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Journal : Media Ilmu Kesehatan

Gambaran story card dkk (diagnosa keperawatan keluarga) pada aplikasi Dikei (Diagnosa Keperawatan Indonesia) Suwarno Suwarno; Sigid Nugroho Adhi
MEDIA ILMU KESEHATAN Vol 10 No 1 (2021): Media Ilmu Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30989/mik.v10i1.551


Background: Family nursing diagnosis is a clinical decision on family problems obtained from a family assessment and then analyzed so that action planning decisions and goals are in accordance with the problems and needs of the family. In this article, an overview of the DKK story card will be displayed in the DiKeI application. Nurses can use technology in the nursing care process, especially in nursing diagnoses because it is expected that time efficiency in the nursing care documentation process to clients is expected. Objective: To created the family nursing diagnosis android aplication Methods: The research metode used Agile Software with Exteme Programming. There are 6 stages of the XP development model, namely Exploration, Planning, Iteration, Production, Maintenance and End of the Cycle. Meanwhile, in presenting the data in this article, it only reaches the iteration stage of application development by stating the number and narrative of the sections on the DKK story card. Results: There are 10 story cards for Family Nursing diagnoses in this study as the basis for making the DiKeI application, with a characteristic boundary format followed by the subjective and objective data, then the possibility of a diagnosis will appear along with the etiology possibility, as a cause or risk factor for the diagnosis. Conclusion: The intellectual property rights of DKK application's story card have been received by the Indonesian Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights, thus facilitating the application production process. It can be continued into the production process and combined with the design of the DiKeI application especifically with the Individual Nursing Diagnosis (DKI) story cards.
Co-Authors Abdul Bari Azed Abdul Syani Afifah Ismail Agata Iwan Candra Aghid Cahya P. Agung Wendy Prasetyo Alia Rizki alwan kustono Amalia Putri Yulandi Andry Andry Angelita Puji Lestari Anita Damayantie Anita Perdana Anwar Haryono April Gunarto Arif Unwanullah Aris Aris Aris Hairmansis Ayu Setyowati BASUKI ARIANTO Bebas Widada Bramantyo, Rizki Yudha BUDI UTOMO Budi Winarno Chundakus H Damar Wibisono Darma Yulianti Purba Darwin Darwin Dedi Nursyamsi Derrick Derrick Dewi Utari Diah Khasanahwati Dini Siswani Mulia Dwi Prasetyo Dwifi Aprilia Karisma Eka Syofiana Eko Siswanto Fardhian Dwi Saputra Fauzie Nursandah Ferianto Ferianto Firda Divianatasya Giscka Brilien Purbasani Gunawan sihombing Handaru Indrian Adi Heri Wahyudiono Hindayati Mustafidah Hiroshi Masujima I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana Iin Purnamasari Ikhah Malikhah Imam Mustofa Iswandi Anas Ita Suryani ITSNATANI SALMA Itsuo Goto Kaniwa Berliani KAREL L. MANDAGIE Karma Iswasta Eka Lidwina Daru Andani M. Akhyar Melna Caintan Mila Savitri Muhammad Almi Hidayat Muhammad Erwan Syah MUHAMMAD YUSUF Murfiah Dewi Wulandari Nandi Kusmaryandi Niken Wijayanti Nur’Aini Purnamaningsih Odit Ferry Kurniadinata Pairul Syah Pipit Mugi Handayani prasetio dian fasesa Pudji Srianto PUTRI AYU ISTIFARI Qristin violinda Rahmad Rizki Rahmah Nurfitriani Ramadan Ramadan Ridaul Innayah Rini Hermanasari Risqifani Risqifani Roemintoyo Roemintoyo Rohana Rohana Romadhon Romadhon Saminuddin Saminuddin Saring Marsudi Sepia Melati Putri Sigid Nugroho Adhi Sigit Winarto Silvina Alvinnaja Siti Maemunah Siti Zumrotul Nikmah Sri Endah Wahyuningsih Sri Mulyati Sri Siswanti Sudiatmoko Sudiatmoko Sukatiman Sukatiman Sulik Anam Sutikno Sutikno Suwandi Suwandi Syahrul Fakhri Ramadhan Syamsuri Syamsuri Triyani Dewi Tumisem Tumisem Tutia Rahmi Tuwoso Tuwoso Wenny Savitri Widiatmaka . Winda Hastuti YULLIANIDA YULLIANIDA ZURIANA SIREGAR