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Journal : E-Journal of Linguistics

COURT INTERPRETING AT DENPASAR COURT Ida Ayu Made Puspani; Ni Luh Sutjiati Beratha; Ida Bagus Putra Yadnya; I Wayan Pastika
e-Journal of Linguistics Vol. 5. Januari 2011 No. 2
Publisher : Doctoral Studies Program of Linguistics of Udayana University Postgraduate Program

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This is a research on interpreting (oral translation) on a criminal case ofdrug user in the court proceedings at Denpasar Court. The study of theinterpreting is concerned with two-ways rendition from Indonesian into Englishand vice-versa. The study is related to: (1) the description of modes of interpretingapplied by the interpreter, (2) the application of translation strategies: shift,addition and deletion of information, (3) factors that underlie the application ofthe strategies, and (4) the impact of the application of those strategies towards thequality of the interpreting.The methodology applied in this study is qualitative based on eclectictheories (translation, syntax, semantics and pragmatics). The utilization of thetheories is in accordance with the type of the data analyzed in regard to thetranslation phenomena as an applied study and its complexity.The interpreting at court applied the consecutive and simultaneous modes.The strategy of shift was applied when there were differences in structure betweenthe source and the target languages. Addition of information was used when theinterpreter emphasized the message of the source language in the target language.The deletion of information applied if the context in the target language has beencovered, and it was not necessary for the interpreter to interpret the same thingbecause the message of the source language was pragmatically implied in thetarget language.The factors which underlie the application of the interpreting strategies incourt interpreting were communication factor and the differences in the languagesystems between the source and the target languages. The impact of the use of thestrategies towards the quality of the interpreting happened when the interpretationof the source language message into the message of the target language and themessage in the source language was not completely render into the targetlanguage.The novelties of the research are: (1) relevance theory and its four maximsof communication can be applied to analyse equivalence of meaning of SLmessage rendered into the TL message Sperber and Wilson (1995), (2) theapplication of consecutive mode of interpreting can render more accuraterendition compared to the simultaneous mode, (3) the interpreter applied the strategies of shift, addition and deletion of information in the process ofinterpreting in court proceedings, and (4) some mistakes were found in theinterpretation of Indonesian legal terms into English such as: KUHAP (was nottranslated), BAP (was translated into brief), sita (was translated into seize), andayat (was not translated). The translation of those terms should be: IndonesianCriminal Code, the minutes of investigation, confiscate, and paragraph.
10.24843 The Variation of Sentence Structure in the Dyslexic Children’s Speech Mulyono Mulyono; Ketut Artawa; I Wayan Pastika; Agus Subiyanto
e-Journal of Linguistics Vol 12 No 2 (2018): eJL-July
Publisher : Doctoral Studies Program of Linguistics of Udayana University Postgraduate Program

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (485.552 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/eJL.2018.v12.i02.p.04


This study aims to describe the variation of sentence structure generated in the speech of dyslexic children. The design of this research is descriptive-qualitative with pospositivisme approach of interpretive phenomenology of naturalistic model. The research subjects were nine dyslexic children who used Indonesian as the first language and aged 8 to 10 years. The method used is listening and speaking method. In practice, the distributional method used by researcher are the IC technique. As an aid, the IC technique is supported by special techniques as an advanced techniques: Deletion, Substitution, Paraphrase, Perversion, and Expansion. From the research, it concluded that the Indonesian sentences produced by dyslexic children are dominated by incomplete sentences (59.61%), while complete sentences (40.39%) are the rest. Most complete sentences are basic sentences, while some are derivative sentences. From the basic sentence that appears, 38.66% basic sentence predicated verbs with the pattern of NP + VP, predicated noun patterned NP1 + NP2 with percentage 26.66%, predicated adjective with NP + AP pattern of 23.55%, predicate the preposition patterned NP + PP of 5.78%, and the last predicate numeral with NP + NumP pattern of 4.88%. The derivation sentence is dominated by single sentence with percentage value 97,62%, compound sentence equal to 0,44%, and multi-story sentence equal to 1,94%. The incomplete sentences conveyed by DC consist of the SUBJ only structure pattern, PRED only, OBJ only, ADJ only, or combined functions of SUBJ-OBJ, SUBJ-ADJ, PRED-OBJ, PRED-ADJ, and PRED-OBJ-ADJ.
e-Journal of Linguistics Vol. 3. 1 Januari 2009 No. 1
Publisher : Doctoral Studies Program of Linguistics of Udayana University Postgraduate Program

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Disertasi yang berjudul Fonologi Bahasa Rongga: Sebuah Kajian TransformasiGeneratif bertujuan untuk menjawab tiga hal yang menjadi masalah, yaitu (1)bagaimanakah ujud (realisasi) fonologis dari morfem-morfem bahasa Rongga, baik padatataran fonemis maupun pada tataran fonetis?, (2) bagaimanakah syarat-syarat strukturmorfem bahasa Rongga, baik yang berkaitan dengan syarat-syarat positif maupun jikamaka?,dan (3) bagaimanakah proses dan kaidah fonologis bahasa Rongga menjelaskanproses perubahan realisasi fonologis menjadi realisasi fonetis?Dengan menggunakan pendekatan fonologi generatif, fonologi autosegmental danfonetik khususnya fonetik artikulatoris dan akustik, dan metode linguistik lapangan,kepustakaan, dan analisis, serta ditunjang oleh teknik perekaman, pencatatan, danpalatografi maka dihasilkan penelitian dalam bentuk disertasi.Bahasa Rongga mempunyai 6 segmen vokal, baik secara fonemis maupun fonetis,yaitu /i, e, u, o, ?, a/ [i, e, u, o, ?, a]. Bahasa Rongga mempunyai 25 segmen konsonansecara fonemis, yaitu /p, b, t, d, k, g, d?, , , , b, <d, g, m, n, ?, f,s, v, , h, r, l, w, /, secara fonetis ada 28 segmen, yaitu [p, b, t, d, k, g, ,d?, t?, , , , b, <d, g, m, n, ?, f, s, v, , h, r, l, w,, ]Untuk mengetahui persamaan-persamaan dan perbedaan-perbedaan yang adaantara segmen-segmen fonologis bahasa Rongga secara fonemis diperlukan 14 ciripembeda. Keempat belas ciri pembeda itu adalah [konsonantal], [silabis], dan [sonoran]tergolong ke dalam ciri golongan utama. Ciri pembeda [malar], [pelepasan tertunda],[nasal], dan [lateral] tergolong ke dalam ciri cara artikulasi. Ciri pembeda [anterior] dan[koronal] tergolong ke dalam ciri tempat artikulasi. Ciri pembeda [tinggi], [rendah],[belakang], dan [bulat] tergolong ke dalam ciri punggung lidah. Ciri pembeda [bersuara]tergolong ke dalam ciri tambahan. Namun, untuk dapat membedakan bunyi hambat(plosif) [b], [d], dan [g] dengan implosif [], [], dan [] diperlukan duaciri lagi, yaitu [glottis dibuka]([spread gl]) dan [pitasuara rapat tidak kencang] ([constr gl]) (Kenstowich,1994:40—41, 146), dan untuk membedakan antara hambatpranasal dengan nasal diperlukan satu ciri lagi yaitu ciri[kompleks].Secara fonetis diperlukan dua ciri pembeda lagi, yaitu [tegang] dan[tekanan].Segmen morfem asal pangkal bahasa Rongga minimal berupa V ([+sil]), danrangkaian vokal dalam morfem asal pangkal maksimal VV ([+sil] [+sil]). Sebuah morfemasal pangkal dapat berawal konsonan K ([-sil]) atau V ([+sil]) atau berakhir V ([+sil]).  Jadi, bahasa Rongga mempunyai pola suku kata V dan KV. Dari formulasi di atas, polakanonik bahasa Rongga dapat dirinci menjadi 13 pola morfem, yaitu V, KV, VV, VKV,KVV, KVKV, KVKVKV, KVVKV, KVKVV, KVKVKVV, KVKVKVKV,V.KV.V.KV, dan KVVKVKV.Bahasa Rongga tidak mengenal rangkaian segmen konsonan pada morfemfonologis pangkal, karena bahasa Rongga merupakan bahasa vokalik. Berdasarkan datayang ada, maka rangkaian segmen fonologis vokal yang dibolehkan adalah /i-a, i-u, i-o, ie,i-i, e-a, e-u, e-o, e-i, e-e, u-a, u-i, u-e, u-u, o-a, o-i, o-u, o-e, o-o, a-i, a-e, a-u, a-o, a-a/.Dengan demikian, segmen fonologis vokal */?/ tidak ada dalam bentuk rangkaian, baikyang didahului maupun diikuti oleh segmen fonologis vokal lain. Di samping segmenfonologis vokal */?/, rangkaian segmen fonologis vokal yang tidak ada adalah*/ u-o /.Semua segmen fonologis vokal berdistribusi lengkap kecuali /?/ yang menempatiposisi awal dan tengah kata. Semua segmen fonologis konsonan tidak berdistribusilengkap. Yang menempati posisi awal dan tengah kata adalah /p, t, d, k,g, d?, , , , b, <d, g, m, n, ?, s, r, l, /. Yangmenempati posisi awal kata adalah /b, f, v, h/. Dan, yang menempatiposisi tengah kata adalah //.Pada penelitian ini ditemukan 14 kaidah fonologi yang berguna untukmenjelaskan proses fonologi yang terjadi. Keempat belas kaidah fonologi itu adalah (1)KF penambahan luncuran semivokal, (2) KF penambahan konsonan glotal [](kaidah kecil), (3) KF penambahan konsonan [r] (kaidah kecil),(4) KF penggantian luncuran semivokal [w], (5) KF penyuaraan konsonan [k] (kaidahkecil), (6) KF penggantian konsonan [], (7) KF pengawasuaraan konsonan [d?],(8) KF penggantian konsonan [g] (kaidah kecil), (9) KF pelesapan konsonan [h] (kaidahkecil), (10) KF pelesapan vokal [a] (kaidah kecil), (11) KF pelesapan vokal [?], (12)KF perubahan vokal [u] (kaidah kecil), (13) KF keharmonisan ketinggian vokal [a], dan(14) KF penempatan tekanan.Dari keempat belas kaidah fonologi itu, ada sejumlah kaidah fonologi yangberurutan, yaitu KF 4-KF1, KF9-KF10, KF 3-KF 12-KF 8, KF 8-KF 3-KF 12.Bahasa Rongga menggunakan huruf latin, karena bahasa Rongga tidakmempunyai sistem tulisan. /i, e, u, o, ?, a/ [i, e, u, o, ?, a] ditulis dengan i, e, u, o, e, a. /p,b, b, m, f, v, w, t, d, <d, n, s, r, l, d?, k, g, g, ?, h/ [p, b,b, m, f, v, w, t, d, <d, n, s, r, l, d?, k, g, g, ?, h] ditulisdengan huruf p, b, mb, m, f, v, w, t, d, nd, n, s, r, l, j, k,g, ngg, ng, h. Untuk /, , , , / [, , , , ] ditulisdengan huruf bh, dh, gh, hg, zh.
e-Journal of Linguistics Vol. 5. Juli 2011 No. 2
Publisher : Doctoral Studies Program of Linguistics of Udayana University Postgraduate Program

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This is the study of traditional rice planting ritual discourse of the traditional farming community of Bayan, North Lombok in an ethno-pragmatic perspective.  It is specifically aimed at describing the cultural norms and their meaning configurations.  The theory used in the study is the cultural scripts developed by Wierzbicka (2002a) considering that cultural norms constitute rules and regulations in social interaction practices. They can be investigated from the use of grammatical aspects of language and linguistic routines which are context-bound. They can be configured by paraphrasing in simple and mini language using single space. The results of the study showed that there were some cultural norms found on the traditional rice planting ritual discourse of the traditional farming community of Bayan, North Lombok. They included: (1) asserting thought and hope, (2) respecting other entities, (3) apologizing, (4) promising, and (5) giving advice. The configuration of these cultural norms was in accordance with the understanding of local cultural scripts and wisdom in terms of rituals of the local farming system. The configuration is constructed in low-level script with components of “when” and “if”. It contains the aspects of thinking, speaking, and doing. It is derived from the semantic primes of both evaluation and perception.
Infix of The Dengka Dialect in The Rote Language: A Generative Morphology Approach Efron Yohanis Loe; Ni Luh Sutjiati Beratha; I Ketut Darma Laksana; I Wayan Pastika
e-Journal of Linguistics Vol 12 No 1 (2018): eJL-January
Publisher : Doctoral Studies Program of Linguistics of Udayana University Postgraduate Program

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Dengka Dialect is one of the eighteen dialects of Rote language. It is spoken in Northwest Sub distric, Rote Ndao Regency, Nusa Tenggara Province. The eighteen variation sub dialects are Termanu, Korbaffo, Landu, Ringgoú, Upao, Bilba, Diu, L?lenuk, Bokai, Tala?, Keka, Ba?, Lelain, D?ngka, Unal?, Déla, Ti dan Lål?t (Lål?). This research aims at discovering the infixation process in the Dengka dialect of the Rote language. The applied theoritical approach is generative morphology that is suggested by Aronoff in his article, Word-Based Morphology (1979). According to the rules of morphological process in the Dengka Dialect of the Rote Language, a new theory as the main theory is applied to analyse data findings. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. The data are obtained by using observation methods and its techniques, and interlocution method and its techniques. The collected data are writings and voice-recordings. The writings are the main data, which are translations of the Book of Mark in the New Testament, the Story of Easter and the Parable about a Farmer, in the version of Dengka Dialect in the Rote Language. The voice recordings are supporting data, which are obtained from informants by interviewing and recording. A research finding in Dengka Dialect is infixation. Infix is found in adjective, it is processed by repeating the second syllabe of lexeme base and to produce new words. There are two types of infixation in BRDD, namely 1) infixation by repeating second syllabe of lexeme base without increment of glottal phoneme /?/, and 2) infixation by repeating second syllabe of lexeme base and the increment of glottal phoneme /?/. It process unsuport the grammatical function because it can change the word class of lexeme base but it can change the meaning of lexeme base. The grammatical of infixation is comparative ‘a little bit’. Keywords: Infix, Rote Language, Dengak Dialect.
Readability of the Translation of Figure of Speech in Srimad Bhagavatam From English Into Indonesian Ni Ketut Dewi Yulianti; I Wayan Pastika; Ketut Artawa
e-Journal of Linguistics 2016: Vol 10. No. 1 January
Publisher : Doctoral Studies Program of Linguistics of Udayana University Postgraduate Program

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The research is a descriptive translation study focusing on the methods and ideology of translation of figure of speech used in the text of Srimad Bhagavatam into Indonesian. It departed from a translation paradigm that considered Srimad Bhagavatam as a product, and the impact of the methods and ideology applied to the readability level of figure of speech translation contained in Srimad Bhagavatam from English to Indonesian. This is a library study and the method used in collecting the data is observation, by reading the studied text carefully on the sentences that contain figure of speech. Data collection technique used is a qualitative one, namely by determining and explaining the methods and ideology embraced by the translator in translating the figure of speech. To view the translation readability level, three informants are involved to complete a questionnaire containing about the readability level of translation. This study shows that the ideology held by the translator is domestication by applying a communicative method of translation on most sentences with figure of speech. Overall, all translation methods used by the translator has a positive impact on the readability level of figure of speech translation from English into Indonesian.
MIDDLE DIATHESIS IN OLD JAVANESE LANGUAGE Ni Ketut Ratna Erawati; Ketut Artawa; I Wayan Pastika; Made Sri Satyawati
e-Journal of Linguistics Vol. 8. Juli 2014 No.2
Publisher : Doctoral Studies Program of Linguistics of Udayana University Postgraduate Program

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Abstract Old Javanese Langusage (OJL) is the language of the archipelago which developed rapidly in the IX-XV centuries. The language has so many alternation verbs in the predicate of the clause structure. Therefore, the problem of the present study is interesting to explore. The term refers to the opinion proposed by Shibatani(1998) and Artawa (2003).Diathesis associated with middle in OJL was found to have three types, namely, the middle diathesis morphological, middle lexical, and middle perifrastic.
Developing A Method of Learning English Speaking Skills Based on the Language Functions Used in the Food and Beverage Service Denok Lestari; I Made Suastra; I Wayan Pastika; I Nyoman Sedeng
e-Journal of Linguistics Vol 11 No 1 (2017): eJL-January
Publisher : Doctoral Studies Program of Linguistics of Udayana University Postgraduate Program

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (557.701 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/eJL.2017.v11.i01.p05


This research is aimed to analyse language functions in  English, specifically those which are used in the context of Food and Beverage Service. The findings of the analysis related to the language functions are then applied in a teaching method which is designed to improve the students’ abilities in speaking English. There are two novelties in this research. The first one is  the theory of language functions which is reconstructed in accordance with the Food and Beverage Service context. Those language functions are: permisive (to soften utterances, to avoid repetition, and  to adjust intonation); interactive (to greet, to have small talks, and farewell); informative (to introduce, to show, to state, to explain, to ask, to agree, to reject, and to confirm); persuasive (to offer, to promise, to suggest, and to persuade); directive (to tell, to order, and to request); indicative (to praise, to complain, to thank, and to apologize). The second  novelty which is more practical is the design  of the ASRI method which consists of four basic components, namely: Aims (the purpose in communicating); Sequence (the operational procedure in handling guests in the restaurant); Role play (the simmulation activities in language learning); and Interaction (the interactive communications between participants). The method of ASRI with the application of the language functions in its ABCD procedure, namely Acquire, Brainstorm, Chance and Develop is proven to be effective in improving the students’ abilities in speaking English, specifically in the context of  Food and Beverage Service.
KESANTUNAN BERBAHASA PADA PENUTUR BAHASA KAMBERA DI SUMBA TIMUR I Wayan Simpen; Prof. Dr. Aron Meko Mbete; Prof. Drs. I Made Suastra, Ph.D.; Prof. Dr. I Wayan Pastika, M.S.
e-Journal of Linguistics Vol. 2. Mei 2008 No. 1
Publisher : Doctoral Studies Program of Linguistics of Udayana University Postgraduate Program

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Seperti halnya bahasa lain, bahasa Kambera memiliki fungsi sebagai alat untuk menyampaikan pikiran dan perasaan, sebagai alat untukmemahami pikiran dan perasaan, dan sebagai alat berpikir dan berasa. Kesantunan berbahasa adalah salah satu aspek kebahasaan yang dapat meningkatkan kecerdasan emosional penuturnya. Kajian terhadap kesantunan berbahasa pada penutur bahasa Kambera bertujuan untuk menemukan, mendeskripsikan, dan menganalisis satuan verbal yang digunakan sebagai kesantunan, menemukan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesantunan, makna kesantunan, unsure suprasegmental yang mempengaruhi kesantunan, dan unsur paalainguistik yang menyertai kesantunan.Penelitian kesantunan berbahasa pada penutur bahasa Kambera bertumpu pada teori Linguistik Kebudayaan dan teori Sosiopragmatik. Metode yang digunakan dibedakan menjadi tiga jenis, yaitu metode dan teknik pengumpulan data, metode dan teknik penganalisisan data, dan metode dan teknik penyajian hasil analisis. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode observasi terlibat aktif dan wawancara, dengan teknik pancingan, pencatatan, dan perekaman. Data yang terkumpul diklasifikasi berdasarkan jenis, bentuk, dan variabel penent. Analisis tidak menggunakan data secara kuantitatif, sehingga tidak ada analisis secara statistik. Hasil analisis disajikan dengan metode informal, dan dibatu dengan teknik penyajian secara deduktif dan induktif.Hasil analisis memperlihatkan bahwa kesantunan berbahasa pada penutur bahasa Kambera menggambarkan ideologi yang dijadikan dasar kesantunan berbahasa. Satuan verbal yang digunakan untuk kesantunan berbentuk kata, gabungan kata, kalimat, dan peribahasa. Kesantunan berbahasa dipengaruhi oleh faktor status, jenis kelamin, usia, dan hubungan kekerabatan. Makna kesantunan merefleksikan latar budaya yang dianut penutur dengan berorientasi pada sistem kepercayaan, sistem mata pencaharian, hubungan kekerabatan, stratifikasi sosial, dan sistem pernikahan.Berdasarkan hasil analisis di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa sampai saat ini penutur bahasa Kambera masih memegang teguh prinsip hidupnya. Prinsip hidup itu  tertuang dalam ideologi yang mereka sebut Hopu li li witi- Hopu li la kunda’ akhir dari segala pembicaraan –akhir dari segala pintalan’. Satuan verbal yang digunakan kesantunan berbentuk kata, gabungan kata, kalimat, dan peribahasa. Faktor seperti usia, jenis kelamin, status, dan hubungan kekerabatan sangat berpengaruh dalam kesantunan. Makna kesantunan menggambarkan latar budaya yang berkaitan dengan sistem kepercayaan, sistem mata pencaharian, sistem kekerabatan, dan sistem pernikahan.Unsur suprasegmetal dan paralinguistik berpengaruh terhadap kesantunan verbal. Ada satu aspek kebahasaan yang perlu dikaji lebih dalam, yaitu luluku. Ini merupakan lahan baru yang cukup menantang untuk dikaji.
Early Lexical Development and the Development of Translation Equivalents in a Simultaneous Bilingual Child Ni Luh Putu Sri Adnyani; Ni Luh Sutjiati Beratha; I Wayan Pastika; I Nyoman Suparwa
e-Journal of Linguistics Vol 11 No 2 (2017): eJL-July
Publisher : Doctoral Studies Program of Linguistics of Udayana University Postgraduate Program

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (557.933 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/eJL.2017.v11.i02.p04


This study focuses on the development of lexicon by a child raised simulatneously in Indonesian and German from birth. In the immediate family members, the child received Indonesian from the mother and German from the father. The data was collected in natural setting when the child was 1;0 up to 3;0. In collecting the data, diary records and weekly video recordings were used. The data was analized using two softwares, ELAN and Toolbox. The child’s speech was segmented based on the child’s utterances. The result of the study shows that at the end of the study the child developed 521 lexicon in Indonesian and 243 in German. Both in Indonesian and German the child acquired more nouns than verbs. Besides, the child also developed about 164 translation equivalents. Thus, it confirms that the bilingual child developed two different lexical systems.