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Journal : CCIT (Creative Communication and Innovative Technology) Journal

CCIT Journal Vol 7 No 3 (2014): CCIT JOURNAL
Publisher : Universitas Raharja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (185.729 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/ccit.v7i3.265


Along with the development of technology in building a website , usually in the PHP programming language , people tend to write the coding from scratch . It seems like Perguruan Tinggi Raharja website which has 4 ( four ) such problems in terms of appearance , contains , security and technology . Because the Perguruan Tinggi Raharja website is still under construction using conventional methods , which take a long time can eventually lead to problems such as complexity in the preparation of the program code . Where it can lead to the development of the website and the length of time it is difficult to perform more maintenance because the code of the compiled program does not have a good standard of application development . As a solution presented four (4 ) solution of the above problems is the infrastructure including a website , view websites , website content and dashboard system , this can be managed more easily by applying a PHP based frameworks like Yii Framework . Yii Framework is a framework that contains functions and classes using the MVC method contained therein . MVC is a method that separates the parts of a web application consists of a Model , View , and Controller . With the Yii Framework significant benefits obtained as easily perform all types of web application development because Yii is very light and comes with a caching solution that is satisfactory , and it is suitable for developing applications with high traffic . In terms of safety also has a pretty good level of security , including the prevention of cross- site scripting ( XSS ) , cross-site request forgery , and the prevention of attacks of cookies . With the construction of university websites using Yii Framework Prog expected to improve the performance of a website as a future spotlight Pribadi Raharja information .
Co-Authors Adhisuwignjo, Supriatna Afriyana Siregar Aldi Wildan Ramadani Allif Cendikiawan Anggy Cahya Merru Ani Agus Puspawati Aprilina Aprilina Ardian Dwi Primanda Ary Budi Warsito Ayu Meilina Bella Dhea Elinda Betty Saliun Bima Novian Bimantara Sakti Chaniago Helmi Santoso Daryono Daryono Deanne Sisilia Yessika Rumengan Decky Aspandi Latif Dewi Anggraeni Diniatik Diniatik Donny Radianto Dwi Asih Surjandari Edi Sulistio Budi Edy Suryadi Eka Novita Lestari Elok Diniarti Suwito Erick Febriyanto Fajar Shofa Firmansyah Fathoni Fathoni Fauziyyah Husna Nurdiayanah Lestari Fitri Fitri Fudji Sri Mar'ati G Semiadi Halida Novera Hamdani Hamdani Hari Kurnia Safitri Hariyadi Singgih Hartin Suidah Hendy Tannady Heni Nur Efendi Heri Yuda Novriawan Heriad Daud Salusu Herman Hariyadi Ari Murtono Herwandi Herwandi Hilmi Fauzi Husmul Beze Imelda Imelda Intan Fitri Meutia Isti Komalia ITA PRIHANTIKA Kasmiati Kasmiati Khoirul Anam Anam Kurniawan Falahi Akbar Lailani Gita Fania Lindawati Lindawati Mada Adi Wibowo MANUNTUN ROTUA Mardiana Mardiana Marhamah Marhamah Maria Wrightia Religiosa Meisa Erawati Michael Kelly Mindya Wahyu Nur Okta Moch Dani Darmawan Moh. Anas Kholish Mohammad Fauzi Mohammad Luqman Muhamad Yusup Muhammad Ilyas Muiszudin Muiszudin Muthidatul Anisa Namira Robihaningrum Nanik Nur Rosyidah Nasrul Hadi Nur Chasanah Nur Hidayat Nur Nur Chasanah Oi Tabita Pipit Festy Pura Surya Nugraha Qurotul Aini R Taufiq P Nugraha Rahayu Sulistyowati Refani Ilham Reza Ramadan Rusmini Sartono Sartono Sela Marselin Septian Dwi Prasetya Sidik Nurcahyo Silvia Ratna Wati Simon Sumanjoyo Hutagalung Siswoko Siswoko Sri Hapsari Sri Kayati Widyastuti Sungkono Sungkono Suparman Suparman Suprida Suprida Syahrul Akhmal Hidayatulloh Syofianis Syofianis Tamara Maudya Indah Fiari Tarmukan Tarmukan Titiek Puji Astuti Tri Wahyu Setyo Pambudi Vina Kartika Mahira Viny Christanti M Wirdateti Wirdateti Wisastra Ramadhan yah Kusumaningrum yoga satriawan Yosepha, Sri Yanthy Yufi Aris Lestari YUFI ARIS LESTARI Yufi Aris Lestari Yuli Hajizah Yuli Hartati Yunus Harjito Yusril Azza Ramadhan