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Journal : Journal of Innovative Science Education

Junior High School Students' Perception about the Computer-Based Examination aith Computer-Based Science Evaluation (CBSE) Fahrurrohman, Atriyanto; Ridlo, Saiful; Nugroho, Sunyoto Eko
Journal of Innovative Science Education Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Article In Press
Publisher : Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (401.209 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jise.v7i2.25362


Computer-Based Science Evaluation (CBSE) is one of just my assessment for measuring student knowledge tailored to the ability. Based on observations in Surakarta Country 1 that MTs has still not implemented the computer as a tool in the evaluation of the learning process. As long as this is still using paper in performing the evaluation. The purpose of the study is to describe the student's perception of the computer-based examination with Computer-Based Science Evaluation (CBSE). Place research at MTs Country, Surakarta Class VII 1 school year 2017/2018. Methods used i.e. descriptive – qualitative data collection techniques include documentation, interviews, observation, and question form. Data is already collected data triangulation method is done next. Results of the study i.e. score student perception of the use of CBSE demonstrated by feasibility question good, the feasibility of CBSE media very well, and the effectiveness of the CBSE is very good. The opinions of the students against the use of CBSE i.e. attractive, happy to use it, it's easy to understand the problem, the only difficulty in working on the problem.  This research is expected to be the experience for students working on an online-based exam, as well as input for teachers and schools to implement an online-based exam in measuring students ' ability after carrying out the learning process. The use of the CBSE is expected to be used in Deuteronomy daily (UH), Deut. midterm (UTS), a repeat of the end of the semester (UAS).
Analysis of the Analytical Junior High School Deaf Students’ Thinking Ability in SMPLBN Ungaran Anggraini, Tina; Eko Nugroho, Sunyoto; Subali, Bambang
Journal of Innovative Science Education Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Article In Press
Publisher : Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (814.15 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jise.v0i0.28232


This study aims to determine the ability of analytic thinking students especially deaf students. Analytic is included in thinking skills that lead students to become independent thinkers and able to demonstrate the quality of students' abilities. There are 3 stages in analytic thinking, namely differentiating, attributing and connecting. The method used in the study is mixed methods with concurent strategies. The subject of this research is State Public High School for Deaf students. The improvement of students' analytical thinking ability is 0.22 and included in the low category. The results of the percentage value of deaf students for differentiating indicators was 56.94%, attributed to 43.05%, and linking by 71.11%.
Analysis of Science Literation and Scientific Attitude at Temperature and Calor Wildayanto, Arif; Sudarmin, Sudarmin; Nugroho, Sunyoto Eko
Journal of Innovative Science Education Vol 9 No 2 (2020): August 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1063.13 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jise.v8i3.33185


PISA research results in 2009, 2012 and 2015 show that the ability of scientific literacy in Indonesia is still relatively low. This study aims to determine the ability of scientific literacy and scientific attitudes of students. This type of research is mixed methods. The step in explanatory research is that researchers gather and analyze quantitative data first, then followed by the collection and analysis of qualitative data. The research was carried out in three public / private junior high schools. Class VII samples with a purposive or judgmental sampling technique. Data collection methods: 1) Test method, 2) Questionnaire method, and 3) Interview method. Test the validity of data validity and reliability later in data analysis techniques 1) Presentation of data, 2) Reduction of data, 3) Conclusions. The results of this study score distribution of students who answered correctly on tests of scientific literacy skills below the average of less than 50 and included in the category of less. The average value of students on the ability of scientific attitudes in three schools based on the results of the questionnaire that is 64-75 with the average category is high. This is because students are not accustomed to science literacy activities, so the value of students' scientific lietaration is low, while the ability of scientific attitudes of students tends to be high.
Effectiveness of Digital Heat Teaching Materials Based on Science, Environment, Technology, Society (SETS) to Improve Science Literacy of Junior High School Students Astuti, Heny Yuliana; Nugroho, Sunyoto Eko; Astuti, Budi
Journal of Innovative Science Education Vol 11 No 2 (2022): August 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jise.v10i1.53302


Nowadays, students need scientific literacy to develop skills to deal with technological developments in the industrial era 4.0. According to several studies, the scientific literacy of Junior High School and Islamic Junior High School students in various regions in Indonesia is in the medium and low categories. Innovative teaching materials appropriate for use in online learning are digital teaching materials. The development of SETS-based digital teaching materials is one of the efforts to improve students' scientific literacy in an online learning. The purpose of this research is to analyze how the validity, readability, and effectiveness of SETS based digital heat teaching materials improve the scientific literacy of Junior High School students. The method employed in this research was the Research and Development (R&D. It took the research sample from seventh-grade students of State Junior High School 3 Juwana by selecting three classes totalling 90 students. The expert validation of teaching materials using expert judgment obtained a score of 93.18% and the proof of media experts received 92.65%, indicating that teaching materials were suitable for learning media. The readability test results to the teaching materials using the gap test showed that the teaching materials were easy to understand. The results of the N-gain test from the pretest and posttest scores obtained a score of 0.706, which indicated that the enhancement of student’s scientific literacy was in the high category. Based on these result, it can be concluded that SETS-based digital teaching materials were effective in improving the scientific literacy of Junior High School students.
Co-Authors Adi Nur Cahyono Aeniah, Aeniah Agung Tri Prasetya Agung Tri Prasetyo Agung Tri Wibowo Agus Yulianto Amin Yusuf Anggraini, Tina Ani Rusilowati Anugrahaini, Ulya Santa Ardiansyah Pratama, Ardiansyah Arif Widiyatmoko, Arif Aryono Adhi, Aryono Aslamiyah, Lailatul Asrizal Wilsa Astuti, Heny Yuliana Awan, Meiseti Bambang Subali Budi Astuti Budi Naini Mindyarto, Budi Naini Candra Dewi Desianna, Ika Dewi Sucifitriyani Doni Setiawan Eko Juliyanto Eko Juliyanto Ellianawati, Ellianawati Endang Susilaningsih Endang Susilaningsih Endang Susilaningsih Erna Noor Savitri, Erna Noor Fahrurrohman, Atriyanto Fajrianti, Fajrianti Fina Fakhriyah Fina Fakhriyah Hadi Susanto Hartono Hartono Hartono Hartono Hartono Hartono Huda, Muhammad Jamalul Ian Yulianti, Ian IKMAH, ISTI Imam, Fathul Inna Latifa Rahmawati, Inna Latifa Isa Akhlis Iwan junaedi Joko Sutarto Kholifahrini, Riska Khotimah, Amalia Khusnul Kusumastuti, Rahmi Puji Lidia, Riska Lisdiana Lisdiana M. Hidayatur Rohman M. Hidayatur Rohman Masturi Masturi Mayasari, Oktaviana Arista Minhat, Minhat Muhamad Kurnia Sugandi Muhammad Miftakhul Falah Muhammad Miftakhul Falah Mulyati, Restina Muji Munazah, Yuli Musyarrof, Ahmad Fatih Muttaqin, Rudhotul Niken Wulandari Noor, Yusmaniar Afifah Nourmayanti, Andrina Eka Ovan, Ovan Pratiwi, Anisha Yuniar Prayitno, Wasi Sakti Wiwit Puji Hartono Putra, Ngurah Made Darma Putut Marwoto Riva Ismawati* Saiful Ridlo Salma, Vidya Matarani Sarwi - Setiawan, Agus Setiawan, Puji Agus SETIYAWATI, NINIK Setyoningrum, Andi Setyono, Anton Sigit Saptono Siti Fatimah Slamet Maulana Slamet Maulana Sri Mulyani Endang Susilowati, Sri Mulyani Endang Sudarmin Sudarmin Sudarmin Sudarmin Sugianto Sugianto Sugiyanto - Suharto Linuwih Sukestiyarno Sukestiyarno Sulhadi - Sulistiarmi, Wike Sumarli, Sumarli Supriyadi Supriyadi Supriyadi Supriyadi Sutikno Sutikno Suyanto Suyanto Titik Hidayati, Titik Totok Sumaryanto Florentinus, Totok Sumaryanto Uzaedah, Elly Wawan Wawan wildayanto, arif Wiyanto - Wiyanto Wiyanto Wiyanto Wiyanto Woro Sumarni Yasiroh, Laeli Yusmaniar Afifah Noor Zaenuri Mastur