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Journal : Jurnal Paedagogy

Studi Literatur Kode Etik Konseling Online Mariana Puspa Sari; Happy Karlina Marjo
Jurnal Paedagogy Vol 9, No 1: Jurnal Paedagogy (January 2022)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jp.v9i1.4518


This study aims to explain the code of ethics for online counseling by integrating information technology in guidance and counseling services. This research method is a literature study using secondary data sources collected through textbooks, e-books, scientific articles, websites, and other sources relevant to the research problem which are then analyzed descriptively. The result of this study is the rapid development of technology in various fields, which has an impact on the integration of the counseling process in the technology. Through technological intermediaries, counseling no longer has to be done face-to-face. Among the advantages and disadvantages of online counseling, the professional code of ethics for counselors still needs to be maintained. One form of supervision is supervision. Counselors, both online and face-to-face counseling, are required to improve their ability to deal with counselee problems in accordance with the provisions of Permendikbud No. 111 of 2014.
Etika dan Kompetensi Konselor Sebagai Profesional (Suatu Pendekatan Literatur Sistematis) Happy Karlina Marjo; Darojaturroofi'ah Sodiq
Jurnal Paedagogy Vol 9, No 1: Jurnal Paedagogy (January 2022)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jp.v9i1.4512


The purpose of this study was to describe the ethics and competence of counselors as professionals in providing guidance and counseling services. The research method used is a systematic literature study. This systematic literature review contains explanations and descriptions of theories, findings and research materials obtained from databases of national and international journal providers through the Google Scholar platform, and then analyzed descriptively. The result of this research is that ethics and competencies must be possessed by a counselor as the basis for the profession he adheres to. Counselor education is one way to develop competencies for prospective counselors. The competence of the counselor as an agent for counseling guidance services is stated in government regulation No. 19 of 2005 article 28 paragraph 3, namely: competence as a service agent at the level of primary and secondary education and early childhood education which includes pedagogic competence, personality, professional and social competence. Professional counselors must have a strong determination to be able to help others and have a positive nature to be able to view the counselee as a human being who has different values, religious teachings, cultures and backgrounds.
Etika Pelaksanaan Konseling Berbasis Online dengan Pemanfaatan Media dan Teknologi pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Mardy Handika; Happy Karlina Marjo
Jurnal Paedagogy Vol 9, No 1: Jurnal Paedagogy (January 2022)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jp.v9i1.4456


This study aims to describe the ethics of implementing online-based counseling using media and technology during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research method uses literature review by collecting reading materials from various sources with readings, comparing theories and research results regarding the use of technology media in the implementation of counseling, which are then analyzed descriptively. The result of this literature review is that the implementation of guidance and counseling using media and technology provides advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are related to the convenience obtained by BK / Counselor teachers in pre, implementation and post implementation of BK activities related to administration or guidance and counseling services. While the disadvantages are regarding public trust regarding the competence of implementing online counseling and the limitations of the media in its implementation, so that the maximum application of ethics in the implementation of online counseling is needed in order to anticipate the losses incurred.
Co-Authors Afan Abdul Jabbar Ahmad Rifqy Ash-Shiddiqy Aip Badrujaman Amalia Sapriati Anan Sutisna Anaway Irianti Masyur Anggraeni Kusumawardani Ani Musyarofah Ardiasih, Lidwina Sri Arip Nazarudin Ariyana Rustam Astarie Nurmaulidya Astri Ayu Kamasitoh Atiek Sismiati S Auliya Safitri Ayu Lestari Basyarah, Siti Farida Darojaturroofi'ah Sodiq Deni Purwanto Dewi Justitia Dina Rahmawati Hapsyah Dini Choirunnisa Dini Rachmawati Dwi Putamayanti dwika sukma dewi Dwinda Tiara Putri Eka Wahyuni Eka Wahyuni Endang Wahyuningrum Fahmi Idris Farah Wahyuni Fauzie Firmansyah Setiawan Febri Dahlia Fitri Murni Fridani, Lara Harun Surya Permadi Herdi Herdi Herdi, Awaluddin Tjalla, Herdi, Herdi Hilma Firtiyani Hilma Fitriyani Ifa Fachriyah Ihsan Nurkholis Indah Palupi Pramuningtiyas Indira Chanum Indira Chanum Chalik Intan Ratri Ranggawuni Khaerunnisa M Khairunisa1 Kristiani Kristiani Laila Firdausiah El Islamy Lani Cahyani Lara Fridani Leniawati Leniawati Lia Amalia Putri Lilis Lilis Luh Putu Ratna Sundari M.Pd S.T. S.Pd. I Gde Wawan Sudatha . Mardy Handika Mariana Puspa Sari Maryati Nuraidah Maslikhah Maslikhah Michiko Mamesah Muhamad Amin Muhamad Ayub Muhammad Jafar Muhammad Syadzwan Yusra Nina Fitriyani Novi Fitriani Nur Hermatasiyah Nur Syita Salamah Okta Paul Intan Oktafiana Kiranida Pemi Senja Maulana Raden Sri Martini Meilanie Ratno Tri Laksono Retty Filiani Rif'ah Purnama sari Rif’ah Purnamasari Rihya Syifa Qurrotu Ayuna Riska Handayani Riska Handayani Rizanty, Rahmadhania Sardjiyo Sardjiyo Shabrina Zakira Nashrullah Siti Farida Basyarah SITI NURJANAH Sri Tatminingsih Sugilar, Sugilar Sulami sulami Supri Anto Baen Th I Setiawan Theodora Nurmalia Tri Winahyu Sari Wening Cahyawulan Winda Gunarti Wirda Hanim Yan Azmi Yusuf Maulana Prawata Zoraidah Putri Ayu