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Journal : UPEJ Unnes Physics Education Journal

Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Siswa terhadap Media Pembelajaran PowerPoint Interaktif Berbasis RPE pada Materi Listrik Searah Fitroh, Ummi Nuzulul; Ellianawati, Ellianawati; Susilo, Susilo
UPEJ Unnes Physics Education Journal Vol 10 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : UPEJ Unnes Physics Education Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/upej.v10i2.54173


This study aims to analyze the responses of class XII students at MA Nahdlatul Muslimin Kudus to the use of interactive PowerPoint learning media based on RPE (Realistic Physic Education) in the physics learning process. The research sample was 25 students. In this study, there were two problems that were investigated, namely related to student responses to the use of interactive media in the physics learning process and the level of student preference for the media that had been presented in the physics learning process in the classroom. The data obtained in this study were in the form of student response questionnaire data and physics teacher interviews. The data were analyzed using descriptive analytical methods to obtain answers to the problems in the study. The results of the average level of student satisfaction with the use of interactive powepoint media based on RPE (Realistic Physic Education) were 3.25 with the very good category. The result of the level of liking was obtained that 55% of students gave very interesting responses, as many as 32% of students gave interesting responses and as many as 13% of students gave casual responses to interactive media applied in the physics learning process. This shows that students like interactive learning media in the physics learning process, so that learning is more effective and less boring.
Pengembangan E-Module Aplikatif untuk Memperkuat Penguasaan Materi Fisika pada Kompetensi Keahlian di SMK Basyaruddin, Irfan; Ellianawati, Ellianawati
UPEJ Unnes Physics Education Journal Vol 10 No 3 (2021)
Publisher : UPEJ Unnes Physics Education Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/upej.v10i3.55700


Physics is the main subject given to Vocational High Schools (SMK), especially in the fields of technology and engineering. The implementation of the 2013 curriculum at the vocational education level has an impact on changing the time for learning physics to become relatively narrow. This is added with the covid-19 pandemic, which requires students to learn independently, it makes teacher experience difficulty in delivering physics material as a whole and in-depth. The purpose of this research is to develop an applicative electronic module (E-Module ) based on android as a supplement in learning that can be used by students independently. The method used is Research and Development (RnD). The sample in this study were students of class X TKR 2 and X TKR 3 at SMK Muhammadiah Randublatung. The results of the feasibility test show that the E-Module is suitable for use as a supplement in learning with a percentage of eligibility for the material of 84.72% and a percentage of media feasibility of 95%. The legibility test results showed that the E-Module was easily understood by students with a percentage of 82%. The results of the field test showed that the E-Module got a good response from students as a supplement in learning with a percentage of 80.20%.
Analysis of The Suitability of Eleventh Grade Physics Textbooks with the Independent Curriculum Erlina Puspita Wahyuningtyas; Ellianawati Ellianawati
UPEJ Unnes Physics Education Journal Vol 12 No 2 (2023): Agustus 2023
Publisher : UPEJ Unnes Physics Education Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/upej.v12i2.72073


The emergence of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease) pandemic in Indonesia at the end of 2019 became a turning point in all aspects of life, one of which was education which implemented a distance learning policy. This policy causes learning loss (loss of interest in learning) for some students. Efforts made by the government to overcome the problem of learning losses are by changing the curriculum. Learning resources in the form of subject text books used in schools are one of the learning media that has been affected by curriculum changes. The advantages and disadvantages of subject textbooks can be identified by conducting an analysis. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the suitability of a physics textbook by authors Mike Crundell and Geoff Goodwin entitled "Physics for Class XI SMA" with the five aspects of the Independent Curriculum by using the documentation or text analysis method, in which the researcher analyzed, described, explained, described, write, and report the state of objects or data obtained from data sources. Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that the suitability of the book with the Graduate Competency Standards aspect averages 92.85% with the very good category, the percentage results of suitability with the Learning Outcomes aspect average 74.28% with the sufficient category, then the percentage of suitability results with the Average Objective aspect the learning average is 72.14% in the sufficient category, the results of the percentage of suitability with the Material Coverage aspect are on average 90% in the very good category, and the percentage of results according to the Depth of Material aspect is an average of 91.42 included in the very good category.
Co-Authors A Rusli A. Sopyan, A. Achmad Sopyan Aditya Marianti Afrian, Zain Agung Tri Prasetya Agus Suprianto Agus Yulianto Agus Yulianto Ajeng Mudaningrat Aldi Ihsandi Ali Djamhuri Alvian, Alvian Alvian, Alvian Ani Rusilowati Anisa Setiyani Ardi Soesilo Wibowo Ariati, Theodora Prahereni Novi Arief Budhiman Arif Widiyatmoko, Arif Arik Pujiyanti Aryani, Nila Prasetya Aryono Adhi Azizah, Wulan Aulia B. Subali Baihaqi, Muhammad Arifin Bambang Subali Bambang Subali Bambang Subali Subali Basyaruddin, Irfan Bayu Ramadhani Putra Belita Yoan Intania Budi Naini Mindyarto, Budi Naini Cahyaningrum, Ryzka Cholila, M. D Rusdiana D. Rusdiana Darmahastuti, H. Darsono, Teguh Desianna, Ika Devi Meiarti Didik Setiawan Dyah Rini Indriyanti Edy Cahyono Effendy, Suhardi Effendy, Suhardi Eresa Putri Meilanie Erlina Puspita Wahyuningtyas Esty Setyo Utaminingsih Faikotun Nikmah Fazyudi Ahmad Nadzri Febriani, Marosyana Ayu Felia Oktaviana Sekarningtias Fianti Fianti, Fianti Fitria Wulandari Fitroh, Ummi Nuzulul Frisca Amedia Ghaida Nisa Gita Ayu Permatasari H. Firman Hanik Aida Hartono, Rudi Helina Pancawardhani Hidayat, Praba Wahyu Ian Yulianti, Ian Ida Kaniawati Idammatussilmi Indah Beti Lestari Indah Beti Lestari Indra Kartika Sari Isdaryanti, Barokah Isnaedi, Wiwi Isti Hidayah Isti Nur Hayanah Izza Melati Sukma J Sabandar Janah, Anisa Furtakhul Katrina Ramadhani Lestari, Indah Beti Marantika, Anisa Aulia Maria Ayu Puspita Masfufah, Febri Heni Merdhenita Restuti Miftakhul Jannah MIFTAKHUL JANNAH Milah, Isna Lukluil Millah, Isna Lukluil Mohamad Aryono Adhi Mohamad Sidiq Mohammad Agus Prayitno Mohammad Mubarrak bin Mohd Yusof Mohammad Mubarrak Mohd Yusof Mohammad Mubarrak Mohd Yusof Mosik - Mufiatunnikmah, Siti Muhammad An’im Arravi Muhammad Haziq Hazim Raji’e Murni Mekua Muslichatun, Muslichatun Nanik Wijayati Nguyen Van Bien Niken Tri Widayati Nindy Ulqia Norasikin Yahya Nuni Widiarti Nur Farha Shaafi Nur Fitri Asih Nur Khasanah Nur Wahyudi Nurahman, Nurul Iman Nurhasan Ropii Pakungwati, Intan Fauziyyah Parmin Parmin Pontus, Theresia Avila Praptiwi, Ucca Swasti Pratiwi Dwijananti Putri Handayani Putri Handayani Putut Marwoto Qori Agussuryani Rachma Afifah Ramadhani, Katrina Restuti, Merdhenita Rofita Istiqomah Rohim, Ahmad Minanur Rosnah Zakaria S. N. Khotimah, S. N. S. Wahyuni Samsudi . Sarwi - Sarwi Sarwi Sayang Mohd Deni Sekarini, Assa Prima Setiani, Yuniar Setiyadi, Hafid Setyaningsih, Natalia Erna Shabrina Caesharah Aulia Sharipah Ruzaina Syed Aris Sigit Saptono Sismanto Sismanto Siswanto Siswanto Siswanto Siswanto Siswanto Siswanto Siswanto Siti Fairuz Dalim Siti Mufiatunnikmah Siti Wahyuni Slamet Firdaus Sopyan, Achmad Sri Haryani Sri Mulyani Endang Susilowati, Sri Mulyani Endang Sri Sumartiningsih SRI WARDANI Sudarmin Sudarmin Sudarmin Sudarmin Sudarmin Sudarmin Sudarmin Sudarmin Sudarmin Sudarmin Suharto Linuwih Sunyoto Eko Nugroho, Sunyoto Eko Supriyadi Supriyadi Supriyadi Supriyadi Suryanto, Wiwit Susilo Susilo Sutikno Madnasri Syir' Anatut Taqiyyah Sylvia Ervina Safitri Teoh Sian Hoon Theresia Avila Pontus Tri Joko Raharjo Tri Maria Wea Ucca Swasti Praptiwi Ucca Swasti Praptiwi Ulfa, Cinta Rahmalia Upik Nurbaiti W. Wiyanto Wahyu Hardyanto Wahyu Listiagfiroh Wahyudi Wahyudi Widyaningsih, Mitasari Wiwi Isnaedi Wiwi Isnaeni Wiyanto - Wiyanto Wiyanto Wiyanto Wiyanto Woro Sumarni Wulan Aulia Azizah Yeni Rima Liana Yuniarti, Nenik Zahidah, Nila Zahro, Unes Satuz Zulfatul Faizah