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ANALISIS ASPEK FINANSIAL TERHADAP PERSISTENSI LABA Sudiatmoko Sudiatmoko; Syamsuri Syamsuri; Suwarno Suwarno
SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REFLECTION : Economic, Accounting, Management and Business Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REFLECTION: Economic, Accounting, Management, & Business
Publisher : Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Pustek

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37481/sjr.v4i1.254


This study aims to examine the effect of book tax difference, operating cash flow and debt levels on earnings persistence.This research was conducted on 69 Real Estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, using a purposive sampling method through predetermined criteria. The data obtained were 19 companies that were used as research samples with observations for five years in the period 2014-2018, so that the total observations used were 95 samples. The data used are secondary data, namely the annual real estate company's financial statements for the period 2014-2018. Data analysis methods used are the t test and F test. The results showed, based on the results of the t test, it was found that the book tax difference had no effect on earnings persistence, operating cash flow had a positive and significant effect on earnings persistence and the level of debt had a positive and significant effect on earnings persistence, and based on the results of the F test test it was found that the book tax difference, operating cash flow and debt levels simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on earnings persistence
Pemetaan Kemiskinan dengan Pendekatan Lingkungan Sebagai Tahapan Pengentasan Kemiskinan di Kota Kediri Suwarno Suwarno; Rizki Yudha Bramantyo Bramantyo
Journal Ilmu Sosial, Politik dan Pemerintahan Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): JISPAR
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37304/jispar.v10i1.2290


Kemiskinan menjadi problem setiap manusia, masyarakat, daerah, bahkan setiap negara di dunia. Oleh karena itu program pengentasan kemiskinan juga menjadi program setiap daerah dan negara di dunia tersebut. Lingkungan sebagai tempat tinggal manusia memiliki andil dalam terjadinya kemiskinan. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuam untuk mendeskripsikan pendekatan lingkungan sebagai upaya untuk melakukan pemetaan kemiskinan, inventarisir penyebab kemiskinan dan kemudian menjadi solusi untuk menyusun program pengentasan kemiskinan. Pendekatan kualitatif menjadi opsi untuk dapat menjawab tujuan tersebut, mengingat pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dapat menggali data sampai mendalam baik secara personil maupun kelembagaan. Penentuan informan menggunakan teknik purposive, dan pengumpulan data dengan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data yang telah terkumpul diuji dengan uji validasi data dan hasilnya dianalisis dengan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut : Pertama, Kemiskinan wilayah perkotaan: terdapat 7 (tujuh) variabel penyebab terjadinya kemiskinan yaitu: (1) motivasi kerja yang rendah, (2) kurangnya kreaktifitas, (3) rendahnya inisiatif, (4) kurangnya kepemilikan aset untuk berproduksi, (5) daya beli yang rendah, (6) pola konsumsi, dan (7) kondisi keluarga/orang tua sebelumnya.Kedua, Kemiskinan Wilayah Pinggiran Kota: terdapat 9 (sembilan) variabel penyebab terjadinya kemiskinan yaitu : (1) rendahnya kreaktifitas, (2) Besarnya anggota keluarga yang menjadi tanggungan, (3) rendahnya tingkat pendidikan, pengetahuan serta keterampilan yang dimiliki, (4) kepemilikan aset untuk berproduksi, (5) daya beli yang rendah, (6) kepuasan,(7) pola konsumsi, dan (8) besarnya anggota keluarga yang menjadi tanggungan (9) pendidikan yang rendah.
Perancangan Sistem Penjadwalan Ujian pada Suatu Fakultas dengan Beberapa Jurusan dengan Menggunakan Algoritma Genetika Suwarno Suwarno
Telcomatics Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37253/telcomatics.v1i1.182


This research provides an insight into heuristic scheduling by using Genetic Algorithm. Scheduling is a complex process because it must comply with several constraints at once, within a reasonable process. The research uses sample of exam schedule at University of Surabaya, Engineering faculty, with some majors, in the even semester. The results shows that number of chromosome will determine value of objective function obtained greater but longer time taken, and determine the saddle point obtained vanishingly small, it means faster experiencing a stable condition or a condition where the rate of change of small value does not even exist. --- Riset ini menunjukkan suatu pengetahuan mengenai penjadwalan heuristic menggunakan algoritma genetic. Penjadwalan adalah suatu proses yang kompleks dikarenakan harus sesuai dengan batasan-batasan yang ada di dalam proses yang jelas. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel dari penjadwalan ujian di Universitas Surabaya pada fakultas teknik, di semester genap. Hasilnya menunjukkan jumlah kromosom akan menentukan nilai dari fungsi tujuan yang didapatkan walaupun waktu yang dibutuhkan juga lebih banyak, dan hal ini juga menentukan kecilnya saddle point yang didapatkan. Ini berarti kondisi stabilnya lebih lama atau suatu kondisi dimana nilai prorate dari perubahan dari nilai yang kecil, tidak ditemukan.
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIKomSiN) Vol 3, No 1 (2015): JURNAL TIKomSiN
Publisher : STMIK Sinar Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (479.371 KB) | DOI: 10.30646/tikomsin.v3i1.187


Balai Latihan Kerja Boyolali adalah salah satu bagian yang berada di Kabupaten Boyolali, dimana mempunyai induk yaitu Dinas Sosial Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi di Boyolali, yang mempunyai tugas pokok melaksanakan pelatihan, peningkatan produktivitas, sertifikasi, konsultasi dan kerjasama serta pemberdayaan lembaga pelatihan. Metode dalam penyusunan makalah ini meliputi studi pustaka, observasi dan interview. Adapun desain yang digunakan antara lain : diagram alir data (DAD), diagram relasi entitas (ERD), bagan alir sistem, desain input output, desain database dan Aplikasi ini dibuat dengan mengunakan Aplikasi PHP dan databasenya adalah  php myadmin. Tujuan yang dicapai mampu memberikan informasi pada masyarakat luas tentang Balai Latihan Kerja Boyolali melalui website, dengan mudah dan terperinci. Para pencari kerja melihat secara detail lowongan pekerjaan yang ada, dengan syarat harus mengikuti pelatihan pada Balai Latihan Kerja Boyolali, serta perusahaan yang sudah jalani kerjasama akan mudah mencari tenaga kerja yang terlatih dan professional. Menghasilkan Sistem Informasi Lowongan Pekerjaan Berbasis Web di Balai Latihan Kerja Boyolali untuk memberikan informasi lowongan pekerjaan kepada para peserta pelatihan yang sudah selesai mengikuti pelatihan dan keahlian.Kata Kunci : Sistem Informasi, Web, Lowongan Pekerjaan, Balai Latihan Kerja Boyolali
Meningkatkan Produksi Padi Menuju Ketahanan Pangan yang Lestari Suwarno Suwarno
JURNAL PANGAN Vol. 19 No. 3 (2010): PANGAN
Publisher : Perum BULOG

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33964/jp.v19i3.150


Beras merupakan bahan makanan pokok bagi penduduk Indonesia, sehingga ketahanan pangan di Indonesia identik dengan swasembada beras. Indonesia berhasil mencapai swasembada beras pada tahun 1984 namun pada tahun 1993 laju peningkatan produksi beras mulai menurun sedangkan permintaan terus meningkat, sehingga sejak 1994 Indonesia kembali mengimport beras. Peningkatan produksi beras di Indonesiaselama ini diperoleh sebagian besar dari peningkatan hasil padi. Saat ini hasil padi di Indonesia telah tinggi, tertinggi di wilayah tropis. Semakin tinggi tingkat hasil, semakin mendekati potensi hasil varietas, semakin sulit meningkatkan lagi, dan semakin besar resiko yang dihadapi berupa serangan hama dan penyakit serta banjir dan kekeringan akibat cuaca yang ekstrim. Oleh sebab itu, peningkatan produksi padi tidak bisa lagimenitikberatkan pada peningkatan hasil, tetapi harus beralih pada perluasan areal pertanaman. Indonesia mempunyai lahan sawah irigasi sangat luas, tetapi rasionya terhadap total luas daratan maupun terhadap jumlah penduduk sangat kecil bila dibandingkan dengan negara-negara lain di Asia. Kondisi tersebut menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia mempunyai potensi besar dan memerlukan perluasan lahan sawah irigasi yang merupakan lingkungan terbaik untuk produksi padi. Selain itu Indonesia juga mempunyai lahan kering dan lahan rawa yang potensial untuk perluasan areal pertanaman padi. Kebutuhan untuk perluasan areal tersebut semakin mendesak manakala swasembada jagung dan kedelai juga ingin dicapai. Perkiraan berdasarkan kesesuaian lahan, tata ruang, dan pemanfaatan bagi tanaman pangan lainnya, Indonesia mempunyai sekitar 9,7 juta ha lahan yang potensial untuk perluasan areal pertanaman padi, terdiri dari 5,3 juta ha, 3,0 juta ha, dan 1,4 juta ha masing-masing potensial untuk lahan sawah, lahan rawa, dan lahan kering. Untuk mewujudkan ketahanan pangan atau swasembada beras yang lestari, selain melanjutkan upaya peningkatan hasil, Indonesia harus memperluas areal pertanaman padi.Rice is the staple food for all Indonesian, thus it is fair to say that food security in Indonesia is identical with rice self sufficiency. In 1984, Indonesia managed to achieve self sufficiency of rice. However, in 1993, the rate of rice production starting to decline while the consumption rate of rice continues to increase, which resulting in Indonesia becomes rice importer country once again since 1994. The increasing rate of rice production in Indonesia is mainly achieved through the increase of rice yield. Currently, the rate of rice yield in Indonesia can be considered high, even the highest rice yield in the tropical region. The higher the yield, the closer it gets to the maximum potential of the varieties. Therefore, it becomes harder to further maximize the results and it also brings consequences towards pests’ vulnerability, diseases, and the varieties durability in facing unfavorable weathers. Considering the factors above, in order to increase rice production, Indonesia should not depend on rice yield and starting to focus on the cultivation area. While Indonesia has a large area of irrigated land, its ratio to the total land area as well as to the total population are very small compared to other Asian countries. These indicated that Indonesia has the potential to increase the size of its cultivation area based on irrigated land, which is the most suitable area for rice production. Another factor to be considered was the fact that Indonesia also possesses large area of upland and swampy land, which also can be converted into potential cultivation area. The need to expand cultivation area becomes important issues especially since the program to achieve self sufficiency for soybean and corn have been launched. Those programs resulted in the shift of cultivation areas for rice to soybean and corn. Based on the land use and land suitability, it is estimated that Indonesia currently have 9.7 million ha land potential for rice cultivation area; consists of 5.3 million ha potential for irrigated lowland rice, 3.0 million ha for swampy rice, and 1.4 million ha for upland rice. To achieve sustainable food security and self-sufficiency of rice production in Indonesia, it is not enough to depend only on rice yield but also supported by expanding the areas for rice cultivation. 
Improvement of Midle Voltage Network Protection System at Kualanamu International Airport Suwarno Suwarno; Rohana Rohana; Darwin Darwin
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute August
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v4i3.2655


The electricity grid protection system at Kualanamu International Airport is urgently needed. The purpose of protection in addition to maintaining the reliability and stability of the electric power system also functions to detect disturbances, prevent damage to equipment (equipment & networks), protect humans and minimize outages in the event of a system disturbance. flight safety operations, services to passengers, operations, and equipment work at Kualanamu Airport. Safety or protection settings are based on the characteristics of the protection installed in the distribution system, which greatly affects working time, from the protection security area if there is a failure in the main protection. determine the setting of the overcurrent relay against overcurrent disturbances that may occur due to short circuit faults. To simplify the calculation of the disturbance analysis, it is simulated using the Electric Transient and Analysis Program (ETAP) Power Station12.6 software. The relay protection that is used and set is the overcurrent relay at the Kualanamu Airport Medium Voltage Network Sub Station. This relay functions to protect fault currents against ground-phase, ground-phase, ground-phase, and 3-phase. The protection relay setting refers to the provisions in force at PLN, namely for the interruption time of the 20 kV network disturbance at the substation from the time of a disturbance to the extinction of the electric arc by the opening of the power circuit breaker (PMT) the feeder is: less than or equal to 400 milliseconds and for ground-phase short circuit faults NGR12 maximum disconnection time of 500 milliseconds, NGR40 maximum disconnection time of 1000 milliseconds. 
Teacher Strategies in Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic at Madrasah Ibdidaiyah Negeri (MIN) 2 Central Aceh Suwarno Suwarno; Muhammad Almi Hidayat; Siti Zumrotul Nikmah; Rahmah Nurfitriani; Ramadan Ramadan
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute August
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v4i3.2114


Coronavirus (covid-19) has changed the life of various sectors, including the education sector. Since March 2020 education in Indonesia has implemented Distance Learning (PJJ), starting from Kindergarten (TK) to Higher Education levels. Distance learning which is carried out online and offline has caused many problems, because it is a new learning in Indonesia, especially in Indonesia. low level such as Elementary School/Madrasah Ibdidaiyah. One of them is how to convey lessons during the Covid-19 period. In this study, the authors wanted to know the strategies of MIN 2 Aceh Tengah teachers in learning during the covid-19 period. The research approach used in this study is a qualitative research type. The research location is in MIN 2 Central Aceh from November 16, 2020, to January 8, 2021. Data collection is carried out using observation and interviews, the observations of the researchers are carried out by observing the teacher's activities in learning, while the researcher interviews are conducted to obtain comprehensive information about the teacher's strategies in motivating children's learning during the covid-19 period. Data analysis techniques include interview transcripts, data reduction, analysis, data interpretation, and triangulation. From the results of data analysis, conclusions can then be drawn. The results showed that in the low class the strategy used by grade 1 and grade 2 teachers at MIN 2 Aceh Tengah was by making small classes, and learning was carried out by home visits, while grades 3 to 6 were carried out face-to-face in a rotating system. The strategies used by the teacher include direct, expository, cooperative, and contextual learning.
Smart Tracking Design In Finding Solar Power Plants Suwarno Suwarno; Rohana Rohana; Darma Yulianti Purba
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute August
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v4i3.2656


We know that solar heat can be used as one of the natural resources that are still very abundant on earth and can be used as a new source of energy or better known as solar cells and power plants that use solar cells are generally still static. Therefore we need a mechanical system that can move the position of the solar panel so that it can move according to the position expected by the use of solar panels to get energy from the sun. Arduino Uno serves as the control center of all systems built and tools. in moving the solar panel using Askremote control to give orders to the L298 module as a controller of the dc motor so that the dc motor can move according to the design and construction of the system embedded into the Arduino and the Photo Interrupter functions as a barrier to the movement of the dc motor.
A New Design Protoype of Safety System on Traffic Light using Hydraulic Limiters Zebra Cross Automatic Rahmad Rizki; Suwarno Suwarno
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute August
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v4i3.2493


Medan city is the third largest metropolitan city in Indonesia. Problems that occur in big cities, especially in the city of Medan itself, include the level of congestion and the level of violations of traffic signs which are quite high and the constraints of emergency vehicles on duty such as ambulances, fire engines and other emergency vehicles, especially on traffic lights. This paper described Emergency vehicles that will build a Security System Using Barriers on Zebra Crosses, especially in Microcontroller-Based Traffic Light. This system uses the RFID component RC522 as an emergency vehicle detector photodiode and laser diode as vehicle detection components above the zebra cross so that the barrier does not damage the vehicle. Servo motor as a barrier gate drive and Arduino Uno R3 as a component where each input command is received to be processed. Where if the emergency vehicle is passing through a traffic light with a red light, then the light will turn green. With this system, the emergency vehicle on duty is not late to its destination and the driver cannot break through the road divider when the red light is on and does not disturb pedestrians. feet to cross The application of the system is designed to be connected directly to Arduino so that the input signal can be processed and can produce the expected output on the performance of the system, namely the servo motor, and 6 LEDs on the traffic light 2 intersections.
Perancangan dan Pengembangan Aplikasi Web Order Scheduling pada Perusahaan Manufaktur dengan Penerapan Algoritma Genetika Suwarno Suwarno; Andry Andry
Computer Based Information System Journal Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): CBIS Journal
Publisher : Universitas Putera Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33884/cbis.v10i1.5450


Penjadwalan produksi pada perusahaan manufaktur merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam keberlangsungan hidup perusahaan. Potensi kesalahan yang disebabkan oleh penjadwalan produksi secara manual dapat memberikan dampak buruk berupa kerugian material, waktu, dan finansial. Untuk memberikan solusi terhadap permasalah ini digunakan pendekatan pencarian heuristik, pencarian yang didasari oleh aturan-aturan yang digunakan untuk menemukan solusi. Metode pencarian heuristik yang digunakan adalah algoritma genetika. Penelitian ini akan merancang dan mengembangkan sistem yang bertujuan untuk mengatasi masalah yang ditimbulkan oleh penjadwalan secara manual dengan mengimplementasikan algoritma genetika. Parameter yang digunakan di dalam penjadwalan adalah nilai probabilitas crossover, nilai probabilitas mutasi, jumlah maksimal generasi, dan jumlah maksimal error. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan studi kasus PT. XYZ yang bergerak di bidang manufaktur produk kemasan dari kertas yang masih menggunakan penjadwalan secara manual dengan mengurutkan pekerjaan yang masa jatuh temponya terdekat. Dengan 36 operasi pekerjaan dan 10 mesin, didapatkan hasil terbaik yaitu total waktu penyelesaian pekerjaan adalah 22 hari kerja dengan lama waktu eksekusi program adalah 4.75357099983215 detik. Hasil tersebut didapatkan dengan parameter probabilitas crossover sebesar 0.8, probabilitas mutasi 0.7, jumlah generasi maksimal 500, dan jumlah error maksimal 10
Co-Authors Abdul Bari Azed Abdul Syani Afifah Ismail Agata Iwan Candra Aghid Cahya P. Agung Wendy Prasetyo Alia Rizki alwan kustono Amalia Putri Yulandi Andry Andry Angelita Puji Lestari Anita Damayantie Anita Perdana Anwar Haryono April Gunarto Arif Unwanullah Aris Aris Aris Hairmansis Ayu Setyowati BASUKI ARIANTO Bebas Widada Bramantyo, Rizki Yudha BUDI UTOMO Budi Winarno Chundakus H Damar Wibisono Darma Yulianti Purba Darwin Darwin Dedi Nursyamsi Derrick Derrick Dewi Utari Diah Khasanahwati Dini Siswani Mulia Dwi Prasetyo Dwifi Aprilia Karisma Eka Syofiana Eko Siswanto Fardhian Dwi Saputra Fauzie Nursandah Ferianto Ferianto Firda Divianatasya Giscka Brilien Purbasani Gunawan sihombing Handaru Indrian Adi Heri Wahyudiono Hindayati Mustafidah Hiroshi Masujima I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana Iin Purnamasari Ikhah Malikhah Imam Mustofa Iswandi Anas Ita Suryani ITSNATANI SALMA Itsuo Goto Kaniwa Berliani KAREL L. MANDAGIE Karma Iswasta Eka Lidwina Daru Andani M. Akhyar Melna Caintan Mila Savitri Muhammad Almi Hidayat Muhammad Erwan Syah MUHAMMAD YUSUF Murfiah Dewi Wulandari Nandi Kusmaryandi Niken Wijayanti Nur’Aini Purnamaningsih Odit Ferry Kurniadinata Pairul Syah Pipit Mugi Handayani prasetio dian fasesa Pudji Srianto PUTRI AYU ISTIFARI Qristin violinda Rahmad Rizki Rahmah Nurfitriani Ramadan Ramadan Ridaul Innayah Rini Hermanasari Risqifani Risqifani Roemintoyo Roemintoyo Rohana Rohana Romadhon Romadhon Saminuddin Saminuddin Saring Marsudi Sepia Melati Putri Sigid Nugroho Adhi Sigit Winarto Silvina Alvinnaja Siti Maemunah Siti Zumrotul Nikmah Sri Endah Wahyuningsih Sri Mulyati Sri Siswanti Sudiatmoko Sudiatmoko Sukatiman Sukatiman Sulik Anam Sutikno Sutikno Suwandi Suwandi Syahrul Fakhri Ramadhan Syamsuri Syamsuri Triyani Dewi Tumisem Tumisem Tutia Rahmi Tuwoso Tuwoso Wenny Savitri Widiatmaka . Winda Hastuti YULLIANIDA YULLIANIDA ZURIANA SIREGAR