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Khazanah Pendidikan Vol IX No 2 Maret 2016
Publisher : Lembaga Publikasi Ilmiah dan Penerbitan (LPIP)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30595/jkp.v9i2.1062


IbM activity aims to increase knowledge about local knowledge, improve skills develop proposals PTK Based Local Wisdom, compiling reports PTK (class action research) based Local Wisdom, and improve the skills of writing scientific articles. The method used in this activity is participatory learning and action (PLA), include: 1). coordination with partners in preparation for the implementation of the program, contact the team of experts, 2). preparation of several training modules to guide the activities, 3). training local wisdom Banyumas 4). technical training prepare proposals PTK Based Local Wisdom, 5). technical training prepare reports PTK Based Local Wisdom, 6). training technique of writing scientific articles, and 7). mentoring programs and evaluation. The result of this activity is the partner has insight into local wisdom Banyumas, and understand that PTK can be done using local wisdom as PTK Banyumas specific needs and character of students. Partners have the knowledge and skills in the preparation of proposals, the implementation of the PTK in the classroom, and the preparation of reports based on local wisdom PTK, partners have the knowledge and skill in preparing scientific articles, the partners have managed to draw up a report PTK and scientific articles have been published in scientific journals of education. Keywords: scientific articles, Banyumas, local knowledge, PTK (Classroom Action Research), SD Negeri Kalisube
Sistem Pakar Menentukan Tingkat Kecocokan Lahan Untuk Tanaman Jati Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining Fardhian Dwi Saputra; Hindayati Mustafidah; Suwarno Suwarno
JUITA : Jurnal Informatika JUITA Vol. 4 Nomor 1, Mei 2016
Publisher : Department of Informatics Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1406.571 KB) | DOI: 10.30595/juita.v4i1.1186


Tanaman jati merupakan tanaman yang mempunyai cukup banyak kriteria untuk dapat tumbuh di suatu daerah. Kebanyakan petani jati tidak mengetahui masing-masing dari kriteria tersebut. Kriteria yang dibutuhkan oleh tanaman jati berupa suhu, bulan kering, solum, drainase, lereng, tingkat keasaman, salinitas, batuan permukaan, singkapan batuan, tekstur tanah, bahaya banjir, bahaya erosi. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan seorang ahli untuk dapat mengetahui dan menentukan tingkat kecocokan tanaman jati dilahan mereka. Terbatasnya ahli menyebabkan sulitnya menentukan tingkat kecocokan tanaman tersebut di suatu daerah. Untuk itu dibutuhkan sebuah sistem yang dapat meniru kemampuan seorang ahli dalam bidangnya. Sistem yang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan tingkat kesesuaian tanaman jati tersebut berupa sistem pakar. Sistem pakar merupakan sebuah sistem yang mengadopsi pengetahuan manusia ke komputer agar dapat menyelesaikan masalah yang biasa dilakukan oleh seorang ahli. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan tingkat kecocokan tanaman jati di suatu daerah dengan menggunakan metode forward chaining. Langkah membangun sistem pakar menggunakan metode forward chaining yaitu dengan cara mengakuisisi pengetahuan dari pakar kemudian merepresentasikan pengetahuan tersebut ke dalam sebuah sistem. Sistem pakar dengan metode forward chaining dapat menentukan tingkat kecocokan tanaman jati, sebagai contoh di Kecamatan Pekuncen Kabupaten banyumas dengan memasukkan kriteria-kriteria lahan yang ada untuk mendapatkan kesimpulan atau tingkat kecocokan tanaman jati.
Larval Food Preference of the Swallowtail Butterfly Papilio polytes L. (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) on Four Species of Rutaceae Suwarno Suwarno
Biospecies Vol. 3 No. 2 (2010)
Publisher : Universitas Jambi

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Preferensi makanan larva Papilio polytes L. pada empat tanaman inang (Citrusaurantifolia (Chrism.) Swing, Citrus reticulata Blanco, Citrus hystrix DC, dan Murraya koenigii L.) telahdiselidiki di laboratorium. Preferensi makan instar pertama P. polytes berbeda nyata (p<0,05) untuktanaman inang di semua kombinasi daun tanaman inang yang diuji, kecuali kombinasi C.hystrix danC. reticulata. Selanjutnya, preferensi makan larva instar ketiga terhadap tiga daun tiga spesiesspesies jeruk kecuali M. koenigii, sedangkan larva instar ketiga tidak menunjukkan preferensi makanyang signifikan diantara Citrus spp. Pada larva instar kelima, tidak menunjukkan adanya preferensimakan pada daun dari semua spesies jeruk, tapi konsisten konsumsi terhdap M. koenigiidibandingkan Citrus spp. dalam berbagai kombinasi yang diuji. Larva P. polytes instar pertama daninstar ketiga lebih selektif dalam hal makan daripada instar kelima. Kandungan nitrogen dalam daunkeempat tanaman inang berbeda nyata (p <0,01), dengan C. reticulata adalah yang tertinggi (4,52%),sedangkan kadar air daun berbeda nyata antara M. koeniggi (71,72%) dibandingkan ketiga spesiesCitrus (76,38-79,12%), tetapi tidak berbeda nyata diantara ketiga spesies jeruk itu sendiri.
WARTA LPM WARTA Volume 18, Nomor 2, September 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/warta.v18i2.1952


The general objective of this community service activity is facilitating the theoretical and practical BK services in Muhammadiyah Elementary School of Special Program in Surakarta and MIM Kartasura in implementing Permendikbud No. 111 of 2014 in an effort to improve the professionalism of teachers. In particular, the purpose of the community service is to facilitate the understanding the partner schools in Counselling services in the areas of personal, social, learning, and career. The service activities include socialization Permendikbud No. 111 of 2014 concerning guidance and counseling services in primary school, a discussion on the basic concept of guidance and counseling, and workshops on the implementation of guidance and counseling in Muhammadiyah Elementary School of Special Program in Surakarta and MIM Kartasura. Community service activities have received positive responses namely the formation of a formal institution Institute of Guidance and Counseling in each school. These institutions equipped with the personnel in charge, coordinator and teacher who oversees areas: personal, social, learning, and career.
Peninggalan purbakala candi sambisari yang unik Suwarno Suwarno
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1981,TH.I
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v3i3.7385


Manfaat mempelajari sejarah seni rupaSebelum membicarakan peninggalan purbakala candi Sambisari, terlebih dahulu kita mengetahui tengang manfaat mempelajari sejarah seni rupa. Sejarah Seni Rupa adalah merupakan catatan rentetan peristiwa terjadinya ciptaan seni ujud dua atau tiga dimensional dari masa ke masa. Adapun manfaat mempelajari sejarah Seni rupa sebagai berikut :1. Agar kita memiliki cermin kehidupan. Kejadian-kejadian sekarang merupakan kelanjutan dari masa lampau. Masa sekarang hanya akan dapat diketahui dengan mengetahui bagaimana peristiwa itu sendiri memberikan pelajaran kepada kita, sehingga kita akan dapat lebih siap menghadapi masa mendatang menjadi generasi mendatang lebih bijaksana.2. Agar kita mendapat kepuasan inteleksuta. Sifat manusia ingin mengetahui kejadian-kejadian di sekelilingnya dan jika sudah mengetahui, kita akan puas.3. Mengembangkan pikiran kita, karena latihan-latihan dalam mempelalajari peristiwa sebab akibat.
Landslide Hazards and Risks in Tanon, Sragen, Central Java Province Suwarno Suwarno
Forum Geografi Vol 18, No 1 (2004)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v18i1.598


The aims of this research are 1) to study and classify the landslide hazard of the study area, and 2) to evaluate the landslide risk of the research area. Field survey and laboratory analysis were used in this research. Terrain characteristic and social economic data were collected by purposive sampling. The structure of terrain unit based on landform unit map, slope map, soil map, and landuse map. Terrain parameters were divided into five classes; that were no hazard, low hazard, medium hazard, high hazard, and highest hazard classes. The risk classes were divided into four classes, that were no risk, low risk, midium risk, and high risk. Based on the landform units, soil type and the land used, the study area can be divided into 27 terrain units. The terrain units are differentiated into the landslide hazard classes and their landslide risk. In the study area there were found 5 classes of landslide hazard, namely 1) no hazard (2 terrain units); 2) low hazard (4 terrain units); 3) medium hazard (8 terrain units); 4) high hazard (11 terrain units); and 5) highest hazard (2 terrain units). Most of the high hazard class are located on hilly terrain units. Distribution of landslide risk in the study area are as follow: 4 terrain units have no risk; 17 terrain units have low risk; 4 terrain units in medium risk; and 2 terrain units have high risk. High risk are mostly located on hilly area with closely populated area.
KOLABORASI GURU-DOSEN DALAM PENELITIAN TINDAKAN KELAS UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA Sukatiman Sukatiman; Roemintoyo Roemintoyo; Chundakus H; M. Akhyar; Sutikno Sutikno; Suwarno Suwarno
Scaffolding: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri (INSURI) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (409.138 KB) | DOI: 10.37680/scaffolding.v2i02.477


Lecturers have broad autonomy in developing instructional. With the characteristics possessed by these lecturers, collaboration between lecturers (team teaching) is a challenge that is sometimes not easy. However, in vocational learning, lecturer cooperation in learning is something that cannot be avoided. In the Classroom Action Research to SMK, researchers collaborated at partner schools of SMKN 5 Surakarta and SMKN I Mondokan Sragen. The type of research used is ethnographic research, which is a qualitative observation method used in social science that focuses on field studies and their interactions, and sees everything as unique. The method used in conducting the evaluation is the equivalent test, which is a test that aims to measure its reliability identically with the reference test. The conclusion that can be drawn in this PDS program is to complement each other's strengths and weaknesses in organizing the learning process for SMK. Pamong teachers who work together are senior teachers who have eaten a lot of salt in their teaching. Pamong teachers have adequate competence in teaching and educating students, on the other hand, senior teachers have limitations in developing learning innovations. This is where the role of PDS lecturers in completing the shortage of teachers. The innovation that the lecturers did was to provide guidance using e-learning in learning at SMK. This e-learning has many advantages in learning the millennial generation. By maintaining student motivation, the learning objectives will be better achieved.
Ovozoa: Journal of Animal Reproduction Vol. 8 No. 2 (2019): Ovozoa: Journal of Animal Reproduction
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (196.497 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/ovz.v8i2.2019.149-153


The purpose of this study was to determine the comparison of Body Condition Score, Services Per Conception, Calving Interval, and Days Open cow friesian holstein (FH) in Greenfield Partnership and Tani Wilis Sendang Cooperation. The material used in this research is dairy cattle that have been inseminated in Greenfield Partnership and KUD Tani Wilis with secondary data retrieval of reproduction notes during IB until partus and quisioner distributed by farmers and inseminators. The exploratory survey method used is secondary data obtained from the record reproduction inseminator. The observed variables BCS, S/C, CI and DO . The data was processed using descriptive analysis to get a number BCS, S/C, CI and DO in Greenfield Partnership and Tani Wilis Sendang Cooperation. The results showed that the average value of BCS at Greenfield Partnership is 4.86 and at Tani Wilis Cooperation is 4.74. The average value of S/C in Greenfield Partnership is 4.36 and at Tani Wilis Sendang Cooperation is 2.06. The average value CI at Greenfield Partnership is 463.00 and at Tani Wilis Sendang is 414.40. The average value DO at Greenfield Partnership is 64.84 and at Tani Wilis Sendang is 88.00. It can be concluded that the comparison of BCS in both places is not significantly different while for the S/C of Tani WilisSendang Cooperation is better than Greenfield Partnership, the CalvingInterval in both places is still less good because it is far from the standard CI value, and for the Days Open Greenfield partnership is better thanTaniWilisSendang Cooperation.
Gambaran story card dkk (diagnosa keperawatan keluarga) pada aplikasi Dikei (Diagnosa Keperawatan Indonesia) Suwarno Suwarno; Sigid Nugroho Adhi
MEDIA ILMU KESEHATAN Vol 10 No 1 (2021): Media Ilmu Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30989/mik.v10i1.551


Background: Family nursing diagnosis is a clinical decision on family problems obtained from a family assessment and then analyzed so that action planning decisions and goals are in accordance with the problems and needs of the family. In this article, an overview of the DKK story card will be displayed in the DiKeI application. Nurses can use technology in the nursing care process, especially in nursing diagnoses because it is expected that time efficiency in the nursing care documentation process to clients is expected. Objective: To created the family nursing diagnosis android aplication Methods: The research metode used Agile Software with Exteme Programming. There are 6 stages of the XP development model, namely Exploration, Planning, Iteration, Production, Maintenance and End of the Cycle. Meanwhile, in presenting the data in this article, it only reaches the iteration stage of application development by stating the number and narrative of the sections on the DKK story card. Results: There are 10 story cards for Family Nursing diagnoses in this study as the basis for making the DiKeI application, with a characteristic boundary format followed by the subjective and objective data, then the possibility of a diagnosis will appear along with the etiology possibility, as a cause or risk factor for the diagnosis. Conclusion: The intellectual property rights of DKK application's story card have been received by the Indonesian Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights, thus facilitating the application production process. It can be continued into the production process and combined with the design of the DiKeI application especifically with the Individual Nursing Diagnosis (DKI) story cards.
SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REFLECTION : Economic, Accounting, Management and Business Vol. 1 No. 4 (2018): SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REFLECTION : Economic, Accounting, Management and Busines
Publisher : Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Pustek

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37481/sjr.v1i4.174


The purpose in this research is to determine whether there is influence between socialization and implementation of e-invoices to the VAT return period level reporting on a taxable entrepreneur tax service office pratama Depok Cimanggis. the model used in this research is quantitative analysis research model. The data used are primary data by spread out questionnaires to the Taxable Entrepreneur contained in KPP Pratama Depok Cimanggis, the sampling technique using simple random sampling. Then the questionnaires were distributed to 94 respondents. Technical analysis of test data quality is test validity, reliability and classic assumption test and multiple linear regression test that is testing the coefficient of determination, t test and f. The results showed that the dissemination of e-invoices not have a significant impact on the level of reporting VAT return period, otherwise the implementation of e-invoicing positive and significant impact on the level of return period PPN. And reporting research results simultaneously (together) dissemination and application variables e-invoicing positive and significant impact on the level of reporting VAT return period
Co-Authors Abdul Bari Azed Abdul Syani Afifah Ismail Agata Iwan Candra Aghid Cahya P. Agung Wendy Prasetyo Alia Rizki alwan kustono Amalia Putri Yulandi Andry Andry Angelita Puji Lestari Anita Damayantie Anita Perdana Anwar Haryono April Gunarto Arif Unwanullah Aris Aris Aris Hairmansis Ayu Setyowati BASUKI ARIANTO Bebas Widada Bramantyo, Rizki Yudha BUDI UTOMO Budi Winarno Chundakus H Damar Wibisono Darma Yulianti Purba Darwin Darwin Dedi Nursyamsi Derrick Derrick Dewi Utari Diah Khasanahwati Dini Siswani Mulia Dwi Prasetyo Dwifi Aprilia Karisma Eka Syofiana Eko Siswanto Fardhian Dwi Saputra Fauzie Nursandah Ferianto Ferianto Firda Divianatasya Giscka Brilien Purbasani Gunawan sihombing Handaru Indrian Adi Heri Wahyudiono Hindayati Mustafidah Hiroshi Masujima I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana Iin Purnamasari Ikhah Malikhah Imam Mustofa Iswandi Anas Ita Suryani ITSNATANI SALMA Itsuo Goto Kaniwa Berliani KAREL L. MANDAGIE Karma Iswasta Eka Lidwina Daru Andani M. Akhyar Melna Caintan Mila Savitri Muhammad Almi Hidayat Muhammad Erwan Syah MUHAMMAD YUSUF Murfiah Dewi Wulandari Nandi Kusmaryandi Niken Wijayanti Nur’Aini Purnamaningsih Odit Ferry Kurniadinata Pairulsyah Pairulsyah Pipit Mugi Handayani prasetio dian fasesa Pudji Srianto PUTRI AYU ISTIFARI Qristin violinda Rahmad Rizki Rahmah Nurfitriani Ramadan Ramadan Ridaul Innayah Rini Hermanasari Risqifani Risqifani Roemintoyo Roemintoyo Rohana Rohana Romadhon Romadhon Saminuddin Saminuddin Saring Marsudi Sepia Melati Putri Sigid Nugroho Adhi Sigit Winarto Silvina Alvinnaja Siti Maemunah Siti Zumrotul Nikmah Sri Endah Wahyuningsih Sri Mulyati Sri Siswanti Sudiatmoko Sudiatmoko Sukatiman Sukatiman Sulik Anam Sutikno Sutikno Suwandi Suwandi Syahrul Fakhri Ramadhan Syamsuri Syamsuri Triyani Dewi Tumisem Tumisem Tutia Rahmi Tuwoso Tuwoso Wenny Savitri Widiatmaka . Winda Hastuti YULLIANIDA YULLIANIDA ZURIANA SIREGAR