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Journal : BIOTROPIA - The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology

Heavy Metals Contamination and Water Quality Parameter Conditions in Jatiluhur Reservoir, West Java, Indonesia Gatot Prayoga; Bagus Amalrullah Utomo; Hefni Effendi
BIOTROPIA - The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology Vol. 29 No. 1 (2022): BIOTROPIA Vol. 29 No. 1 April 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11598/btb.2022.29.1.1443


Waste pollution into the Citarum River (main water source of Jatiluhur Reservoir) was dominated by the manufacturing industry sector (textile, chemical, metal, pharmaceutical). Industrial was the most common contributor to heavy metal waste. Heavy metal contamination into waters will cause any problems, one of which was the emergence of various diseases both short and long term. Based on the issues, the study of heavy metal contamination and also water quality parameter conditions in the Jatiluhur Reservoir was necessary. The heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Hg, Pb, Cd) contents were determined using the X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectrometry method (for sediment) and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) method (for water). The other water quality parameters were analyzed using the methods from the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). Furthermore, the data were compared to the Canadian Sediment Quality Guidelines (for heavy metal in sediment) and water quality standards from Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 82 of 2001 (Class 3) (for water quality parameters). Concerning the discussion, Jatiluhur Reservoir was divided into three zones i.e. the inlet area, main inundation area, and outlet area. Conditions in the sedimentary layer, mercury (Hg) have accumulated throughout the Jatiluhur Reservoir area with conditions exceeding the maximum limit, while Cu metal tends to accumulate in the inlet area with conditions exceeding the minimum limit. For other heavy metals, exceed the minimum limit at some locations, but more results were below that. Although all heavy metals have not been detected in water, this was a warning that the presence of heavy metals in sediments can potentially dissolve into the water, the most extreme thing that can happen was upwelling. If this happens, the heavy metals can be contained excessively in water, harmful to and possibly consumed by aquatic biota and human. Considering these conditions, the biota that was most likely to be exposed was benthic organisms. In general, the water quality parameters in Jatiluhur Reservoir meet the quality standards. Only ammonia that does not meet the quality standards for sensitive fish life, regarding the massively of aquaculture activity in this reservoir.
Co-Authors - - mardiyana - - nurjanah . Chaidir A. Zaenal Mustopa A. Zaenal Mustopa Adi Sulaksono Aditya Herry Emawan Agustina Sinuhaji Ahmad Jamhari Rahmawan Ali Mashar Aloysius Adimas Kristianiarso Andrian Rizaldy Azhar Audra Ligafinza Audra Nur Ayub Sugara B Sartono Bagus Amalrullah Utomo Bagus Amalrullah Utomo Bq Tri Khairani Ilhami Bq Tri Khairina Ilhami Budi Kurniawan Budi Nurtama Budi Nurtama Chaidir Chaidir Charles Parningotan Haratua Simanjuntak Cut Meurah Nurul 'Akla Damar, Ario Dea Fauzia Lestari Dedi Soedarma Dedi Soedarma Dedi Soedharma DEDI SOEDHARMA Dedi Soedharma Dewanti Pratiwi Dietriech G. Bengen Dietriech Geoffrey Bengen Dino Rimantho Dita Ariyanti Ditta Ayu Anggraini Dwi Suci Indah Permata Sari Dyah Iswantini Dyah Muji Rahayu Enan M Adiwilaga Eriyatno . Erlangga Erliza Noor Erniati Etty Riani Eva Cristine Ronauli F Farlina Fitri Ariani Flandrianto Sih Palimirmo Fredinan Yulianda Gatot Prayoga Gatot Prayoga Gatot Yulianto Gede Iwan Setiabudi Ghozali, Ali Aulia Giri Maruto Darmawangsa Gunawan Gunawan Gunawan Pratama Yoga Hadi Supardi Hari Wijayanto Harum Farahisah Harum Farahisah Herman Yulianto I Wayan Nurjaya Imamshadiqin Iman Rusmana Imanullah Irza Arnita nur Kurniawan, Yehezkiel Steven Luisa Febrina Amalo Luluk Dwi Wulan Handayani Majariana Krisanti Marfian Dwidima Putra Maryono Maryono Maulid Wahid Yusuf Melanie Cornelia, Melanie Melki . Melki Melki Meutia Samira Ismet Muhammad Mukhlis Kamal Mujizat Kawaroe MUJIZAT KAWAROE MUJIZAT KAWAROE Mujizat Kawaroe Mujizat Kawaroe Mujizat Kawaroe Mukti Ali Mursalin Idris Mursalin Mursalin Mursalin Mursalin Nabil Zurba Neneng Marlian Neneng Sri Hendra Neviaty P Zamani Neviaty P. Zamani Neviaty P. Zamani NEVIATY PUTRI ZAMANI Niken TM Pratiwi Niken Tunjung Murti Pertiwi Niken Tunjung Murti Pratiwi Noveldesra Suhery Novera Nirmalasanti Novik Nurhidayat Ocky Karna Radjasa Ocky Karna Radjasa Prasetyo, Kunandar Purwantiningsih Sugita Purwanto, Yanuar Jarwadi Qadar Hasani Rachma Venita Rachmad Caesario Rahman Rahman Rahman Rahman Rahmat Pangestu Rais Sonaji Rebo Elfida Karo-Karo Refa Riskiana Rezi Apri Ririn Setyowati Rizal Syarief Rizal Syarief Rizki Novia Rahmi Romi Seroja Rozirwan . safrina dyah hardiningtyas Saiful Adhar Sigid Hariyadi Sigit Winarno Siti Rosa Oktavia Sulistiono Suprihatin Suprihatin Suprihatin Suprihatin Suprihatin Suprihatin Suprihatin Suprihatin Suria Darma Tarigan Surya Cipta Ramadhan Kete Taryono Taryono TATI NURHAYATI Tri Permadi Warsiki, Endang Widiatmaka . Widyatmoko Widyatmoko Wiwin Ambarwulan Wiwin Ambarwulan Yonvitner - Yudhi Amrial Yudho Andika Yudho Andika Yudi Setiawan Yunandar Yunandar Yuni Yolanda Yusli Wardiatno Zidni Ilma Palupi