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Journal : Journal of Consumer Sciences

Analysis of Re-purchase Intention by Hybrid Rice Seed Farmers Soesilo Hadimartono; Ujang Sumarwan; Bunasor Sanim
Journal of Consumer Sciences Vol. 2 No. 1 (2017): Journal of Consumer Sciences
Publisher : Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (276.055 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jcs.2.1.1-12


Rice demand will continue to increase along with the project rate of population increase. The use of quality seed was the thing to get attention. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the factors that affect the interest in the purchase of hybrid rice seeds by farmers.  The analysis showed that the factors affecting the purchase of hybrid rice seed is the attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavior control. Perceived behavioral control or perceived behavior control according to respondents, it is a factor that determines the first to affect the level of the purchase of hybrid rice seeds. A further factor affecting is subjective norm then the last one is the attitude. Purchase behavior of hybrid rice by farmers in the marketing area Region I Sukamandi PT Sang Hyang Seri is influenced by the contact farmer who can be contacted, the suggestion of extension local hybrid rice, and the influence of most small marketing is done by PT Sang Hyang Seri  itself. Variables influence the perception of control behavior which is in contrary to existing theories. The analysis showed a negative influence, that is, it is possible for farmers who are in the hybrid rice production center. In addition, the general marketing of rice farmers in the region Region I Sukamandi PT Sang Hyang Seri using rice seeds last in 2014, in which time was the existence of government subsidies that encourage farmers to use hybrid seeds in order to increase national rice production.
Clinic-Q Medical and Dental Development Business Strategy with Sustainable Development Perspective Iik Yani Hidayati; Muhammad Firdaus; Bunasor Sanim
Journal of Consumer Sciences Vol. 4 No. 2 (2019): Journal of Consumer Sciences
Publisher : Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (467.313 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jcs.4.2.108-118


This research is research related to the formation of strategy development in a clinic. The Discussion is aimed at the theme of the clinical business development strategy. In addition, the discussion will use a sustainable business development perspective. Data collected is sourced from experts with different expertise. Assessing experts were asked to provide a questionnaire assessment related to the internal environment and the external environment of the clinic. Financial statements used are from 2015 to 2017. Assessment results from experts are then adjusted to the IE Matrix to obtain the company's strategy formulation. After obtaining the strategy formulation, the best strategy for the clinic was conducted using the QSPM approach. Results of the study show that the position of the clinic-Q Medical & Dental is in quadrant 1 which means the clinic is recommended for development. In addition, based on the assessment of QSPM, it is found that the company can implement product development, integration and market penetration. On the other hand, clinics are also advised to continue to increase their role in protecting the environment.
Co-Authors . Erwidodo . Kuntjoro Aang Munawar Abdul Kohar Mudzakir Ade Supandi Adler Hayman Manurung Agus Maulana Agus Wahyudi Ahmad Saifi Athoillah Ahmad Saifi Athoillah Aida Ratna Zulaiha Aisa Rurkinantia Amri Jahi Amril Aman Amzul Rifin Ana Yuliana Jasuni Anak Agung Ketut Sudharmawan Ardianto, Luky Arief Daryanto Arief Daryanto Arief Daryanto Arkeman, Yandra Asep Kurnia Hidayat ASEP SAEFUDDIN Bambang S. Kusmuljono Bambang Trenggono Bimahri Qaulan Tsaqiela Bonar M Sinaga Bonar M. Sinaga Budi Suharjo DADANG DADANG Deden Kurniawan Dedi Budiman Hakim Dewayany Sutrisno, Dewayany Djati Kerami Djoni Hartono Dominicus Savio Priyarsono Dudi S. Hendrawan Dwi Rachmina Dwi Widodo Primantoro Dyan Vidyatmoko Dyan Vidyatmoko Eddi Wahyudi Eddi Wahyudi, Eddi Eriyatno . Ernan Rustiadi Ervina Mela Dewi, Yandra Arkeman, Erliza Noor, Noer Azam Achsani Etty Riani Gendut Suprayitno Gunawan Sumodiningrat Harianto Harianto Hendra Wijaya Heny K Daryanto Hermanto Siregar Hermanto Siregar Iik Yani Hidayati Irawadi Jamaran Jaka Suyana Jaka Suyana Joko Sutrisno JOKO SUTRISNO Kukuh Murtilaksono La Baco S Latifa Hanum Lilik Noor Yuliati Lukman M Baga Luky Adrianto Luluk Sulistiyono M Parulian Hutagaol M Yanuar J Purwanto M. Parulian Hutagaol M. Said Didu Mahruddin Harahap Marimin . Mawardi Ps Bagindo Mawardi, Muhammad Ikhwanuddin Mercky Haryo Muhammad Fahrudin Muhammad Firdaus muhammad Firdaus Muhammad Firdaus Muhammad Firdaus Mulyono S. Baskoro Muryani Muryani Naik Sinukaban Naik Sinukaban Naik Sinukaban Nunung Nuryartono Primasti Ramadhani Rahmat Ingkadijaya Rina Oktaviani Rina Oktaviani Rita Nurmalina Rita Nurmalis Riza Rahmanu Rudi C. Tarumingkeng Rui Andriano Safril Kemala Sampor Ali Santun R.P. Sitorus SANTUN R.P. SITORUS Setiadi Djohar Shally Alpriany Aisyah Slamet Budi Yuwono Slamet Hariadi Soekmana Soma Soepanto Soemokaryo Soesilo Hadimartono Sri Haryati Sugeng H. Wisudo Sumardjo Sumardjo Suria Darma Tarigan Surjono H. Sutjahjo Sutopo, Muhammad Fauzi Sutrisno Ali Teguh Saptono Tobing, Adil Ujang Sumarwan Vidyatmoko, Dyan Widadi W. Widayat Wiwiek Rindayati Yadi Suryadi Yandra Arkeman Yudha Adityawarman Yusman Saukat, Yusman Yusman Syaukat Yuwono Minto Zaim Uchrowi