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Journal : Proceeding of International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology

Scientific Argumentation Measurement Pattern of Pre-Service Elementary School Teachers: A Literature Review Fina Fakhriyah; Ani Rusilowati; Sunyoto Eko Nugroho; Sigit Saptono
International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology Vol. 8 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Abstrak. Scientific argumentation is a means to encourage students' critical thinking skills toward natural phenomena. By having scientific argumentation, a higher conceptual understanding of students could be ensured. This research aims to review and explore the related scientific argumentation findings for describing the importance of scientific argumentation measurement and finding out the patterns of scientific argumentation measurement. The literature review analyses showed that scientific argumentation-based learning could improve critical thinking, creative thinking, and problem-solving skills. Besides that, the scientific argumentation measurement pattern could be found out by using Toulmin Argumentation Pattern (TPA), Scientific Argumentation and Reasoning (SRA), and Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning (CER). Scientific argumentation could be used to improve students' understanding of scientific concepts related to science phenomena. Thus, creating conclusions and understanding learning concepts by using claims and rebuts logically, analytically, and scientifically could occur. The empowerment strategy by using scientific argumentation measurement pattern is important to apply. Using an appropriate learning model is also important to create better students' outcomes with 21st-century skills.Key words: scientific arguments, measurement pattern, literature review
How to Measure Complex Problem Solving Skills: A Systematic Literature Review Eko Juliyanto; Wiyanto Wiyanto; Sunyoto Eko Nugroho; Budi Naini Mindyarto
International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology Vol. 7 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The purpose of this study is to conduct a literature review on measuring the Complex Problem Solving (CPS) skills. This study examines the instruments used to measure the CPS skills in the past 10-15 years. In addition, this study also describes indicators for measuring CPS skills. This type of research used in this study is a systematic literature review study using the PRISMA principle. The results showed that most of the CPS measurement instruments used in the journal articles reviewed were computer-based tests. Computer-based tests were chosen because they can simulate a dynamic environment. The CPS studies reviewed did not use certain CPS indicators and became a standard. The CPS indicators used are adjusted to the research theme being carried out.
Physics Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in Developing Content Representation (CoRe) on the Topic of Classical Mechanics Muhammad Miftakhul Falah; Hartono Hartono; Sunyoto Eko Nugroho; Saiful Ridlo
International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology Vol. 7 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This study aims to describe physics teachers' ability to represent their content knowledge and pedagogy on classical mechanics concept using a CoRe framework in teaching practice, and to figure out their ability to develop the CoRe according to the length of teaching experiences, educational levels, and gender. The data were collected by reviewing the CoRe documents created by 40 high school physics teachers in Central Java and the Yogyakarta Special Region as a part of in-service training activities. The RASCH model was employed to analyze the research data, both qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of the study revealed that teachers were able to develop the CoRe with high qualification (76,1%). There was no teacher with poor and even fail categories. The ability to develop the CoRe will support them in designing a classroom learning. The aspect that requires improvement is the statement about outlining the material structures that will be delivered to students based on their mastery levels. The findings employing the DIF analysis showed that the length of teaching experiences had an effect on differences in the ability to develop the CoRe on the aspects of big idea development, material choices and sequences of delivery. Nevertheless, the ability of male and female teachers to develop CoRe is relatively similar. Meanwhile, physics teachers with master degree have better identification skills and procedures for the significance of big idea development than those with bachelor degree do.
Meta-Analysis of Student Reality Construction in Online Practicum Yusmaniar Afifah Noor; Ngurah Made Darma Putra; Sunyoto Eko Nugroho
International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology Vol. 7 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The absence of ideal characteristics from the use of practicum can be solved based on empirical data which makes the practicum more effective. Reality construction is a way of taking pictures based on what students get from practical experience. The purpose of this study is to identify indicators of reality construction formed by students in online practicums. The method used is a meta-analysis by reviewing 24 international journals. The data analysis used is quantitative data analysis with effect size and percentage, while qualitative data analysis is for data resulting from narrative studies of the studies encountered. Based on analysis study of reality construction indicators can be generated five indicators that often appear, which is conceptual understanding, relevance and contribution of laboratory activities, student satisfaction, interaction and laboratory work patterns, resources and instructional. Students' conceptual understanding can be increased by applying online practicum. More than 60% of respondents stated that the contribution of online practicum is the same or better than conventional practicum. Overall, students feel quite satisfied in accessing online practicum, especially satisfaction in terms of time. However, students have more difficulty collaborating in online practicums. Along with the development of digital technology can facilitate interaction by communicating virtually. In addition, adequate quality of resources and instructional resources are needed so that they can effectively frame student learning.
The Needs Analysis for the Development of an Ethnoecological-STEAM Project-Based Learning Model with the Utilization of Water Hyacinth to Improve 21st Century 4C Skills for Students as Science Teacher Candidates M. Hidayatur Rohman; Putut Marwoto; Sunyoto Eko Nugroho; Supriyadi Supriyadi
International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology Vol. 9 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Students need to master 21st-century skills from primary education to higher education, the aim is to respond to the paradigms and characteristics of 21st-century education. One of the activities to answer the challenges of 21st-century education is the development of learning models. This study aims to analyze the need to develop learning models to improve 21st-century skills for prospective science teacher students. The research method used is an Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods Design with three stages, while the general procedure for developing learning models uses the ADDIE method (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate). The needs analysis in this research is part of the qualitative exploration stage related to the first stage of data collection, and the second stage is about the draft model development, or in the ADDIE method, it is included in the analysis and design stage. The research subjects were 10 science lecturers, 33 science education students, and 37 science teachers at junior high schools in the Semarang district. The innovative model developed is an Ethnoecological-STEAM project-based learning model (PjBL E-STEAM) with the utilization of water hyacinth to improve 21st-century 4C skills for students as science teachers’ candidates. The results of the needs analysis are the initial product of the model development that will be piloted, namely the syntax of the PjBL E-STEAM model (Learn, Discuss, Perform, Elaborate, Convey, Practice, Evaluate, and Use), the PjBL E-STEAM based Learning Module, and instruments to measure 21st-century 4C skills.
Diagnostic Test for Analyze Students' Conception in Science Education: A Review Article Slamet Maulana; Ani Rusilowati; Sunyoto Eko Nugroho; Endang Susilaningsih
International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology Vol. 9 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Diagnostic tests are a form of evaluation in education that has a high level of urgency because diagnostic tests are able to find the level of studnets’ conceptions. So, this study aims to examine the research that has been carried out related to diagnostic tests for evaluation in education, the possibility of further development, and impact on the implementation of evaluation in education. This research is a review study to analyze research trends regarding diagnostic tests for evaluation in education, the possibilities for their development, and their impact on education. Based on the results of the research and the descriptions, this is certainly an opportunity to conduct research related to diagnostic tests to analyze the level of students’ conceptions in science education. The research related to diagnostic tests for evaluation in the field of education is still very much needed. Opportunities that can be further developed related to related research are the development of diagnostic test materials, forms of diagnostic tests, to the research subjects of the diagnostic tests themselves. This will certainly have an impact on the development of educational evaluation which not only provides alternative evaluation tools for teachers, but also provides clear information about the level of studnets’ conceptions, even to analyze the misconceptions possibility in students, as well as providing information to teachers about the feedback that must be given to the students.
Integration of ICT in Flipped Classroom Physics Learning: Systematic Review Wawan Wawan; Sudarmin Sudarmin; Woro Sumarni; Sunyoto Eko Nugroho; Adi Nur Cahyono; Arif Widiyatmoko
International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology Vol. 9 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The integration of technology in classroom learning has become a common trend among educators. The use of technology in LMS, video conferencing, and others that are integrated with the learning process is very important. This review aims to analyze the integration of models and learning media in a flipped classroom for learning physics. The method used is a systematic review. The data was collected on an academic database, namely Scopus with the help of the Harzing's Publish or Perish application using the keyword “Flipped”. The analysis sample used is articles about learning Flipped Classroom as many as 1614 articles published in 2011-2021. Based on the six inclusion criteria, the articles analyzed were 20 articles. The instrument used is a coding sheet that summarizes the data and information of the article. The results show that the flipped classroom can use various media, in the form of videos, quizzes, LMS, online textbooks, blogs, discussion groups, Facebook groups, quizzes, LMS, PDF materials, PPT materials, Phet simulation, or in web form. The most commonly used media are videos, quizzes and LMS. In general, the use of media in flipped classrooms has been effective, but there are things that need to be considered in making media, including: 1) Making videos with shorter durations, 2) showing more video examples, 3) videos linked to the YouTube platform are good in LMS or independently, 4) Requires class guidance and agreement so that the use of media is effective.
Co-Authors Adi Nur Cahyono Aeniah, Aeniah Agung Tri Prasetya Agung Tri Prasetyo Agung Tri Wibowo Agus Yulianto Amin Yusuf Anggraini, Tina Ani Rusilowati Anugrahaini, Ulya Santa Ardiansyah Pratama, Ardiansyah Arif Widiyatmoko, Arif Aryono Adhi, Aryono Aslamiyah, Lailatul Asrizal Wilsa Astuti, Heny Yuliana Awan, Meiseti Bambang Subali Budi Astuti Budi Naini Mindyarto, Budi Naini Candra Dewi Desianna, Ika Dewi Sucifitriyani Doni Setiawan Eko Juliyanto Eko Juliyanto Ellianawati, Ellianawati Endang Susilaningsih Endang Susilaningsih Endang Susilaningsih Erna Noor Savitri, Erna Noor Fahrurrohman, Atriyanto Fajrianti, Fajrianti Fina Fakhriyah Fina Fakhriyah Hadi Susanto Hartono Hartono Hartono Hartono Hartono Hartono Huda, Muhammad Jamalul Ian Yulianti, Ian IKMAH, ISTI Imam, Fathul Inna Latifa Rahmawati, Inna Latifa Isa Akhlis Iwan junaedi Joko Sutarto Kholifahrini, Riska Khotimah, Amalia Khusnul Kusumastuti, Rahmi Puji Lidia, Riska Lisdiana Lisdiana M. Hidayatur Rohman M. Hidayatur Rohman Masturi Masturi Mayasari, Oktaviana Arista Minhat, Minhat Muhamad Kurnia Sugandi Muhammad Miftakhul Falah Muhammad Miftakhul Falah Mulyati, Restina Muji Munazah, Yuli Musyarrof, Ahmad Fatih Muttaqin, Rudhotul Niken Wulandari Noor, Yusmaniar Afifah Nourmayanti, Andrina Eka Ovan, Ovan Pratiwi, Anisha Yuniar Prayitno, Wasi Sakti Wiwit Puji Hartono Putra, Ngurah Made Darma Putut Marwoto Riva Ismawati* Saiful Ridlo Salma, Vidya Matarani Sarwi - Setiawan, Agus Setiawan, Puji Agus SETIYAWATI, NINIK Setyoningrum, Andi Setyono, Anton Sigit Saptono Siti Fatimah Slamet Maulana Slamet Maulana Sri Mulyani Endang Susilowati, Sri Mulyani Endang Sudarmin Sudarmin Sudarmin Sudarmin Sugianto Sugianto Sugiyanto - Suharto Linuwih Sukestiyarno Sukestiyarno Sulhadi - Sulistiarmi, Wike Sumarli, Sumarli Supriyadi Supriyadi Supriyadi Supriyadi Sutikno Sutikno Suyanto Suyanto Titik Hidayati, Titik Totok Sumaryanto Florentinus, Totok Sumaryanto Uzaedah, Elly Wawan Wawan wildayanto, arif Wiyanto - Wiyanto Wiyanto Wiyanto Wiyanto Woro Sumarni Yasiroh, Laeli Yusmaniar Afifah Noor Zaenuri Mastur