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Perkembangan Seni Qasidah di Desa Sei Mencirim Kecamatan Kutalimbaru Nasution, Abdul Gani Jamora; Puspita, Anggun Dela; Balqis, Annisa; Siregar, Latifah
ANWARUL Vol 3 No 1 (2023): FEBRUARI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/anwarul.v3i1.811


The study aims to find out how the qasidah group located in Sei Mencirim village maintains it's existence. This research was conducted on a qasidah group named As-Salam. The formation of the qasidah As-Salam group in the village of Sei Mencirim has existed since 2000 with 15 members. The method used in this study uses descriptive qualitative research. In dara collection is done by means of observation, interviews and documentation. Based on the data obtained, the development of the original and unsuitable qasidah group Sei Mencirim has developed well until now. In addition, in it's development, the members of the qasidah As-Salam group have their own characteristics, namely a close sense of kinship between them. The benefits of As-Salam glucoside it self are such as providing Islamic nuanced advice to the community in an activity such as recitation marriages and others. The way the qasidah As-Salam group maintains it's existence is by focusing on qasidah themes and songs with members personnel and adjusting in advance what theme will be performed so that it is right on target.
Peran Guru Pkn dalam Menumbuhkan Jiwa Nasionalisme pada Siswa MI/SD Annisak , Fadillah; Nasution, Abdul Gani Jamora
Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): April 2024
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai, Riau, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jptam.v8i1.12641


Nasionalisme merupakan suatu hal yang penting bagi kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Ketika suatu bangsa mempunyai nasionalisme yang tinggi, maka ia akan berdiri tegak dan mempunyai jati diri yang kuat. Peran guru tidak hanya sekedar menyampaikan gagasan, siswa tidak hanya diberi ajaran bagaimana agar menjadi warga negara yang baik, tetapi juga memperoleh motivasi, ilmu pengetahuan dan menumbuhkan jiwa nasionalisme. Metode penelitian yang digunakan penulis adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif melalui pendekatan studi literatur.
Pemahaman Teks Sederhana melalui Strategi Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) pada Siswa Kelas III MIN 3 Kota Medan Fitri, Nur Laily; Sagala, Devi Intan Sari; Aminah, Siti; Nasution, Abdul Gani Jamora
Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): April 2024
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai, Riau, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jptam.v8i1.12906


Artikel ini menganalisis penerapan strategi pemahaman teks sederhana pada siswa kelas III di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN) 3 Kota Medan. Melalui metode campuran yang melibatkan observasi kelas, wawancara guru, dan evaluasi kinerja siswa, penelitian ini berusaha memberikan pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang upaya meningkatkan keterampilan membaca pada tingkat pendidikan dasar. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa penggunaan strategi tertentu, seperti pemanfaatan gambar dan diskusi kelompok, memiliki dampak positif terhadap pemahaman teks siswa. Guru yang mengadopsi pendekatan kreatif dan interaktif menciptakan lingkungan pembelajaran yang merangsang minat siswa dalam membaca. Kolaborasi antara guru dan siswa juga terbukti menjadi faktor kunci dalam meningkatkan pemahaman teks. Artikel ini berkontribusi dengan memberikan wawasan mendalam tentang strategi efektif yang dapat diadopsi oleh pendidik untuk meningkatkan keterampilan membaca di tingkat pendidikan dasar. Implikasi dari temuan ini dapat membentuk dasar untuk pengembangan strategi pembelajaran yang lebih baik di sekolah-sekolah serupa.
Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Role Playing Terhadap Kemampuan Komunikasi Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran IPS Kalkautsar, Muhammad; Sumanti, Sholiha Titin; Nasution, Abdul Gani Jamora
MUDABBIR Journal Reserch and Education Studies Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): Vol. 4 No. 1 Januari-Juni 2024
Publisher : Perkumpulan Manajer Pendidikan Islam Indonesia (PERMAPENDIS) Prov. Sumatera Utara

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan komunikasi terhadap belajar siswa di Kelas Kontrol dan Kelas eksperimen sebelum menggunakan metode Role Playing pada mata pelajaran IPS kelas V materi peran tokoh dalam persiapan kemerdekaan di SD Negeri 104205 Desa Tembung. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian eksperimen. Populasi dalam penelitian in adalah seluruh siswa kelas V SD Negeri 104205 Desa Tembung yang berjumlah 40 orang. Sampel penelitian ini menggunakan metode random sampling sehingga sampel pada penelitian ini adalah dua kelas yang terdiri atas satu kelas eksperimen (V-A) dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 20 orang dan satu kelas kontrol (V -B) dengan jumlah siswa 20 orang. Instrumen tes yang digunakan untuk mengetahui kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa adalah tes pilihan berganda yang berjumlah 10 soal dan angket. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistic dengan bantuan program SPSS seri 26.0. hasil penelitian yang dilaksanakan, maka dapat diketahui bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap metode pembelajaran role playing terhadap kemampuan komunikasi belajar siswa SD Negeri 104205 Desa Tembung.Hal ini juga dibuktika dari hasil pengujian hipotesis dimana nilai sig. (2-failed) pada kelas eksperimen 0,000 < 0,05 yaitu terdapat pengaruh pada perlakuan dikelas eksperimen maka, Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak pada taraf ?= 0,05. Untuk penelitian lebih lanjut hendaknya penelitian ini dapat dilengkapi dengan meneliti aspek lain secara terperinci yang belum terjangkau saat ini.
Planning a Fun Learning Model at SD Nusantara Lubuk Pakam Nanda, Vira Dwi; Nasution, Abdul Gani Jamora; Khairizka, Wirda Indri
IKAMAS: Jurnal Informasi Keagamaan, Manajemen dan Strategi Vol 3 No 2 (2023): IKAMAS: Jurnal Informasi Keagamaan, Manajemen dan Strategi
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Akmalia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62361/ikamas.v3i2.109


The aim of this research is how to apply learning concepts to create a fun learning model. The method used in this research is qualitative-descriptive, this approach focuses on the researcher's understanding, thoughts and perceptions. The results of the researchers' perceptions of various materials regarding fun interest-based learning models are that students have different interests in certain subject matter at school. This cannot be separated from a fun learning model, so that students have an interest in continuing to study the material at the next level of education
Strengthening the Moral of Students Through PPKN Learning Adha , Chalijah; Izzatunnisa, Izzatunnisa; Nasution, Abdul Gani Jamora
IKAMAS: Jurnal Informasi Keagamaan, Manajemen dan Strategi Vol 3 No 1 (2023): IKAMAS: Jurnal Informasi Keagamaan, Manajemen dan Strategi
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Akmalia

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Moral education is education that must be instilled in children. The age of elementary school children is golden period to apply learning to form the morals and character of these students. Civics is a subject that is expected to be a means for teachers to educate and shape the morals and characteristics of each student. The formation of good character and morals will produce positive sides for a child, one of which is the growth of a sense of responsibility , courtesy and discipline. Factors that can affect the morale of a child are the environment, friends, as well as media and technology
Makmeugang Tradition in Acehnese Society Nasution, Abdul Gani Jamora; Siregar, Aviva Hanum; Khairunnisa, Sabina; Ridwan, Fitri Syakira
IKAMAS: Jurnal Informasi Keagamaan, Manajemen dan Strategi Vol 3 No 1 (2023): IKAMAS: Jurnal Informasi Keagamaan, Manajemen dan Strategi
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Akmalia

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The purpose of this study is to find out how the meugang tradition in Acehnese society is. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method. The research results obtained are that the Maugang tradition is a tradition originating from Aceh which is still carried out today. This tradition is carried out by slaughtering livestock which will then be distributed to people in need, this aims to strengthen friendship and at the same time give alms. Usually this tradition is carried out as a form of gratitude to welcome holidays, such as fasting in Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha
Contextual Learning Models In PKN Learning Fitri, Nur Laily; Nasution, Saidatul Fadhillah; Nasution, Abdul Gani Jamora
IKAMAS: Jurnal Informasi Keagamaan, Manajemen dan Strategi Vol 3 No 1 (2023): IKAMAS: Jurnal Informasi Keagamaan, Manajemen dan Strategi
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Akmalia

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Citizenship education (civic education) in Indonesia is placed as a field of study that carries a national mission to educate the life of the Indonesian people through the corridor of "value-based education". Civics as a compulsory subject at the school level has a vision as a means of fostering national character (nation and character building) and empowering citizens, and carrying out the mission of forming good citizens, namely citizens who are able to carry out their rights and obligations in the life of the nation and state, in accordance with Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. In carrying out its mission, Civic Education develops civic competence which includes civic knowledge, civic skills, and civic disposition
Kreativitas Guru dalam Menggunakan Metode Pembelajaran SKI di MIN 1 Medan Nasution, Abdul Gani Jamora; Simanjuntak, Andini Zahara; Siambaton, Nur Hafni Bahri; Farisi, Muhammad Al
Al-DYAS Vol 2 No 1 (2023): FEBRUARI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (361.917 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/aldyas.v2i1.818


The purpose of this study was to find out how the creativity of teachers in implementing Islamic Cultural History (SKI) learning. The results of the study found that teachers at the Medan MIN 1 school still used the lecture method in carrying out SKI learning and students said that they felt bored listening to the material that had been delivered by the teacher, especially since there was too much material or studies that the teacher had delivered. To overcome this, the teacher uses the cooperative learning method. Students are expected to be able to study in a group and carry it out together. In cooperative learning (cooperative learning) students are trained to work together in a group. The important point in this method is that students are expected to be able to work together in a team. Students who understand are asked to focus on becoming peer tutors.
Narasi Kepribadian Nabi Muhammad Saw sebagai Teladan pada Buku SKI Tingkat MI/SD Nasution, Abdul Gani Jamora; Bilqish, Alifia; Munthe, Abdal Rizky; Lubis, Nabila Suhaila
Al-DYAS Vol 2 No 1 (2023): FEBRUARI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (465.487 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/aldyas.v2i1.828


Prophet Muhammad SAW which for Muslims, he is a symbol of a good personality that Muslims should emulate wherever they are. Rasulullah SAW must be used as a role model and a good example for all his people, the figure of Prophet Muhammad SAW is a figure who has a good personality. The Prophet Muhammad SAW besides having an honest attitude (Arabic: Shiddiq), also has the characteristics of Amanah (Trustworthy),Tabligh (Conveying), and Fathonah (Smart).This research uses a qualitative approach with an analytical descriptive method. The analytical-descriptive method is an attempt to describe, analyze and explain the results of the research. The purpose of the analytical-descriptive research is to awaken the younger generation to cultivate honest behavior in words through Islamic cultural history education in elementary-age children at the MI/SD level. For this reason, data checking in this study was carried out using reference materials. The Prophet Muhammad SAW was a human figure who had great morals and noble character. The noble personality of the Prophet Muhammad SAW is of course a blessing for those who understand, emulate him, and live it in their daily lives.
Co-Authors Adeana, Fadillah Putri Adha , Chalijah Almeida, Annisa Annisak , Fadillah Arbaita, Arbaita Aulia Rahman Azahra, Zelma Balqis, Annisa Batubara, Rabiatul Adawiyah Bayu, Silvana Berutu, Nina Aldila Bilqish, Alifia Dalimunte, Nur Aisyah Daulay, Fitri Ana Daulay, Siti Amalia Fadilah Fadilah, Fadilah Farisi, Muhammad Al Febriyanti, Elisa Fitri Ramadhani Fitri, Nur Laily Hafza, Abyena Harahap, Hasima Harahap, Irma Sari Harahap, M. Abrar Putra Kaya Harahap, Masbulan Harahap, Novia Rahmadani Harahap, Rizki Melinda Hasbi, Sakinah Hutajulu, Mutika Amalia Amini Hutapea, Paisal Rahman Hutasuhut, Naila Audiva Ibrahim, Husna Indriani, Ririn Izzatunnisa Izzatunnisa, Izzatunnisa Jaffa, Zahra Azzura Juhaidi, M. Dzaky Labib Juliani, Afrida K, Kesi Kalkautsar, Muhammad Khairani, Yesa Dwi Khairizka, Wirda Indri Khairun Nisa Khairunnisa, Sabina Kharisma, Mutiara Indah LESTARI, BUNGA Lubis, Iga Naila Aulia Br Lubis, Luthfi Adam Lubis, Nabila Suhaila Lubis, Pinta Rojulani Lubis, Shadrina Azzahra Mardiana, Aulia Matondang, Aflah Husnaini Muhammad Taufik Hidayat Munthe, Abdal Rizky Munthe, Dina Aulia Yudistira Nadya, Laila Nanda, Vira Dwi Nasution, Nurul Fadilah Nasution, Pebrijah Nasution, Saidatul Fadhillah Nurhafizah Nurhafizah, Nurhafizah Nurul Hasanah Pane, Fizri Aspika Putri Parapat, Khoiriah Marta Pohan, Rinanti Ito Prastiwi, Try Suci Purba, Nadia Haviza Purba, Tiara Paramita BR Puspita, Anggun Dela Putri, Devita Aulia Putri, Winda Amelia Putriana, Alda Ramadhani, Cinta Ramadhani, Karfika Suci Ramadhani, Tivany Rambe, Khoirul Bariah Ridwan, Fitri Syakira Risma Handayani, Risma Rizki Ramadhani Rizky, Putri Sabina, Irlyanova Sagala, Devi Intan Sari Sembiring, Adelina Br Siambaton, Nur Hafni Bahri Silalahi, Tia Anggraini Simanjuntak, Andini Zahara Siregar, Amanda Fhadillah Siregar, Amelia Rika Fadillah Siregar, Aviva Hanum Siregar, Latifah Siregar, Nepri Handayani Siregar, Nur Azizah Siregar, Nurhaliza Ertays Siregar, Rahma Fadillah Siti Aminah Sitompul, Buti Sarma Sumanti, Sholiha Titin