AbstrakTracer Study adalah penelitian yang menghimpun informasi tentang sebaran para alumni dan berbagai masukan yang dapat membantu pengembangan kurikulum dan proses pembelajaran di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas (FK Unand).Penelitian tracer study di FK Unand 2008 menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif analitik. Respondennya adalah alumni FK Unand yang dipilih secara purposive random sampling, yaitu berdasarkan keikutsertaan kegia-tan ilmiah dan kegiatan lainnya di FK Unand tahun 2008.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persentase responden yang puas dan tidak puas terhadap pelayanan akademik sebanyak 55,5% dan 45,5% dari 124 responden. 61,9% responden merasa puas terhadap pendidikan preklinik dan 50,4% merasa puas terhadap pendidikan klinik. Untuk penilaian kompetensi berdasarkan persepsi responden menunjukkan 66,7% merasa kompeten saat menyelesaikan pendidikan. Uji bivariant menunjukkan hubungan bermakna antara kepuasan terhadap pendidikan preklinik dan klinik, tahun masuk dan jenis kelamin terhadap kompetensi (p<0.05).Kesimpulan adalah sebagian besar responden merasa puas terhadap pelayanan akademik dan pendidikan preklinik. Persentase ketidakpuasan terhadap pen-didikan klinik hanya sedikit lebih tinggi dari pada yang puas. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara kepuasan terhadap pendidikan preklinik, klinik, tahun masuk, dan gender terhadap persepsi responden terhadap kompetensi mereka.Kata kunci :tracer study, alumni, tahun masuk, pre klinik, klinik, kompetensiAbstractTracer Study is a research that gather information about the distribution of the alumni and the various inputs that may help the development of curriculum and learning process in the Faculty of medicine Andalas University (FK Unand) Tracer studies FK Unand 2008 using a quantitative approach with a descriptiveARTIKEL PENELITIAN168analytical method. Respondents are FK Unand’s graduates that selected by purposively random sampling, who followed FK Unand’s scientific activities and other during 2008.The results show the percentage of respondents who are satisfied and not satisfied with the academic services as much as 55.5% and 45.5% of 124 respondents. 61.9% of respondents were satisfied with preclinical education and 50.4% were satisfied with educational clinics. For the respondents' perceptions of their competence indicated the majority (66.7%) felt competent at completing education. Bivariant test showed a significant relationship between satisfaction in preclinical and clinical stage, years in and to their competency (p<0.05).The conclusion are most respondents were satisfied with the academic services and preclinical stage. The percentage of dissatisfaction with clinic stage just slightly higher than who satisfied. There is a significant association between satisfaction with preclinical and clinical stage, year in, and gender to respondent's perception of their competence.Key word : tracer study, alumni, year-in, pre-clinical, clinical, competence