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Indonesian Journal of History Education Vol 6 No 2 (2018): Indonesian Journal of History Education
Publisher : Jurusan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang

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Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hasil belajar peserta didik dengan menggunakan media video edukasi dalam pembelajaran sejarah di Kelas X IPS SMA N 12 Semarang tahun ajaran 2017/2018, untuk mengetahui hasil belajar peserta didik dengan menggunakan media video dokumenter dalam pembelajaran sejarah di kelas X IPS SMA N 12 Semarang  tahun ajaran 2017/2018, dan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar dengan menggunakan media video edukasi dengan media video dokumenter pada pembelajaran sejarah di Kelas X IPS SMA N 12 Semarang tahun ajaran 2017/2018. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis eksperimen. Lokasi penelitian di SMA N 12 Semarang. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu dokumentasi, tes, observasi, serta angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata hasil belajar peserta didik dengan menggunakna media video edukasi yaitu sebesar 85,5. Sedangkan rata-rata hasil belajar peserta didik dengan menggunakan media video dokumenter sebesar 74,6. Selain itu melalui uji t telah dihasilkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan rata-rata hasil belajar antara peserta didik yang menggunakan media video edukasi dengan menggunakan media video dokumenter sebesar 3,583. Kata kunci: hasil belajar; video; edukasi; dokumenter
Development of Integrative Thematic Learning Models Based on Scientific Approaches and 21st Century Learning Skills Muhammad, Muhammad; Pramono, Suwito Eko; Kustiono, Kustiono
Educational Management Article In Press April 2021
Publisher : Educational Management

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Referring to thematic learning that has not been optimized, this study aims to develop a quality and independent integrative thematic model, and to determine its effectiveness to improve learning outcomes and 21st century learning skills of elementary school students. This research was conducted using research and development designs (R&D) with preliminary study research stages, development stages, and evaluation stages. Model validation involves experts from academia and practitioners. The result of the effectiveness of the model is done through experimental activities using One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The results of the model validation show that the integrative thematic learning component is valid with a percentage of 88.9% and 93%. The effectiveness of the product showed that an increase in learning outcomes can be seen in the average affective learning outcomes 89.1 and 85.4. The average psychomotor learning outcomes are 79.63 and 80.08. Then the results of the mastery test of the material (cognitive) after being treated with the results of 0.40 (medium category). Model effectiveness test showed an increase in learning outcomes after the use of thematic learning models based on scientific approaches with the value of Sig. (2-tailed) = 0,000. This shows that the model is effective in improving student learning outcomes and skills.
Development of Integrative Thematic Learning Models Based on Scientific Approaches and 21st Century Learning Skills Muhammad, Muhammad; Pramono, Suwito Eko; Kustiono, Kustiono
Educational Management Article In Press April 2021
Publisher : Educational Management

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Referring to thematic learning that has not been optimized, this study aims to develop a quality and independent integrative thematic model, and to determine its effectiveness to improve learning outcomes and 21st century learning skills of elementary school students. This research was conducted using research and development designs (R&D) with preliminary study research stages, development stages, and evaluation stages. Model validation involves experts from academia and practitioners. The result of the effectiveness of the model is done through experimental activities using One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The results of the model validation show that the integrative thematic learning component is valid with a percentage of 88.9% and 93%. The effectiveness of the product showed that an increase in learning outcomes can be seen in the average affective learning outcomes 89.1 and 85.4. The average psychomotor learning outcomes are 79.63 and 80.08. Then the results of the mastery test of the material (cognitive) after being treated with the results of 0.40 (medium category). Model effectiveness test showed an increase in learning outcomes after the use of thematic learning models based on scientific approaches with the value of Sig. (2-tailed) = 0,000. This shows that the model is effective in improving student learning outcomes and skills.
Pengembangan Instrumen Penilaian Mata Pelajaran PKn Standar Kompetensi Memahami Kedaulatan Rakyat Dalam Sistem Pemerintahan di Indonesia Soleh, Ahmad; Khumaedi, Muhammad; Pramono, Suwito Eko
Journal of Research and Educational Research Evaluation Vol 6 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (229.797 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jrer.v6i1.16210


Pengembangan instrumen penilaian harus memenuhi unsur validitas dan reliabilitas agar menjadi instrumen penilaian yang baik (standar). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendiskripsikan dan menganalisis instrumen penilaian mata pelajaran PKn Standar Kompetensi Memahami Kedaulatan Rakyat dalam Sistem Pemerintahan di Indonesia untuk peserta didik kelas 8 Sekolah Menengah Pertama yang valid dan reliabel. Pengembangan instrumen penilaian mata pelajaran PKn dikembangkan dengan langkah-langkah pengembangan instrumen penilaian Djemari Mardapi dengan sedikit modifikasi. Teknik analisis data pada tahap pengembangan instrumen untuk mencari validitas isi dengan menggunakan metode analisis indek validitas dengan V indeks dari Aiken, untuk mencari indek reliabilitas isi dengan metode analisis anova dua jalur dengan rumus C. Hoyt (1941). Pada tahap uji coba lapangan, untuk mencari indek validitas konstrak dianalisis dengan metode analisis faktor, untuk mencari indek reliabilitas dianalisis dengan metode alfa Cronbah. Kreteria penerimaan validitas sebesar 0,3 kreteria reliabilitas sebesar 0,5. Pada tahap pengembangan instrumen, hasil analisis validitas isi menunjukkan bahwa semua instrumen sudah sesuai dengan indikator, untuk indeks reliabilitas isi juga telah memenuhi kreteria yang ditetapkan. Hasil analisis indeks validitas konstrak uji coba 1 sebesar 0,619 dan uji coba 2 sebesar 0,646. Hasil analisis indeks reliabilitas instrumen uji coba 1 sebesar 0,627 dan uji coba 2 sebesar 0,643. Hasil tersebut sudah lebih besar dari kreteria yang ditetapkan. Kesimpulannya Instrumen penilaian PKn yang dikembangkan sudah memenuhi kreteria sebagai instrumen yang valid dan reliabel. The development of assessment instruments must fulfill elements of validity and reliability. Elements of validity and reliability are a prerequisite for being a good assessment instrument (standard). The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze assessment instruments of PKn subject, Competency Standards Understanding Sovereignty of the People in the Government System in Indonesia for 8th grade students Junior High School valid and reliable. The development of assessment instruments PKn subjects based on the content on the standard of competence "to understand the sovereignty of the people in the system of government in Indonesia for ". The development of assessment instruments of PKn subject was developed by using steps Djemari Mardapi assessment instruments with minor modifications. Data analysis techniques in developing instruments was to search for content validity, by using a validity index analysis method with V index of Aiken, to search the contents of the reliability index using analysis method ANOVA two lanes of formula C. Hoyt (1941). During field trials, to search index construct validity was analyzed by factor analysis, to look for the reliability index was analyzed by alfa cronbah method. The results of the data analysis at this stage of development of instruments were obtained content validity suitable with indicators, to index the contents of the reliability suitable with date of creteriants. The results of the analysis of first trial construct validity index is 0.619 and second trial is 0.646. The results of the analysis instrument reliability index of first trial is 0.627 and second trial is 0,643. The results are greater than the stated criteria. In conclusion development of PKn Assessment instruments has been fulfilled the criteria as a valid and reliable.
Forum Ilmu Sosial Vol 42, No 2 (2015): December 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/fis.v42i2.9335


The purpose of this study establish an Industry problem-based learning model in social studies at Junior High School. Method in this study is the method Research and development (R&D). Location of the study is the first Junior High School in Gebog Kudus district. The conclusions of this study states that (1) the learning social studies in junior Kudus is done by varying the lecture method, (2) implementation of the model constraint is due to the absence of a model that allows teachers to implement an integrated social studies learning , and (3) the learning models developed used as a viable alternative model of learning in social studies learning activities at school . Furthermore , it is advisable to conduct training for teachers to improve the quality of teachers in implementing the learning model is developed.
Analysis Risk Management Japanese Language Education Study Program Universitas Negeri Semarang Fahrudin, Imam; Pramono, Suwito Eko; Widiyanto, Widiyanto
Educational Management Vol 9 No 2 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Educational Management

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The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze the risk management of the Japanese language education study program at Universitas Negeri Semarang. This research approach is a qualitative approach with a case study design. data collection using structured interview methods, unstructured interviews, and document study. The results of this study indicate that the risk management carried out by the Japanese language education study program Universitas Negeri Semarang is not yet structured, but is following the directions and rules of the university. Although not yet structured, risk management that is carried out can minimize the impact of a problem that can disrupt the stability or sustainability of the study program. There are already standard rules for handling each problem and special handling in each case. Carried out very carefully so that the stability of the study program is maintained. The benefit of this research is to provide insight into risk management in the Japanese language education program Universitas Negeri Semarang to maintain the quality of graduates and the sustainability of the study program itself and can be an example of risk management in other institutions.
The Influence of Customer Expectation and Marketing Mix on Customer Loyalty with Customer Satisfaction as Intervening Mukarromah, Syarifatul; Hardyanto, Wahyu; Eko Pramono, Suwito
Educational Management Article In Press August 2021
Publisher : Educational Management

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The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is an effect of customer expectations and marketing mix on customer loyalty with customer satisfaction as an intervention at SMK Al-Ittihad. All activities carried out by a school will ultimately lead to students' value regarding their perceived satisfaction. If student satisfaction is realized, loyalty to school is also manifested. This study's population were all SMK Al-Ittihad Boarding School Jungpasir, Wedung, Demak in the 2020/2021 academic year, with the sampling technique being the Stratified Random Sampling technique. The data collection technique is a questionnaire. The path analysis results (Path Analysis) show that there is a significant influence between the variable Customer Expectations and the Marketing Mix partially on Customer Satisfaction with the Sig. <0.05. Directly there is a significant influence between the variable Customer Expectations and Customer Satisfaction with Customer Loyalty with the Sig Value. <0.05, and there is no significant influence between the Marketing Mix variable and Customer Loyalty with the Sig. 0.778> 0.05. Customer Expectations directly affect Customer Loyalty with the direct effect value is greater than the indirect effect value (0.507> 0.316). Marketing Mix directly affects Customer Loyalty with the greater direct effect value than the indirect effect value (0.013> -0.201). This research is useful as input in the development of management science, especially in marketing management.
Role of Principal as Innovator, Motivator, and Collaborator in the Implementation of School-Based Management Sutrisna, Tri harto Eka; Eko Pramono, Suwito; Supraptono, Eko
Educational Management Article In Press August 2021
Publisher : Educational Management

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The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze the role of the principal as an innovator, motivator, and collaborator in the implementation of school-based management at SMP Nasima Semarang. This research approach is a qualitative approach with a holistic descriptive. Data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. Informants in this research were principals, vice principals, teachers, and school committees. The results of this study indicate that the role of the principal as an innovator, motivator, and collaborator in the implementation of school-based management at SMP Nasima Semarang is (1) as an innovator must have different, unique, and superior ideas (2) as a motivator must have a strategy in providing education ( 3) as collaborators must be able to involve all parties in providing education (4) the ability of school principals to manage professionally is the key to the successful implementation of school-based management (5) the participation of all parties results in transparency and accountability of parents of students towards the implementation of education
Educational Management Vol 4 No 2 (2015): December 2015
Publisher : Educational Management

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Total Quality Management (TQM) merupakan sebuah konsep pengelolaan lembaga pendidikan dalam rangka peningkatan mutu lembaga pendidikan melalui upaya perbaikan terus menerus, fokus pada pelanggan dan keterlibatan total. Pelaksanaan TQM di lembaga pendidikan tidak dapat dipisahkan dari segenap komponen yang ada seperti kepala sekolah, guru, staff dan dukungan pihak eksternal seperti komite sekolah untuk bekerjasama memberikan pelayanan yang maksimal kepada siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis implementasi TQM yang dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah, guru dan komite sekolah dalam mencapai kepuasan siswa. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif. Metode penelitian dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa SMK Negeri 1 Ampelgading mengimplementasikan TQM dalam mencapai kepuasan pelanggan dilakukan  melalui kepemimpinan visioner kepala sekolah, peran guru dan dukungan dari komite sekolah. Implementasi TQM di SMK Negeri 1 Ampelgading  mengacu pada ISO 9001:2008.
Educational Management Vol 5 No 2 (2016): December 2016
Publisher : Educational Management

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Loyalitas siswa sangat diperlukan untuk mempertahankan reputasi suatu sekolah sehingga penting bagi sekolah untuk mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi loyalitas siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas layanan, citra sekolah dan kepuasan siswa terhadap loyalitas siswa yang ada di SMK Islam Sudirman 2 Ambarawa baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain kausal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) terdapat pengaruh langsung yang signifikan kualitas layanan terhadap kepuasan siswa sebesar 0,162%, (2) terdapat pengaruh langsung citra sekolah terhadap kepuasan siswa sebesar 0,22%, (3) terdapat pengaruh langsung kualitas layanan terhadap loyalitas siswa sebesar 0,82%, (4) terdapat pengaruh langsung citra sekolah terhadap loyalitas siswa sebesar 0,54%, (5) terdapat pengaruh kepuasan siswa terhadap loyalitas siswa sebesar 0,79%, (6) tidak terdapat pengaruh secara tidak langsung kualitas layanan terhadap loyalitas siswa melalui kepuasan siswa dikarenakan hasil direct effect>indirect effect yaitu 0,387>0,1196 dan, (7) tidak terdapat pengaruh secara tidak langsung citra sekolah terhadap loyalitas siswa melalui kepuasan siswa dikarenakan hasil direct effect>indirect effect yaitu 0,265>0,22. Semakin tinggi kualitas layanan dan citra sekolah yang diberikan maka kuasan yang dirasakan juga akan tinggi dan membentuk loyalitas yang tinggi.
Co-Authors - Kustiono A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Agustin, Nur Anisa Ahadia Irawati, Fenia Ahmad Hariyadi, Ahmad Ahmad Soleh Amin Yusuf Amir Mahmud Angga Pandu Wijaya, Angga Pandu Angga Pradana Ani Rusilowati Arief Yulianto Arief Yulianto Arief Yulianto Arief Yulianto Arief Yuliyanto Arief Yuliyanto Arum Ambarsari Asri Indah Aryani Atno Atno Atno Atno Awalya Awalya, Awalya Broto Priyono Cahyo Budi Utomo Cahyo Budi Utomo Candra Nugraha Wati Dedi Prestiadi, Dedi DENI SETIAWAN Dewi Liesnoor Setyowati Dewi, Lutfia Kusuma Diana Indriastuti, Diana Durhan, Ferdinandus Durhan, Ferdinandus DYP Sugiharto Edi Kurniawan Eko Handoyo Eko Handoyo Eko Supraptono Erni Sari Dwi Devi Lubis Erniasih, Umi Erwin Alviyanto Eva Lilis Fahrudin, Imam Fakhruddin Fakhruddin Fakhruddin Fakhruddin Fakhruddin Heri Yanto Febriyanti Himmatul Ulya Gesine Schwan Guntur Cahyono Haryono Haryono Haryono Haryono Heri yanto Himdani, Himdani Himdani, Himdani I Ketut Sudiana Ibnu Sodiq Ida Zulaeha Imam Santoso Imron Imron Imron Imron Irfan Satya Prasaja Marpaung Istanto Istanto Isti Hidayah Istiqomah, Devi Nurul Istiqomah, Devi Nurul Jerry Puspitasari Joko Sutarto Juhadi Juhadi Junaidi Fery Lusianto Jupriyono Lusianto, Junaidi Fery M. Khalid Made Sudana, I Maman Rachman Martanto, Siswo Dwi Martono Martono Masrukhi Masrukhi Masrukhi Masrukhi Mega Persada, Nova Mega Persada, Nova Melati, Inaya Sari MIFTAKHUL JANNAH Miran Miran Misdiatun, Misdiatun Muhammad Irfan Hakim Muhammad Khumaedi Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad Wakhid Rozik Mukarromah, Syarifatul Mukhlis Mustofa Mukhlis Mustofa Murwatiningsih Murwatiningsih, Murwatiningsih Nanda Julian Utama Nathanael Agung Kristanto Nunik Pujiyanti Nunik Pujiyanti Nur Hikmah Nurdiana Nurdiana Nurul Ainna, Nurul Prastiwi, Ana Priyanto, Agustinus Sugeng PUJI LESTARI Purwadi Suhandini Putri Agus Wijayati Qorina, Dzurotul Qorina, Dzurotul Rasdi Ekosiswoyo Ratna Wahyu Pusari Ratna Wahyu Pusari Rizqiyawati, Ika Rohmah, Fitriya Romadi Romadi Rusdarti - Rustono - S. Martono Samsudi Samsudi Sandra Titihalawa Sandra Titihalawa Sanjoto, Tjaturrahono Budi Sapuan, Edi Satya Budi Nugraha Sisca Septiani Sri Muryanti Steaven Octavianus Subagyo Subagyo Suci H D W Suhandini, Purwadhi Suharso, R. Sulhadi Sulhadi Sulhadi Sulhadi sutarmi sutarmi Sutrimo Sutrimo, Sutrimo Sutrisna, Tri harto Eka Suyahmo Suyahmo Syaiful Amin Syaiful Amin Syauqi, ikhwan Fadli Taufiq Ridha Ilaahi Titi Prihatin Titi Prihatin Tjaturahono Budi Sanjoto Tri Joko Raharjo Tsabit Azinar Ahmad Umi Erniasih Utama, Nanda Julian Wahyu Hardyanto Wawan Setiawan Werdiningsih Werdiningsih Widi Setianah Widiyanto Widiyanto Y L Sukestiyarno Yeri Sutopo YL Sukestiyarno Yuli Pendriana Yuli Utanto Yuniar, Listya Eka Yunina Resmi Prananta Zaenab Zaenab