jayapura. Samples were mostly in the form of tentacles that were directly collected from fishermen. After being preserved in 96% ethanol, the sample was extracted in 10% chelexÒ, PCR amplification using Folmer’s primer then was further analysed by sequencing in Sanger methods. Of the 24 samples sequenced, the results recognized four species Octopodidae belongs to the three genera, named Amphioctopus aegina, Hapalochlaena fasciata, Octopus laqueus and Octopus cyanea. Mean pair-wise distances of within-species were ranged from 0 to 5.5 % and between-species was ranged from 12.9 to 15.8 %. This study distinctly confirmed the difference between genus Amphioctopus and Hapalochlaena (15.5 %), as also between O. laqueus and O. cyanea (12.9%) which was previously not completely distinguished. Although performing species identification using DNA sequences for shallow-water benthic octopus species is perhaps considered premature, this study indicated the possible application of COI sequences for species identification, thereby providing a preliminary dataset for future DNA barcoding of octopus, in particular for Indonesia waters.
Producing Active Secondary Metabolite Against Pathogenic Vibrio spp. by Actinobacteria-Sodium Alginate Co-Culture Nuril Azhar; Ervia Yudiati; Subagiyo Subagiyo; Rabia Alghazeer
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 26, No 4 (2021): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.26.4.254-264


Vibrio vulnificus, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio harveyi have been found in aquatic environments and suspected as the primary trigger of WFD (White Feces Disease) outbreaks in aquaculture. This Vibrio spp. has an antibiotic resistance to Ampicillin, Co-Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin, Azithromycin, Actinobacteria and Ciprofloxacin HCL. Actinobacteria and alginate have been reported to increase the marine biota resistance against diseases through prebiotic and probiotic mechanisms. This study aims to discover and increase the secondary metabolite production of Actinobacteria-Alginate and its ability as anti-vibrio. Alginate extraction in the samples dated September 2020 originally from Teluk Awur Bays, Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia (33.73±1.84%) was considerably higher than in May 2021 (22.67±0.3%). Samples were taken from sediment and mangrove root. Actinobacteria strains are macroscopically and microscopically similar to the genus Streptomyces. The most well-known antibiotics were produced by Streptomyces spp. The anti-vibrio test was carried out by Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion. The results were observed by measuring the inhibition zone surrounding the paper disc using a digital calliper. Co-culture strain 90 together with alginate have an approved antibacterial activity against all Vibrio spp. in the concentration of 10.disc-1 mg and 5 mg.disc-1. Co-culture Actinobacteria with alginate has remarkably changed the green-yellow color to olive green/dark red-orange (strains 3, 62, 63, 72, and 90), indicating the transformation of the formation alginate with pigments into other compounds through the biosynthetic pathway. Therefore, alginate enables to support of Actinobacteria by induction the active secondary metabolite as an anti-vibrio to counteract the bacterial pathogen diseases.
Uji Bioaktivitas Ekstrak Batang Tumbuhan Benalu Mangrove (C. filiformis) : I. Uji Antifungal Subagiyo Subagiyo; Wilis A Setyati; Ali Ridlo
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 9, No 4 (2004): Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (158.142 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.9.4.180-185


Benalu adalah tumbuhan epifit parasit yang hidup menempel dan menghisap makanan dari tumbuhan inangnya. Selama proses penyerapan makanan ini akan ikut pula semua senyawa yang dibentuk oleh mangrove sebagai alat pertahanan diri, maka tumbuhan benalu yang hidup pada tumbuhan mangrove juga mempunyai kemampuan khusus untuk beradaptasi terhadap senyawa-senyawa yang dibentuk oleh tumbuhan mangrove. Sehingga dimungkinkan untuk ditemukannya jenis-jenis senyawa baru yang mempunyai potensi anti fungi. Senyawa-senyawa aktif ini kemudian dapat dikembangkan lebih lanjut dalam rangka pengendalian penyakit baik bagi manusia maupun dalam bidang budidaya perikanan, peternakan maupun pertanian. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode experimental. Ekstrak kasar diperoleh dengan metode masrasi menggunakan methanol sebagai pelarutnya. Sedangkan fraksinasi dilakukan dengan metode kromatografi kolom menggunakan methanol-chloroform (20:1) sebagai eluennya. Aktivitas antifungal diuji dengan metode paper disk. Ada 5 variasi konsentrasi fraksi yang diuji yaitu 50 ug/disk, 10 ug/disk, 5 ug/disk, 1 ug/disk dan 0,5 ug/disk. Hasil studi parasit-host menunjukan bahwa dilokasi penelitian (kawasan mangrove Teluk Awur-Jepara) C. filiformis terdapat sebagai parasit pada tumbuhan mangrove Lumnitzera sp dan Excoecoria aggaloca. Sedangkan hasil uji aktivitas antijamur menunjukan bahwa semua fraksi menunjukanaktivitas antijamur terhadap jamur Trichoderma hanya pada pengamatan 24 jam pertama. Aktivitas anti jamur terhadap Fusarium ditunjukan oleh semua fraksi, dan aktivitas terhadap Aspergillus ditunjukan olehfraksi fraksi 1 dan fraksi 5.Kata kunci : bioaktivitas, antifungal, extract batang, C filiformis, benalu mangroveMistletoe as arboreal parasitic plant, hold and absorb their nutrient from host. During nutrient absorption, all of metabolites (include secondary metabolites) which host producing will be absorbed too. For thatmistletoe must have capability to developing strategies to adapt. The one of adaptation strategies is creating bioactive compounds, and predicted that between bioactive compounds have antifungal activity.Extraction and fractination of stem of C. filiformis, and testing of its antifungal activity were done. Stem of C. filiformis was extracted in methanol. Crude extract was fractionated chromatograhically using methanolchloroform (20:1) as eluent. Antifungal was tested using agar disc-diffusion methods. There are 5 variation concentration, which tested, 50 ug/disc, 10 ug/disc, 5 ug/disc, 1 ug/disc and 0,5 ug/disc. Theresult showed that C. filiformis found as parasite on Lumnitzera sp and Excoecoria aggaloca. Antifungal test toward C. filiformis fractions showed that Fusarium and Trichoderma were inhibited by all of fractionswhile Aspergillus was inhibited only by fraction 1 and fraction 5.Key words : bioactivity, antifungal, stem extract, C. filiformis, misletoe
Uji Pemanfaatan Rumput Laut Halimeda sp. Sebagai Sumber Makanan Fungsional untuk Memodulasi Sistem Pertahanan Non Spesifik pada Udang Putih (Litopenaeus vannamei) Subagiyo Subagiyo
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 14, No 3 (2009): Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (462.192 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.14.3.142-149


Makanan fungsional bertujuan untuk mencegah terjadinya penyakit melalui target fungsional tertentu didalam proses fisiologi dan metabolisme tubuh, diantaranya adalah melalui proses immunomodulasi. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan percobaan aplikasi ekstrak dan serbuk simplisia rumput laut Halimeda sebagai makanan fungsional untuk memodulasi sistem pertahanan non spesifik pada udang vannamei. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode eksperimental laboratoris menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap. Halimeda ditambahkan dalam pakan sebanyak 1%. Pakan diberikan sebanyak 5% berat badan per hari yang diberikan dalam tiga kali (pagi, sore dan malam). Parameter sistem pertahanan non spesifik udang diamati melalui penghitungan jumlah total hemosit dan aktivitas fagositosis hemosit. Selama penelitian juga dilakukan pengukuran kualitas air (salinitas, pH dan suhu) secara harian. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemberian ekstrak Halimeda memberikan pengaruh dengan meningkatkan jumlah total hemosit 22,43% (hari ke-8) dan 96,24% (hari ke-12). Tetapi pemberian serbuk simplisia memberikan pengaruh lebih baik dengan meningkatkan jumlah total hemosit sebesar 76,18% (hari ke-8) dan 170,11 % (hari ke12). Hasil pengamatan aktivitas fagositosis menunjukan bahwa pemberian ekstrak dan serbuk simplisia Halimeda memberikan pengaruh meningkatkan aktivitas fagositosis pada pengamatan hari ke-12 yaitu berturut turut sebesar 35,75% dan 48,38% sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa Halimena mampu memodulasi sistem pertahanan non spesifik pada L. vannamei. Kata kunci : Halimeda, makanan fungsional, sistem pertahanan non spesifik, L. vannamei Functional foods should benefically affect one or more target functions in the body, among others is through immunomodulation process. This research was conducted to determine the effect of hot-water extract and powder simplicia of Halimeda sp. as functional foods to modulate non-specific defense system in vannamei shrimp. Research was carried out by laboratory experimental methods using a complete randomized design. Halimeda was incoorporated in the feed at concentrations of 1%. The feed was given as much as 5% of body weight per day given in three times (morning, afternoon and evening). Parameters of non-specific defense system of shrimp were observed by counting the total number of hemosit and hemosit phagocytosis activity. During the study also measured water quality (salinity, pH and temperature) daily. The results showed that administration of Halimeda extract increased total hemocyte count of 22.43% (at day 8) and 96.24% (at day 12). While administration of powder simplicia increased total hemocyt count  of 76.18% (at day 8) and 170,11% (at day 12). Phagocytosis activity parameter indicate that administration of extracts and powders simplicia Halimeda increased phagocytosis activity on the observation of 12 days consecutive for 35.75% and 48.38% and could be concluded that Halimeda sp. was able to enhance non-specific defence of  L. vannamei Key words : Halimeda, functional food,  non-spesific defence system, L. vannamei
Respon Bakteri Nitrifikasi Terhadap Penggunaan Jerami Dan Katul Sebagai Priming Agent Untuk Meningkatkan Laju Respirasi Tanah Tambak Udang Subagiyo Subagiyo; Wilis Ari Setyati
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 7, No 3 (2002): Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (550.89 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.7.3.147-151


Penelitian tentang respon bakteri nitrifikasi terhadap penggunaan jerami dan katul sebagai priming agent untuk meningkatkan laju respirasi tanah tambak udang telah dilakukan dengan metode eksperimental menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap. Ada 2 perlakuan yang dibandingkan yaitu pemberian jerami dan pemberian katul, masing-masing dengan 4 sub perlakuan yaitu pemberian jerami atau katul dengan dosis masing-masing 0 kg/m2, 0,2 kg/m2, 0,3 kg/m2, dan 0,4 kg/m2. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan bejana respirasi yang diisi dengan tanah dasar tambak udang pasca panen. Jumlah bakteri nitrifikasi dihitung dengan metode MPN menggunakan medium mineral untuk bakteri nitrifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya respon peningkatan pertumbuhan bakteri nitrifikasi tanah tambak udang akibat perlakuan penggunaan jerami dan katul sebagai agensia priming agent untuk meningkatkan laju respirasi tanah tambak udang. Respon ini ditunjukan dengan adanya kecenderungan jumlah bakteri nitrifikasi pada perlakuan pemberiaan jerami dan katul yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan tanah yang tidak mendapat perlakuan pemberian jerami dan katul. Pada kondisi penelitian ini respon bakteri nitrifikasi tertinggi terjadl pada perlakuan pemberian jerami atau katul pada dosis 0,2 kg/m2. Hal ini ditunjukan dengan kecenderungan jumlah bekteri nitritikasi yang paling tinggi pada perlakuan pemberian jerami atau katul.Kata kunci: bakteri nitrifikasi; tanah tambak; priming agent; katul; jerami  An experiment was done to assay nitrifier responses on straw and bran application as priming agent to increase pond soil respiration rate. The experiment was done by using complete randomized design. Straw and bran as treatment was applied on sample soil at 0,1 kg/m2, 0,2 kg/m2, 0,3 kg/m2. Soil were placed in respiration chambers (500 ml becker glass) was respended above soil surface, and 50 ml of 1.00 N NaOH was pipetted into the backer glass. Respiration chambers were sealed. Nitrifier enumeration was done by MPN method. The experiment showed that increased of number of nitrifier as responds on application of straw and bran. In experiment condition the highest number of nitrifier along time of experiment was happened in application of straw or bran on 0,2 kg/m2 in dosage.Keywords: Nitrifier; straw; bran; pond soil; priming agent
Co-Authors Adi Santoso Agus Sabdono Agus Trianto Agus Trianto Ahmad Fadhil Muzaki Ahmad Saddam Habibi Aiyen Tjoa Ali Djunaedi Ali Djunaedi Ali Djunaedi Ali Ridlo Ambariyanto Ambariyanto Aninditia Sabdaningsih Antonius Budi Susanto Bambang Yulianto Baskoro Rochaddi Chrisna Adhi Suryono Chrisna Adi Suryono Delianis Pringgenies Diah Permata W Diah Permata Wijayanti Dwi Haryanti Dwi Haryo Ismunarti Elis Indrayanti Elsa Lusia Agus Endang Sri Susilo Erni - Martani Ervia Yudiati Feri Setiawan Fifi Nur Hidayah Fionica May Sandi Gagas Tri Pamungkas Hani’atun Nurfajriyah Henna Rya Abdurachim Husna El Iksiroh Husna Hanifah Irwani Irwani Isai Yusidarta Ita Riniatsih Jusup Suprijanto Kharisma Firdaus Linggarjati Luh Putu Puspita Dewanti Mada Triandala Sibero Marthin Ricky Sipayung Mirsa Septiana Mutik Mostafa Imhmed Ighwerb Muhammad - Zainuddin Muhammad Aviv Arsya Irnantyanto Muhammad Juli Hendra Putra Muhammad Salauddin Ramadhan Djarod Mustagfirin Mustagfirin Mustalafin Mustalafin Nenik Kholilah Nenik Kholilah Nirwani Soenardjo Norma Afiati Novita Thea Puspita Langit Nur Taufiq Syamsudin Putra Jaya Taufiq Syamsudin Putra Jaya Nuril Azhar Nuril Azhar Ocky Karna Radjasa Rabia Alghazeer Radhian Wikanarto Widodo Rahayu Rahayu Refi Sekarwardhani Retna Handayani Retno Hartati Retno Murwani Ria Azizah Ria Azizah Ria Azizah TN Ria Azizah Tri Nuraini Ria Azizah Tri Nuraini Ria Azizazh Tri Nuraeni Rignolda Djamaludin RINI PRAMESTI Rini Pramesti Rudhi Pribadi Sebastian Margino Sebastian Margino Sebastian Margino Sonny Rieldo Damanik Sri Devi Simanjuntak Sri Lintang Artono Sugeng Widada Suryono Suryono Sutrisno Anggoro Sylvia Sari Indah Dongoran Titis Buana Triyanto - - Triyanto Triyanto Triyanto Triyanto Triyanto Triyanto Widianingsih Widianingsih Wilis A Setyati Wilis A Setyati Wilis A Setyati Wilis Ari Setyati Wilis Ari Setyati Yohanes Oktaviaris Yolanda Christia Simanjuntak