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ISLAMISASI ILMU PENGETAHUAN Syafrizal; Aliasar; Wedra Aprison
Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Volume 1 No 2
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (266.357 KB) | DOI: 10.31004/jpion.v1i2.62


The purpose of this discussion is the Origin and Characteristics of Madrasas. The type of research that the writer did was field research which is a qualitative description. Data collection techniques that the authors use are through observation, interviews, and documentation. The validity of the data used is triangulation. The analysis technique that the writer uses according to Miles and Huberman. The research results show that Al-Faruqi was the first person to initiate the Islamization of science. His intellectual sharpness and scientific criticism brought him to the conclusion that western-style social sciences show quite basic methodological weaknesses, especially when applied to understanding the reality of social life of Muslims who have a very different outlook on life from Western society. In carrying out the process of Islamization of knowledge, there are several objectives, namely: Mastering modern scientific disciplines, Mastering Islamic heritage, establishing special relevance to every field of modern science, Finding ways for creative synthesis between (Islamic) heritage and modern science, Building Islamic thought in the path that leads to obedience to God’s law, there is recognition of the existence of a hierarchy or levels of knowledge, Laying revelation the highest standard in discovering the truth.
Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Volume 1 No 2
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (171.316 KB) | DOI: 10.31004/jpion.v1i2.65


This paper discusses the political policies of Islamic Religious Education within the regulatory framework in Indonesia. Islamic Religious Education in general is included in the national curriculum in all schools, both public and religious schools. This writing uses the method of literature study. The conclusions from this writing are 1) Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System has regulated the position of Islamic Education. In this Law, the position of Islamic Education is regulated as a subject and as a Sub-System of National Education, 2) Regulations in Indonesia as a source of formal law in the form of laws and regulations which have several elements, namely a written decision formed by state institutions or authorized official, and binding on the general public, 3) Government Regulation Number 55 of 2007 concerning Religious Education and Religious Education which makes Islamic education regulations increasingly clear in the Indonesian legal system.
Implementasi Pembelajaran Tahfidz Al-Qur’an dengan Menggunakan Metode Tasmi’ di SMP Islam Al-Ishlah Bukittinggi Aulia Rizki Fadhila; Amar Husni; Wedra Aprison; Iswantir M
Journal on Education Vol 5 No 3 (2023): Journal on Education: Volume 5 Nomor 3 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The purpose of this study was to identify (1) Implementation of learning tahfidz Al-Qur'an using the tasmi' method (2) Supporting and inhibiting factors for learning tahfidz Al-Qur'an using the tasmi' method. This study uses a qualitative approach using descriptive methods. Researchers collect data through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data were analyzed in three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The technique of guaranteeing the validity of the data is by using source triangulation. Based on the results of the research that the researchers conducted, it can be interpreted that: 1) Implementation consists of planning, implementation, and evaluation, namely (a) Planning for learning Alqur'an tahfidz using the tasmi' method consists of 4 steps, namely planning objectives, materials, methods used will be carried out and assessed. (b) The implementation of learning Al-Qur'an tahfidz using the tasmi' method is that students do tasmi' when they have memorized 5 corners/pages. For tasmi' 1 juz, there are 4 meetings. Learning activities are carried out 2 times a week. (c) Evaluation of Al-Qur'an tahfidz learning using the tasmi' method is carried out by evaluating the objectives, materials, methods, and assessment of its implementation. 2) The supporting factors and inhibiting factors in learning tahfidz Al-Qur'an using the tasmi' method come from students, namely intelligence, intention, and willingness to memorize the Al-Qur'an.
Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 2 No 1
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jpion.v2i1.92


The main problem in this writing is the Theory of Islamic Education from the Perspective of the Qur'an and Hadith. This is what the construction of Islamic education is important to do considering that the concept of education in the Islamic world is influenced by western world views, many Islamic educational institutions are not based on the Koran and hadith. The purpose of this discussion is the Theory of Islamic Education from the Perspective of the Qur'an and Hadith. The type of research that the writer did was field research which is a qualitative description. Data collection techniques that the authors use are through observation, interviews, and documentation. The validity of the data used is triangulation. The analysis technique that the writer uses according to Miles and Huberman. The results of the research show that in an Islamic view, the essence of educators is Allah SWT, the Prophets and Apostles and the scholars. Therefore, Muslim educators must emulate their characteristics and continue their duties as ideal educators in the Islamic view. significant differences between Islamic and Western (secular) education systems.
Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 2 No 1
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jpion.v2i1.95


The main problems in this writing are Madrasah Problems and Development Solutions, in this journal the problems found are the condition of teachers who are not sufficient, the lack of educational facilities and infrastructure, curriculum, too many fields of study taught, little assistance from the government, causing schools to become operational. slow.The purpose of this discussion is to explain this writing is Madrasah Problems and Development Solutions. The type of research that the writer did was field research which is a qualitative description. Data collection techniques that the authors use are through observation, interviews, and documentation. The validity of the data used is triangulation. The analysis technique that the writer uses according to Miles and Huberman. From the results of the research on Madrasah Problems and Development Solutions, the problems faced by madrasas are: Inadequate teacher conditions, lack of educational facilities and infrastructure, curriculum, low school student performance, too many fields of study being taught, the curriculum does not refer to the interests of students, there are changes or improvements to the 2013 curriculum, lack of teaching aids and laboratories, the economic level of students' parents are mostly middle to lower, the small contribution from the government.
KOLONI Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): MARET 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (494.528 KB) | DOI: 10.31004/koloni.v1i1.15


The background of the problems found, the community just stood outside the mosque without participating in praying the corpse, and some of them thought that the funeral prayer was not too important because they saw from the law that the funeral prayer was fardu kifayah. In addition, people often ask for help from religious leaders to become prayer priests because the deceased's family cannot perform the funeral prayer, because according to them the reading of the funeral prayer is difficult to memorize. This study aims to see how the forms of community participation and the inhibiting factors of community participation in organizing the funeral prayer. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach, meaning that researchers will see phenomena that occur in society. In this study using a form of qualitative descriptive research. Based on the findings of data analysis, several conclusions can be drawn, namely the form of community participation in the implementation of the funeral prayer is still low, caused by work, laziness and lack of knowledge about reading the funeral prayer. Although religious leaders have provided motivation in the form of recitations every Sunday. The inhibiting factors for community participation in the implementation of the funeral prayer are the feeling of laziness caused by being tired of working, considering the funeral prayer to be unimportant, and not being too close to the person who died. Keywords: Society participation, funeral prayer
KOLONI Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): JUNI 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (605.699 KB) | DOI: 10.31004/koloni.v1i2.34


The background of this research is in the field of education, the most basic development of which is the development of modules as a source of learning. Module development is carried out to help smooth the teaching and learning process. The development of this module is carried out because in reality the existing modules are still far from the desired expectations and the module is not in the proper format or the components in the module are not yet complete. Researchers are interested in conducting research in the form of developing modules so that the module can fit the format, have complete components and can produce a valid module. The type of research used in this study is Research and Development (R&D), namely the type of research used to produce a particular product in this case is a module and to test the validity of the developed module. In collecting research data, researchers used data collection techniques through two sources, namely primary data sources from interviews, assessment sheets, and documentation, also from secondary data sources, researchers conducted reference studies from books and journals on the internet. Analysis of the data used in this study used descriptive qualitative analysis, namely by describing the results of product development for class III PAI modules. Based on the results of the research that the researcher did, the researcher has succeeded in developing a product in the form of a valid class III PAI module, an PAI module that is in accordance with the proper format, and is complete. The results of the module validation that have been carried out have gone through the stages of validation by material experts and assessment by educational practitioners, so it can be seen that the module eligibility standards according to material experts are based on 25 statements that become criteria from the assessment aspect, 90% results are obtained with very high criteria, while the assessment from education practitioners based on 10 statements that became aspects of the assessment obtained 97% results with very high criteria and it can be concluded that the module that has been developed is feasible to use. Keyword: Module Development, PAI, Elementary School (SD)
KOLONI Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): JUNI 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (543.712 KB) | DOI: 10.31004/koloni.v1i2.60


The background of the problem in this study is the formulation of the problem, namely what motivates parents to continue their children's education at the madinatul munawwarah Islamic boarding school, what are the factors that encourage parents to continue their child's education at the madinatul munawwarah Islamic boarding school and what obstacles are faced by parents in continue their child's education. Therefore, researchers are interested in examining what motivates parents in Jorong Sigiran to continue their children's education at the Madinatul Munawwarah Islamic Boarding School. This type of research is descriptive qualitative that is describing what it is about a situation. In this study, the authors describe the motivation of parents in Jorong Sigiran Nagari Malalak Utara to continue their children's education at the Madinatul Munawwarah Islamic Boarding School. The data collection instruments used were observation, and interviews. Sources of required data obtained from informants, namely parents. The results of the study found that the motivation of parents in Jorong Sigiran Nagari North Malalak to continue their children's education at the Madinatul Munawwarah Islamic boarding school is so that children know more about religious knowledge, to become pious and pious children, to form noble character in children, to avoid environmental influences that not good, improve life. Efforts made by parents in continuing their children's education to the Madinatul Munawwarah Islamic Boarding School are motivating children, giving advice, giving punishment, educating, and giving examples. Keyword: Parents' Motivation
KOLONI Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): JUNI 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (466.421 KB) | DOI: 10.31004/koloni.v1i2.65


This writing is motivated by the declining learning achievement of students at MAN 4 Agam due to the laziness of students to read, write, understand, and communicate the knowledge they have learned, which causes students' grades to decline. Because the development of the era of students more and more misuse the internet. It would be nice to use the internet for learning such as reading, listening or watching shows that contain education. So to overcome this and revive reading culture, the government made regulation No.23 of 2015, the Ministry of Culture and Education requires reading books 15 minutes before learning. Also known as the School Literacy Movement. For this reason, the author tries to describe the School Literacy Movement at MAN 4 Agam in increasing learning achievement of Islamic Cultural History. The type of research that the researcher uses in this research is Field Research. While the research method that the author uses is descriptive qualitative, namely research that describes the data as it is in the field. In this study, the author describes the implementation of the School Literacy Movement at MAN 4 Agam. The data collection method was taken from observation, documentation and interviews with key informants and supporting informants. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the Literacy Movement is very effective in improving the ability to read, write, understand and communicate again. Which will later improve student learning achievement itself. As in the research of researchers, namely the learning of Islamic Cultural History which makes learning outcomes satisfying. There are three stages of the School Literacy Movement activity, namely the habituation stage, the development stage and the literacy stage in learning. The MAN 4 religious school itself has carried out these three stages and is still running at the literacy stage in learning. Keyword: School Literacy Movement, Learning Achievement, Islamic Cultural History Learning  
MINAT BACA AL-QUR’AN PADA SISWA DI SMP NEGERI 3 AMPEK NAGARI KAB. AGAM Nadira Fitri Ramadani; Zulfani Sesmiarni; Wedra Aprison; Iswantir
KOLONI Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): JUNI 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (543.529 KB) | DOI: 10.31004/koloni.v1i2.68


This study discusses the interest in reading the Al-Qur'an in students at SMP Negeri 3 Ampek Nagari Kab. Religion with the background of the problem there are still students whose interest in reading the Al-Qur'an is low, because students are less enthusiastic in reading the Al-Qur'an. So in this case, it is very necessary for the teacher's efforts to increase interest in reading the Al-Qur'an in students. The purpose of this study was to find out how the students' interest in reading the Al-Qur'an was in students, as well as what factors influenced the interest in reading the Al-Qur'an in students at SMP Negeri 3 Ampek Nagari. This type of research uses field research, through a descriptive qualitative approach that describes a phenomenon that occurs in the field. The location of this research is in SMP Negeri 3 Ampek Nagari Kab. Agam, with key informants namely students of class VIII.C and supporting informants namely Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teachers at SMP Negeri 3 Ampek Nagari. In collecting data, researchers used observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. Meanwhile, to analyze the data, researchers used data reduction, data display (data presentation), and data verification (drawing conclusions). Based on the results of the research that the author has done, it can be concluded that there are some students who have low interest in reading the Qur'an (less). So to increase students' interest in reading the Al-Qur'an, it takes the efforts of teachers and parents in providing motivation, so that students' interest in reading the Al-Qur'an increases and is supported by facilities and infrastructure at school. One of the efforts that PAI teachers have given at school is by asking students to read/memorize as many short verses as possible. For students who memorize a lot, they will be rewarded, this is an example of motivation that can increase students' enthusiasm (interest) in reading the Al-Qur'an. Keywords: Interest in Reading the Qur'an, PAI
Co-Authors Afrinald Afrinald Afrinaldi Afrinaldi Afrinaldi Afrinaldi Afrinaldi Al Baihaqi Anas Albert Albert Alfi Rahmi Ali Akbar Ali Sadikin Aliasar Aliasar Aliasar Amar Husni Aminah Angraini Aminuddin Aminuddin Andy Riski Pratama Anggi Rosdandi Utami Br Siregar Aniswita Annisa Sri Lestari Arif Aulia Rizki Arifmiboy Arifmiboy Arifmiboy Arifmiboy Arifmiboy, Arifmiboy Arman Husni Arman Husni Asma Asma Aulia Rizki Fadhila Betry Betry Charles Charles Charles Charles Charles Charles Charles Charles Charles Charles Charles Chindy Anugrah Coil Coil Coil Coil Darul Ilmi Dedi Efendi Derita Ningsih Desfi Maiza Deswalantri Deswalantri Deswalantri Deswalantri Devi Puspita Sari Dewi Ana Kartika Dewita Purnama Sari Dila Novita Sari Dini Sri Wahyuni Dodi Pasila Putra Donny Firdaus Dwi Gustina Affah Ega Fardilah Eko Supria Elinggrawati Elinggrawati Elvira Mulia Endang Utama Etiya Putri Fadhilla Yusri Fatria Hasnah Fauza Izza Wahdini Fauzan Fauzan Fauzan Ismael Firani Putri Fitri Nila Sari Gebby Nanta Batubara Gilang Prayo Setya Gustiar Gustiar Haida Fitri Halima Halima Halima Hamdi Abdul Karim Hamdi Pranata Hari Antoni Musril Haseemah Mama Hayanatul Fittari Helmi RD Helmi Rostiana Dasopang Helmi Rostiana Dasopang Indah Oktaviani Indra Jaya Intan Sari Irwandi Irwandi Isnaniah Isnaniah Isnawati Rora Iswantir M Jamila Khairina Januar Januar Jasmienti Jasmienti Juanaidi Junaidi Juliwansyah Juliwansyah Junaidi Junaidi Junaidi Junaidi Junaidi Junaidi Junaidi Junaidi Kaila Saparina Kartina Kartina Kartina Kasih Hayati Khairuddin Khairuddin Khairuman Khairuman Lisa Anggra Yani Lisa Hermaiza Lismayeni Lismayeni Livia Maylisa Liza Efriyanti Liza Sundari M Imamuddin Mahfuzoh Mahfuzoh Masitoh Aini Maysa Latifa Melani, Melyann Melyan Melani Melyann Melani Messy Ikhsan Meylan Melani Monica Ivana Putri Mufidah Hayati Muhammad Adithya Muhammad Riko Yohansyah Zulfahmi Muhammad Ryan Lazuardi Muhiddinur Kamal Muhiddinur Kamal Muhiddinur Kamal Muhiddinur Kamal Muhiddinur Kamal Muhiddinur Kamal Muhiddinur Kamal Muhiddinur Kamal Murniati Murniati Mutia Joni Putri Mutia Mutia Nadira Fitri Ramadani Nike Setria Andani Nova Adriani Nur Azizah Nur Azzira Nur Jannah Nurhasnah Nurhasnah Nursi Nursalima Nurul Jannah Ramadhanty Nuryanti Nuryanti Nuryanti Siregar Nuryanti Siregar Nuzuli Fitriana Panji Rahmat Illahi Pendi Hasibuan Putri Bulkis Ismaini Rahmad Saleh Rahmat Fauzi Rahmi Putri Ayunda Rahmiati Rahmiati Rajiv Hafiz Novendri Ravica Chania Regina Pebpriza Resvi Anisa Ridho Aulia Riko Riko Riri Maria Fitri Riri Okra Ririta Ririta Risdoyok Risdoyok Rizki Amelia Romi Febrianto Ruki'ah Ruki'ah Ruki'ah Rusdi Rusdi Rusdi Rusdi Rusdi Rusdi Safrudin Nawazir Salma Fadhilah Hanun Salmi Wati Salmi Wati Salmi Wati Salmiwati Salmiwati Salmiwati Salmiwati Salmiwati Salmiwati Salmiwati Saparius Saparius Selvina Selvina Shintia Dwi Putri Siti Khamim Siti Khamim Sonia Widya Ulfa Sitompul Sitompul Supriadi Supriadi Syafrizal Syafrudin Syafrudin Syafrudin Syahrial Syahrial Syawaluddin Syawaluddin Tasnim Rahmat Tasnim Rahmat Tiara Adha Putri Tina Oktaviani Ulvia Risa Varizki Syaf Putra Vladio Agra Wahyuni Ramadhani Wilda Hafiva Wilda Irsyad Wildana Ikhsan Windy Divaci Anastasya Wirman Hanizon Wisni Wisni Y Rahmi Aatikah Putri Yenti Murni Yohana Arifa Yusri Yaldi Zahra Suryadi Zakiatul Islamie Zakir, Supratman Zulfani Sesmiarni Zulfani Sesmiarni Zulfani Sesmiarni Zulfani Sesmiarni Zulfani Sesmiarni Zulfani Sesmiarni Zulfani Sesmiarni Zulfani Sesmiarni Zuria Murliadi ‎ Fatma Azahra